![Arxiv:2008.10279V2 [Hep-Ph] 4 Jun 2021](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Constraints on General Light Mediators from PandaX-II Electron Recoil Data Amir N. Khan1, ∗ 1Max-Planck-Institut f¨urKernphysik, Postfach 103980, D-69029 Heidelberg, Germany (Dated: June 7, 2021) PandaX-II has analyzed their complete data set of the electron recoil energy spectrum and has confirmed the XENON1T (1-7) keV excess, although the excess was also found compatible with the total background. Treating the background as well known, in which case it provides a good fit to the observed spectrum, one can expect stronger constraints on any new physics model with this data. With this motivation, we derive constraints on the new general vector (V), axial-vector (A), scalar (S) and pseudoscalar (P) interactions if any of them contribute to the neutrino-electron elastic −7 scattering. The derived constraints on the couplings at 90% C.L., respectively, are gV 0 . 32 × 10 −7 −7 for the mediator mass . 10 keV, gA0 . 34 × 10 for mass . 10 keV, gS . 49 × 10 for mass . 20 −7 keV and gP . 67 × 10 for mass . 30 keV. I. INTRODUCTION those from ref. [8] and other experiments. To be more specific, here we will investigate the possibility of general Recently, PandaX-II has observed an excess in the elec- neutrino nonstandard interactions that could modify the tron recoil energy spectrum [1] following a similar obser- neutrino-electron elastic scattering at the low energy end vation by XENON1T [2]. The expected background lies of the observed energy spectrum. within 1σ of the experimental error in the (1−7) keV re- Treating the background reported by PandaX-II as coil energy region. However, the PandaX-II collaboration standard model expectations, we will derive constraints has also confirmed a degeneracy between the XENON1T on the new light vector (spin-1) and scalar (spin-0) gauge signal and the tritium background. Having a relatively boson masses and their couplings to the neutrinos and less exposure than XENON1T, they have to put a rela- electrons in general model-independent vector (V), axial- tively weaker constraint on solar axions and anomalous vector (A), scalar (S) and pseudoscalar (P) interactions. neutrino magnetic moment. The possibility of tritium Being similar to XENON1T in all aspects, PandaX-II is decay as the source of the excess or the possibility of any sensitive to the same new physics at low energy end of new physics or the new physics induced tritium decay the recoil spectrum. At the lower end recoils, where new will be resolved by the near future direct direction ex- physics / inverse recoil electron kinetic energy and hav- periments with their large exposure and unprecedented ing a good agreement between the expected background low background [3{7]. and the observed spectrum, PandaX-II data also has a PandaX-II is a 580-kg dual-phase liquid xenon detector leverage to put stronger or competitive limits on the light based on the detection technique of capture of photons mediator masses and their couplings. We would like to from the prompt scintillation and of the delayed photons remind that these interactions are predicted by a wide from the ionized electrons through photo-multipliers [1]. variety of models [36{39], however, here we adopt the For the analysis of ref. [1], they have used the complete agnostic approach and do not discuss the possible origin data set from Run 9, Run 10, and Run 11 with a to- of these interactions. An important aspect of the medi- tal exposure of 100.7 ton-days which is a factor of 3 less ators considered here is that they have very low masses than the XENON1T [2]. Up to the statistics, both exper- and very weak couplings and the spontaneous symme- iments give almost similar constraints on the solar axion try breaking to generate their masses is below the elec- and neutrino magnetic moment. troweak scale. For other phenomenological implications After the first observation of the recoil electron excess of such interactions, see refs. [40{42]. arXiv:2008.10279v2 [hep-ph] 4 Jun 2021 by XENON1T [2], there has been a surge of phenomeno- To get a rough estimate, we will first inspect the ex- logical papers, either explaining excess by direct dark pected energy spectrum by choosing some bench mark matter detection or through neutrino nonstandard inter- parameter values and compare this with the data for each actions while several others derived new constraints on interaction. Next, we will perform