' Bleed like me' reviewed page 6 April 21, 2005 Vol. 35 Issue 28 ~ t:.J'nM:rsity cf Southern Indianastudentnewsplpfr Students react to Twista By Anthony Pate I wou ldn 't see Twista," said Staff reporter senior Babetta House. " I came only to see August An indoor concert and the Christopher." absence of a cam ivai raised Senior Ashley Albin said some controversy about the she would have liked to have 2005 Spring Fest, in com pari- the concert outdoors. son to fests of the past. "I liked it better when it "We're breaking new was an outside," said Albin. ground," said Tim Buecher, di- "August Christopher and The rector of the Spring Fest com- Loft rocked." mittee. The Spring Fest changes "This year is completely this year required funds in ad- different We had a concert in- dition to the $15,000 Spring doors with a nationally known Fest committee budget each a11ist. It is the first year we year. didn't "Students got gypped be- Buecher have a "' • satd Spnng cami- cause of the censormg. Why Fest starts val," said aren't we able to make our at a budget Buecher. own decisions? of$15,000 Buecher , • every year. also said -Nikki Ball Bueche r he would said the like to see Spring Fest become Spring Fest committee some- one of the stronger can1pus times asks other organiza- traditions. tions, such as SGA, to dt>nate Despite Buecher's hope- money. fu l outlook, the concert man- When campus organiza- aged to speak some controver- donatde fundsh ' Sthe budFget August C hris topher opens for 1\vista in the PAC Saturday. This Spring Fest was the first to have an indoor con- sy between both Twista fans ~ionsts mcrease so t e pnng est . ) and those who oppose the rap- committee can bring better en- cert and no carmval (photo by Anthony Pate . per 's~~ · Ball, president of =~~nment to the student Juni•or discusses h. er past the Black Student Union, said This year, SGA was the the concert was an example of only organization that donated the university treating students money to Spring Fest. ttl • · 0 like ~~~~~nls got gypped be- presi~~~t ~~~c1l~ ~~~~~~~: ba e agrunst cancer cause of the censoring," said ed $6,500 and allocated $5,750 Ball. " Wh y aren't we able to to contract 1\vista and $750 to make our own decisions? USidols. By Amelia Jeffi rs tal where she went through extraordi­ fore they decided to treat me with ra­ "He (Twista) represented "We don't have a clue on News editor narily painful tests. diation to see if it would help th e the Midwest very well. It was how much we spent because " I was tested for a variety of swelling." a good concert and I had a not all of th e invoices are in," In March 2003, 19-year-old things such as tuberculosis and sar­ Morgan said she went through good time," said junior Joey satd Buecher. fi"eshman Tori Morgan woke up coids, and when those results came radiation seven times during her se­ Cuevas. Buecher satd about I ,200 hooked to machines and with bandag- back negative, my doctor scheduled mester at US I. When she went home Some students attended people attended the concert, es around her head. me for a cat scan," said Morgan. again in early March 2003, her eye the concerts for the opening bu~ he did not know, at this Shortly after her surgery, Morgan Morgan said she became ill after began swelling out of control. bands rather than 1\vista. pomt, how much revenue the was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin's the tests and her doctor referred her to Her doctor referred her to the In­ " I thought August concert brought. Lymphoma mucosa-associated lym- an ophthalmologist, who scheduled diana University Medical Center, Christopher was awesome. I " We have been success- phoid ti ssue (MALT) on her eye. her for a biopsy, surgery in which where Morgan scheduled an appoint­ never heard th em before," said ful wh t.ch tells me that the or- Morgan said when her eye first some of the tissue is removed for ment for April, but scheduled another junior Nathan Gerth. gamzatt?ns that donate want to swell ed in October 2002, she thought tests. biopsy in the meantime. " I was th oroughly im- see Spnng Fest contmue to it was her allergies. However, after al- "I remember waking up crying "When they told me it was can­ pressed. It went better this year succeed," sa id Buecher. lergy medicines and antibiotics did and being in so much pain after the cer, in a sense, I felt relief because than last year," said Gerth. not reduce the swollen tissue on her biopsy," said Morgan. "The results "If it