Afelimomab (Rinn) Ic Medicines Under the Following Names: Adonis V

Afelimomab (Rinn) Ic Medicines Under the Following Names: Adonis V

2248 Supplementary Drugs and Other Substances Adiphenine Hydrochloride (USAN, rINNM) Adrenalone Hydrochloride (pINNM) ⊗ Uses. The use of aesculus has been reviewed;1,2 although there is some evidence suggesting benefit in chronic venous insuffi- Adiphénine, Chlorhydrate d’; Adiphenini Hydrochloridum; Adrénalone, Chlorhydrate d’; Adrenaloni Hydrochloridum; ciency, more rigorous studies are needed.2 Cloridrato de Adifenina; Hidrocloruro de adifenina; NSC- Adrenalonu chlorowodorek; Hidrocloruro de adrenalona. 1. Sirtori CR. Aescin: pharmacology, pharmacokinetics and thera- 129224; Spasmolytine. Адреналона Гидрохлорид peutic profile. Pharmacol Res 2001; 44: 183–93. Адифенина Гидрохлорид C H NO ,HCl = 217.6. 2. Pittler MH, Ernst E. Horse chestnut seed extract for chronic ve- 9 11 3 nous insufficiency. Available in The Cochrane Database of Sys- C20H25NO2,HCl = 347.9. CAS — 62-13-5. tematic Reviews; Issue 1. Chichester: John Wiley; 2006 (ac- CAS — 50-42-0. ATC — A01AD06; B02BC05. cessed 31/03/06). ATC Vet — QA01AD06; QB02BC05. Profile Preparations Adiphenine and adiphenine hydrochloride have been used as Profile Proprietary Preparations (details are given in Part 3) antispasmodics. Adrenalone hydrochloride is used as a local haemostatic and va- Arg.: Grafic Retard; Herbaccion Venotonico; Nadem; Venastat; Venostasin; soconstrictor. It has also been used with adrenaline in eye drops Austria: Aesculaforce; Provenen; Reparil; Venosin; Venostasin; Belg.: Preparations for glaucoma. Reparil; Veinofytol; Venoplant; Braz.: Phytovein; Reparil; Varilise; Venafort; Venostasin†; Zarv; Chile: Venastat; Cz.: Reparil; Traumaril†; Venitan; Yellon; Proprietary Preparations (details are given in Part 3) Preparations Fr.: Flogencyl; Ger.: Aescorin Forte; Aescorin N†; Aescusan; Aescuven; Multi-ingredient: Braz.: Analgosedan†; Dipirol†; Dorilen; Doriless; Lisa- Concentrin; Essaven; Essaven Neu; Hamos-Tropfen-S†; Heweven Phyto; dor; Sedalene; Sedalin; Chile: Abalgin; Andil†; Immediat†; SAE; Switz.: Proprietary Preparations (details are given in Part 3) Hoevenol; Noricaven; Opino; opino N; Perivar Rosskaven†; Plissamur; Spasmo-Barbamin†; Spasmo-Barbamine compositum†; Turk.: Spasmo- Denm.: Stryphnon†; Ger.: Stryphnasal†. Proveno N†; Reparil; Rexiluven S†; Sklerovenol N†; Vasoforte N†; Vasot- Panalgine. onin†; Venalot novo†; Venen-Dragees†; Venen-Fluid; Venen-Tabletten; Multi-ingredient: Ger.: Links-Glaukosan†. Venen-Tropfen N; Venentabs; veno-biomo; Venodura; Venoplant; Venopy- ronum; Venopyronum N†; Venostasin; Hong Kong: Reparil; Hung.: Vena- stat; Ital.: Curaven†; Edeven; Flebostasin; Reparil; Mex.: Alevarin; Venastat; Verisan†; Pol.: Aescuven; Esceven; Reparil; Sapoven; Venastat; Venitan; Ven- Adipic Acid Aesculus oplant; Venotonin; Port.: Varison; Venoparil†; Rus.: Venitan (Венитан); Venoplant (Веноплант); Spain: Flebostasin; Plantivenol; Provenen†; Vari- Acide adipique; Acidum adipicum; Adípico, ácido;_ Adipiinihappo; Aesculus hippocastanum; Castaño de indias; Hippocastani se- cid; Switz.: Aesculaforce; AesculaMed; Phlebostasin; Reparil†; Venavit N; Adipinsäure; Adipinsav; Adipinsyra; Adipo rugštis; Hexanedioic men; Horse-chestnut; Marron d’Inde; Rosskastaniensamen. Venostasin; Thai.: Reparil; Turk.: Reparil N; UK: Venaforce; Venez.: Vaso- plant. Acid; Kwas adypinowy; Kyselina adipová. 