Ii : Philosophy K-3617 ±Üâ.£.®Æãà./P.T.O

Ii : Philosophy K-3617 ±Üâ.£.®Æãà./P.T.O

Test Paper : II Test Booklet Serial No. : _______________________ Test Subject : PHILOSOPHY OMR Sheet No. : _________________________________ Test Subject Code : K-3617 Roll No. (Figures as per admission card) Name & Signature of Invigilator/s Signature : _________________________________ Name : _________________________________ Paper : II Subject : PHILOSOPHY Time : 1 Hour 15 Minutes Maximum Marks : 100 Number of Pages in this Booklet : 16 Number of Questions in this Booklet : 50 A»Ü¦ìWÜÚWæ ÓÜãaÜ®æWÜÙÜá Instructions for the Candidates 1. D ±âo¨Ü Ü ÊáàÆᤩ¿áÈÉæ J¨XÔ¨Ü Ü Ó§ÙÜ ¨Ü ÈÉÜ ¯ÊáÜ ¾ ÃãàÇ æ ®íÃÜ ®Ü áÜ ° ÃÀáÄ.æ 1. Write your roll number in the space provided on the top of this page. 2. D ±Ü£ÅPæ¿áá ÖÜá BÁáR Ë«Ü¨Ü IÊÜñÜᤠ±ÜÅÍæ°WÜÙÜ®Üá° JÙÜWæãíw¨æ. 2. This paper consists of fifty multiple-choice type of questions. 3. ±ÄàPÜ Ò¿áæ ±ÝÅÃí»Ü ¨Ü ÈÉÜ , ±ÅÍÜ °æ±âÔ¤PÜ ¿á®æ áÜ ° ¯ÊáWÜ æ¯àvÇÝWÜ áÊÜ â¨Ü á.Ü Êã¨æ ÆÜ 5 ¯ËáÐWÜ ÙÜ ÈÉÜ 3. 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Use only Blue/Black Ball point pen. 12. Use of any calculator, Electronic gadgets or log table etc., 12. PÝÂÆáRÇàoà ,æ ˨Üá®ݾ®Ü E±ÜPÜÃÜ| A¥ÊÝÜ ÇÝW pàÇ æ CñÝ©¿á is prohibited. E±ÁãàWÜ ÊÜ ®Ü áÜ ° ¯ÐàÓæ ÇÝX¨Ü .æ 13. There is no negative marks for incorrect answers. 13. ÓÜÄ AÆÉ¨Ü EñܤÃÜWÜÚWæ Má| AíPÜ CÃÜáÊÜâ©ÆÉ . 14. In case of any discrepancy found in the Kannada 14. PܮܰvÜ ÊÜáñÜᤠCíXÉàÐ BÊÜ꣤WÜÙÜ ±ÜÅÍæ° ±Ü£ÅPæWÜÙÜÈÉ ¿ÞÊÜâ¨æà Äࣿá ÊÜÂñÝÂÓÜWÜÙÜá translation of a question booklet the question in English PÜívÜáí¨ÜÈÉ , CíXÉàÐ BÊÜ꣤WÜÙÜÈÉÃÜáÊÜâ¨æà Aí£ÊÜáÊæí¨Üá ±ÜÄWÜ~ÓܸæàPÜá. version shall be taken as final. K-3617 1 ±Üâ.£.®æãà./P.T.O. *K3617* Total Number of Pages : 16 ñÜñÜÌÍÝÓÜ÷ ±æà±Üà II WÜÊÜá¯Ô : D ±Ü£ÅPæ¿áá (50) IÊÜñÜᤠÊÜÓÜ᤯ÐÜ u ÊÜÞ¨ÜÄ¿á ±ÜÅÍæ°WÜÙÜ®æã°ÙÜWæãíw¨Üáª, ±ÜÅ£Áãí¨Üá ±ÜÅÍæ°¿áã GÃÜvÜá (2) AíPÜWÜÙÜ®Üá° Öæãí©¨æ. 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In Buddhism ____________ is beyond (A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is being and becoming. the correct explanation of (A) (A) aj va (B) dukh a (B) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is E . not a correct explanation of (A) (C) nirv n a (D) dr avya = . (C) (A) is true, but (R) is false (D) (A) is false, but (R) is true 3. ________ think that reality consists of unique momentary particulars with a 7. Match the following : specific causal power. a. Locke i. Subjective sikas (A) Vaibh = idealism (B) M dhyamikas = b.

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