Mabel R. Gillis, Librarian Califorrqa State Library Sacramento 9, California #2 DECREE KILLS SP A R Committee Discards Annual Event; Called Disgrace to SaniJose State In a statement released to the Daily Spartan Daily yesterday at 4:30 Spartan p. m., Dr. T. W. MacQuarrie, college San Jose State College president, announced the decision Open Letter of the Personnel and Deans com- Volume XXXVII San Jose, California, Tuesday, June 7, 1949 Number 149 June 41, 1940 mittees to permanently discon- To the Spartan Daily: tinue *midi Gras. According to At a meeting of the Person- the statement the decision was un- nel Committee this afternoon, animously supported by the com- and a later meeting of the Col- mittee members. Council Committee To lege Deans, it was decided that Spardi Gras abolition followed Spardi Gras had outlived its close on the heels of the Friday usefulnes and should be abol- celebration which caused much ad- ished. This decision was reach- verse comment, directed mainly cele- Probe Spardi Gras Ban ed after a discussion with against the conduct of some GEORGE LAJEUNESSE and FRANK BROWN many faculty members and stu- brants. dents. It was a unanimous de- Dr. MacQuarrie and the com- A student investigation committee to look into the reasons behind abolishment of Spardi Gras was cision of the committees con- mittee members commended the set up yesterday by the Student Council at the request of ASB President Don Schaeffer. cerned. Spardi Gras committee and other The committee appointments came on the heels of an announcement by Mr. E. W. Clements, faculty In this action there was no students, who labored for the suc- council adviser, of joint action taken by the Dean's committee and Personnel commiStee to ban all future intent to criticize the managers cess` of the carnival, for their ef- Spardi Gras celebrations. President T. W. MacQuarrie concurred in the decision *at rowdyism at last of the recent Spardi Gras. Those forts, but maintained that neither Friday's Spardi Gras could no men and all who worked hard the expense nor the efforts were longer be tolerated on the cam- benefits on a twenty-four hour to make It a success, are to be justified by the usefulness of Spar- pus. Assumes Duties basis, Wall explained. Athletic commended. di Gras. estimated that The investigating body will con- teams would also be included un- As the years have gone on, Dr. MacQuarrie the carnival sist of Dick Cirigliano, Spardi Gras der the new medical set-up. The however, we have realized that the total expense of of $10,- chairman, one representative from council moved to take the matter It is very difficult for a public reached the neighborhood $18,000 each of the following organiza- under consideration. Institution to control the hood- 000, not to speak of the lum element. The latter part expense to the state for closing tions: Inter-Fraternity Council, Boxing Awards Pan-Hellenic Council, Social Af- of Friday afernoon was a dis- the college for a whole day. Council fairs committee, and the Police member Jack Passey grace to the College, and the Hoodlumism, as exemplified by submitted a School. Betty Brisbin was named recommendation from College refuses to submit itself excessive use of water guns, selt- Coach De Student Council representative to Witt Portal for 19 to further Indignities of the zer bottles and stirrup-pumps, the committee and President "awards of merit" for the Sacra- kind. drunkenness and rowdyism, was - mento and Wisconsin boxing teams Schaeffer will also take part. The "T. W. MacQUARBIE" singled out by the president and of last season. The council voted faculty will be represented by Mr. President the committee members as the to make Robci Pisano, who acted as Spardi the special awards from main reason for discontinuance of its own Gras faculty representative and fund. President Schaeffer Spardi Gras. Mr. Clements. The first meeting is cautioned the Council about the expense tentatively scheduled for 4:30 p.m. involved in making so many Students Do Great next Thwsday. awards in that, "track and Tom Wall, former student body baseball have many men eligible Two Chem Courses this season for these awards president, submitted an offer from also." In 'Sea Gull Drama the Doctor's Hospital in San Jose The Rifle club was granted ap- Added for Summer for a medical program that would "The Sea Gull" by Anton Tche- proval to buy awards out of their kov was presented in the Studio Two chemistry courses, 1B and cover all cases of sickness, in- own funds for a distinctive badge 1C, have been added to Summer Theater last night by a fine and jury and accident incurred by stu- for its members. Session at