1,4-Butanedicarboxylic CAS — 6805-41-0 (aescin); 11072-93-8 (β-aescin); 531- acid. 75-9 (anhydrous esculoside). Multi-ingredient: Arg.: Escina Forte; Escina Omega; Esculeol P; Feparil†; Flaval; Grafic Forte; Ixana; Troxeven†; Tubarine; Venoful; Venostasin; VNS C6H10O4 = 146.1. Pharmacopoeias. In Fr., Ger., It., and US. 45; Austral.: Bioglan Cirflo†; Bioglan Zellulean with Escin; Extralife Leg- CAS — 124-04-9. US also includes the powdered form and powdered extract. Care; Herbal Capillary Care†; Proflo†; Austria: Amphodyn; Augentropfen Stulln; Dilaescol; Heparin Comp; Opino; Reparil; Urelium Neu; Venostasin Ger. also includes esculoside in the sesquihydrate form. compositum; Belg.: Mictasol-P; Rectovasol; Reparil; Braz.: Castanha de In- USP 31 (Horse Chestnut). The dried seeds of Aesculus hippoc- dia Composta†; Digestron†; Hemorroidex†; Mirorroidin†; Novarrutina; O astanum (Hippocastanaceae), harvested in the autumn. It con- Proctosan; Reparil; Supositorio Hamamelis Composto†; Traumed†; Vari- tains not less than 3.0% of triterpene glycosides, calculated on zol†; Venocur Triplex; Venofortan†; Venostasin†; Canad.: Proctol; Procto- myxin HC; Proctosedyl; ratio-Proctosone; Chile: Hemorrol†; Proctoplex; HO the dried basis as aescin. Protect from light and moisture. Repariven; Varicare†; Cz.: Anavenol; Evercil†; Heparin-Gel†; Ophthalmo- OH Evercil; Reparil-Gel N; Denm.: Proctosedyl; Fin.: Proctosedyl; Fr.: Aphloine Profile P; Arterase; Climaxol; Creme Rap; Escinogel†; Evarose; Hemorrogel; Histo- O The seeds (conkers) and other parts of the horse-chestnut, Aescu- Fluine P; Intrait de Marron d’Inde P; Mediflor Tisane Circulation du Sang No lus hippocastanum, contain several active principles including 12; Opo-Veinogene; Phlebogel; Phlebosedol†; Phytomelis; Preparation H; Pharmacopoeias. In Eur. (see p.vii). Also in USNF. esculoside (aesculin or esculin; 6-β-D-glucopyranosyloxy-7-hy- Reparil; Sedorrhoide; Veinophytum†; Veinostase; Veinotonyl; Vivene†; Ger.: droxycoumarin, C H O = 340.3) and aescin (escin), which is Aescusan; Amphodyn†; Apoplectal N†; Augentropfen Stulln Mono; Cefa- Ph. Eur. 6.2 (Adipic Acid). A white or almost white, crystalline 15 16 9 sabal; Cycloven Forte N; Diu Venostasin; Essaven N†; Essaven ultra†; Es- powder. Sparingly soluble in water; soluble in boiling water; a mixture of saponins. saven†; Fagorutin Rosskastanien-Balsam N; Hametum-N†; Hamos N†; freely soluble in alcohol and in methyl alcohol; soluble in ace- Ingestion of aesculus may cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, ab- Heparin Comp†; Heparin Kombi-Gel†; Heusin†; Intradermi; Lindigoa S†; opino N spezial†; PC 30 V; Posti N†; Reparil-Gel N; Revicain comp plus†; tone. dominal colic, delirium, and with large doses respiratory arrest. Revicain comp†; Salhumin Teilbad N†; Salus Venen Krauter Dragees N†; USNF 26 (Adipic Acid). A white, crystalline powder. Slightly Aescin and esculoside, the major active principles of aesculus, Solum Ol; Sportupac M; Trauma-cyl; Varicylum-S; Venacton†; Venen Krau- soluble in water; soluble in boiling water and in