wasn't for my fi"iend eye, Morgan fmally went to a hospi- were inclusive, and it was a month be- ee MORGAN on Page 3 2 Thursday, April 21, 2005 As spring and summer near, creatures from ants to spiders to the occasional lizard may not bother to knock before entering your apartment. What do residents need to know? "I would suggest trying to keep your apartment as clean as possible and keep­ ing doors and windows shut if there are no screens," said Matt Phillips, area coordinator for the McDonald West apartments. Residents are sometimes unsure when to call for help regarding their pest problems. "Obviously, if you have one or two ants; that's not an emergency. But if you have a line of ants up the wall, that's a different story," said Phillips. Residence Life provides spray for bugs and "sticky" traps for those larger intruders. If residents feel they have a serious problem, they arc encouraged to send in a work order via the Residence Life web site A professional exterminator is on site once a week. Thursday, April 21 keynote speaker will be Dr. " Little Shop of Horrors," 7 p.m., William Bass, professor emeritus, USl Theatre, 300 I lg leheart Ave. University of Tennessee, a $5 for USI students; $9 for seniors renowned forensic anthropologist and other students; $I I for adults. and author. Information: 465- 7137. Success Series Workshop: Finals Quest, 3 p.m., ED I I 03. Informa­ Math Skills for the New SAT, 9 tion: 464- I 743. a.m.-3 p.m., ED 2 I I 0. Registration fee: $55 includes lunch. lnfonna­ School of Liberal Arts Distin­ tion, Extended Services: 464- guished Scholar Lecture, "TheIl­ 1989. lusions of Global American," by Alan Dawley, 6 p.m., Kleymeyer USJ Day at the Zoo, 10 a.m.-3 Hall, LA. Information: 465-1202. p.m., Mesker Park Zoo. For alum­ ni, students, employees and their Friday, April 22 families. Admission: $4.50, adults; Community of Scholars, William $3.50 children age 3 and up. In for­ " Bill" Drennen Jr., Kojo (William mation: 464-1924. T.) Jones Jr., and editor Dolores Johnson will lecture about their " Little Shop of Horrors," 8 p.m ., book Red, White, Black & Blue, a USI Theatre, 300 I lgleheart Ave. collaborative memoir about grow­ ing up with the trauma of desegre­ Sunday, April24 gation, at 2 p.m. in Kleymeyer " Little Shop of Horrors," 2 p.m., Hall in the LA. USl Theatre, 3001 lgleheart Ave. New student orientation, all day. 1\tesday, Apri126 Information: 465-7167. New student orien~tion , all day. Information: 465-7167. Finding cash for college is child's play. Friday Night in the Forum film se­ ries: "The Man Without a Past" Marketing Club, 3-3:30 p.m., OC 7:30 p.m., Forum I, Wright Ad­ 201 I. Information: 461-5249. Register now and search thousands of scholarships ministration Building. Informa­ tion: 464- I 740. Wednesday, April 27 worth over $3 billion Smoking cessation class, 5-6 p.m., " Little Shop of Horrors," 8 p.m., HP 1080 .. Information: 461-5270 USJ Theatre, 300 I lgleheart Ave. Global Community's Farewell Saturday, April 23 Luau, 7:30p.m., Ruston. lnfomJa­ www.usishield.com/scholarships USI 2005 Vectren RlSC Show­ tion: 465-7183. case, 8 a.m., Carter Hall, UC. The Thursday, April21, 2005 3 MORGA continued from Page that was so swollen and had stitch- 2 es." Car enthusiasts meet for show there was a name for what had al­ Morgan sa id she did find pur­ most ruined my life," said Morgan. pose while she was at home, Morgan said she had to stay though. Morgan said she took care home throughout treannent and of her sister who has multiple scle­ observation because her type of rosis. Morgan said one of he r co­ cancer was so rare. workers lost her baby that April, " I had to wi thdraw from and Morgan was able to cover her school ( .. .) they put you through so shifts until the woman was able to much to do that," said Morgan. " I return later that summer. was angry because I felt like I had " I felt like God sent me home already been through too much." for those reasons beyond my own " When it was time to say illness," said Morgan. goodbye, I couldn't guarantee Morgan said she returned to them I would be coming back," school the following September said Morgan. "That was rea lly for the fa ll 2003 semester because heartbreaking." she had finished treatments. Morgan said she went through Morgan had surgery to repair 30 rounds of radiation before los­ her eyelids, which had been dam­ ing her eyelashes because th e radi­ aged from the radiation.
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