OC(i~1: I fiLe GC?Y OHiGlNAI.. PO. Box 102424 Anchorage. AK 99510 ~ "Membership Has Its Benefits" Phone (907) 258-2424 • Fox (907) 258-2414 1WI':J2'-1 {3n2fatf3n Corporation E-mail [email protected] April 17, 2008 FILED/ACCEPTED MAY -12008 Federal ComHlumcations CommiSSion Office 01 the Secretary Please find enclosed: 1. Individual Station Profiles detailing Localism Efforts 2. Copies ofIndividual Station Comments filed online with the FCC, that were forwarded to the ABA 3. Cover Letter and Summary ofLocalism Comments from Laurie Prax, ABA Vice President. Thank you for your consideration, Darlene Simono, Executive Director .- MORRIS .,.,.~ ALASKA A M E 0 I A G R 0 U P Local Programming at Morris Communications, Anchorage, Alaska The mantra in our company's broadcast division is "live and local" and we take it seriously. It's why people turn our stations on. KFQD News department KFQD produces a 3 and one halfhour daily morning drive news show. It takes a local crew of5 persons to put this product together. We employ a local meteorologist who lives right here in our town. He gives live and local weather forecasts on a regular basis and explains why things are happening. We air 2 local newscasts an hour around the clock outside ofour news blocks. We air a total of26 hours a week oflocal talk programming. Between the hours of5:00 a.m. and 7pm KFQD only airs four and Y2 hours a day ofsyndicated progr-dIllllling. We cover local elections with exposure to all the major candidates and talk to our local and state elected officials on a regular basis. When civic leaders and elected officials are on our air we give the audience access to them to ask questions. KWHL KWHL produces live local programming from 6a to Midnight. We stafflocal announcers that communicate over the phone and answer the public's questions. One of the markets leading radio programs is the Bob & Mark show. This entertainment and issues show regularly features the Governor ofAlaska and other local guests. The Bob & Mark show is constantly helping the local community out with spontaneous fund raising. Whether a local food mission or a family burned out ofa house they reach out. Each Christmas season KWHL commits a week to getting donations ofboth toys and cash for the Marine's "Toys for Tots" drive. This involves doing 24 hour a day live broadcasts from the parking lot ofa major mall. KBRJ This country station features a 3 person live morning show, and 2 more live shifts until 7pm each day. The KBEAR morning show consistently interfaces with Anchorage's two military bases giving the General's ofboth ElmendorfAir Force Base and Fort Rich Army Base access to our show to talk about issues and help base personnel interface with - the local community. KBEAR commits 2 days each year to a radioathon to raise funds for St. Jude's Children's Hospital. KMXS& KEAG Mix 103.1 and KOOL 97.3 maintain live local programming from 6am to 7pm daily. Time Saver Traffic: Morris Communications staffs a local traffic department that airs on all 6 owned stations each weekday in both morning and afternoon drive. There are 390 reports across the 6 stations in a week. II Anchorage Daily News-- }",,;,,";J"lll.t~\I.,·jl.w;'nH,,>,jJ""", ;\p,liliJr, r.....m~ CDlIllw:l~ (111).....11 MORTGAGE: IIl:fi¥O!