2015 home essentials home essentials 402 2” KEEP-ITTM CLIP Quantity 250 500 1000 2500 5000 Price (r) $.72 .65 .60 .57 .55 PRICE ABOVE INCLUDES: 1-color/1-position imprint Add $.15(V) per unit for each additional color/position DIE/SEt-UP: $50(V) per color/position OPtIONS: Vibrant Full Color Digital Direct: Set-up: $50(V) Add $.25(V) per unit per position (250 piece minimum) Magnetic backing, add $.08(V) each ✪ For more information please see our full line catalog tRANSLUCENt COLORS or visit our website QUE U I L IQ EL freight freight N Y N Y MADE U MADE U saver saver SOLID COLORS IN THE 2IN 4THE 48 24 48 E E VAN S HOURS HOURSVAN S HOURS HOURS SEE PAGE 13 SEE PAGE 13 SEE PAGE 13 SEE PAGE 13 1 TM 402.5 2 ⁄2” KEEP-IT CLIP Quantity 250 500 1000 2500 5000 Price (r) $.77 .70 .65 .61 .59 PRICE ABOVE INCLUDES: 1-color/1-position imprint Add $.15(V) per unit for each additional color/position MiX AND MATCH FrONT & BACK DIE/SEt-UP: $50(V) per color/position cOLOrS AT nO eXTRA cHARGe OPtIONS: Vibrant Full Color Digital Direct: Set-up: $50(V) Add $.25(V) per unit per position (250 piece minimum) Magnetic backing, add $.08(V) each ✪ For more information please see our full line catalog tRANSLUCENt COLORS or visit our website U U IQ EL IQ EL freight freight MADE N Y MADE N Y IN THE U IN THE U saver saver SOLID COLORS 24 48 24 48 E E VAN S HOURS HOURSVAN S HOURS HOURS SEE PAGE 13 SEE PAGE 13 SEE PAGE 13 SEE PAGE 13 2 www.evans-mfg.com ASI 52840 • PPAI 110747 • UPIC EVANS • SAGE 50018 home essentials MiX AND MATCH FrONT AND BACK cOLOrS AT nO eXTRA cHARGe 402 2” KEEP-ITTM CLIP Quantity 250 500 1000 2500 5000 Price (r) $.72 .65 .60 .57 .55 PRICE ABOVE INCLUDES: 1-color/1-position imprint Add $.15(V) per unit for each additional color/position DIE/SEt-UP: $50(V) per color/position OPtIONS: Vibrant Full Color Digital Direct: Set-up: $50(V) Add $.25(V) per unit per position (250 piece minimum) Magnetic backing, add $.08(V) each ✪ For more information please see our full line catalog OPTIONAL MaGNETIC BACKING iS aVAILaBLe or visit our website SHOWn WITH OPTIONAL ViBRANT FuLL cOLOr iMPRINT 1 TM 402.5 2 ⁄2” KEEP-IT CLIP Quantity 250 500 1000 2500 5000 Price (r) $.77 .70 .65 .61 .59 PRICE ABOVE INCLUDES: 1-color/1-position imprint Add $.15(V) per unit for each additional color/position DIE/SEt-UP: $50(V) per color/position TM 404 4” KEEP-IT CLIP U U IQ EL IQ EL freight freight N Y N Y OPtIONS: Vibrant Full Color Digital Direct: Set-up: $50(V) MADE U MADE U saver saver Quantity 250 500 1000 2500IN THE 5000 IN THE Add $.25(V) per unit per position (250 piece minimum) 24 48 24 48 Price (r) $.82 .75 .70 .67 .65 E E Magnetic backing, add $.08(V) each VAN S HOURS HOURSVAN S HOURS HOURS SEE PAGE 13 SEE PAGE 13 SEE PAGE 13 SEE PAGE 13 ✪ For more information please see our full line catalog PRICE ABOVE INCLUDES: 1-color/1-position imprint or visit our website Add $.15(V) per unit for each additional color/position tRANSLUCENt COLORS DIE/SEt-UP: $50(V) per color/position OPtIONS: Vibrant Full Color Digital Direct: Set-up: $50(V) Add $.40(V) per unit per position (250 piece minimum) Magnetic backing, add $.08(V) each SOLID COLORS ✪ For more information please see our full line catalog or visit our website ASI 52840 • PPAI 110747 • UPIC EVANS • SAGE 50018 www.evans-mfg.com 3 