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This document is archival in nature and is intended Le présent document a une valeur archivistique et for those who wish to consult archival documents fait partie des documents d’archives rendus made available from the collection of Public Safety disponibles par Sécurité publique Canada à ceux Canada. qui souhaitent consulter ces documents issus de sa collection. Some of these documents are available in only one official language. Translation, to be provided Certains de ces documents ne sont disponibles by Public Safety Canada, is available upon que dans une langue officielle. Sécurité publique request. Canada fournira une traduction sur demande. TS (Proikt#7072eion.miembCceeletofibedzume7tdoesmplAW 1q63 VOLUME .1 eeduse ebe.044g .11 ( s 11 àeuit s d4te dup471 docume or11. d Peat United States/Cana a route wills% du • dozmentdoitt9eekwee contenu leap Joint . du cohtinui" dIpmetee plki,4% eéaleinee "' --- e;Z jRcC Document ele Ref"enc List JRCC Meeting Nd. I held 1117gronto,.,SepteMber 10,42,1963 (14aCkeiie'Fi1e No. 23) It should be noted that there were no-formal documents presented atthis initial organizational meeting. Some papers are available on the files of the respective national headquarters.and single photostat copies cdtild be made available for distribution if required. They are as fdlloWs: 1. Co-ordination of Radiological Defence. 2. Emergency .Public Information and Btoadcasting. 3. Problems Associated with Evacuation and Movement of People; 4. Resources Classification and Supply. 5. Transportation.. 6. Emergency Communications. 7. Joint United States/Canadian Civil Defense Tests. 8. Warning Problems. JRCC Meeting No. 2 held in Washington,. February 11 .-12, 1964 (Mackenzie File N'o. Formal papers were presented at_this meeting, however, a reference numl?ering system had not been adopted.. 'The titles of the papers used are as folltild: 1. Terms of Reference for the JRCC. 2. Report of a.Joint.US/Canada Study Group concerning Emergency. Public Information - 11 February 1964. ' 3. Report of Canada/US Joint Task Force - Public Warning 'dated 19 December,.1963. 4. Summary of United States/Canada Joint Task Force Report - Radiological Defence. 5. United States/Canada Joint Task, Force Report - Radiblogical Defence. 6. Report of the United States/Canada Study Group on Cross- Border Communications - January 6, 1964. 7. Draft Memorandum on Treatment of Refugees - 24 January, 1964. 8. US/Canada Joint Federal Operations Planning Procedures for Guidance at State, Provincial and Municipal or-tocal Levels - - January 7, 1964. 9. US/Canada Joint Federal Operations Planning Procedures for Guidance at State, Provincial and Municipal or Local Levels -" February 12, 1964. RCC Meeting No. 3 held in Winnipeg, October,7-8-,1964 alackenzie,File D/ 1-64 List of those in attendance. D/ 2-64, Terms of Reference JRCC. D/ 3-64 Progress Report of Working Group on Public Information - 7 October, 1964. ...I2 -2- D/ 4-64 Progress Report of Working Group on Communications - 7 October, 1964. D/ 5-64 Canadian Report on Evacuation and Movement of People across the Canada/United States Border - 7 October, 1964. D/ 6-64 Review of Canadian National Planning Since Last Meeting - 7 October, 1964. D/ 7-64 Provincial/State Civil Defence Agreements - 7 October, 19.64. D/ 8-64 Request for information from Germany, etc. - 7 October, 1964. D/ 9-64 Treatement of Refugees - 7 October, 1964. D/10-64 Planning Guidance at Local Levels - Canadian Report -.7 October, 1964. D/11-64 No Border Concept - 7 October, 1964. D/12-64 British Columbia Regional Report - 7 October, 1964. D/13-64 New Brunswick Regional Report - 7 October, 1964 D/14-64 Ontario and Manitoba Regional Report - 7 October, 1964.. D/15-64 United States Civil Defense Highlights - 6 October, 1964. General Review of US National Civil Emergency Planning - 7 October, 1964. D/16-64 Report of OCD and OEP Region 1-7 October, 1964. D/17-64 Report of OCD Regions 4 and 6, and OEP Region 4 - 7 October, 1964, D/18-64 Report of OCD and OEP Region 8-7 October, 1964. D/19-64 US/Canada Emergency Transportation Planning - United States Summary Report - 7 October., 1964. D/20-64 Evacuation and Movement of People Across the United States/Canada Border - US Report - 7 October, 1964. D/21-64 Progress Report of Working Group on Warning - 7 October, 1964. D/22-64. Progress Report of Working Group on Radiological Defence - 7 October, 1964. D/23-64 Treatment of Refugees - 7 October, 1964. D/24-64 Guidance for Planning at State, Provincial'and Municipal or