The official newsletter of the Diocese of Cape Town (Anglican Church of Southern Africa ACSA) A South African Pilgrimage to Robben Island for our clergy PAGE 3 From the Bishop’s Desk PAGE 4 St Columba Guguletu partners with Occuvision During mid-October of this year Bp and illustrations of raw honesty, Garth Counsell and 30 clergy of the helped us to begin to see each other Diocese of Cape Town undertook an differently. As we walked between unusual pilgrimage. Its format was the different stations we focussed that of the traditional Stations of the on themes such as creation, faith, Cross set in the context of Robben identity and restitution. Island with its layered history as a place of banishment and cruel isola- We had a welcome tea-break af- PAGE 5 tion. ter visiting the shrine dedicated to Animals and the memory of Sayed Moturu, the Humans: Faith Before our departure we reflected on Prince of Madura and a Muslim Perspectives the reading from the Gospel of Luke cleric. Here we greeted each other Chapter 24 at the Robben Island with a Salaam alaykum (‘Peace be Gateway. This well known story of upon you’), followed by the reply Wa the two disciples walking from Je- alaykum as-salaam (‘And upon you rusalem to their home in the village be peace’). Fr Mzwabantu Magadla of Emmaus had a contemporary rattled off the greetings in impres- resonance in the many Robben Is- sively accented Arabic. Others such land stories of social death and its as the Rector of St Mary’s Wood- PAGE 6 examples of resurrected hope and, stock, the Revd Donovan Meyer, AD Laos: From the ultimately, liberation. were verbally generous with their Al Archbishop’s Desk hamdu lillah’s - praise be to God. The island journey, its geography continues on page 3 PAGE 7 SACC calls for end of university protests VOL 65 NO.VOL 10 63 NO. 05 FIRSTFIRST PUBLISHEDPUBLISHED 2020 DECEMBERDECEMBER 19501950 MARCH DECEMBER 2013 2015 Page 2 THE GOOD HOPE DECEMBER 2015 CLASSIFIEDS Editorial THE GOOD HOPE With the world and our country in turmoil, it’s easy to feel a sense of panic and disillusionment. But there is al- Editor: Rebecca Malambo ways hope and God brings us a new parcel of His peace everyday. We should claim that peace, put our hand in Address: His and rest in His presence. As peace and a happy life The Good Hope starts with me and you. So pray for the world and our PO Box 1932, CONSTANTIABERG country. FUNERAL HOME “We pray for all whose lives Cape Town 8000 Tel: 021 469 3766 Preferential prices. have been touched by tragedy, whether by accident or a deliberate act. Fax: 021 465 1571 24 hour service For those who mourn, immerse them in your love High ethical standards as member of and lead them through this darkness into your arms, E-mail address: National Funeral Directors Assoc SA and light. For those who comfort, be in both the words [email protected] they use and all that’s left unspoken; fill each heart 85 Kenilworth Road, Kenilworth with love.We ask this through Jesus Christ, Printed by: (cnr Rosmead Avenue) whose own suffering brought us life, 021 671 2400 here and for eternity.” Amen Love and Light, Rebecca Alan Lindhorst Tony Wyllie & Co. EVENTS AND NOTICES ANGLICAN STUDENTS fered concurrently at a cost of R50 each. Funeral Home ANHOUSE: St Paul’s AnHouse is a small To register or for more information contact Personal and Dignified residence (only 12 rooms) owned by the the parish office at 021 694 5362 or email 24 hour service Diocese and for UCT students, located just [email protected] off Middle Campus. We expect to have a 469 Voortrekker Rd few vacancies for Feb 2016. If you are SERVICES RENDERED Maitland an Anglican and will be attending UCT in MAINTENANCE: For all your household Tel: 021 593 8820 2016, you are welcome to email warde- and office maintenance requirements as [email protected] to ask for an ap- well as specializing in the manufacturing 48 Main Rd plication form, which has further details. of pedestrian driveway sliding gates, bur- Muizenberg glar bars and other steel security essen- Tel: 021 788 3728 tials. All outside welding work galvanized. For more information contact Anton Govin member of the NFDA LITURGY AND WORKSHOPS 0784884565. SONGS OF FELLOWSHIP: St Saviour’s Claremont choir is in need of twenty copies GIFTING: Personalised photo mugs, a must of Songs of Fellowship in reasonable condi- for every coffee and tea drinker. Keep your Anglican Prayer Beads tion. They are willing to pay for it. They also memories alives. Great gift idea at R45 Wonderful gift! Call Marlene at require a copy of Daily Prayers by Eric Mil- each. For more information contact Estelle 072 841 7421 for more information. ner White. Please contact Mr Alan Clapp at Forbest at 021 638 5709 or email info@ 021 671 8045 or 083 339 4465 if