a complete χ2 anal- model-dependent parameters or on sterile neutrino inter- ysis to explore the full parameter space of the coupling actions [8{35]. In continuation to our previous work [8], constants and the mediator masses with both two- and in which we used the XENON1T data to derive limits one-parameter fitting. We would like to highlight that on a wide variety of neutrino nonstandard interactions the two parameter analysis is the standard to present or to explain the excess, here we carry out an analysis the excluded boundaries but the one parameter fits help for the same neutrino nonstandard interactions but using to kinematically distinguish these interactions from each PandaX-II data. Further, we compare our results with other. After setting up the formal structure in section II, we discuss the analysis details and results in section II. In ∗ [email protected] section IV, we discuss our summary and conclude. 2 II. THE EXPECTED EVENTS SPECTRUM scalar and pseudoscalar interactions contributing to the neutrino-electron elastic scattering process. The stan- We present the important expressions and formulas for dard model differential cross section for the ν − e scat- the new light gauge boson mediating vector, axial-vector, tering is 2 " 2 # dσναe 2GF me 2 2 Er meEr = gL + gR 1 − − gLgR 2 (1) dEr π Eν Eν where GF is Fermi constant, me is mass of electron, each interaction. Since the vector and axial-vector in- gL = (gV + gA)=2+1 for νe,(gV + gA)=2 for νµ,τ , teractions interfere with the standard model vector and 2 gR = (gV − gA)=2 for νe,µ,τ , gV = −1=2 + 2 sin θW , axial-vector interactions, so in the limit of low momen- gA = −1=2, Eν is the incoming neutrino energy and Er tum transfer, the SM couplings with electrons, gV=A in is the electron recoil energy in the detector. We take eq. (1) can be replaced by the effective parameters geV=A 2 sin θW = 0:23867 ± 0:00016 in the MS scheme [43] with [44] as small radiative corrections, less than 2%, included. 2 ! g 0 0 In the following we assume additional model indepen- g = g + p V =A ; (6) 0 eV=A V=A 2 dent light Spin-1 (Zµ) and spin-0 (S) mediators which 2GF (2meEr + m 0 0 ) couple to electrons and to the three flavor of neutrinos V =A with equal coupling strengths via vector, axial-vector, where gV 0 =A0 is the coupling constant and mV 0 =A0 is the scalar and pseudoscalar interactions. Such interactions mass of the new vector/axial-vector mediators. are described by the following Lagrangians: The contribution of scalar mediators is added without interference. In this case, the scalar and pseudo-scalar interaction cross sections [45] are 0 µ µ 0 L 0 = −g [ν γ ν + eγ e] Z (V ector); (2) V V L L µ 4 2 dσναe gS meEr = 2 ; (7) 0 dE 4π(2m E + m )2 E2 0 µ µ r S e r S ν LA0 = −gA [νLγ γ5νL + eγ γ5e] Zµ (Axialvector); dσ g4 m E2 (3) ναe = P e r ; (8) dE 8π(2m E + m2 )2 E2 r P e r P ν LS = −gS [νRγ5νL + ee] S + h:c (Scalar); (4) where gS and gP are the scalar and pseudoscalar coupling constants and m , m are, respectively, their masses. L = −g [ν γ ν + ieγ e] S + h:c (P seudoscalar): S P P P R 5 L 5 To estimate the new physics contribution to the ob- (5) served electron recoil spectrum at PandaX-II, we define the differential event rate in terms of the reconstructed 0 0 Here gV ; gA; gA and gP are the coupling constants for recoiled energy (Erec) as mx mx Z Er Z Eν dN dσνee m 2 dσνµe m 2 dσντ e m dφ = Ne dEr dEν P ee + cos θ23 P eµ + sin θ23 P eτ (Erec)G(Erec;Er); dE th mn dE dE dE dE rec Er Eν r r r ν (9) where G( Erec;Er) is the Gaussian function which takes cluding the small matter effects as given by into account the finite energy resolution of the detector m 1 with a resolution power σ(E )=E and (E ) is the de- P = s4 + c4 (1 + cos 2θm cos 2θ ) (10) r r rec ee 13 2 13 12 12 tector efficiency taken from ref. [46], dφ/dEν is the solar m m flux spectrum taken from ref. [47] and Ne is the 1007.7 and P eµ/τ = 1 − P ee; where sij, cij are mixing angles m ton-day exposure of PandaX-II [1]. Here, dσvαe=dEr are in vacuum and θ12 is the matter effects induced mix- cross sections given in eqs. (1), (6), (7) and (8) above, ing angle taken from [43, 48]. We take values of oscil- m m P ee and P eµ/τ are the oscillation-length averaged sur- lation parameters and their uncertainties from [43] and vival and conversion probabilities of solar neutrino in- for the analysis we consider only the normal ordering scheme of the neutrino masses.
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