Land Resources of Wildman River Station

Land Resources of Wildman River Station

790000E 795000E 800000E 805000E 810000E 815000E GENERAL FEATURES NHULUNBUY NT Por 8605000N 8605000N DARWIN Land unit boundary Creek 3611 JABIRU MAP LOCALITY NT Por 2707 Property boundary KATHERINE Park / Reserve 31 1:100 000 MAP 5a 5b 3c1 5b SW 5b Wildman River 5bSW 5b SW SW 5b5b Locality PW 37 Ben Bunga 5b Wilderness Lodge 8d 5 23 SHEET INDEX PW 5a 5b 32 7a 7b 3c2 3c1 5b 5a SW 5a Main road: sealed, unsealed 5f2 5f1 5f3 25 SW NORTHERN 4b1 5a 7b 8a2 SW SW 29 Minor road 5b POINT FIELD 5c/5b KOOLPINYAH Local road / track 4b1 4a 5b STUART ISLAND Mistake 3c2 5b 4a 5b 5173 27 4a 7b 5273 5373 3c1 SW SW SW Drainage line 5f3 PW 5a TENNANT CREEK 13 5b 5b 5c Lake / lagoon 3c1/4a 3c2 5b Creek 5c PW SW MARY Spot height 184 SW 5b SW 5b NOONAMAH KAPALGA 5b SW 4a SW 4c1 RIVER PW SW 3c1 SW 5172 5372 4b1 SW SW TERRITORY 5272 8d 4a SW PW SW 5c 2c 35 25 C Northern Territory of Australia 16 NT Por 5088 ALICE SPRINGS Creek PW 37 MCKINLAY PW BATCHELOR MUNDOGIE PW 3c1/4a RIVER This product and all material forming part of it is copyright belonging to the SW Swim 5b 3c1/4a 5171 5371 PW 4a 35 SW 5271 Northern Territory of Australia. You may use this material for your personal, 4c1 31 5f2 PW 5a PW 3c1 SW SW 7b 33 non-commercial use or use it within your organisation for non-commercial PW SW 5a 5c purposes, provided that an appropriate acknowledgement is made and the PW 24 5a material is not altered in any way. Subject to the fair dealing provisions of the RIVER 7a 5c PW 28 5a 5a 8a2 Cattle Copyright Act 1968, you must not make any other use of this product (including 25 27 5b 5a 7a 5b 3c1/3a1 PW SW Cartography - L. Fritz, Novemebr 2010 copying or reproducing it or part of it in any way) unless you have the written 8d Twin Sisters Spatial Data and Mapping, Natural Resources Division, permission of the Northern Territory of Australia to do so. NT Por 2623 5a Lagoons 5a 4b1 PW 5f2 SW PW 5b Department of Natural Resources, Environment, The Arts and Sport 8a2 5a 8600000N 7b 8600000N Darwin, Northern Territory of Australia The Northern Territory of Australia does not warrant that the product or any part MARRAKAI NT Por Mary River Park 5d 5f1 Headquarters 7b 5d 48 of it is correct or complete and will not be liable for any loss damage or injury NT Por 1170 PW 2393 SW 5a File Reference: Wildman-R-Stn_Land-Resources 2 5a 16 5a suffered by any person as a result of its inaccuracy or incompleteness. PW PW Creek Wildman River 5c PW 5a SW SW Wilderness Lodge 21 5a PW PW 5a 790000E 800000E 810000E 5d 5f3 32 42 3c1 5a 4a 7b PW PW 4a 3a1/3c1 SW 3c1 NT Por 11 3a1 PW 5a M5a POINT STUART M5a 4061 5a 5d 4c1/3a1 PW 35 KAKADU 8a2 8 13 36 8a2 7a/7b SW RIVER NT Por 5088 NATIONAL PW PW 5a 4b1 PW 2c M3b 7a MARY RIVER NATIONAL PARK (Proposed) 5b PARK 5a 5a SW M5b NT Por 2623 5a 51 2c 4 8600000N 8b 5f3 7a 5f2 3a1/3c1 14 PW 43 M3b M2b Point Stuart 5b 6b1 5b SW 4a 5 43 2c 4c1/3a1 4b1 5c 4b1 3c1 75 M3b 2 SW 5b M5e PW 3a1 5a 5a 4b1 21 PW 5a 67 5c 19 5c 41 NT Por 2622 Brumby 5c SW MARY PW 5a MARY PW M5c 72 NT Por 2622 Springs 5c 5d 5b 5a 12 