DYNASTIES OF CHINA AND T IBET TTHEHE HHIMALAYASIMALAYAS ANDAND TTHEHE YYANGTZEANGTZE May 26 to June 9, 2018 Dear Members and Friends: I invite you to join The Field Museum on a journey through China and Tibet—two lands of stunning beauty and centuries-old civilizations steeped in legend and tradition. Travel with the Museum’s preeminent experts—Gary M. Feinman, MacArthur Curator of Mesoamerican, Central American, and East Asian Anthropology, and Linda Nicholas, Adjunct Curator of Anthropology—who bring in-depth knowledge and understanding of these ancient cultures. This exceptional journey encompasses the breadth of China—from the Himalayan “Rooftop of the World,” with three nights in Tibet’s seldom-visited city of Lhasa, through the dramatic gorges of the Yangtze River to the historic neighborhoods of Old Shanghai. You will experience the imperial formality of Mandarin Beijing, the dynastic treasures of historic Xi’an and the Tibetan Buddhist “Sun City” of Lhasa with its architectural masterpiece, the Potala Palace—a symbol of peace and the historic home of the Dalai Lama. Our three-night cruise travels the fabled Yangtze River from Chongqing to Yichang through captivating landscapes, historic port cities and resplendent gorges aboard the deluxe VICTORIA JENNA, relaunched in 2016 after an extensive refurbishment. Cruise the magnifi cent Three Gorges, visit the extraordinary engineering marvel of the Three Gorges Dam, and enjoy a private boat tour on the spectacular Goddess Stream in the Wu Gorge. Your land accommodations include fi ve-star hotels such as Shanghai’s legendary FAIRMONT PEACE and the renowned PENINSULA BEIJING. Visit eight UNESCO World Heritage sites during specially arranged, included excursions accompanied by experienced, English-speaking guides. This small group program is an exceptional travel opportunity. Reserve now while Early Booking Savings and space are still available—this program sells out quickly! Sincerely,y, Charleshl L. Katzenmeyer Vice President, Institutional Advancement Field Museum Study Leaders Gary M. Feinman is the MacArthur Curator of Mesoamerican, Central American and East Asian Anthropology at the Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, IL. He has codirected long-term archaeological fi eld programs in Oaxaca, Mexico, and Shandong, China. With Linda Nicholas, he has conducted more than 20 seasons of archaeological survey in coastal Shandong Province. Feinman is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and received the Presidential Recognition Award from the Society for American Archaeology. Linda Nicholas is Adjunct Curator of Anthropology at the Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, IL. She has codirected long-term archaeological fi eld projects in the Valley of Oaxaca, Mexico, and Shandong Province, China. Working with Gary Feinman (Field Museum) and Fang Hui (Shandong University, China), she has conducted more than 20 seasons of archaeological survey in coastal Shandong Province. Her research interests include the transformation of complex societies over time. She has published extensively on her fi eldwork in Mexico and China. Beijing, China Xi’an The former imperial city of the Mongol, Ancient Chang’an, known today as Xi’an, Ming and Manchu emperors, Beijing is was China’s thriving capital of emperors, one of China’s oldest citadels. Rich in courtesans, monks, merchants and soldiers for historical sites and cultural relics, 11 dynasties. It was a place where many of the this dynamic city of more than world’s great religions coexisted and the fabled 20 million people is the cultural and launching point of the Silk Road, where camel spiritual heart of the country and the caravans introduced Chinese infl uence to ideal place from which to begin tracing back the world and distributed goods from the the fascinating narrative of ancient China. Eurasian continent. Visit the magnifi cent Great Wall of China, Tour the exquisite Yangling Imperial Tomb, a UNESCO World Heritage site and where thousands of captivating fi gurines symbol of imperial grandeur since 500 B.C. excavated from the 2100-year-old tomb Constructed over the course of 2000 years, of Emperor Liu Qi capture the essence of this imposing fortifi cation once spanned daily life during the Han dynasty, a high point more than 13,000 miles. Walk along this in Chinese history, when culture and the arts historic border and marvel at sweeping views of fl ourished as never before. China’s northern plains and valleys. Walk through historic Tiananmen Square, ITINERARY the world’s largest public square and site of Day the memorial of modern China’s founder, Mao Zedong. Then, pass through the imposing 1 Depart the U.S./ Meridian Gate into the mystical UNESCO World Cross the International Date Line Heritage-designated Forbidden City, residence 2 BEIJING, CHINA of Ming and Qing dynasty emperors for almost 3 BEIJING 500 years. Inside, ascend the stone steps of the magnifi cent Hall of Supreme Harmony to 4 BEIJING explore the ceremonial halls, royal apartments, 5 BEIJING/Fly to XI’AN gardens and temples of the Imperial Palace. 