you distinctapproach.co.za are able to assist. TOURS CHRISTIAN SCHOOL: Church of the Res- ISRAEL AND EGYPT JUNE 2016: Come urrection, Bonteheuwel, are running a and join a memorable 10 day tour. For Christian School from 18th October - 22nd more information contact Alec Pelston on November 2015. The school offers seven 082 377 2856 / 021 685 4897 or modules. These seven courses will be of- [email protected] SUMMIT FUNERALS PTY LTD For affordable tailor-made funeral and cremation packages, as well as indi- vidual and family funeral policies. We also render the following services: Affordable national and international repatriations Gravestones Fresh flowers, coffin sprays and wreaths All arrangements done at client’s homes Andre J Isaacs - 084 846 6007 / 073 633 6808 email: [email protected] Ephesians 1:3 “In Christ, I am spirtually blessed because He lives in me.” THE OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF THE DIOCESE OF CAPE TOWN Page 3 From the Bishop’s Desk Dear friends I write as the global community once again strug- gles to fully comprehend the massacre in Paris that has served to once again highlight the all too frequent acts of terror in different locations with Diocesan Administrator which we have become all too familiar. We add our Applications are invited for the position of Diocesan voices to those of many in condemning these ruth- Administrator for the Diocese of Cape Town. less attacks on innocent targets and the senseless The position is one of high responsibility, confidentiality loss of human life. We pray for the repose of the and trust. It requires sound financial and administrative souls of all those killed, for those injured and for acumen. The applicant must be computer literate includ- all their loved ones as they struggle with the last- ing Pastel Accounting, Payroll, Power Point and must have ing impact of this traumatic event on their lives. a minimum of five years Account Management experience Meanwhile as South Africans we face the ongoing crisis at our tertiary edu- and an Accounting Management Degree or Diploma. cation institutions as the just and reasonable protest of students around the Applicants should be committed Anglicans with a passion exorbitant and, for many, unaffordable high costs of education continues to for and knowledge of, the Church and vast, multi-lingual, spin out of control. Regrettably some with different intentions have sought diverse Diocese of Cape Town. to seize the moment for their own ends so that the violence and wanton destruction sweeping across our campuses has increased the risk of losing Applicants must apply in writing, with CV and three ref- sight of the core reasons and focus of the student protest. In my Confirma- erences to the Diocesan Administrator, the Ven Horace tion service sermon at St George’s Cathedral on the Sunday after the Paris Arenz, at email: [email protected] massacre I reflected on how these events bring us face to face with the great paradox of human behaviour and responses to the circumstances we A job description can be obtained from the Diocesan Ad- encounter in life. Humans so wonderfully created by God in his divine image ministrator. Closing date for applications is the 31st Jan- have, on the one hand, the overwhelming capacity and potential for so much uary 2016. Please note that if you have not received a that is good, honourable, creative, inspirational, positive and life-giving. Par- response from us within two months of the closing date, adoxically, human beings also have the capacity and potential for so much then kindly accept that your application was unsuccessful. that is shockingly destructive, dehumanising, senseless, life-threatening and evil. This is clearly reflected in the almost unending list of great human accomplishments over the centuries that have magnified the quality of hu- man life and coexistence and inspired many to reach towards even greater Robben Island Pilgrimage from page 1: The heights. Our own journey to democracy as a nation is an obvious example. time spent in the house where Robert Mangaliso Sobukwe But, sadly, the pages of history are also littered with a long litany of count- was interned and held in solitary confinement evoked a deep less acts of gross inhumanity and devastating acts of destruction that has appreciation of the costs that others paid for our freedom. led to much suffering, pain and death. Here again some of our post 1994 experiences like the student protests bear testimony to this reality. We concluded our day-long Emmaus-like pilgrimage with the celebration of the Eucharist in the Chapel of the Good Shep- Caught in the grip of such turbulent times Advent-tide comes as a reminder herd.
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