$ t.In.MII~"In tbc t\l(Ill~h(OlI,"' allllIl['(\llJWrulJjYRi~~,.,11'"'' ~ r", rJlllr¥Jl.. Donors repay l'\Jrdl:lCJilk'~ l:flll'lIbwi'll-W--lI'l;IIIaIl lOllcllil.~""iallll=I~llq.:.h...JlIj".... II"I~..... herkindness ~ .....plll ~ 'lby, ,<It", 11.., ...14 Rl,.. hn..ll; out h.!o food -.cICWM rr.,1'0 OOlIIlJd, iI'IIIl;lll"_hl"",",I'ofJlIbl~OIl .h..... ~lti.l(ll">itnf1i An 1Ie1$1t;lraata_iill" b1 IIoon _jl'"IJ'ofi'J:ri~~ amd hi!lpfT'vm I" Ilnlllelf'S.&!II' llI'b ~IWd IIVII~ Ul", ......mllriaolli. _lWd,~illM<lpoM-­ ple.au g,eQl!nnl~ W.lIlhll ~',IWr hllllllHmlfitIMII.mld ••orcWppl'v ~1ittnn"l\i'IcIiel4~lt:il;fIlIn .fltluu.llblit IlItoll1lk-oftNi'~, JiI_ Ll'IlMWa'!.~.oU,~..wnl".t ·'t'NYoMIIi JlIJurGIJl»o! In ChI! Salwt­ ti4oIl~.~tMtulG ~.lIOQIIifflNd,JI<"lf' 11 ililiW ftlahthln. """_iI'lll" Uill;, aPiq.Dlll'llkeiil.· J~klIl1 ~.~llt'$I'UllIt».n.NU.~ I'oCfItIMrJh..mliu"'Mdi~.e if, ~t lOt IJrf' intothl! ~."~NIIjd: 'I miodll '" iiiru8 .1Ili.....belnlllrWJQ~ptQlIhf· WbrII.h~ Nb..,lfW1:lllhI tbl!irWl"wbtl~m:OU,ltlq.·in·*_ ~&II~"l!Ihol~who, __:l'l_M­ Ulllir..,....(tllb•. New 1.I.irHlllb lIl....t.ook ~~"t:IIipr ..r..,,' llIeyw~lIih.Y.ibrB:·.!Wi "1M W~1QlIC:W IlmUnMt,rkllK"II•.w l.h...'li:lllldl,ltlll'tloO-lllll.ltrt'III!J.· ....·MI'I\.I· tuill.- 'i1."" Qf"hef tcnllllh btmt' !.<. ~ 1\WI /IIlk! thrcelilulli:h~~h'ndurllhlir nillol. tt,,,... wlilltcMlllllll, "lIlythl'_iffr. fjm.yIUoflIDpllJo· I~liill.~wtlnl @l11ll.~ l.lotrtv'* Uld N'fhe), IIlip WI!IlI.,Jl' ~wllu- nlilit. tIT~"l'!)'_ "lllllllli'l-fIII(f\ r41D &0 l'!wl1 llrlll~'''111 "/HIlIJdfI~ M' !I~ th~ tjlM-l Jll't.~n,", l'neIlth~·....-v:MOltl':· ;O;:1I"'f,Ilri"ll a IIiIIIlr1IM 1ardaN,~ 1AAld. 4WhlIn ~lI;Q'. '('i.I!i. "''Ii-""" )-'11"'1" .plIl'\IlllmC' (illllt tfIWll flit ~8tl;urM}.·4.. IJitIllllId thl'lit'lllllilld·lM:i .....mlll'f, "",,,' Php~ llMloel-lll.iml'illol..-nmr.c:, lUi -,,"anFridlly.tbllt llhlfll~li Helper helped fPIl_bllllllDULIlIil!li~Id, ~WlU'du~tNullJi'~~too: _R1W) lM.Ilfljrlltllprllliidl..awtellflt, "Wliftllll,'( my""t~~, l,ffilldliW.pl'D lllotw. tllliJrJ:1M lint~ 1t1ll1ll.\'1lulbt' Years ofkindness repaid with aidto meet mortgage deadline Wbtul~lilit~" 1..'''11'''100>'1'''' adJtml'lnt that !Ilh,;'U l_ ~11Il,llt ~~Cflrt! atptlipll!," llil' ~IlN:l. om1!flli~hl!-'$~II~~- ., ·'ltI\!!IlO~~'l:lJM,lrot>.lti'· I was crying lhire I.'th:l\'t':J INlflt" 3lw~Jd, ,,' b«ausepeople}lJss neallOllll(l!ryOli t1{>' t-tlltllbljl ~'1 /Itfunl {inerJ Up. I 'W(lfjrat " hugg;tI/:fH"'P/" They ...fd 'lini Itttlpetj 1M when • ..,.I\IIffIIjo......"'-' ......- ........,. '_3,',.. 'lb. ~Qtj~f"'M:l2 hoIpod")IjWI9' ' hi" - ..............." 1..