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PROCEEDINGS OF THE YORKSHIRE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY 309 INDEX TO VOLUME 55 General index unusual crinoid-coral association 301^ Lake District Boreholes Craven inliers, Yorkshire 241-61 Caradoc volcanoes 73-105 Chronostratigraphy Cretoxyrhinidae 111, 117 stratigraphical revision, Windermere Lithostratigraphy crinoid stems, N Devon 161-73 Supergroup 263-85 Localities crinoid-coral association 301-4 Lake District Batholith 16,73,99 Minerals crinoids, Derbiocrinus diversus Wright 205-7 Lake District Boundary Fault 16,100 New Taxa Cristatisporitis matthewsii 140-42 Lancashire Crummock Fault 15 faunal bands in Lower Coal Measures 26, Curvirimula spp. 28-9 GENERAL 27 Dale Barn Syncline 250 unusual crinoid-coral association 3Q1-A Acanthotriletes sp. 140 Dent Fault 257,263,268,279 Legburthwaite graben 91-2 acritarchs 243,305-6 Derbiocrinus diversus Wright 205-7 Leiosphaeridia spp. 157 algae Derbyshire, limestones 62 limestones late Triassic, near York 305-6 Diplichnites 102 foraminifera, algae and corals 287-300 in limestones 43-65,287-300 Diplopodichnus 102 micropalaeontology 43-65 origins of non-haptotypic palynomorphs Dumfries Basin 1,4,15,17 unusual crinoid-coral association 301-4 145,149,155-7 Dumfries Fault 16,17 Lingula 22,24 Alston Block 43-65 Dunbar-Oldhamstock Basin 131,133,139, magmatism, Lake District 73-105 Amphoracrinus gilbertsoni (Phillips 1836) 145,149 Manchester Museum, supplement to 301^1 dykes, Lake District 99 catalogue of fossils in Geology Dept. Anacoracidae 111-12 East Irish Sea Basin 1,4-7,8,10,12,13,14,15, 173-82 apatite fission track analysis 14 16,200 Mantell, Gideon (1790-1852) 126 arthropods 102 evaporites 199-203 Maryport-Stublick Fault System 2,15 Askrigg Block 43-65,298 faults, Carlisle and adjacent basins 2,14-15, micropalaeontology Bairstow, Leslie (1907-1995) 126 16-17 Lake District 76-7,102 Barbon Fault 276,277 faunal bands, Elland 21-32 limestones, Elland 43-65 bedding, Ingleton Group 245,248 Fearasides Prize 70,235 Midland Valley of Scotland 131-58 Beezleys Anticline 245,250 flute casts, Ingleton Group 245,248 microplankton, late Triassic, near York 305-6 Belemnobatis ctpicteti 115-16 folding, Ingleton Group 245,248-51,252,254, Midland Valley (Scotland) Belgium, Brigantian 59 256-7 aquatic palynomorphs 145-58 bentonites, and interregional correlation foraminifera, in limestones 43-65,287-300 biostratigraphy 131-43 183-97 garnet geochemistry, E Derbyshire sandstones mineralogy biostratigraphy 213-16,217,218,221,223,226,231 early, Scarborough 121 Carlisle Basin 7,10,12,13 Geisina arcuata 28 heavy minerals, E Derbyshire sandstones crinoid remains analysis 169-71 graptolites, Windermere Supergroup 263-85 209,211-13,216,217,224,227-8 joint palynomorph/ostracod 131-43 'Green Streak', Skelgill Formation 268,282 miospores, late Triassic, near York 305-6 limestones 43-65,287-300 greywackes, Yorkshire 241-61 Moore Medal 67,69-70,235,238 Windermere Supergroup 263-85 Helvellyn Basin 92-5 mudstones Bird, John (1768-1829) 121,122 Hemiscylliidae 113 Elland 21-32 bivalves 28-9,147,149 Heterodontus sp. 113 Speeton 107-18,183 Brazilea sp. 149 Hinderwell,Thomas (1744-1825) 124,126,128 Windermere Supergroup 