USOO8790922B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,790,922 B2 Tuschl et al. (45) Date of Patent: *Jul. 29, 2014 (54) RNASEQUENCE-SPECIFIC MEDIATORS OF 5,576,208 A 11/1996 Monia et al. RNA INTERFERENCE 5,578,716 A 1 1/1996 Szyfetal. 5,580,859 A 12/1996 Felgner et al. 5,594,122 A 1/1997 Friesen (75) Inventors: Thomas Tuschl, Brooklyn, NY (US); 5,624,803 A 4/1997 Noonberg et al. Phillip D. Zamore, Northborough, MA 5,624,808 A 4/1997 Thompson et al. (US); Phillip A. Sharp, Newton, MA 5,670,633. A 9, 1997 Cook et al. 5,672,695 A 9, 1997 Eckstein et al. (US); David P. Bartel, Brookline, MA 5,674,683 A 10, 1997 KOO1 (US) 5,712.257 A 1/1998 Carter 5,719,271 A 2f1998 Cook et al. (73) Assignees: Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur 5,770,580 A 6/1998 Ledley et al. Forderung der Wissenschaften E.V. 5,795,715 A 8, 1998 Livache et al. 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Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 2002, vol. 1575, pp. 15-25. Related U.S. Application Data (60) Continuation of application No. 1 1/880.464, filed on (Continued) Jul. 19, 2007, now abandoned, which is a division of application No. 09/821,832, filed on Mar. 30, 2001, Primary Examiner — Amy Bowman now abandoned. (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Lando & Anastasi, LLP (60) Provisional application No. 60/265.232, filed on Jan. 31, 2001, provisional application No. 60/193,594, filed on Mar. 30, 2000. (57) ABSTRACT (30) Foreign Application Priority Data The present invention relates to a Drosophila in vitro system which was used to demonstrate that dsRNA is processed to Dec. 1, 2000 (EP) ..................................... OO 126325 RNA segments 21-23 nucleotides (nt) in length. Furthermore, when these 21-23 nt fragments are purified and added back to (51) Int. Cl. Drosophila extracts, they mediate RNA interference in the CI2N 15/85 (2006.01) absence of long dsRNA. 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