-.. \<;.wH L-FM II - so ceRts aly• friday, lallllary 1, 200S ALASKA'S NEWSPAPER --~ -- - - --- - - -- -- -- -- - -- - - - -- - - - ------~-~--------~- THANK..YOUS DIgItal camera gives students Brad, Jen, Dr. J, Lindsey, Bob and Mark's Elves, 'fracer and Alice. Special thanks a high-tech tool for yearbook also go to Bob and Mark for generating Mirror Lake Middle School's yearbook more than $10,000 at their Toys for Tots class and Parent TeacherStudent Associa­ charity auction. tion thank AI George, Sarah Rutkowski and Lifetouch: "Recentlywe were given Paper's camer merits an liPPhotosmart 735 digital camera for thanks ouryearbook students to use in creating for reb1eYing stolen items our school's yearbook. The camerawas Helena Batman ofAnchorage writes: part of a districtwide drawing held for "This letter to the editor does not have a schools working with Lifetouch and their single bad thing to say about any issues, Web-based Webease Yearbook program. actions or opinions ofothers. It seems that Students will now have more opportunities anger and offense take over the editorials to capture memorable moments, practice daily. Once in a while, it's nice to join those valuable technology skills and enhance our that appreciate others and to thank those yearbook. We feel very fortunate. Thank not expecting it. I would like to take a small you, Lifetouch!" part ofmy time to thank the Daily News carrierwho found my husband's stolen Radio station folks raised articles scattered throughout a street on her route. She stopped to gather these big bucks for Toys for Tots items and even cleaned and dried them. The Marines ofEcho Company, 4th Her honesty and chivalry are much ap­ Reconnaissance Battalion, thank the fol­ preciated, and her courteous efforts and lowing personnel at KWHL 106.5 FMfor actions to help another person so kindly generating more than $20,000 in two days are treasured. May she have a wonderful for the local Toys for Tots program, all of holiday season and a successful new year which will go back to the local community: to follow." II 0t',:L tjy; !-\I'H; ,\iIi:,UlA GrlOUP; 9072752290 ; Apr-1-0B 4:30PM; Page 6/ 1 0 From: <nobody@z:eus.morris.cQm> To: <mvalleyiS/lilnchorllllemedli1group.com:> Sent: Wednesday. September 03.200311:13 AM SUbJect: Kbear country comments Below is I e result ofyour feedback form. It was _~ubmittcd by Oon W nesday. September 03, 2003 at 15:13:01 name: JA ET KILE ~maillld S5: KlLE @Mail.RadillllMLcom city: ANe rORAGE commellts HEY MATT mST W TED TO SAY "THANK YOU" FOR PLAYlNG THE NA nON ANTHEM EAea MORNING. IT MEANS ALOT TO HEAR IT. BEING A MOM OF 4 MILITARY KIDS (ONE ON HIS AY OVERSEAS IN 4 WEEKS) I FEEL Ll:KE MAYBE soMEo TIIINKS OF' OUR KIDS THAT ARE PUTTING THEIR UFE ON 'HE LINE FOR OuR COUNTRY. GOD BLESS YOU. ALSO, 'J' ANKS FOR STARTING OUR DAY W/A SMILE. THERE ISN'T A BEITER GROUP OF GUYS A YWlffiRE. ryE LTVRD ALL OVER TIlE US SO TQUALIFY TO MAKE TIIAT 8T YEMENT, KEEP ON SMILING. JANETKILE 1012/03 II - oel1t oy: A~C MI'oDIA GROUP; 9072752290; Apr·' ·OB 4:31PM; Page 7/10 MattVe Ie From: "Follen, Debbie" <[email protected]> To: <[email protected]> Sent: Thursday, March 07, 2002 9:06 AM SUbject: Thank you!! Goodroor 'ng! 1just wan d to extend my thank you 1.0 all of you for your, mnybe unintentio ai, but very helpful assistance to us (Anchorage Refuse) and the Anchorag residents As you a well aware ofwe hnve implemented a new routing system for trash piek up e ective this week, and it e±fects all ofAIlChurage and Eagle River.
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