^5 « A -j if k - y.. it ^ ■ *Wm WorldMags.net V 1976 .£ APRIL Marchl6,1976:maMarchl6,1976:ina m m hotel inin Copenhagen,Copenhagen, in London, the crew was in his hotel bedroom to Denmark, on tour in London, the crewwas in his hotel bedroom to Denmark,ontour i' with Crazy HorseHorse literally filmfilm NeilNeil wakingwaking up,up, gettinggetting outout ofof bed.b ed. mm m * & Connoisseurs of ofthe the Young storystorywill will recallrecall his % x flirtation with movie-making through the years, flirtation with movie -making through the years, 4 and thisthis exerciseexercise waswas described by himhim as "part ofof the plan".plan". HeHe alsoalso intended intended toto loafloaf aroundaround LondonLondon W. Bridge during rush hour, guitar in hand, to be -v Bridge during rush hour, guitar in hand, to be r filmed playingplaying atat busking."busking. " JustJust lovelove gettinggetting v" i c r some good film. I've got loadsloads of footagefootage - H 1 X of filmfilm backback homehome atat my ranch;ranch; mymy musicmusic will continue,continue, at leastleast on record, butbut REPRISESEPfllSE RECORDSRECORDS A eventually I'd I'd like to makemake films. I havehave V. all thethe moviemovie equipmentyou'dequipment you'd imagineimagine THE i I f STILLSSTILLS -- backhome,back home, andand it'sit's moremore thanthan justjust REP 1365 YOUNGYONGU REP 1365 I3 (UFLO071)S(UFL0071JS g a hobby-it'shobby -it's anan obsession."obsession." BAND SIDEsine ONEONE •r & i' ProducedOn! byby S Staphon Stilli. Time: 3:53 9 - • My ownown visitvisit to to his his Dorchester Dorchester hotelhotel 5 st7try:1:14.Neil Young 5 andantl Don - Gen man. If room, andand ourour conversation,conversation, waswas partlypartly filmed too. He hadhad thethe chefschefs deliverdeliver anan ^ & f absurdlyabsurdlysophisticated sophisticated four-coursefour-course dinnerdinner LONG MAYMAY YOU RUNRUN V, (Neil Young)Young) Silver FiddleFiddle - BM!BMI for us,us, which which purported purported to showshow thatthat Our StarStar % ©197601976 WarnerWarner Bros. % Records Inc.Irrc. was moremore relaxedrelaxed thanthan inin fact hehe was.was. TheThe cool, % 4f0, 'C0' C«««0A. ITD **1°'" prepre-concert -concert supper!supper! theybringthey bring you you downdown -it's- it's a a signsign of strengthstrength rather thanthan weakness weakness if if you, you, But therethere waswas no no disguising disguising straightforward straightforward the listeners, cancan copecope withwith them.them. butterflies. ItIt hadhad beenbeen twotwo years sincesince hishis lastlast concerts,concerts, apartapart from thethe "Songs mustmust makemake thethe listener'slistener's mindmind work-work- they don't have toto finishfinish small clubclub datesdates inin America,America, which which hehe favoured favoured against against massmass stadia.stadia. the story, butbut leaveleave whoever'swhoever's hearinghearing itit out therethere with aa sortsort of canvascanvas Coming to termsterms with this tour, which in sheersheer logistics hadhad been,been, for to drawdraw his own pictures. Anyway Anyway- -OK, OK, one one day day Neil Neil YoungYoung willwill writewrite Neil, absolutely absolutely monstrous, monstrous, hadhad beenbeen traumatic.traumatic. a happy song. ButBut I'll probablyprobably sell sell it it toto TVTV forfor a commercial!"commercial!" "Shall II really really do do Europe? Europe? Are Are the the people people still still there? there? Has Has the the Continent Continent As aa composer composer ofof soso many many genuinely genuinely touchingtouching lyrics, diddid hehe considerconsider hehe disappeared?Youdisappeared? You readread so much inin thethe newspapers!newspapers! AhhhhAhhhh-let's - let's try try it.it. had nownowwrit written ten thethe song,song, thethe oneone whichwhich he couldcould nevernever eclipse,eclipse, the Neil But nerves?nerves?Are Are youyou kidding? kidding? Nothing's Nothing's certain certainwith with me, me, you see.see. ThingsThings Young epicepic bybywhich which he would be marked for for life? go soso wrong wrong or or so so right right anywhere, anywhere, in in the the studio, studio, atat home, home, anywhere. anywhere. TheThe "I hopehope II have have not not written written THETHE songsong yet.yet. I'd I'd like like to to think think I'llI'll have have enough enough guitar head pulls out atat thethe veryvery worst worst time time during during anan importantimportant song. new experiences,experiences, feelings,feelings, toto do do something something muchmuch betterbetter thanthan what'swhat's gonegone This tour'stour's beenbeen aa great fillipfillip to my career."career." down. TheThe pastpast isis aa trap trap - -we we onlyonly rememberremember the goodgood things."things." And yes,yes, he'd he'd thought thought longlong andand hardhard beforebefore decidingdeciding to includeinclude