Sweetwater Reservoir/ San Miguel Mountains/ Sweetwater River BRCA 94 Jamul Mountains BRCA eArea.mxd Mountains/Marron Valley BRCA Project Area Proposed Proctor Valley Road Alignment Otay Lakes/Otay Mesa/ Otay Ranch RMP Preserve, Conserved Open Space and Non-Impacted LDA Otay River Valley BRCA Cores Linkages 0 1,700 3,400 Feet SOURCE: USGS 7.5-minute Topographic Map; Hunsaker 2017; SANGIS 2016 FIGURE 3-3 Biological Resources Core Area Otay Ranch Village 14 and Planning Areas 16/19 - Preserve Status Report NOTE: See Figure 6-2 for Corridor and Habitat Linkages Post Exchange and Boundary Line Adjustment Date: 2/8/2018 - Last saved by: mmcginnis - Path: Z:\Projects\j820701\MAPDOC\DOCUMENT\BTR\PreserveAppendix\Figure3_3_BioCor - Path: mmcginnis by: saved Last - 2/8/2018 Date: Otay Ranch Village 14 and Planning Areas 16/19 Otay Ranch RMP Preserve Status Report INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 8207 122 February 2018 L4 R1 L4 R1 94 L3 L3 R1 L4 PRESUMPTIVE CORRIDOR Project Area R1 Proposed Proctor Valley Road Alignment Otay Ranch RMP Preserve, Conserved Open Space and Non-Impacted LDA Otay Ranch Village 13 L3 Public Lands CDFW Owned Land L3 K R E Wildlife Crossings Z U A R1 L E Upper R7 U R D C Proctor Valley Land Use Otay Project Applicant Otay Ranch Development Reservoir R7 Project Applicant Otay Ranch Preserve feCorridors.mxd Existing Wildlife Corridors Major Local Corridor for Focal Mammal and Bird Species Regional Corridor for Focal Mammal and Bird Species R2 R10 Public Lands R2 BLM R2 CDFW R10 DOD USFWS R11 R2 R8 0 1,700 3,400 Lower Otay Reservoir Feet R5 R11 SOURCE: USGS 7.5-minute Topographic Map; Hunsaker 2017; SANGIS 2003; OGDEN 1992 FIGURE 3-4 Wildlife Corridor and Habitat Linkages Otay Ranch Village 14 and Planning Areas 16/19 - Preserve Status Report NOTE: See Figure 6-2 for Corridor and Habitat Linkages Post Exchange and Boundary Line Adjustment Date: 2/8/2018 - Last saved by: mmcginnis - Path: Z:\Projects\j820701\MAPDOC\DOCUMENT\BTR\PreserveAppendix\Figure3_4_Wildli - Path: mmcginnis by: saved Last - 2/8/2018 Date: Otay Ranch Village 14 and Planning Areas 16/19 Otay Ranch RMP Preserve Status Report INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 8207 124 February 2018 Otay Ranch Village 14 and Planning Areas 16/19 Otay Ranch RMP Preserve Status Report 4 REFERENCES 65 FR 63680. 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