Saint Rose of Lima Catholic Church Generosity, Humility, and Love for the Lord in the Holy Eucharist 504 So. Third Street + De Soto, MO 63020 + 636-337-2212 + www.stroseparish.info Father’s Day & 12th Sunday of Ordinary Time J U N E 2 0 , 2 0 2 1 PARISH STAFF Fr. Alex Anderson, Pastor Deacon Ed Boyer, Parish Deacon & PSR Principal Deacon Terry Baldwin, Parish Deacon, RCIA & Adoration Chapel Coordinator Kathey Compton, St. Rose School Principal Corie Boyer, Parish Secretary/Bookkeeper Natalie Woodrum, SRLS School Secretary Abby Huck, PSR Secretary Pam Winckel, Assistant Parish Secretary Mike Merseal, Maintenance Carol Emmett, Parish Music Director RECTORY EMAIL [email protected] SCHOOL INFO 523 S. 4th Street, DeSoto, MO 63020 636-337-7855 I www.stroseoflimadesoto.org MASS SCHEDULE Monday thru Friday at 6:15 am I 8:00 am Wed & Fri when school is in session I Tues evening: 6:30 pm with Perpetual Help Devotions Sat: 8:00 am & 5:00 pm & Sun: 7 am, 9 am, & 11 am CONFESSIONS Sat: 8:30 - 9:00 am & 4:00 - 4:45 pm PERPETUAL ADORATION Perpetual Adoration of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament in the lower level chapel on the Miller Street side of church PLEASE CALL THE RECTORY . to register as a member of St. Rose Parish to have Holy Communion brought to the sick to arrange for the Anointing of the Sick to put someone on the sick list to arrange for a Baptism or Marriage to become a convert to the Catholic Church CALVARY CEMETERY INFO - 636-337-2150 Mass Readings for the Week LITURGICAL MINISTERS JUNE 26TH & JUNE 27TH Mon Jun 21 Genesis 12:1-9; Psalm 33:12-13, 18-20,22; Matthew 7:1-5 LECTORS Tue Jun 22 Genesis 13:2,5-18; Psalm 15:2-5; 5:00 PM Vernon Blechle Matthew 7:6,12-14 7:00 AM Karen Krodinger Wed Jun 23 Genesis 15:1-12,17-18; Psalm 105: 9:00 AM Stephen Nichols 1-4,6-9; Matthew 7:15-20 Thu Jun 24 Isaiah 49:1-6; Psalm 139:1-3,13-15; 11:00 AM Debbie Wilson Acts 13:22-26; Luke 1:57-66,80 SERVERS Fri Jun 25 Genesis 17:1,9-10,15-22; Psalm 128: 1-5; Matthew 8:1-4 5:00 PM Josh Lewis Sat Jun 26 Genesis 18:1-15; Psalm [Luke] 1: 7:00 AM Keegun Huskey & Cooper Huskey 46-50,53-55; Matthew 8:5-17 9:00 AM Clayton Huck & Levi Huck Sun Jun 27 Wisdom 1:13-15,2:23-24; Psalm 30: 11:00 AM Dakota Cobb & Dameon Cobb 2,4-6,11-13; II Corinthians 8:7,9, 13-15; Mark 5:21-43 EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS 5:00 PM Vicki Reimler MASS INTENTIONS 7:00 AM Keith Missey 9:00 AM Pam Winckel FOR THE WEEK 11:00 AM Deacon Ed Boyer USHERS MON - June 21 6:15 AM Hans Kimm 1885 Dedication of St. Rose Church 5:00 PM Charles Koch, Mike Merseal, TUES - June 22 6:15 AM Purgatorial Society Duck Reando & Josh Reando Sts. John Fisher and 6:30 PM John Dorlac 7:00 AM Ken Merseal, J. R. Merseal, Thomas Moore & Harold Wickerham 9:00 AM Jeff Draves, Robbie Winckel, WED - June 23 6:15 AM Iyla Martin Bob Winckel, & Lonnie Reando THUR - June 24 6:15 AM Baerbel Schmidt 11:00 AM Fred Carr, Glenn Jones, Larry Sansoucie Birth of St. John the Baptist Bruce Baisch, John Horn & John Sampson FRI - June 25 6:15 AM Cynthia O’Neal SAT - June 26 8:00 AM Walter Summers 5:00 PM Shirley Reando SUN - June 27 7:00 AM Parishioners WITHOUT PRIESTS 13th Sunday of 9:00 AM Wendell & Louise THERE CAN BE NO MASS! Ordinary Time Flesher 11:00 AM Luke Horn Pray for Vocations to the Priesthood, Please remember Saint Rose of Lima Parish especially among the young men of in your will our Parish and of our Archdiocese! ARE YOU NEW TO THE PARISH ? If you are new to St. Rose, we extend to you a warm and heartfelt welcome. Please call the rectory to register, or fill out the following information and drop it into the mail or the Sunday collection. We’ll be in touch with you right away. Name____________________________________________ Phone__________________________ Address____________________________________City__________________Zip_____________ "Congratulations!" All of us at St. Rose extend our prayers and best wishes to Nathan Shelton and Morgan Mil- feld who were married at St. Rose this past Saturday, June 19th. May the good Lord be with them to watch over them and bless them all the days of their life! As we prepare to celebrate the 136th anniversary of the dedication of our Parish church on Monday, we All of us at St. Rose extend a heartfelt should take a moment to give praise and glory to