3a1 SW M3b 5d 2c SW 5f3 5b 3a1 5b 3c1 4b1 18 3c1 5c 5c PW 3c1 M6a1 3a1 Moon PW 28 53 4c1 M5c M3b 8595000N 8a2 Billabong 6 3c1/4a 8595000N 5b 5d Road 7a 8d 19 PW 4b1 5a 48 52 4c1 PW PW 4b1 7a Soda 19 SW M6a1 4b1 M5c 2 PW 33 5d 7a M5b 72 5f3 MARY RIVER 3a1 8b 4b1 M3a M6a 5b 2c 52 NATIONAL PARK 5c PW SW 81 8590000N 8600000N NT Por 2624 8590000N M2c 7a M3a/5d (Proposed) M2c M2b 5a 5a M2b 28 27 M3a M2c M5b 2c ROAD M3a 3c1 M3b 78 8a2 5f2 4c1 M3a M M6a1 4a 17 5b PW 2c M3b 25 5f3 5b 5d 5f3 19 M3b 55 15 9 82 HORTICULTURAL POTENTIAL 7a/8d M3b 32 M2c 49 3a1 23 M5c 5d 33 57 3a1 5f3 26 M3a M2b M3a HIGH MODERATE LOW M3b 3a1 M3b 87 M5c 84 M3a M3b M3a M6 Soils exhibit minor constraints to horticultural Soils exhibit some constraints to horticultural Soils exhibit numerous constraints to horticultural 7a development. Soils are moderately deep to deep, development. Constraints may include rock development. Constraints may include poor 7a/8d 4a PW M3a PW M3a well drained, contain little if any rock outcrop and outcrop, substantial slopes, erodible or shallow drainage, abuntant rock outcrop, excessive slopes, 5f2 M6a M3b 2 Couzens Lookout 3c1 are relatively stable. Slopes are generally minimal. soils and seasonal waterlogging. Constraints may erodible or very shallow soils. M2c M5c M3b Development would still require planning and be overcome with suitable planning and M3b 3c1 M6a1 management to reduce erosion risk. management. 87 7a 5f2 87 73 M5b M3a/5d 790000E 800000E 810000E M5b1 M3a M2c M2b 7a/8d M3b 8590000N M3b 8590000N 8b M5a 3c1 M2c 3c2 2c 790000E 800000E 810000E Creek M6 M5b M5b NT Por 2624 76 7a 16 M5c 66 25 M2b M2c PW M2b M2b M2b M5c M2c 73 8b 69 2 M5g M5b MARY RIVER NATIONAL PARK 7a M5b M3b M6a1 M3b M4b1 33 (Proposed) M3a M2b M5g 18 M3a NT Por 5088 M3b M3b M6a1 57 M3b RIVER M2b M3b NT Por 4121 M4a 27 32 M2c M6a1 M2c M2c M6a1 3c1 45 M6a1 M6a1 PW 3c2 M2c NT Por 2623 M5a 31 M2c M2c M5b M6a 54 16 M2c 55 M3b 8600000N 32 Point Stuart 2 HARDIES PLAIN NT Por 2688 51 NT Por 4122 MARY 47 NT Por 2622 53 44 790000E 795000E 800000E 805000E 810000E 815000E LAND UNIT DESCRIPTIONS 4c1/3a1 4c1 with 3a1 component present M5e Complex of alluvial plains (M5c) relict levees and stream channels; relief up to 0.5m; Road SOIL and VEGETATION SAMPLE SITES BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCE; up to 2km wide. Hydrosols. Hard pedal mottled yellow duplex soils (solodic soils Lower sandy wash slopes bordering the clay plains; frequent ferricrete and quartz solodized solonetz and soloths). Very variable - grassland low woodland and woodland K.J. Day, C.J Harrison and M.R.H van-Cuylenburg (1979) LOW HILLS 5f1 outcrop. Hydrosols. Variable; (Humic gleys) hard apedal mottled yellow duplex soils Rivers and major creeks with associated narrow levees; channels incised. LAND RESOURCES OF WILDMAN RIVER STATION. M6a Low hills and strike ridges; slope 15-40%; frequent outcrop of Burrell Creek and less commonly shallow siliceous sands. Pseudoraphis spinescens, Panicum Hydrosols. (Vegetation undescribed) M2b Land Conservation Unit, greywacke and ferruginous siltstone. Rudosols. Shallow stony and