9 M O H / MONDAY, APRIL 18, 1964 Aveng* Didljr Net P n « Rmi p a 6 b t w e n t y iianrh^Bter Sv^nins If^raUi For tha Wmk Biukd April 11, 1964 FoneaoS of tJ. K Lakote Council, D tfrss cl Po- The Society of Automotive Memortal Temple, Pythian Frances Herron Council, Past Matrons of Temple Chapter, Order of Eastern cahontts, wlU meet Wedneaday OAmOUC LAMES OF OOLUBIBUS 13,943 Engineers will meet Wednesday Slatew, will meet tomorrow at Pythian Sunshine Girls, will Rain SoidiMg i f m . t« About Town 8 p.m. at Odd Fellows Hall. A f­ meet tonight at 6:30 at Memo Star, wfU meet Wednesday at at 7:80 pjn. at Odd Fellows Mamlibor of tlM Audit at Waverly Inn, Cheshire. John Hall. Mra Rose Nolan of Olondy, o h a »i0 « " ' 'i t > Jaqulth, chief marine systems ter a buaineas meeting, "Neigh- rial Pythian HaU. the Masonic Templs. A potiuck Burairo»u of Circulation bor’a Night” will be celebrated at 6:80 p.m. will preceds the Southingtan, the great Poca­ CARD PARTY WodHooiay, mgli ta 00a. t'>V| Sragtateni of lAwrty, No. e n ^ e e r of Lycoming Division, hontas of Ooimeotlcut wUl st- ManeluMer^A City of ViUago Charm- )J9, ijo U , will meet tomorrow with entertainment by members Buckley School P T A and Stu­ meeting and initiation. Thoee Avco Corp., vrtll speak at 8 attending are reminded to tgnd, sooorapanled by members MIUTARY WHIST and SHBACK • t 8 pjn. at O ruife Han. Mrs. p.m. on “ High Speed Amphibi­ of visiting temples. Refresh­ dent Council will sponsor a ments will be served. Members Mother-Daughter Night tomor­ bring a main dish. Members of her staff. Rsfreshmenta wlU ------..................... -...........■ -M Samual Wilaon and Miaa Hilda an, the Lycoming Hydrofoil.” be served during the social after ST. JAMES SCHOOL HALL TOL. LXXXm, NO. 166 (SIXTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN„ TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 1964 tOlaaelfled AdvcrtWng on Pago 14) RoUnacn wIB serve refreah- are reminded to bring articles row at 7 p.m. at the school. En­ unabis to attend are reminded Reservations for a dinner at to caU M ra Albert Ford, 39 the business mMUng. PRICE SEVEN ClENtl “ ■Momts. 6:45 p.m. may be made with for a cup auction. tertainment will include a magic Friday, April 17 — 8:00 F.M. act and police dogs from the Overlook Dr. Nelson Andrews, 40 Van Ness ’Ihe Soroptomlst Club wUl Manchester Assembly, Order Hartford Police Department ir DOOR PRIZES ★ REFRESIBIIENTS Mias Deborah Wells, daugh­ St, Springfield, Mass. S t James Mother’s Circis will meet tonight at 7:30 at the ter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald D. of Rainbow for Girls, will spon­ Refreshments will be served. DONATION) 81D0 meet Wednesday at 8:15 p.m. at home of M ra William Slelth, Events Wells of 82 Plymouth Lane, will The Nutmegger Camera Club sor a rummage sale tomorrow the home of Mra. ’Thomas Derby, Sunnyview Dr., Vernon, at For tlckete call) Chairman, Mrs. Uonel Leesard. 848-5847, Highway Team Foundering, at 9 a.m. at the Masonic Tem­ appear In a swimming show at will meet Wednesday at 8 p.m. Indiana University will have a 104 Park S t Mrs. John Martin which time the name of the win­ Oo-Chalrman, Mra John OMfford, 840-9887 Lake Krie College, Fainesvllle, at Hilltop House, East Hart­ ple. Articles may be brought to Founder’s Day meeting for ner of the Good Cttlsenahtp a meeting tonight at 7 at the and Mrs. Sam Slpola will be co- Ohio, where she Is a freshman. ford. Miss Lois Clarke will Hartford area alumni Friday, hostesses. Aiward wlU be announced. In State Barry, Hopes for .Boost show slides and movies of the temple. Those wishing pickup April 24 at the Shoreham Oaks services may call Mrs. John Motor Hotel, Hartford. Dinner Says Ives; 233 Have Quit Mias Barbara Coleman, Mrs. United States. The meeting Is open to the public. Seavey, 77 Oxford St., or Mrs. will be served at 6:15 p.m. Res­ Mar}orle Zervas and Mrs. Dar­ Reginald Cartwright, 78 Bran­ lene Dalton, members of the ervations may be made writh Study Committee Manchester Business and Pro­ The Kaffee Klatsche will meet ford St. Mrs. Katherine Sahl, 115 S t HARTFORD (A P )— ‘Tt'9reach«d the optional ratlromont^past aeven years. Though about fessional Women’s Club will at­ Wednesday at 9 a.m. at the James St, West Hartford. is becoming increasingly age, Ives said. 10 per cent of the department’s Has Last Hearing tend the Connecticut Federation Community Y. Members are re­ Bennet Junior High School difficult to hold this depart­ They chose retirement rather I,3(H) employes have outside In Illinois Vote Today PTSO will meet Wednesday at ’The American Legion Post than suffer further embarrate- jobs, the five