Local Levels ^ 7 October, 1964. JRCC Meeting No. 4 held in Colorado Springs, March 17-19, 1965 D/ 1-65 Review of Civil'Emergency Planning - Canada - 12 March, 1965. D/ 2-65 Progress Report of OEP - 17 March, 1965. D/ 3-65 General Review - United States Civil Defense Planning - 15 March, 1965. D/ 4-65 Eastern Canada Regional Report - 1 March, 1965. D/ 5-65 Region l- OCD and OEP Report - 15 March, 1965. D/ 6-65 Canadian Western Regions Report - 16 February, 1965. D/ 7-65 Western US Regional Report - 1 March, 1965. D/ 8-65 Transportation - 17 March, 1965. D/ 9-65 Study Group Report on Warnings - 25 February, 1965. D/10-65 Progress Report on Radef - 9 March, 1965. D/11-65 Study Group Report on Cross-Border Communications - 4 March, 1965. D/12-65 Study Group Report on Public Information - 4 March, 1965. D/13-65 Treatment of Refugees - 17 March, 1965. D/14-65 Evacuation and Movement of People - 5 March, 1965. D/15-65 No paper. .../3 -3- D16/65 Existing State/Province and local Cross-Border Mutual Aid and other • Reciprocal Arrangements D17/65 State-Province Agreement - 25 February 1965 D17A/65 Use of Interstate Civil Defence rompacts or Agreements by the States and Canadian Provinces - 17 March 1965 D178/65 State-Province Agreement - 17 March 1965 D18/65 Report on Cross-Border Planning Activities of Federal Agencies 17 March 1965 , - D19/65 Peacetime Natural Disasters - 1 March 1965 D20/65 Joint Seminars, Tests and Exercises - January 1965 D21/65 Cross-Border Supply - 22 February 1965 D22/65 Control of Fishing Vessels - West Coast - 22 February 1965 D23/65 Report of Planning Conference in Quebec City - 2 March 19.65 D24/65 US/Can Joint Study Groups -11 March 1965. 40 0 xle =Ci F--. ....4 I I-, MD ■-■ MD a■ Li' • US /CAN JRCC-R 1/65 April 7, 1965 UNITED STATI;S /cANADA JOINT REGIONAL CONTINUI'NG COMMITTEE a subcommittee of The JoinY. Civi1 E----,_2ncy Planning Coirnnittee Record of Decisions The fourth meeting of the United States/Canada Joint Regional Continuing Committee (JRCC) was held at the Broadmoor Hotel, Colorado Springs, Colorac^^, March 17-19, 1965. Those present were: CANADA UiïITlfi STATES Mr. C. R. Boehm Mr. A.-D. O'Connor RMO Regional Director Director (British Columbia) OEP Region 1 Mr. I. H. Deyman Mr. Laurie J, Cormier EMO Regional Director Director (Mânitoba) OCD Region 1 Mr. A. C. Ross Mr. Frank P. Bourgin EMO Regional Director Director .(New Brunswick OEP Regi.on 4 Mr. David G. Harrison ^ Acting Director OCD Region 6 Mr. Charles C. Rails 'Director OCD Region 8 Mr. Creath A. Tooley Director OEP Region 8 I SECRLTARIAT Mr. J. P. Wallace Mr. Hubert R. Gallagher Assistant Director, LmIO Director Canadian Joint Chairman Liaison & Public Affairs, OEP US Joint Chairman Mr. M. R. Mackenzie Mr. John W. McConnell External Liaison Officer, EMO Asst. Di-r. of Civil Defense Canadian Joint Secretary Plans and Operations, OCD US Joint Chairman ^^.5:;".n`;^t:^.iro . ,. _. ` . ^+^:^.: .. .. • -. .. _ . ;.. ... i . ^ r. ,.,_ , CANADA UNITED STATES • .Mr. James W.15aeobson Deputy Dir. Program Div. OCD US Joint Secretary Mr. Andre Marcellin Asst. for International Organization Affairs, OEP US Joint Secretary OBSERVERS Mr. Ian Robertson, representing Mr. Joseph F. Vaughn, representing Department of External Affairs Department of State. Canada . United States Mr. John J. O'Grady Public Information Officer OCD Region 6 I. INTRODUCTION AND WELCOME IL GENEKAL REVIEW 01'. NATIONAL CIVIL EMERGENCY PLANNING SINCE THE LAST ME271NC Reference Documents: J1CC'D-1/65, Mar. 12; D-2/65,Mar717TD=3/65,Mar.1 5 . The COMMITTEE: noted the progress reports as presented by the respective Chairmen. III. REVIEW OF REGIONAL NATIONAL PLANNING OF INTERNATIONAL INTEREST AND OF REGIONAL CROSSBORDER PLANNING Reference Documents: JRCC D-4/65, Mar. 1; D-5/65, Mar. 12; D-6/65, Feb. 16; D-7/65, Mar. 1. The COMMITTEE: 1. noted the four regional reports as presented; and 2. directed that for future meetings regional reports should beconsolidated into two joint reports covering developments in eastern and western border areas; the dividing line to be between Ontario and Manitoba in 2 cq Canada and between Region 4 and Region 6 in the US. R In each case a designated regional director in the q& easterr, and western sections of the host country will prepare the reports incorpcrating information provided by the visiting country. IV. APPROVAL OF FECORD OF DECTSIONS OF JRCC MEETING HELD IN WINNIPEG, MANITOBA, OCÏ'OBER 7:-_8 1954 The COMITTEE: apprr,ved the record without change, as set out in JRCC R-2/64.
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