gravelly mindanaense and Ectrosia agrostoides grassland Drainage lines in rugged terrain; narrow (<200m) normally incised to <2m. Territory Parks and Wildlife Commision, Darwin, NT. lithosols (Very Shallow Kandosols). Corymbia foelscheana, Corymbia porrecta M6a1 Sandy colluvial wash slopes; higher in elevation than 5f1. Tenosols. Earthy and Hydrosols. Moderately deep mottled-yellow massive earths usually sandy in upper and Erythrophleum chlorostachys woodland 5f2 8590000N 8590000N 8600000N NT Por 2624 siliceous sands of variable depth often with ferruginous gravel in the profile and reaches; hard pedal mottled-yellow duplex soils in lower reaches towards major RISES patches of bare residual gravel areas. Alstonia actinophylla, Pandanus sp. and alluvials. Corymbia polycarpa, Corymbia grandifolia, Corymbia bella and Melaleuca TECHNICAL REFERENCES; Syzygium suborbiculare woodland to open woodland spp. woodland to open forest Gravelly outwash slopes 5-15% with scattered quartz rich conglomerate outcrop. Northcote, K.H. (1971) A FACTUAL KEY FOR THE 2c Colluvial wash slopes; higher in elevation than 5f1. Tenosols. Moderately deep pale Tenosols. Shallow siliceous sands with ferruginous gravel throughout (Leptic 5f3 SWAMPS RECOGNITION OF AUSTRALIAN SOILS sands over ferricrete; less common deep mottled yellow massive earths. Variable. Tenosols). Corymbia polysciada, Erythrophleum chlorostachys and Terminalia Eucalyptus miniata, Alstonia actinophylla and Corymbia porrecta open forest. Permanent water 3rd Edition, Rellim Publications, Glenside, SA. grandiflora open woodland to woodland PW Minor Melaleuca cajuputi, Pandanus sp., Lophostemon grandiflora open forest or Stace, H.C.T., Hubble, G.D., Brewer, R., Northcote, K.H., Footslopes (5-15%) and erosional rises; frequent outcrop of Burrell Creek siltstone Ficus virens Erythrophleum chlorostachys closed forest M2c Seasonal water SOIL DRAINAGE and quartzite; complete surface cover of ferruginous shale stones and gravel. SW Sleeman, J.R., Mulcahy, M.J. and Colluvial slopes (<5%) usually below M3a and M3b; scattered low termitaria. Rudosols. Shallow stony and gravelly lithosols (Yellow Kandosols). Corymbia M4a Hallsworth, E.G. (1968) A HANDBOOK OF AUSTRALIAN Kandosols. Shallow to moderately deep mottled yellow massive earths. Petalostigma foelscheana, Erythrophleum chlorostachys, Corymbia bella and Alstonia CLASS 1 CLASS 2 CLASS 3 pubescens, Corymbia polysciada and Melaleuca viridiflora mixed spp. low woodland COASTAL FLOODPLAINS SOILS Rellim Technical Publications, Glenside, SA. actinophylla low open woodland Rapidly, well and moderately well drained soils. Imperfectly drained soils. Poorly or very poorly drained soils. Colluvial slopes above alluvial areas; slope <1%. Hydrosols. Moderately deep grey Wooded swampy depressions in the alluvial clay plain; scattered perennial M4b1 7a Land Units - 2c, 3a1, 3b, 3c1, 3c2, 4a, 4c1, 5f2, 5f3, Land Units - 4b1, 5a, 5d, 5f1, 6b1, M4a, M4b1 Land Units - 5b, 5c, 7a, 7b, 8a2, 8b, 8d, M5a, M5b, LOW RISES massive earths over gravel hardpans.

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