arrested In the sponsored leadership develop­ minded to bring the flow’er ar­ ment together,” State High­ ment program to be held rangement started at the la.st 7:30 p.m. in cafeteria 2. Dr. will meet tomorrow at 8:15 ment, he said. investigation were the only em­ On Horse Racing Wrtnesday at 6 p.m. at Stone­ meeting, containers and clay. Mervtn Rosenberg, staff mem­ p.m. at the post home, Leonard way Commissioner Howard Some 11 persona have been ployes charged with violating haven, Farmington. Mrs. John Cyrkiewicz and Mrs. ber of the Institute of Living, St. 8. Ives has told a legislative arrested since the probe was the policy. HARTFORD (AP)—The Hartford, will speak on "Teen- Amelia Gworek, both of Rock­ committee. begun by the office of State’s 2. Low salaries in the rights Agers’ Behavior, What to Ex­ Atty. John D. LaBelle. Five of of way division were a factor In legislature’s horse racing Dr. and Mrs. Eugene M. Da­ ville, will be co-hostes.ses. ’The Zlpser Club will celebrate He was referring to the Im­ Big Turnout pect.” The meeting is open to those arrested were department leading some employes astray. and pari-mutuel study com­ vis, 348 Porter St., will attend its 43rd anniversary on April pact of an Inveatlgatlon into Representatives of service students and parents. Refresh­ 25 with a dinner-dance at the employes. 3. He never worked for Savin mittee has concluded a se­ Freshman Parents Weekend at ments will be served. the State Highway Depart­ Elmira (N. Y.) College Friday and veterans groups will meet clubhouse. ’The Ladies Auxiliary ’The committee declined to Bros., a construction company ries of hearings designed to Expected by ment. that does much road building through Sunday. Ih elr daugh­ Wednesday night at 8 at the will serve the dinner at 7:15 give the department a vote of tap public sentiment on the State Armory with spokesmen ’The Women’s Fellowship of p.m. Reservations close on Since the Investigation was confidence, pending a study of In ConnecUcut. He did work for ter, Miss Lauren Davis, Is a announced laat fall, Ivee aald horse betting issue in Oon- Republicans student at the college. of the 169th Military Police the Pre.sbyterian Church will April 23, and tickets may be reports from Ives and chief en­ the Edward Bal Co. for 80 Battalioe to complete plans for meet tonight at 8 in the church obtained from the clUb steward. yo^le’.day, 233 persons, includ­ gineer Robert G. Mitchell. months beginning in 1966. Dur­ necticut. ing 112 salaried workers, have ing nine months of >hat period Pvt. Henry J. Judd of the the May 16 Armed Forces Day hall. A representative of the However, individual members The committee le charged Parade and Military Ball. Travelers Insurance Co., Hart­ Daughters of Isabella wdll left the department. of the committee did express with preparing a report to the CHICAGO (A P ) — Sen. United States Army, son of Mr. (See Page Eleven) Barry Goldwater of Ari­ and Mrs. Albert D- Judd Sr., ford, will show a film on the meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the Some 200 key workers may their confidence in Ives and the General Assembly on the feasi­ 66 Foley St, recently completed Manchester PTA Council will New York World’s Fair. Re­ K of C Home. Mrs. Edward go, he said, if attacks on the department. bility of legalizing pari-mutuel zona, seeking a boost in his eight werfts of advanced infan­ meet Thursday at Washington freshments will be served. Cavagnaro will head a refresh­ department continue. Sen. John J. Rellhan, D- betting. Allowing betting would drive • for the Republi­ try training with light weapons School. Coffee will be served at ment ccHnmittee. "It Is going to take all of the Bridgeport, Senate chairman of open the way for the establiah- can presidential nomina­ at F t Polk, La. 7:30 p.m. Noel Fagan, son of Mr. and energy, skill and enthusiasm of the committee, said only ’’rela­ More Doctors ment of race tracks In the state. A t last night’s hearing here, tion, testa his vote getting Mrs. Walter R,»Fagan, 38 Cov­ Manchester WATEJS will tlis top supervisory people In tively minor things have been entry St., and Cecil L. Court- meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the found to be wrong and the de­ the arguments were much the appeal today in the Dlinoia thLs department to retold mor­ same as at the earlier ones held right, son of Mr. and Mrs. Le­ Italian American Club. Mrs. ale and weld together an e^i- partment has acted quickly to Leave Ranks presidential preference pri­ Harold Nelson will lead a dis­ correct them.” In other sections of Connecticut.
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