REALMS OF MAGIC Book 3: CODEX OF CHARACTERS AND CREATURES by Kim Eastland PD F Version 1.0 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION .............................................................1 D’SPAYRE .......................................................................8 BARON MORDO.............................................................2 MAGIK.............................................................................8 BROTHER VOODOO ......................................................2 MORGAN LE FEY ...........................................................9 CLEA ..............................................................................3 NIGHTMARE...................................................................9 DIABLO ..........................................................................4 SHAMAN AND TALISMAN................................10 and 11 DOCTOR DOOM.............................................................5 SILVER DAGGER ..........................................................12 DOCTOR DRUID.............................................................4 UMAR............................................................................12 DOCTOR STRANGE .......................................................6 MAGICAL CREATURES..............................13 through 16 DORMAMMU..................................................................7 IN T R O D U C T I O N Hail, persistent seeker of the arcane arts , powers or Book 2 for Dimensional decades in Marvel adventures, the char- and welcome to the third and final booklet En t reaty powers or miscellaneous spells. acters listed here are the major magic of REALMS OF MAGIC: The Codex of wielders of the Marvel Universe. The Characters and Crea t u res. The contents The given background and magical abili- Judge should base the creation of new of this booklet offer mages and monsters ties are guidelines, indicating what might NPCs (non-player characters) on the infor- that are ready to be included in an alrea d y be available to a particular character. The mation provided with similarly leveled existing game campaign, or that can act Judge or player should fill in the rem a i n i n g characters listed in this book. as guidelines for future generated crea- powers available until the character’s tu res or conjurer s . maximum is rea c h e d . The true diffe rence between one disciple or master and another is in what powers Au t h o r’s notes: The listing of all of the Some Marvel characters have unique each has and what school of magic he fol- powers of a magic wielding hero req u i re s spells or abilities that are not explained in lows. Although the powers vary greatly from mo re space than is available. Theref o re , Book 1 or Book 2. These spells are not one adventure to another, the school of the following character descriptions are available to other characters and are magic and the entities he calls on remain the di ff e rent from ones that have appeared explained in this book. same. Baron Mordo ’s abilities, for example, previously in Marvel game adventures . are fairly typical of other masters, but it is his Characters in this booklet are listed with C e rtain major characters within the obsessions, greed, evil, and connections their mastery level, the spells they most Marvel Universe have group spells. These that set him apart from others on his level. In often employ and their power rank. If a spells are a combination of lower spells sh o rt, it is his personality that makes him dif- mo re detailed description of any parti c u l a r and are explained in detail in Book 1. An fe rent. To help you in rep roducing or crea t- spell is desired, consult Book 1 for normal asterisk (*) denotes these spells. ing a new character, the mastery levels are listed in Book 2. Although dozens of other magic wielding characters have appeared over several TSR, Inc. POB 756 Lake Geneva, WI 53147 ISBN 394-55423-XTSR1200 TSR, Inc. 68 7 0 X X X 1 9 0 3 PRODUCTS OF YOUR IMAGINATION This book is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any rep roduction orother unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is pro- hibited without the express written consent of TSR, Inc. and the Marvel Comics Group, Distributed to the book trade in the United States by Random House Inc. and in Canada by Random Ho u s e of Canada, Ltd. Distributed to the toy and hobby trade by regional distributors. The names of characters used herein are fictitious and do not refer to any persons living or dead. Any descriptions including similarities to persons living or dead are merel y coincidental. All Marvel characters, and the distinctive likenesses thereof are trademarks of the Marvel Comics Grou p . BARON MORDO FASERI P Karl Amadeus Mordo GdTyG dP rN / AN / AN / A So rc e re r Health: 30Ka rma: N/A Fi g h t i n g : TY P I C A L Zombies can either slugfest or use hand-he l d Ag i l i t y : TY P I C A L melee weapons. Mordo must make a power St re n g t h : TY P I C A L rank FEAT roll for every zombie he animates. En d u r a n c e : RE M A R K A B L E TE L E P O RTAT I O N : (U n e a rt h l y ) Re a s o n : GO O D All other Universal spells he may use are of an In t u i t i o n : RE M A R K A B L E Amazing power rank. Ps y c h e : AM A Z I N G Di m e n s i o n a l He a l t h : 48 Ka rm a : 90 DEMONS AND CHAOS: (M o n s t rous) Re s o u rc e s : TY P I C A L DENAK: (M o n s t ro u s ) Po p u l a r i t y : -5 IK O N N : (A m a z i n g ) MABDHARA: (A m a z i n g ) Po w e r s : SATA N N I S H : (A m a z i n g ) VALTORR: (I n c re d i b l e ) Ma s t e ry Level—Master of Chaotic Magic All other Dimensional powers he may use are of After intense study and an appren t i c e s h i p an Amazing power rank. under the Ancient One, Baron Mordo has access to most magical powers and spells, Miscellaneous Spells including those of the Vishanti. He has minimum All Miscellaneous spells he may use are of an e n e rgy use for spells used for non-evil pur- In c redible power rank. p o ses. The following are magical abilities always available to him. Ba c k g ro u n d : Karl Mordo became interested in the occult at an early age and as an adult stud- Pe r s o n a l ied in Tibet under the Ancient One. During his te n u re as a disciple, Baron Mordo met and ASTRAL PROJECTION: (M o n s t ro u s ) became a rival of Doctor Strange. Mord o SH I E L D — I N D I V I D U A L : (A m a z i n g ) believes that he would have become the TE L E PAT H Y: (U n e a rt h l y ) So rc e rer Supreme of the Earth dimension when All other Personal spells he may use are of an the Ancient One passed on, if Strange had not In c redible power rank. en t e red the picture. Mordo is obsessed with ME S M E R I S M : (M o n s t ro u s ) de s t roying Doctor Strange and will go to almost Un i v e r s a l NE C R O M A N C Y: (I n c re d i b l e ) any lengths to do so. Mordo has been a minion Mo rdo can create zombies from the dead, of Dorma m m u . CO N J U R E : (I n c re d i b l e ) as he once did with Lord Phyffe. These zom- ELDRITCH BEAMS/BOLTS : (A m a z i n g ) bies’ stats are: BROTHER VOODOO ities. No known time limit exists which Jericho Drum m restricts how long Daniel can remain outside Houngan (voodoo priest) his brot h e r’s body. When Daniel ceases inhabitation of a person other than his Fi g h t i n g : TY P I C A L bro t he r, the host may suffer disorientation, Ag i l i t y : GO O D nausea ortrauma. Disorientation involves a St re n g t h : TY P I C A L –1 CS to the host’s Fighting, Reason, and En d u r a n c e : EX C E L L E N T Psyche abilities for 1 to 10 rou n d s . Re a s o n : EX C E L L E N T All other Personal spells he may use are of an In t u i t i o n : EX C E L L E N T Excellent power rank. Ps y c h e : AM A Z I N G Un i v e r s a l He a l t h : 42 Ka rm a : 90 ME N TAL CONTROL-LI M I T E D : (R e m a r k a b l e ) Re s o u rc e s : TY P I C A L ME S M E R I S M-ALL ANIMALS: (M o n s t ro u s ) Po p u l a r i t y : 30 in Haiti Only one crea t u re at a time. ME S M E R I S M-P L A N T S : 0 anywhere else (R e m a r k a b l e ) Only one plant at a time.
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