all thethe As thethe timetime forfor the the concert concert drewdrew near,near, NeilNeil contemplated contemplated the show, familiarsongswhichhadfamiliarsongswhich had charted his his path:path: "Cowgirl"CowgirllnTheSand" In The Sand" "Heart"Heart nervously fiddledfiddled withwith thethe pianopiano andand playedplayed aroundaround withwith aa chocolate Of Gold,"Gold," "Needle "NeedleAnd And TheThe Damage Done,"Done," "After"After TheThe GoldGold Rush".Rush". NoNo need need souffle.soufflé. ThisThis hadhad followedfollowed melonmelon andand steaksteak andand redred wine,wine, andand II remarkedremarked to disowndisown themthem andand concentrate on on invention.invention. AcknowledgeAcknowledge the past!past! that inin spite ofof itsits excellence,excellence, itit didn'tdidn't seemseem thethe most,most, er,er, purepure wayway ofof It's beenbeen aa goodgood past,past, hehe conceded. conceded. TheThe artistartist wouldwould alwaysalways cravecrave thethe tearing downdown thethe West CromwellCromwell RoadRoad to to Hammersmith Hammersmith and on stage,stage, public's patience,patience, care,care, understanding, understanding, whenwhen late, forfora a concert. "I"I livelive onon nerves nerves andand thisthis trying toto move on.on. "But"But I likelike thosethose songs,songs, I amam — seems no worseworse aaway way ofof preparingpreparing for aa now ableable toto detachdetach thethe NeilNeil Young ofof todaytoday fromfrom O" performance than than any any other," other," he he said. said. "Also"Also thethe the personperson whowho wrotewrote them.them. I'mI'm older-clearly-older- clearly more nervous II makemake myself, thethe betterbetter II - "II needneed thatthat and if allall thosethose songssongs are going toto help me reach perform. II needneed thatthat edginess. KeepKeep myselfmyself people with newer stuff, that's finefine byby me. uncertain. On On thethe precipiceprecipice of of disaster. It's thethe on "I've nevernever likedliked it,it, though, though, whenwhen theythey shoutshout edginess...on onlywayonly way I cancan function. Ilove love good food-food- andand out forfor thethe oldold songs songs immediately immediately afterafter you'veyou've anyway, hey, man, II haven't eatenALL eaten ALL DAY!" DAY!" finished anewa new one. one. Kinda Kinda deflating. deflating. You You know, The filmfilm crewcrewwas was left toto finishfinish thethe foodfood the precipiceprecipice you pouryourselfintoasongyou'vepour yourself into a song you've justjust written,written, (scraps-from-the-rich-man's-table)(scraps -from- the -rich- man's -table) as lose yourselfyourself in youryour lyrics.lyrics. Applause. Great!Great! YouYou Neil's managermanager ElliotElliot RobertsRoberts decideddecided therethere waswas think: 'Ah,'Ah, thatthat oneone mademade it.' JustJust asas the the applause applause of disaster"disaster" no timetime left.left. IntoInto thethe limousinelimousine outsideoutside thethe dies down,down, someonesomeone shoutsshouts out,out, "SOUTHERN"SOUTHERN Dorchester, NeilNeil collectingcollecting aa fewfew disbelievingdisbelieving MAN!" And And you you think, think, 'Awwwww,'Awwwww, theythey stillstill looks inin thethe foyerfoyer from from conservatively conservatively dressed dressed prefer thethe oldold ones.ones. To HELLHELLwith with thethe old ones.'"ones.'" people whowho regardedregarded his long,long, stragglystraggly hair,hair, patched-up patched-up trouserstrousers and But yes,yes, he he agreed, agreed, he'd he'd been been persuadedpersuaded by thethe comebackcomeback tourtour ofof his crazy SherlockSherlock HolmesHolmes hat,hat, boughtbought thatthat day, asas - - shallshall wewe say- say -peculiar? peculiar? friend and artisticartistic mentor mentor Bob Bob Dylan, Dylan, in in 1973, 1973, that eveneven forfor aa helplesslyhelplessly Inside thethe car,car, NeilNeil began began showing showing nervous nervous signssigns and and muttering. muttering. "Used"Used hoping artist, itit waswas honourablehonourable to to livelive withwith thethe past.past. "Dylan hashas alwaysalways to bebe petrified.petrified. NowNow' I justjust wonder,"wonder," hehe said,said, half half contradicting contradicting hishis earlierearlier had my totaltotal respect.respect. He hashas shownshown soso manymany ofof us, us, especially especiallywith with thatthat confession. "Think"Thinkl'll I'll changechange thethe showaroundshow around tonight. Yes,Yes, tonight'stonight's thethe Before The The Flood Flood album album tour tour with with The The Band, Band, that that a a major major performer performer cancan night. Do youyou know knowwhy why I Ifiddle fiddle around around with with the the instruments instruments duringduring thethe live withwith hishis people".people". acoustic setset which beginsbegins the
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