READ THE NEWÌ WHILE IT IS NEWS ¡: FIRST 6c IN YOUR MEMPHIS WORLD KUt C 4¿S STA^PA»t.¿r R.A CE PER COPY VOLUME 27, NUMBER 38 MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1957 PRICE SIX CENTS j ■ ALEXANDRIA, La. — (INS) — grots resented the England Ne­ By JAMES LEE Police arrested 22 persons Wednes­ groes because of their “greater in­ WASHINGTON - (INS)-Prea- day as a result of tire outbreak of comes.” Violence between Alexandria Negro Police stressed the fact that no ident Eisenhower progressed ra­ civilians and Negro airmen from white persons were involved and pidly Wednesday toward re­ nearby England Air Force Base. that it in no way involved racial covery from his mild stroke and i - antagonisms. I Assistant Alexandria Police Chief his doctors permitted him to Martin R. Hickman said those ar-. work, confer with top officials, . rested were port of a mob of some and receive a visit from King 50 Negroes' -who Tuesday, chased, Mohammed V of Morocco. four Negro airmen with sticks Miss. Senate Fails So vigorously .did Mr. Elsenhower after one of the airmen fired a rebound tronr the cerebral occlu­ pistol In a cafe near the downtown sion he suffered Monday that the MADAME FLORENCE COLE McCLEAVE AND MARION ANDERSON area. The airmen was arrested and To Back Plan To White House held, out possibility charged with firing a pistol with­ he still may flv to Paris for the —This photo was made when Miss Anderson visittd, Madame in the city limits, mld-December Atlantic Pact Par­ McCleave last Spring. It was the second such Incident Revise Constitution ley. wlthinlthe past week. An Air Force Presidential News Secretary J. spokesman at England'* described JACKSON, Miss. —fANP) —The C. Hagerty disclosed that Mr. Kls- the ■. .situatfon-'-ejdbtihg ; between Misfdssippi> Senate - ref used to go enhy.’ver ,h.'.;l. csked for and been civilian and Air Force Negroes as along with Gov; J.‘P. Coletnafl's" granted''tnhdical.'pennissfon to- rev "tense” and added that the inci­ proposal for a constitutional con­ celve 'King Mohamed and Secre­ dents “are being investigated.” vention last week. Instead, the. tary of state John Foster DuHee Police, emphasizing that the Senators voted against It 25 to 22. foj(of a late-aftemoon chat In bis latest./outbreak was not a gang Thé convention is the governor's living quarters. war said lire city Negroes chased idea of a way to beat the new fed­ COMPLETE RECOVERY - the airmen some 10 blocks and eral civil rights law. It would Buoyed by the report of__ then abandoned their pursuit. changé the 1890 constitution to es­ personal physician, Maj. Gen. How­ MONTGOMERY,' Ala. — .'. Tile who announced the dismissal of Most of those arrested were Juve­ tablish a county board ,of regis­ ard M. Snyder that' his progrès state of Alabama Tuesday dismiss­ charges., niles, police said, with 10 of them trars consisting of at least three FIRST ANNUAL ALUMNI DAY AT LeMOYNE Standing: J. L. Hill of Arlington, Tenn., Mrs. toward complete recovery con­ ed all of life; remaining criminal The trial of approximately 89 booked on disturbing the peace citizens, one of whom would be a brought the above group together Iqst week. E. T. Walker of St. Louis, Henry Rutledge of St. tinues to be ‘’excellent,” the Pre- charges which resulted from tile Negroes had been postponed, pend­ charges. lawyer. They are: seated Dr. W. W.. Gibson, a faculty Montgomery bus boycott and from ing a hearing of Dr, King's appeal. Louis, Mrs. Hollis Price, wife of the college's (Continued on Back Page) Officers said they were os yet The present constitutions pro­ | member; Mrs, Desma Hill Jones of St. Louis, Mo. lire dynamiting of Negro chiirehes The trial of two'white men, charg­ vides that a prospective voter must | president; E. T. Walker of St. Louis. (Photo by unable to learn the cause of the ill ■| Dr. Ernest Hooper, acting president of LeAAbyne Withers). arid homos. ed with bombing four churches and feeling between the civilian Ne­ pass educational requirements in-"' Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., how­ several homes, was postponed fol­ groes, and the Negro . airmen, but eluding a written test on the du­ College. ever. has agreed to pay a fine of lowing tire acquittal of two other an Air Force official expressed the ties of citizenship and interpreta­ $500 for violating the state's anti­ whites on the same charges. belief ■ that it was due to "econo­ tion of any section of the consti­ boycott law and to dismiss an ap­ mics." tution. It places the responsibility peal now pending in the State He said he felt that the city Ne- for the testing upon circuit clerks, Progress Of Negro Rev. Nabrit Speaks At . Supreme Court, according to Cir­ Klan Is Suspected who are registrars In each county. cuit