Wednesday, February 14, 1962 'age D-2 ' ' •' • _______________________________ __ ______ THE PRESS 'vutomobiU* for Sal* 200 !Automobllt» for Sal* 200 AutomrHMtt for Sal* 200 AutomobiUt for M!« 200 lomobiUt for $c'> Automobiles for Salt 200 * ^mobiles for Sal* 33 Automobiles for sale 200 Automobiles for Sal* 100 '^^-^^•^^-^^-^^-^^^^-^^-^^'^^-^^-^^-^^^^-^^"^^^^-^^-^^^•^^"^^"^^••^^•'^F"^^"^^"^^^^-^^-^^"^^"^^ V « Butler Buick LAST ONE! Brand IS PROUD TO ANNOUNCE THAT 61 New BUICK '62 Gledhill Chevrolet '62 HAS BEEN AWARDED WINNER OP THE COVETED 304 E. ANAHEIM ST. WILMINGTON PHONE TE 4-3494 FALCON MOTOR TREND "CAR OF THE YEAR" AWARD Fairlane \m Sedan Delivery (41T474) Fully Factory Iquipptd SAVE WHY '750 FULL PRICI GO WILL PINANCf IET- Hwy. 101 at 1420 Cobrillo Hawthorne Blvd. quality Ave. Lot prices! '60 Falcon at down-to-earth "60 Falcon STATION WAGON 4-DO OR SEDAN NOW IN STOCK Pordomatic, radio, haatar. Very Ravtn black, Pordomitlc, d« '57 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR $795 "164" sharp and claan. lux* radio, heattr. Powertlidt, radio, haatar. A nica onal Wat $1799 Sav* $300 SAVE $300 '60 CHEVROLET BEL-AIR 2-DOOR $1495 New '62 Chevys Automatic drlva, radio and haattr. Sharp) SALE PRICI PAYMENTS ONLY For the Best Deal "OK" Reconditioned '58 FORD DEL RIO RANCH WAGON $1095 in So. California Popular Mechanics Says: Automatic, V-8, powar staarlnt, power brakas, radio, haatar and SEE GLEDHILL $3797 conditioning. Used Cart CHEVROLET 1499 CHEVROLET IMPALA SPORT COUPE "NOW" MONTHLY MUST , sharp, local ona-ownar car. Full powar. V-t, automatic, radio, $1695 BUICK '59 Ford V-6 BE SOLD '60 CORVAIR 4-DOOR SEDAN CUSTOM "300" '57 Piymouth tono with whitowalls. Radio, haatar. Savaral to choosa from. At $1395 A DEFINITELY SUPERIOR ENGINE To Make Room for More ow as flits. 4-DOOR SIDAN SAVOY u NOW ON DISPLAY New-Car Trades '60 IMPALA SPORT COUPE BaauNful rad and whit* tvtona, $2195 standard, radio, haatar, whrhj- 2 DOOR HARDTOP '62 BUICKS No Reasonable Offer V-|, automatic drlva, radio, haatar, power tt»otin». Sharp car Inslda walls. Vary claan. Prtead far nd out. quick sal*. Rad/whltc tutoiM, V-l, puih All Models and Colors to ChooM From Refused! button drive, radio, haatar, '58 MERCURY Commuter Station Wagon Wat $1399 Sav* $500 wtiltawallt. Thli ona naar Mr- T Skylark Special Aluminum V-8 Cars Will Be Sold at full powar. Llka now Inslda and out. $1295 V-l, Morcomatlc, radio, haatar, fact. A raal bargain. 20 Miles per Gallon Below Wholesale! Reconditioned SALE PRICI Was $1199 Siv. $400 Several Transportation Cars from $95 Up ALL NEW V-6 Check These Sample Buytl Used Cars SALE PRICE L 25 Milts p«r Gallon '899 $799 February Clearance on Used Cars E Butler Buick Forrance Press '60 YW 54 Chevrolet 400 SO. SEPULVEDA Classified YES. IT'S TRUE DELUXI FR 4-8968 SP 2-1431 4 DOOR R Op«n 7 Days to f- P. M. DA 5-1515 CONVERTIBLE STATION WAGON lack with wfclta to*. Ratfto, haatar, whltawalls. Or**n. V-|, powartlida, radio, PAUL'S h*at«r, wttltawall*. Idaal fam­ Wat $1399 Sav* $100 ily tran»port»flon. Chevrolet SALE PRICI Wat $1099 S«v« $300 I Pontiac Center GUARANTEED SALE PRICI USED CARS 1299 "HOUSE OF SOUND VALUES" ASSURE '249 YOU '«) Ford '56 Ford V-8 Hardtop Sedan....... FAIRLANB '57 Pontiac Fordomatlc, radio, heatar. Ralman Pontiac Cantar often thlt bargain thl» w**k only. 2-DOOR SEDAN CATALINA The Utmost Radia, haatar, whitowalls. Mint 4-DO OR HARDTOP roan, so* and drtv* this bar- '59 Ford V-8 Hardtop '1495 in tain. VI, hyclramatlc, air condition- Palrlan* "500" Coupe. Powar (tearing, brakas and window*. Fordomatlc, radio and haatar. ina, radio, haatar, rutont. Only 33,000 actual mllat. It you can find • cleanar car at this prlct, buy It) Was $1599 Sav* $400 whIUwallt. Today's bait buy. DRIVING This W**k*nd Only Was $1299 Sav* $400 '695 SAL! PRICE 55 