acetone; freely have been used in the prevention and treatment of various ter NT; Venen-Salbe N†; Venengel†; Veno-Kattwiga N†; Venoplant AHS†; soluble in alcohol and in methyl alcohol. Store in airtight con- Weleda Hamorrhoidalzapfchen; Gr.: Opino-jel; Hong Kong: Proctosedyl†; peripheral vascular disorders, including haemorrhoids (p.1697). Proctosone†; Reparil; Hung.: Reparil N; India: Proctosedyl; Indon.: tainers. They have been given by mouth, by intravenous injection (in the Lanaven; Lanaven Plus; Opino; Irl.: Proctosedyl; Ital.: Algorex; Altadrine; form of sodium aescinate), by rectal suppository, and applied Angiovein; Bres†; Capill; Capill Venogel; Centella Complex; Centeril H; Der- Profile mocinetic; Dermoprolyn†; Edeven; Essaven; Flavion; Flebo-Si; Flebolider; Adipic acid is an acidifier that is used in foods and has been in- topically. Aescin has also been given intravenously in the pre- vention and treatment of postoperative oedema. The maximum Flodolor; Flogofort; Flogovis IdroGel; Hirudex†; Inflamase; Inflamase Idro- cluded in preparations for the treatment of urinary-tract infec- Gel; Levital Plus; Muscoril Trauma; Osmogel; Pik Gel; Proctonet†; Proctop- tions. intravenous dose in adults for such conditions has been stated to ure; Proctosedyl; Recto-Reparil; Reparil; RepaVen†; Sedalen Cort†; be 20 mg daily; acute renal failure has been reported in patients Sedilene Procto†; Signum; Snell Cell; Somatoline; Varicogel†; Venactive; given higher doses, sometimes with other nephrotoxic drugs. Venalta; Venoplus†; Venoton; Venotrauma†; Malaysia: Proctosedyl; Proc- tosone†; Mex.: Almodin; Mon.: Fluon; Norw.: Proctosedyl; Philipp.: Other derivatives such as sodium aescin polysulfate have also Proctosedyl; Pol.: Aesculan; Anavenol; Arcalen; Arnisol; Emorect; Escalar; Adonis Vernalis been used. Fitoven; Hemorol; Neo-Aesculan; Proctosone; Reparil N; Sapoven AT; Sa- poven T; Savarix; Venacorn; Venescin; Venoforton; Venozel; Port.: Relmus Adonide; Adonidis Vernalis Herba; Adonis; Adonis vernal; Adon- Homoeopathy. Aesculus has been used in homoeopathic med- Compositum†; Synchrocell; Venoparil; Rus.: Aescusan (Эскузан); Anaven- icines under the following names: Aesculus hippocastanum; iskraut; False Hellebore; Herba Adonidis; Vernal Pheasant’s Eye; ol (Анавенол); S.Afr.: Essaven†; Proctosedyl; Reparil; Stibium Comp; Sin- Aesculus cortex; Aesculus hippocastanum ex cortice; Aesc. hip. gapore: Erase; Proctosedyl; Spain: Caprofides Hemostatico; Contusin; Es- Ziele miłka wiosennego. savenon; Feparil; Hemodren Compuesto†; Roidhemo†; Ruscimel†; Esculoside has been used in homoeopathic medicines under the Urgenin; Venacol; Swed.: Proctosedyl†; Switz.: Augentonicum; Demoven Pharmacopoeias. In Ger. and Pol. following names: Aesculinum; Aescul. N; Dolo-Veniten†; Flavovenyl; Flogecyl; Ipasin; Lapidar 4; Phlebostasin com- positum†; Reparil; Strath Gouttes pour les veines; Suppositoires contre les Profile Adverse effects. EFFECTS ON THE KIDNEYS. A report of the hemorroides†; Veino-Gouttes-N†; Venoplant comp; Venoplant-N†; Thai.: Adonis vernalis, the dried aerial parts of Adonis vernalis (Ranun- incidence of acute renal failure in patients after cardiac sur- Essaven; Proctosedyl;

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