home essentials cLiPS AvaiLable in a Variety of SizeS tO Suit eVery PromotiOnaL neeD MiX AND MATCH FrONT & BACK cOLOrS AT nO eXTRA cHARGe 406 6” KEEP-ITTM CLIP U U IQ EL IQ EL freight freight N Y N Y MADE U MADE U saver saver Quantity 250 500 1000 2500IN THE 5000 2IN 4THE 48 24 48 Price (r) $.89 .82 .78 .75 .73 E E VAN S HOURS HOURSVAN S HOURS HOURS SEE PAGE 13 SEE PAGE 13 SEE PAGE 13 SEE PAGE 13 PRICE ABOVE INCLUDES: 1-color/1-position imprint Add $.15(V) per unit for each additional color/position tRANSLUCENt COLORS DIE/SEt-UP: $50(V) per color/position OPtIONS: Vibrant Full Color Digital Direct: Set-up: $50(V) Add $.40(V) per unit per position (250 piece minimum) Magnetic backing, add $.12(V) each SOLID COLORS ✪ For more information please see our full line catalog or visit our website 4 www.evans-mfg.com ASI 52840 • PPAI 110747 • UPIC EVANS • SAGE 50018 home essentials 405 5” GRIP-ITTM CLIP Quantity 150 250 500 1000 2500 Price (r) $1.63 1.53 1.46 1.42 1.39 PRICE ABOVE INCLUDES: 1-color/1-position imprint Add $.15(V) per unit for each additional color/position DIE/SEt-UP: $50(V) per color/position OPtIONS: Magnetic backing, add $.12(V) each ✪ For more information please see our full line catalog or visit our website tRANSLUCENt COLORS U IQ EL freight N Y MADE U saver IN THE 24 48 SOLID COLORS E VAN S HOURS HOURS SEE PAGE 13 SEE PAGE 13 430 MUNCH-ITTM CLIP Quantity 250 500 1000 2500 5000 Price (r) $1.52 1.45 1.39 1.35 1.33 PRICE ABOVE INCLUDES: 1-color/1-position imprint Add $.15(V) per unit for each additional color/position DIE/SEt-UP: $50(V) per color/position OPtIONS: Magnetic backing, add $.12(V) each ✪ For more information please see our full line catalog or visit our website tRANSLUCENt COLORS U IQ EL freight N Y MADE U saver IN THE 24 48 SOLID COLORS E VAN S HOURS HOURS SEE PAGE 13 SEE PAGE 13 ASI 52840 • PPAI 110747 • UPIC EVANS • SAGE 50018 www.evans-mfg.com 5 home essentials 425 PAW KEEP-ITTM CLIP Quantity 250 500 1000 2500 5000 Price (r) $1.15 1.07 1.01 .97 .95 PRICE ABOVE INCLUDES: 1-color/1-position imprint Add $.15(V) per unit for each additional color/position DIE/SEt-UP: $50(V) per color/position OPtIONS: Magnetic backing, add $.12(V) each ✪ For more information please see our full line catalog tRANSLUCENt COLORS or visit our website U IQ EL freight N Y MADE U saver SOLID COLORS IN THE 24 48 E VAN S HOURS HOURS SEE PAGE 13 SEE PAGE 13 411 HOUSE KEEP-ITTM CLIP Quantity 250 500 1000 2500 5000 Price (r) $1.09 1.02 .97 .93 .91 PRICE ABOVE INCLUDES: 1-color/1-position imprint Add $.15(V) per unit for each additional color/position DIE/SEt-UP: $50(V) per color/position O PtIONS: Vibrant Full Color Digital Direct: Set-up: $50(V) Add $.40(V) per unit per position (250 piece minimum) Magnetic backing, add $.12(V) each ✪ For more information please see our full line catalog tRANSLUCENt COLORS or visit our website U U IQ EL IQ EL freight freight MADE N Y MADE N Y IN THE U IN THE U saver saver SOLID COLORS 24 48 24 48 E E VAN S HOURS HOURSVAN S HOURS HOURS SEE PAGE 13 SEE PAGE 13 SEE PAGE 13 SEE PAGE 13 6 www.evans-mfg.com ASI 52840 • PPAI 110747 • UPIC EVANS • SAGE 50018 home essentials 425 PAW KEEP-ITTM CLIP 422 HEART KEEP-ITTM CLIP Quantity 250 500 1000 2500 5000 Quantity 250 500 1000 2500 5000 Price (r) $1.15 1.07 1.01 .97 .95 Price (r) $1.15 1.07 1.01 .97 .95 PRICE ABOVE INCLUDES: 1-color/1-position imprint PRICE ABOVE INCLUDES: 1-color/1-position imprint Add $.15(V) per unit for each additional color/position Add $.15(V) per unit for each additional color/position DIE/SEt-UP: $50(V) per color/position DIE/SEt-UP: $50(V) per color/position OPtIONS: Magnetic backing, add $.12(V) each OPtIONS: Magnetic backing, add $.12(V) each ✪ For more information please see our full line catalog ✪ For more information please see our full line catalog or visit our website or visit our website tRANSLUCENt COLORS U IQ EL freight N Y MADE U saver IN THE 24 48 SOLID COLORS E VAN S HOURS HOURS SEE PAGE 13 SEE PAGE 13 470 AWARENESS RIBBON KEEP-ITTM CLIP Quantity 250 500 1000 2500 5000 Price (r) $1.09 1.02 .97 .93 .91 PRICE ABOVE INCLUDES: 1-color/1-position imprint Add $.15(V) per unit for each additional color/position DIE/SEt-UP: $50(V) per color/position OPtIONS: Magnetic backing, add $.12(V) each ✪ For more information please see our full line catalog or visit our website tRANSLUCENt COLORS U IQ EL freight MADE N Y IN THE U saver 24 48 SOLID COLORS E VAN S HOURS HOURS SEE PAGE 13 SEE PAGE 13 ASI 52840 • PPAI 110747 • UPIC EVANS • SAGE 50018 www.evans-mfg.com 7 home essentials SHOWn WITH OPTIONAL ViBRANT FuLL cOLOr iMPRINT BaSKETBaLL 415 TENNIS BaLL GOLF BaLL 417 SOCCER Ball BaSeBaLL VolleyBaLL 415 ROUND KEEP-ITTM CLIP 417 SPORT KEEP-ITTM CLIP U U IQ EL IQ EL freight freight N Y N Y MADE U MADE U saver saver Quantity 250 500 1000 2500IN THE5000 2IN 4THE 48 24 48 Price (r) $1.15 1.07 1.01 .97 .95 E E VAN S HOURS HOURSVAN S HOURS HOURS SEE PAGE 13 SEE PAGE 13 SEE PAGE 13 SEE PAGE 13 PRICE ABOVE INCLUDES: 1-color/1-position imprint Add $.15(V) per unit for each additional color/position tRANSLUCENt COLORS DIE/SEt-UP: $50(V) per color/position OPtIONS: Vibrant Full Color Digital Direct: Set-up: $50(V) Add $.40(V) per unit per position (250 piece minimum) Magnetic backing, add $.12(V) each SOLID COLORS ✪ For more information please see our full line catalog or visit our website 8 www.evans-mfg.com ASI 52840 • PPAI 110747 • UPIC EVANS • SAGE 50018 home essentials U IQ EL freight N Y MADE U saver 418 FOOTBALL KEEP-ITTM CLIP IN THE 24 48 E Quantity 250 500 1000 2500 5000 VAN S HOURS HOURS SEE PAGE 13 SEE PAGE 13 Price (r) $1.15 1.07 1.01 .97 .95 tRANSLUCENt COLORS PRICE ABOVE INCLUDES: 1-color/1-position imprint Add $.15(V) per unit for each additional color/position DIE/SEt-UP: $50(V) per color/position OPtIONS: Magnetic backing, add $.12(V) each SOLID COLORS ✪ For more information please see our full line catalog or visit our website ASI 52840 • PPAI 110747 • UPIC EVANS • SAGE 50018 www.evans-mfg.com 9 home essentials GREAT FOr SLICING OPEN CITRUS FRUITS 1321 CITRUS PEELER Quantity 250 500 1000 2500 5000 Price (r) $.89 .82 .77 .74 .72 PRICE ABOVE INCLUDES: 1-color/1-position imprint Add $.15(V) per unit for each additional color/position DIE/SEt-UP: $50(V) per color/position ✪ For more information please see our full line catalog tRANSLUCENt COLORS or visit our website U IQ EL freight N Y MADE U saver SOLID COLORS IN THE 24 48 E VAN S HOURS HOURS SEE PAGE 13 SEE PAGE 13 iDEAL FOr SPREADING CREAM cHEESe, PEANUT BUTTER, JeLLy, MAYO AND MORE.
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