Chev. Bel-Air 2-Door........... V-8, automatic drive, radio, heater, whitewalls. Real clean, low-mileage ~ ear. GMAC financing. '57 Pontiac Hardtop............... S895 Super Chief Hardtop. Radio, heater, hydramatic. One owner. Like new. \ '58 Simca '56 Ford 4-DOOR SEDAN PAUL'S FOR QUALITY - PRECE - SELECTION Radio, haattr, whltawalli. Do- MOO '58 Pontiac Catalina............... S1395 luxa black. Va-TON PICKUP Sedan. Power steering and brakes, radio, heater, automatic drive. An CHECK THESE PRICES BEFORE YOU BUY ANY CAR . ANYWHERE! WM $799 Sav* $400 Graan. Vary ood eonditlorf. immaculate car you'll be proud to own. Thi» ona raady to work. With SALE PRICE normal down '61 MONZA '61 CHEVROLET V-8 ONLY (ENTER SPORT COUPE IMPALA SPORT COUPE S2399 $399 FRANK REIMAN PONTIAC Beautiful light blue finish, bucket scats, standard White and turquoise finish, automatic drive, radio, $1900 412 W. Anaheim WILMINGTON TE 5-3141-TE 5-9933 transmission. Hurry for this hard-to-find model. heater, very low /mileage. Excellent car throughout. OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS MONTHLY 57 Ford '60 FORD V-8 '5» PONTIAC, »/4 CAM, SOLID '60 RAMBLER COUNTRY SEDAN LIFTERS, FLOOR SHIFT. WAGON STARLINER HARDTOP DA 7-07M STATION '1799 J1799 6-PASSENGER '53 Ford pink and Automatic drive, power steering, radio, heater, white- Gledhill Chevrolet Automatic, radio, heater, whitewalls, petal STATION WAGON F 100 PANEL white finish. Steal thi* one! walls. Original one owner car priced to sell fast Fordomatlc, V-l, full »*w*r, DILIVERY TRUCK Service Specials tvhMi*. radio, haarar, whlto- walls. tvrn iHHialt, Have Your Car "Winterized" Now! mlrrw*. MM! twrHr'i t»«el*l. '59 CHEVROLET V-8 Check These: FOR '59 CHEVROLET Wat $1499 S*v* $400 Chevrolet Owners Va-TON PICKUP WM $S99 S«v« $200 Complete STATION WAGON '1399 SALE PRICE $COQ '1399 FleHside. Long bed, standard transmission, deluxt SAL! PRICI BRAKE JOB _______ .. _.. if mo. Powerglide, radio, heater, whitewalls. Solid white finish. Perfect throughout. cab, radio, better. Looks and runs like new. MOTOR *1fi7R COURTEOUS '399 OVERHAUL __....... IV mo. 1099 V-8 PAINT Ml '58 CHEVROLET '57 CHEVROLET Two Down Uttd Truckt JOB ....... .......... ._. ...._.... ....... .. '5 mo. SPORT COUPE.. SPORT COUPE to Choot* from at Your Trade Will Expert Bel-Air model. Radio, heater, white-will*. Beautiful Ebony black Bel-Air. Radio, heater, powerglido. white- Similar Savingtl SERVICE walls. A real beauty. Probably Make BODY AND FENDER 2-tone beige finish. Sharp car. '62 License Fees Down Payment Repair '57 CHEVROLET V-8 Included in All Work Guaranteed '56 BUICK High Allowances FAST RIVIERA SEDAN CLUB COUPE Your Deal Dynaflow, power «tee ring, radio, heater, whitewalls. Powerglide, whitewalls, white finish. Immaculate car. NO MONEY DOWN Original blue and white one owner car. Ju^t the one for the wife. A-l WRITTEN Specials Include All Parts and Labor GUARANTEE VEL'S '56 CHEVROLET V-8 '54 CHEVROLET GLEDHILL RESULTS 2-DOOR SEDAN SEDANS (2) CHEVROLET Radio, heater, new interior, stick shift. Ideal second Good transportation cars. A 2-door and a 4-door. VEL'S 304 E. Anaheim Wilmington car. Your choice, $199. FORD TE 4-3491 Come in Today TORRANCE SCORES MORE TO CHOOSE FROM . COME IN TODAY FORD CHEVROLET Torranc* Blvd. I TORRANCE PAUL'S PRESS 1640 Cabrillo Ave. FA 8-1647 DOWNTOWN TORRANCE LOCATION Hwy. 101 PRESS CLASSIFIED ADS Open Saturday, Sunday 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Anothtr Paul's Us«d Car Location at 20725 Hawthorn* Blvd. FR 1-1284 Hwy. 101 at DO THE JOB AT A WANT-ADS Carson Hawthorne Blvd. LOW COST 1420 Cobrlllo Torrance Want Ads DA 5-1515 Torrance Press Torrance FR 5-5088 DA 5-1515 DA 5-1515 FA 8-5014 Results At Low Cost - The Torrance Press - DA 5-1515 I.
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