263-85 breccias 4,16,77,79,80,84,95 HOLLIDAY, Dr. Douglas Watson, Sorby museums Bristol, Arundian 59 medallist 70-71,235 Manchester Museum, Geological Dept., British Geological Survey 33,34,73,132,133, Honorary Membership 69,235 supplement to catalogue of fossils 145,263,305 HOWARTH, Dr. Michael K., Moore 173-82 Buckland, William (1784-1856) 126,128 medallist 67 Rotunda, Scarborough 128 caldera formation, Lake District 73-105 Howgills, stratigraphical revision of Naiadites spp. 28,29 Cambridge University, Sidney Sussex College Windermere Supergroup 263-85 Nirex 33,34 119-21 hushing excavation technique 268 North Atlantic Igneous Province 15 Carbaneuletes sp. 157 Iapetus 16,73 North Channel Basin 1 Carbonicola spp. 28-9 Icelandic Plume 15 North Craven Fault 257 Carlisle Basin 1-19,202 Ingleton inlier, Yorkshire 241-61 North East Axial-Waterbeck Fault 15,16 Castley Knotts Syncline 276-7 invertebrates, Early Cretaceous 108 Northumberland-Solway Basin 1,16 CATT, Professor John A., Phillips medallist Ireland, Brigantian 59,62,287-300 Notorhynchus aptiensis 113 238 isotopic analysis obituaries Chelichnus 1 Ingleton Group 243,258 Moore, Professor Leslie Rowsell 159-60 Circulisporites 147 non-haptotypic palynomorhs 147 Rayner, Dorothy Helen 160 clay mineralogy, Purbeck limestones 183-7 Purbeck limestones and Speeton bentonites Taylor, Bertram John (Jack) 307 cleavage relationships, Ingleton Group 245, 184,187-90 Old Granite Quarry Syncline 250-51,254 248,252^1 Johnlongia sp. Ill ostracods 131^3,146-7,149,269 Cleveland Basin 14,16 Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary 194-6 otoliths, Early Cretaceous 108 Cleveland-Armathwaite Dyke 13,15 KANE, Ian, Moore medallist 238 Palaeobrachaelurus mitchelli sp. nov. 112-13 Cockburnspath Outlier (Scotland) 131,133, 'kaolinite event' 194-6 palaeoceanography 169-71 139,145 Kendall, Rev. Frederick (1790-1836) 119-29 palaeocurrent flow corals Kentmere Basin 88-90 E Derbyshire sandstones 209,210,216-17, rugose 287-300,301-4 Kirkby Thore evaporites 199-203 219,222,223,224,225,229-30 310 INDEXTO VOLUME 55 Lower Coal Measures, EIland 29 selachians, Cretaceous 107-18 East Linton 139 palaeoenvironmental studies 149 sharks and rays, Cretaceous 107-18 EIland Bypass No.47 28 palaeokarsts 62,63,287 sills, Lake District 99 Encombe 185 palaeontology Simpson, Martin (1800-1892) 128 Feizor 43,58,62 Carlisle Basin 10 Skirwith Syncline 245, 246, 247, 248-50, 252, Felixkirk 306 crinoid stems, N Devon 161-72 254 Foynes 296 early, Scarborough 119-29 Smith, William (1767-1839) 126,127-8 Glenrothes 133,139,145,147,149 faunal bands in Lower Coal Measures Solway Firth Basin 1-2,12,13,15,16 Great Orton 3 (EIland) 21-32 SOPER, Professor Norman John (Jack) Hartwell 185 joint palynomorph/ostracod biostratigraphy Honorary Membership 69, 235 Hilton 7, 10 131-43 Saetograptus soperi named for 279 Horton Quarry 255, 256, 257 Lake District 76-7, 102 Sorby Medal 70-71,235 Kirkby Thore KT860 199-203 Speeton Clay selachians 107-18 Sowerby, James (1757-1822) 124--6 Loch Humphrey 139 supplement to catalogue of fossils in Spirorbis 28,29,147 Marshall Meadows 139 Geological Dept. of Manchester Squatina sp.115, 117 Melbourne 216,218 Museum 173-82 Squatirrhina sp. 116 Merevale 226 unusual crinoid-coral