6 XI’AN The beautifully landscaped Summer Palace, a UNESCO World Heritage site and 7 XI’AN/Fly to LHASA, TIBET a masterpiece of Chinese landscape 8 LHASA garden design, was the retreat of 19th-century 9 LHASA Empress Dowager Cixi. Walk through Cixi’s private apartments, fi lled with jewel-encrusted 10 LHASA/Fly to CHONGQING, CHINA/ furniture, and see her ornate Marble Boat. Embark VICTORIA JENNA Then, enjoy a small boat cruise across 11 CRUISING THE YANGTZE RIVER/ Kunming Lake’s tranquil waters, which, SHIBAOZHAI along with Longevity Hill, form the key aesthetic features of the Summer Palace gardens. 12 THREE GORGES/CRUISING THE Tour another extraordinary UNESCO World GODDESS STREAM and Heritage site, the Temple of Heaven, a magnifi cent THREE LESSER GORGES/TRANSIT THE complex of religious buildings symbolizing the THREE GORGES DAM elevator relationship between heaven and Earth. 13 SANDOUPING for THREE GORGES DAM visit/YICHANG/ Cover photo: Clay was individually applied to the Disembark ship/Fly to SHANGHAI visages of each fi gure in Emperor Qin Shihuang’s Terra Cotta Army to create distinct facial features. 14 SHANGHAI 15 SHANGHAI/ / Photo this page: Walk along the Great Wall of China, Depart China dotted with thousands of beacon towers and Cross the International Date Line/ fortresses, and feel the mystery and allure of one of Arrive in the U.S. the world’s oldest civilizations. UNESCO TThehe GGreatreat WWallall aatt BBadalingadaling World Heritage Site Cruise Itinerary CHINA BEEIJINGIJING Yellow Sea Air Routing East XI’AANN China Sea TTerraerra CCottaotta WWarriorsarriors SHHANGHAIANGHAI SAANDOUPINGNDOUPING TIBET YIICHANGCHANG SHHIBAOZHAIIBAOZHAI LHHASAASA ee a hr ges e CHHONGQINGONGQING r S T o G a r n e i iv h R C ze h gt t an u Y So Cruise the scenic waterway carved by the heart of China, an exotic landscap sheer cliffs. Visit the amazing UNESCO World Heritage site of the ““TheThe CChinahina ttriprip wwasas a oonce-in-a-lifetimence-in-a-lifetime jjourneyourney ttoo famous life-size Terra Cotta Warriors, no two alike. eeightight ccities.ities. DDavidavid aandnd I aarere ssimplyimply iinn aawewe ooff wwhathat yyouou In 1974, farmers digging a pprovidedrovided fforor tthehe ttravelers.ravelers. I ttrulyruly bbelieveelieve tthathat aalmostlmost eeveryvery well unearthed this incredible ssingleingle ppersonerson iinn tthehe ggrouproup rrealizesealizes wwee ssawaw CChinahina aass vveryery archaeological discovery—one of the most extraordinary fi nds ffewew aarere pprivilegedrivileged ttoo ddo.o. GGohaganohagan TTravelravel DDirectors,irectors, of the 20th century—an army tthehe ooutstandingutstanding llocalocal gguides,uides, tthehe hhardworkingardworking aandnd kkindind sship’ship’s of thousands of terra cotta ccrew—theyrew—they aallll wwereere kkeyey ttoo tthishis iincrediblencredible aadventure.”dventure.” warriors and horses maintaining a silent vigil over the tomb ––JulieJulie NNixonixon EEisenhowerisenhower of Emperor Qin Shi Huang (259-210 B.C.). This visionary The awe-inspiring Historic Ensemble monarch, the fi rst ruler of a unifi ed China, of Potala Palace, Norbulingka Palace and introduced a standardized writing system, Jokhang Temple are designated reformed the legal code and commenced UNESCO World Heritage sites for their the building of the Great Wall of China, architectural signifi cance. the greatest public works project of its era. Atop rocky Red Mountain, The emperor, as large a fi gure in death as he the magnifi cent 1000-room, 384-foot-tall was in life, lies buried in a mausoleum that Potala Palace, once the winter residence took 36 years to construct and required the of the Dalai Lamas, towers above the city. efforts of 700,000 laborers. The tomb itself Walk up the central stone staircase to remains unexcavated, guarded by row upon this 13-story masterpiece of Tibetan row of charioteers, infantry, cavalry and horses. architecture and see the ornately carved and Each warrior has a distinctive, lifelike facial painted ceremonial hall of the White Palace, expression and bears trappings denoting his where Tibet’s rulers ascended to the throne. rank within the imperial army—general, senior offi cer, junior offi cer or common soldier. Ming and Qing emperors offered sacrifi ces and prayed for Walk along Xi’an’s fortifi ed medieval bountiful harvests in Beijing’s dignifi ed Temple of Heaven, city walls, the best-preserved in China, and founded in the early 15th century. explore the lively streets of the Huimin quarter, infused with a rich heritage infl uenced by merchants who traveled the Silk Road 1300 years ago. From Xi’an’s distinctive, triple-eaved Bell and Drum Towers, watchmen once signaled dawn and dusk with a bell and a drum, respectively. Enjoy a traditional dumpling dinner in one of Xi’an’s most famous restaurants. Dumplings, called jiaozi, are said to have been introduced to Chinese cuisine 1800 years ago. Lhasa, Tibet One of the world’s highest cities at an elevation of nearly 12,000 feet, Lhasa has been a center of Tibetan Buddhism since the religion was introduced here in the seventh century.
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