Rev. Biol. Trop., 34(2): 225-229, 1986 Two new species of Nyctotherus (Heterotrichidae: Protozoa) from the cecum of the iguana Ctenosaura pectinata from Islas Marias, Nayarit, México María de la paz Tijerina Garza and Roberto Mercado Hernández Laboratorio de Parasitología, Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas. Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, San Nicolás de los Garza, Nuevo León, México. (Received: October 4, 1985) Abstract: Two new Heterotrichidae species from the caecum of the iguana Ctenosaura pectinata are rcported. Ny ctotherus earlensis n. sp. is smaller than N. hardwickií. its macronucleus is peripherical and prcscnts cyclosis, the citostome is in the posterior third of the cel\. N. jimenezis n. sp. presents a macronudeus that varies from oval to triangular, is in the anterior third of the cell and prescnts cariophorc. 1t differs from N. sokoloffi in the form of the citopharinx. The heterotrichid ciliates of the Nyctotheri­ ge"hosauri (Albaret, 1975) from Ge"hosaurus dae family possess a wide range of specificity nigrolineatus in Congo. and the mayority of the known species include endocomensals of amphibia and in 1esser MATERIAL AND METHODS proportion endocomensals of insects, reptiles and fishes. Three species of Nyctotherus from The samples were collected by F. Jiménez the iguanidae have been reported: N kypodes Guzmán in August of 1980. Fifteen iguanas (Ctenosaura pectinata) (Geiman & Wichtermann, 1937) from Igu ana were examined. The rec­ iguana in Paris zoo., N woodi (Amrein, 1952) tal contents were mixed with 6% saline solu tion from Sauromau/us obesus in California, U.S.A., and equal volume of AFA (ethanol-formaldehi­ N be/trani from Ctenosaura acanthura in de-acetic acid). The sample consisting of 122 Cuautla, Morelos, México. Other species of specimens of the genusNyctotherus was washed Ny ctotherus reported fo rreptiles are as fo llows: with distilled water, stained with Van Cleave's N haranti (Grassé, 1928) from Tarento/a hematoxiline, dehydrated to 95% ethanol and mauritanica in Tunisie, N trachysauri (Johns­ mounted in neutral resino ton, 1932) from Trachysaurus rugosus in Aus­ A fase-<.:ontrast microscope was used fo r the tralia; N coralli (Carini, 1933) from Pseudoboa observations. The drawings were based on rhombife ra in Brazil ; N amarali (Carini, 1933) microphotographs and camara lucida drawings. from Leimadophis poecilogyrus in Brazil ; Measurements are in �m. Statistical data were N te/eacus (Geiman and Wichterman, 1937) processed at the Computer Center of the from Testudo hoodensis in Phylade1phia; N Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León with amphisbaenae (Carini, 1939) from Amphisbae­ the Discriminant Program of the SPSS package na vermicu/aris in Brazil;N sok% ffi (Shouten, (Nie et al. , 1975). 1940) from Amphisbaena prunic% r in Para­ guay ; N ophidiae (Fantham and Porter, 1950) RESULTS from Boaedom lineatum in South Africa; N scinci (De Puytorac, 1954) from Scincus Ny etotherus ear/ensis n. sp. (Fig. 1; Table scincus in Tunisie; N hardwickii (Janakidevi, 1): Cell piriform 115-186 (156) by 67-130 1961); Uromastyx harwickii in India; & N (96) �m with rectangular macronucleus fo und 225 226 REVISTA DE BIOLOGIA TROPICAL in the fírst third of the body, 22-97 (44) by Habitat: Terminal portion of the intestine. 11-38 (18) J,Lm. Micronucleus,6 ,um diameter fo und in the periphery in a variable position. EtimoIogy: The especific epithet is dedicated The bucal aperture begins c10se to the anterior to Dr. Fernando Jiménez Guzmán for his portion of the cell and extends through the contribution to parasitology. fi rst third of the body. Infundibulum found in the posterior half, aproximately 35% perpendi­ cular to the axis of the cell and connecting to DISCUSSION cytoplasm of the begining of the last third of Ny ctotherus earlensis n. sp. differs from : N. the body. Glycogen-like bodies in the anterior teleacus, N. beltrani, N. haranti, N. hardwickii, portion, always above the macronucleus. N. biopeavae, N. amaralis, N. woodi, N. Cytopigius in the posterior half of the body, ge"hosauri and N. sokoloff i because it lacks opposite to the mouth and parallel to the a cariophore and from N. coralli, N. trachysauri infundibulum. and N. ophidiae because its cytopharyx is straight and reaches the posterior end of the Holotype and paratypes: deposited in the body. collection of Laboratory of Parasitology "Eduardo Caballero y Caballero", Facultad de Ny ctotherus jimenezis n. sp. is characterized Ciencias Biológicas, Universidad Autónoma de by having a straight cytopharynx which follows Nuevo León. the equatorial line of the body and nearly reaches the end of the body. Host : Ctenosaura pectinata Gray (1846) found in the Isla San Juanico and Isla