SJSC, Dr. Raymond M. .4etata. For an individual fee of Following e-ptablished tradition, able cast. Mosher, summer school director, the Council vosted a life-time pass seventy-five cents per month stu- has announced. for all student body events to for- The first of three plays In rep- The classes are as follows: dents would be eligible for these DON SCHAEFFER mer president Tom Wall. ertory to be given this week, this CHEM. 1B (lee.) MTWTh (S206) ironic comedy was intriguing and 12 noon fascinating from beginning to end. (lab.) MWTh (S116) 1-4 p.m. 5 units Social Group Plans Raw Sustains Burns Principals and supporting cast have a big bouquet of roses com- CHEM 1C (lec.) MTWTh (S206) ing to them for a great job of in- 10 a.m. In Spartan City tepreting Tchekov's not-too-simple (lab.) myrrh ( S124) Fire p.m. 5 units Dance Tomorrow comedy. 1-4 A dance will be held in the Dick Raw, industrial arts major, sustained minor burns on his Student Union tomorrow night Bins Ellis as the temperamental, hands fighting a fire in his apartment at 65 from 8:30 - 10:30, Betty Brisbin, Spartan City early yes- superficial Madame Treplev, Jack- After 18 Months chairman of the Social Affairs terday morning. Raw's wife and two small children were not injured. son Young as the confused, but conunitteei announced. The blaze, causing an estimated $150 damage, brake out in the unpenitent lover, Paul Beaudry as An experimental dance of this disillusioned, frustrated young Tre- Cat Comes Home type was given by the committee bedroom about 6:45 a.m. Spartan City maintenance Hien attributed Pev, and Gwen Samuelson as dis- SEATTLE (UP) - Tomtny, .a last month and was rated success- the fire to the rays of a hot morn- heartened, debauched Nina, all cat of dubious heritage, was home ful. Because the social schedule ing sun concentrated by the win- turned in performances that were after a 1000 mile journey--by foot dow onto celulold mechanical just a shade less than wonderful. was so full, more dances were put CSTA Plans Picnic from California. The trip took week. drawing equipment. Tommy a year and one-half to off until this No less noteworthy were the Raw was beginning to dress make. Next Wednesday night another In Park Thursday supporting roles of John McFar- dance will be held, Miss Brisbin for his 7:30 class when he heard The cat was taken to Palo Alto, the flames burning behind him. The annual picnic of the Califor- land as the doddering Pyotr, Don- said. nia Student Teachers association ald Holladay as the effusive Ilya, Cal., in December, 1947, by his Music will be off the record for He grabbed blankets off the bed master, B. F. Sanders of Seattle. and attempted to smother the has been scheduled for Thursday Bette Rehorst as Ilya's wife, car- both dances, and admission will affair with He disappeared three days later, blaze. in Alum Rock park, according to rying on a futile love be by ASB cards only. by Warren Blom- and Sanders gave him up for lost. By this time the flames had President Clyde Hewitt. Yevgeny, played Kappa seth. Conrad Smith played Sem- However, Sanders disclosed re- caught the window curtains, and Delta Pi, education fra- yon, the weak husband of Masha, cently that Tommy had arrived started the wallpaper burning. ternity, will join CSTA. Hewitt Tryouts for Leads ably done by Janice Cattermole. home in Seattle. Raw had just about smothered asks that members who can assist Russel Scimeca completed the cast the main fire, when some quick- in transportation report to Mar- as Yakov, a servant. Of 'Spring Again' thinking neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. jorie Stephenson in room 61. H. Peckham, handed him a gar- The play, done sans scenery and Spardi Programs Tryouts for the leads of den hose through the window. with simplified props, is something Spardi Gras souvenir pro- "Spring Again," the first of five Mr. and Mrs. Allan Maxwell, Few La Torres Left no one should miss. Forceful and grams can now be obtained In Summer Session plays, will be who live in the apartment over Only a few yearbooks remain Impressive, it has an impact that the graduate manager's office held at 4:30 p.m. Thursday in the Raw, smelled the smoke and be- to be sold. Don't be left out. Get leaves you wondering why they at 25 cents per copy. Little Theater, Director John R. gan tearing their bed apart, think- yours now, in the Graduate Man- should classify this ironic work as Kerr announced yesterday. ing it was on fire. ager's office, room 16. a comedy. The two leading roles to be Not finding any flames, the cast are Halstead Carter and Nell Maxwells 'rushed downstairs, Carter.
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