Boll. Malacol., 45: 17-21 (suppl. 2009) Opisthoteuthis calypso (Cephalopoda: Octopoda) collected on bathyal bottoms of the northern Tyrrhenian Sea (western Mediterranean) Paolo Sartor ()* & Paola Belcari# * Centro Interuniversitario Abstract di Biologia Marina The presence of the deep-sea cirrate octopod Opisthoteuthis calypso Villanueva, Collins, Sánchez & Voss, ed Ecologia Applicata 2002, a recently described species, is reported for the northern Tyrrhenian Sea (western Mediterranean). The (CIBM), V.le Nazario Sauro catch was obtained during an experimental haul, on a muddy bottom at 710 m of depth. Morphometric and 4, 57128 Livorno, Italy, [email protected] meristic parameters of the four specimens caught, two males and two females, fully agree with the diag- () Corresponding nostic characters of the species. The two males (DML 33 and 54 mm respectively) were sexually mature, with Author several spermatophores in the seminal vesicle; the two females (DML 29 and 30 mm respectively) were in maturation, without any oocytes in the distal oviduct and in the oviducal gland. The ovarian oocyte size # Dipartimento Scienze distributions confirm for this species a continuous-spawning reproductive pattern, in contrast to the semel- Uomo e Ambiente, Università di Pisa, Via parity shown by the majority of incirrate octopods; the stomach contents analysis highlights that predation, Derna 1, 56125 Pisa, Italy based on hyperbenthic crustacean prey, mainly occurs near the bottom. Riassunto Viene segnalata la presenza nel Mar Tirreno Settentrionale (Mediterraneo occidentale) del cefalopode otto- pode cirrato Opisthoteuthis calypso Villanueva, Collins, Sánchez & Voss, 2002, una specie recentemente descritta come nuova per questo genere. Sono stati catturati quattro esemplari, due maschi e due femmine, in una cala effettuata su un fondo fangoso di 710 m, nel corso di una campagna di pesca a strascico speri- mentale. I dati morfometrici e meristici rilevati su ciascun esemplare sono pienamente in linea con i caratte- ri diagnostici della specie. I due maschi (LDM 33 e 54 mm) erano sessualmente maturi, con alcune decine di spermatofore nelle vesciche seminali. Le due femmine (LDM 29 e 30 mm) erano invece in maturazione, senza ovociti nell’ovidotto distale, né nella ghiandola oviducale. La distribuzione delle taglie degli ovociti contenuti negli ovari delle due femmine conferma una modalità di deposizione di tipo continuo, contraria- mente alla semelparità, modalità tipica di quasi tutti gli ottopodi incirrati. I contenuti stomacali hanno rive- lato la presenza di crostacei soprabentonici, confermando che la predazione da parte di questa specie avvie- ne per lo più in prossimità del fondo. Key words Cephalopoda, Opisthoteuthidae, Tyrrhenian Sea, western Mediterranean. Introduction tom, being anyhow capable of swimming in the water column. The species of the genus Opisthoteuthis (Cephalopoda: Due to their delicate and gelatinous consistency, in many Octopoda: Opisthoteuthidae) show some distinctive cases the Opisthoteuthis specimens collected by bottom characteristics among the cephalopods, such as the oval trawling are in poor conditions so that it is impossible to body compressed along the longitudinal axis, the gelati- easily detect the species diagnostic characters. nous consistence and the large interbrachial web, so that After the revision of the systematics and biology of the they are popularly called “flapjack” or “pancake devil genus Opisthoteuthis (Villanueva et al., 2002) from the At- fish” (Norman, 2000). lantic waters, with the description of two new species Opisthoteuthis species are cirrate octopods (suborder Cir- (O. calypso Villanueva, Collins, Sánchez & Voss, 2002 and rina Grimpe, 1916) (cf. Sweeney & Roper, 1998), charac- O. hardy Villanueva, Collins, Sánchez & Voss, 2002), to terised by the presence of cirri on the ventral side of the date five species are known to belong to this genus in the arms. Other distinctive features of this genus are two Atlantic-Mediterranean region: O. agassizi Verrill, 1883, small fins on the mantle, an internal U-shaped shell with O. grimaldii Joubin, 1903, O. massyae (Grimpe, 1920), O. a groove in its outer surface, suckers of different size in calypso, and O. hardy. the arms of males, placed in two enlargement fields and, Villanueva et al. (2002) described O. calypso as a new spe- in most species, one or more muscular nodules (web cies, after a re-examination of specimens coming from supports) located on the ventral margin of the arms (Vil- the eastern Atlantic and previously identified asO. agas- lanueva et al., 2002). sizi. At the same time they assigned to O. calypso the These species, as the other cirrate octopods, live typically Mediterranean specimens previously ascribed to O. agas- in deep water habitats, but the Opisthoteuthis species sizi, so that O. calypso is up to now the only Opisthoteuthis seem to have a shallower distribution (mostly the in species