association 301-4 Stainmore Trough 43--65,298 Midlothian No.1 139 Windermere Supergroup, Howgills 263-85 Stellapollenites thiergartii 12, 13 Minerva Works 24,26,27,29 palaeosols (seatearths), EHand 21, 29 Stranraer Basin 1,16 Mold Green 29 palynology stratigraphy Nettleton Bottom 185 of aquatic palynomorphs 145-58 Lateglacial pollen record 33-42 New Farm A 149 Carlisle Basin 7, 10, 12, 13 provenance of E Derbyshire sandstones Newburgh B 139 Hallsenna Moor, Cumbria 33-42 223-4 North Runcton 185 Ingleton Group 243,257 revision of Windermere Supergroup in Offshore (North Sea) 81/43 and 81/44185, joint palynomorph/ostracod biostratigraphy Howgills 263-85 187,306 131-43 Synbathocrinus conicus Phillips 1836301-4 Phoenix Mills 24 late Triassic, near York 305--6 Synechodus dubrisiensis 113-15 Raydale 257 parasitism, unusual crinoid-coral association TATHAM, Daniel 1.,Moore medallist 67 Rookhope 43-4,47,53-8,59-60,62,298 301-4 TEANBY, Dr Nicholas, Fearnsides Roosecote 10 particle size distribution, Purbeck limestones prizewinner 70, 235 St Bees 10 and Speeton bentonites 187 tectonic history SB·3 (W of Carlisle) 13 Peel Basin 1, 16 Carlisle Basin 14-15 Sellafield 10,33,34-5 Pennine Basin 209-33 Ingleton Group 244-54, 257--60 Silloth I-A 3-4,7,8,10-12,13 Pennine Fault 16 THORLEY, Rebecca, Moore medallist 69-70, Silloth No.2 12, 13 Perotriletes minor 13 235 Spilmersford 133-5,136,137,139,145 Phillips Medal 67, 238 Travis,William (c.1771-1851) 124,126 Swanworth Quarry 185 placoid scales 116 trilobites 171,268,271 West Cumbria: 4; lOA; RCFl 97 playa lake setting 202 unconformities, Dinantian 139-43 Westnewton 9,14 Protosqualus sp. 115,116 Vale of Eden Basin 1,4,7,8,9,10,15,16 Winton Manor 306 Pteroscyllium speetonensis sp, nov. 109 volcanism, Lake District 73-105 radiocarbon dating, Lateglacial pollen record volcanogenic materials, and interregional CHRONOSTRATIGRAPHY 33-42 correlation 183-97 rare earth elements (REE), Purbeck Wales, limestones 58,62 Acadian Orogeny 241,245,252,254,256-60, limestones and Speeton bentonites 184, Wales-Brabant High 209-33 263,279 191-4 Wasdale Swarm 99 Alpine Orogeny 15 Reduviasporonites sp. 10,149-55 X-ray diffraction analysis, Purbeck limestones Cambrian 243 Ribblesdale inlier, Yorkshire 241-61 187 Carboniferous 1,2,21-32,241 sabkhas 12,199-202 Young, Rev. George (1777-1848) 121 Arnsbergian 60 Saetograptus spp. 277,281-2 Asbian 43-65,205-7,287 sandstones BOREHOLES Brigantian 43-65, 287-300 Carlisle Basin 1-19 Dinantian 131-58 of E Derbyshire 209-33 Abbeytown 13 Namurian 43--65,209-33,296 EIland 21,29,31 Allenheads 43,47,59,60,62,298 Pendleian 60,63 Howgills 273-85 Archerbeck 58 Tournaisian 163,169 see also greywackes Back Scar 43, 47, 53, 58-9, 62 Visean 205-7,287-300,301-4 ScafeH Caldera 81-5, 100-102 Ballytrea 287, 295, 298 Westphalian 209-33 Scarborough Beckermonds Scar 243, 257 Cretaceous 14,15,107-18,183-97 A Descriptive Catalogue ofthe Minerals and Birnieknowes 135--6,139,145,149 Devonian 161-72 Fossils . .. 121-6 Blairmulloch Farm 136,137-8,139,145,147 Jurassic 1, 13, 15, 183-97 Rotunda Museum 128 Blyborough 306 Lateglacial Interstadial 33-42 Scotland Broadoak 194 Loch Lomond Stadial (Younger Dryas) aquatic palynomorphs

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