Court Sol. William F. Thetford Of Recent Series YWCA Wives Luncheon Mrs. Bates, Parents Is Described By RACIAL INCIDENT Of Dynamite Incidents Africans Seeking The World Fellowship Committee inson, Mrs. Sadie Reaves, Mrs. Mag­ Ike To Nominate LITTLE ROCK, Ark. Three men CHJAiROLiETTE, N. C. — The Ku Now Members Of of the Vance Avenue Branch Young gie Ratcliffe, Mrs. Lula Rogers, were fined In Municipal Court here Klux -Klaii is suspected of a recent Secretary Mitchell Women’s Christian Association re- Mrs. Rebecca Biram, Mi’s. SJiza- last Friday as a, result of charges eemly" sponsored a foreign dinner— beth Branch, Mrs. Irma Braxton. series of dynamltings as a result Return Of Nun's Central P-TA Group NEW YORK, N. Y. — Secretary stemming from the school Integra­ Wilson White To ‘ __Qf_an unsuccessful attempt to blow ■‘Windows Open to the World". Mrs. Maggie Ball, Ml's. Dorothy tion dispute. up a synagogue here. “. ~ ----------- LCTTUE ROCK, _(INS)—Mrs. of_IjabojL James P. Mitchell has Mrs. Annie L. Higgins committee Bui brew. They were: F. T. Surrett, 19, Police Chief Frank N; Littlejohn Charles Stephens, president of the documented the prograss made by ohalrman presided at. the program" Mrs, LT E. Brown, Mrs. SaHIeT Prosper WiHiamsr^3rboth~Negroes said Friday. that the KKK is “de­ Paren.ts-Teachers Association at the American Negro in the past following the turkey dinner. Mi's Head Rights Group Bartholomew, Mrs. Leola Brooks, nand*''1 'VernonT—~~ **H. ~Duncan,------ 47-year-*“ finitely suspected” of the bombings.:' BOSTON, Mass. —(A1NP) — Un­ Little Rock’s Central High School, 15 years and declared that Ameri­ Addie G. Owen, branch executive Mrs. C. O. Hayes, Miss Nancy old white man. ,/* WASHINGTON, — (INS) — The He has. investigated the incidents official reports reaching here from revealed that Mi's. L. C. Bates and can citizens ol' Negro birth have director with the aid of Mi's. Helen Haraway, Miss Jeannette Haraway, Judge Harry C. Robinson sen­ •White House announced Monday fpr 10 days. He reported finding Kampala. Uganda reveal that the parents of nine Negro students advanced further, In term of em­ ¡Sawyer at the piano, taught the Mrs. Cora Isabel, Mrs. Mary Col­ tenced Surrett to pay $100 and that President Eisenhower will nom­ six unexptoded sticks of dynamite thousands of African farmers are have Joined the organization. ployment, education, political par­ group a cleaver little African folk lins Mrs. Rosa Lena Collins, Mirs. spend 30 days in jail and gave Wil­ inate Wilson White as Assistant with a partically burned fuse out­ dipping Into their savings in order Mrs. Bates is the president of the ticipation. and economic well-being, song. Sum Ba Yah. Mrs. Helen Maggie Crosby. Mrs. Addie D. liams a fine of $15150 and a 90 day Attorney General to head the new side the Teaniplfe Bethel on the even­ to have the body of Irish-born Arkansas. Chapter of the National in the past 15 years tlran in all Sawyer led the responsive reading Jones, Miss Ethel Jones, Mrs. Ger­ prison sentence. Both were charged Civil Rights Division, th,us giving ing of November 12. Mother Kevin, a Franciscan sister Association for the Advancement of the years since tire Reconstruction which was followed by a prayer trude Johnson, Mrs. A. B. Sprag­ with fighting with white youths the senate -ftn opportunity to vote Littlejohn said he suspected that returned to the East African coun- Colored People and played a big Era. by Mrs. Russell Sugarmon. The gins, Mrs. Daisy Stevens, Mrs. the KKK was also responsible fpr in the center of town. Surrett’s Jail on the appointment. try. role in the fight to enroll the nine Speaking .at the Equal Opportuni­ purpose of World Fellowship was Alma Sonia. was suspended. Williams’ attorney White will resign Ws present post several bombings in Gaffney, S. C. Mother Kevin spent 60 years Negro 'youth at the previously all- ty Day Dinner of the Urban Lea­ given by Mrs. Cooper Taylor. The home of a Negro and white Mrs. .Reola Alexander Mrs. said he would file ah appeal for as Assistant Attorney General in ministering to Africans. She re­ white school this fall. gue in New York, the Secretary Mrs. Robert .Richardson, chair- Pearl Anthony of Proctor, Arkansas, Ills client. charge of the office legal counsel to doctor were dynamited but no one revealed that the present pur­ tired in 1955 and returned' to Bos­ According to Mrs. Stephens, the ma nof the Central World Fellow­ Mrs. Velma Sherman, Mrs.- Mary Duncan was fined $5150 for fail­ accept formal nomination for his was hurt, he said. He explained that Negro joined the PTA during a chasing power of our Negro citizens ship Committee introduced tlie the news of the attempted bombing ton.
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