known to occur in this area. These two species bathyal zone) and are more closely associated to the bot- have different geographical distributions. Opisthoteuthis 17 calypso has been recorded in the eastern Atlantic, from Ireland to South Africa, and in the western Mediterra- nean; O. agassizi is present in the northwestern Atlantic, mainly in the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean region. The main characters differentiating O. calypso from O. agassizi are the occurrence in the former species of a sin- gle muscular nodule (web support) in all the arms, in- stead of the multiple web supports of O. agassizi. In ad- dition, the two species can be distinguished from each other by the total number of suckers in each arm (47-58 in O. calypso, 58-80 in O. agassizi) and by the different ar- Paolo Sartor & Paola Belcari rangement of the enlarged suckers in the arms of males. The proximal enlargement field affects the suckers from Fig. 2. Left: Oral view of the 54 mm DML male; right: aboral view of the 33 mm DML male. Scale bar = 5 cm. 4 to 11 in O. calypso, those from 5 to 13 in O. agassizi; the distal field ranges from sucker 24 to sucker 29 in the Fig. 2. Sinistra: lato orale del maschio di 54 mm LDM; destra: lato aborale del maschio di 33 mm LDM. Scala = 5 cm. former species, from 23 to 44 in the latter. Moreover, par- ticularly large suckers in the proximal enlargement field are present on the third pair of arms of O. calypso, on the of Pianosa (geographical position: 9°57.03' – 9°55.92' W; first and fourth pairs in O. agassizi. 42°26.31' – 42°29.11' N; average depth 710 m) (Fig. 1). Though several biological and ecological aspects of At- They were sampled by a commercial trawl net routinely lantic O. calypso have been investigated, such as the re- used on local fishing grounds, with a 40 mm cod-end productive biology (Villanueva, 1992a) and feeding (Vil- mesh size (stretched). The trawl was carried out by a lanueva & Guerra, 1991), still little information is avail- commercial otter trawler (89 gross registered tonnage, able from the Mediterranean, because only a few speci- 22.5 m overall length, 800 hp engine) based in the har- mens have been collected in the western sector of the bour of Porto Santo Stefano. For further specifications of basin (Morales, 1959, 1962; Villanueva 1992b; Quetglas et the sampling protocol and the sampling gear see De al., 2000; Orsi Relini et al., 2001; Cuccu et al., 2006). Ranieri (2003). The animals were measured on board The purpose of this work is to provide information on soon after their capture: dorsal mantle length (DML) to 1 the morphometry of four specimens of O. calypso col- mm; total weight (TW) to 0.1 g. Afterwards, they were lected on bathyal bottoms of the northern Tyrrhenian fixed in 10% neutralized formalin and then preserved in Sea, during an experimental trawl survey, in the year 70% ethanol for further analyses. 2000, in order to increase the knowledge on this rarely A macroscopic analysis of each specimen was carried caught Mediterranean species. out, with particular attention to the morphology of the arms and the size of suckers. Sex and maturity stage of the gonads were recorded in each individual, according Material and methods to the presence or absence of spermatophores in the sem- inal vesicle and penis in males, and of oocytes in the ovi- Four specimens of Opisthoteuthis calypso were collected ducal gland and distal oviduct in females. Ovaric oocytes on the 28 September 2000, during an experimental trawl were measured (to 0.1 mm) by a dissecting microscope survey, carried out in the northern Tyrrhenian Sea. The with an ocular micrometer. catch was obtained in a daytime one-hour haul, on mud- dy bottoms of the bathyal zone to the East of the island Results The four specimens were in rather good conditions when collected, without any evident damages (Fig. 2); only the distal part of some arms was either broken or lacked suckers. The body was gelatinous, flattened, oval shaped and displayed two small fins; the arms bore one row of suckers and two rows of cirri, a distinctive character for the cirrate octopods. A large interbrachial web envel- oped the arms throughout their length, except for their distal ends; the occurrence of an internal U-shaped shell was detected (Fig. 3). The body was uniformly reddish- brown coloured. The mantle cavity analysis showed that the four speci- Fig. 1. Geographical location of the haul (black line) where Opisthoteuthis mens were two mature males (33 and 54 mm ML, 64.8 calypso was caught. and 162 g TW, respectively) and two maturing females Fig. 1. Posizione geografica della cala (linea nera) ove è stata catturata (29 and 30 mm ML, 50.6 and 48.2 g TW, respectively). 18 Opisthoteuthis calypso. The individuals showed all the diagnostic characters re- Opisthoteuthis Fig. 4. Spermatophores found in the seminal vesicle of the 54 mm DML mature male.
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