María StatisticalAnalysis: Table 3 shows that 63 of Madre, Islas Marías, Nayarit, México. the specimens were separated from the total with a probability of 0.937, and the remaining Habitat: Terminal portion of the intestine. specimens (59) with a probability of 0.917. Both samples showed a small standard deviation. Etimology : The especifíc epithet is dedicated The two variables that differentiated the two to Dr. Paul R. Earl for his contribu tion to the samples significantly were the width of the cell knowledge of this group of protozoa. and the length of the macronucleus with Wilks Lambda values of 0.629 and 0.461 respectively Ny ctotherus jimenezis n. sp. (Fig. 2, Table (Table 4). The Wilks Lambda value for the 2). Cell oval, 96-185 (134) by 46-92 (74) J,Lm. remaining characteristics was 0.283. High Macronucleus, oval to triangular 18-48 (30) degree of tolerance (0.905) and dominance by 9-29 (13) J,Lm located in the first third of (0.919) and 0.768) also pointed out the the cell. Cariophore presento Micronucleus, 7 by significance of the difference. Tables 5 and 6 4 J,Lmabove the macronucleus. A buccal aperture show the acummulated frecuencies, in extends from the inferior portion to the middle porcentage, tor the N. earlensis andN.jimenezis of the cell. Infu ndibulum parallel to the trans­ variables, as in Earl (1974), with the Kolmo­ verse line of the body and with and extension gorov-Smimov Test that showed that the pop­ to 3/4 of the line through the middle of the cell. ulations were adult, and that their frecuencies Cytopige located in the base, with an aperture were not constant in the growth intervals that in the opposite portion of the buccal aperture were considered. Fig. 3 shows the relationship and perpendicular to the infundibulum. between growth of the width of the cell and the length of the macronucles for both species, cor­ Holotype and paratypes: Deposited in the roborating the difference between them. collection of Laboratory of Parasitology "Eduardo Caballero y Caballero", Facultad de RESUMEN Ciencias Biológicas, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León. Se desc�be dos especies nuevas de Heterotri­ chidos del �iego de la iguana Ctenosaura pecti­ Host: Ctenosaura pectinata Gray (1846) nata Gray · 1846) colectada en la Isla San Jua­ found in the Isla San Juanico and Isla María nico e Isla María Madre, Islas Marías, Nayarit, Madre, Islas Marías, Nayarit, México. México. Ny, ctotherus earlensis n. sp. se distin- TIJERINA & MERCADO: Two new Nyctotherus 227 TABLE 1 Measurements of N. earlensis n. sp. (n = 63) Macronucleus Body lnfund. Length Width Length Width Range 115-186 67-130 27-97 11-38 37-99 Mean 156 96 44 18 60 Sto Dev. 15 11 10 6 17 TABLE 2 Measurements of N. jirnenezin. sp. (n = 59) Body Macronucleus lnfund. Length Width Length Width Range 96-186 46-92 18-48 8-29 33-92 Mean 134 74 30 13 60 Sto Dev. 16 9 8 5 13 TABLE 3 Frequency and probability of cells to belong to the species Probability of belonging to species Species n Mean Sto Dev. N. earlensis 63 0.937 0.094 N. jimenezis 5� 0.9 17 0. 117 TABLE 4 Variablepar ameters that separate significantly these new speciesof Nyctotherus Parameters Tolerance Wilks Lamda Dominance Cell Width 0.905 0.629 0.919 Macronucleus length 0.905 0.461 0.768 TABLE 5 Acumulated frequency in %and its analysis using the Kolmogorov·Smimov test for the variables of Nyctotherus earlensis lncrement Body Macronucleus Infund. % Length Width Length Width 0- 10 3 18 3 14 11 - 20 4 4 76 19 26 21 - 30 7 11 94 60 35 31 - 40 11 21 97 79 43 41 - 50 25 37 97 79 62 51 - 60 50 72 98 95 79 61 - 70 69 88 98, 97 87 71 - 80 89 96 98 97 92 81 - 90 92 99 98 97 97 91 - 100 100 100 100 100 100 D 0.304 0. 193 0.636 0.393 0.193 P <001 <.01 <.00 1 <.001 <.01 228 REVISTA DE BIOLOGIA TROPICAL 100 Fa -l. earlensis iiMenezis O 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 1 Fig. l. Ny ctotherus earlensis n. sp. from the iguana Ctenosaura pectinata from Islas Marías, Nayarit, Méxi­ 90 co. 80 - ·'70 r na 63 60 50 40 30 20 - �. earlensis T �. jimenezis 10 O +-�--��--��--��--�� O 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 110 90 100 1 Fig. 3. Comparative relation of both populations of Nj ctotherus A. width growth of the ceU. B. macronu­ cleus length. Fig. 2. Ny ctotherus jimenzis n. sp. from the iguana REFERENCES Ctenosaura pectinata from Islas MarÍas, Nayarit, Méxi­ co. Albaret, J.L. 1975. Etude sistematique et cytologique sur las cilies heterotriches endocommensaus. Mem. Mus. Nat. Hist. Nat. Serie A, Tome 98:101-102. gue por ser de menor tamaño que N. harwickii, su macronúcleo es grande y rectangular, su mi­ Amrein, Y.U. 1952. A new species of Ny ctotherus nonúcleo es periférico de posición variable el (N.
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