al- "Welcome!" to Kevin Dixon who today - June mighty God for the generosity and foresight of all those 20th - was Baptized, Confirmed and made his who went before us and who provided for us our beauti- First Holy Communion here at St. Rose. As ful, beautiful parish church. It is both humbling and en- he becomes a member of the Catholic Church and a couraging to think of all those who have called St. Rose member of St. Rose Parish, may the good Lord be with church "home" over the years since its dedication back in him to watch over and guide him all the days of his life! 1885. And what a lesson in generosity and hard work! I think of a famous quote from John Ruskin - “When we build, let us think that we build forever. Let it not be for This Week’s Altar Flowers present delight nor for present use alone. Let it be such Are in Memory of Robert & Howard Mueller. work as our descendants will thank us for; and let us think, as we lay stone on stone, that a time is to come when those stones will be held sacred because our hands have touched them, and that men will say, as they look upon the labor and wrought substance of them, 'See! This our fathers did for us'.” In addition, "Thanks!" to all of you who took time to fill out our parish's pandemic survey. The number of re- sponses is impressive and encouraging, and your input is much appreciated. It will be of great help to the Parish Council as we discuss the matter at our meeting this coming Tuesday. With Archbishop Rozanski lifting the general dispensation from the obligation of Sunday Mass On this Fathers' Day we not only thank the Lord for all of attendance on July 1st, we hope to have everything in our dads, both living and deceased, but we ask almighty place for the change. I'll keep you posted! God to bless them for all the good they've done for us And as we celebrate Father's Day today, I want to over the years. As the blessing of the Father at Baptism wish all of our St. Rose dads all of God's blessings and reminds us, Fathers (along with their wives) are the first grace! And whether our dads are living or deceased, their teachers of their children in the ways of Faith. "May they efforts and hard work continue to have their effect on us be also the best of teachers, bearing witness to the Faith and continue to mold us into the sort of sons and daugh- by what they say and do, in Christ Jesus, our Lord." ters they wanted us to be. May the good Lord reward all That's a lot to live up to, and a responsibility which never of our dads for their goodness, and may He return their goes away, no matter how old your children are. God generosity to them many, many times over! Happy, Hap- bless all of our St. Rose dads and all those who will py Fathers' Day!" someday become dads themselves! May we always live Finally, on Tuesday we celebrate the feast of St. John up to their hopes and dreams for us! Fisher and St. Thomas More - the Patron Saints of reli- gious freedom. As we experience all sorts of attacks on the importance and the place of God in society, the feast day of these 2 Saints reminds us not to give up and cer- tainly, not to settle for less. We are one Nation under ST. ROSE of LIMA PARISH COUNCIL God so that there can be true liberty and justice for all! The next meeting of St. Rose of Lima's Parish Council Have a wonderful week ahead and be sure of my is this coming Tuesday, Jun 22 at 7:15 pm at the rectory. prayers and good wishes always! Fr. Alex Anderson Your St. Vincent DePaul would like to thank you Pastor of St. Rose once again for your support through the collec- tion. Also special thanks to Knights of Colum- bus for helping us with their golf tournament . funds. With the weather turning nice & the pan- THIS WEEK'S QUOTE demic slowing down, come down & visit us at 2nd & Pratt in "Faithfulness in little things is a big thing." our store. You may just find that special treasure. Have St. John Chrysostom spare time? Come & join as a volunteer. We help our neigh- bors in need with your help. Thanks again to you all. - St. Rose of Lima Parish Survey - C - O - M - M - E - N - T - S c o n t i n u e d This past week we received an additional 67 survey responses, bringing the total # of responses to 113 - a very good response to say the least! Our St.
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