THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 5, 1861. 4407 Registrar of Friendly Societies in England. And it is further proposed by the intended Act OTICE is hereby given, that an agreement to empower the Company so to be incorporated to N authorized by 18 and 19 Viet., c. 63, s. 13, levy tolls, rates, and charges, for the use of the for the dissolution of a Friendly Society, called the said intended railway and works, and to confer True Friendly Lover, held at the Beaufort Arms exemptions from the payment of such tolls, rates, Inn, Beaufort, in the county of Brecknock, was and charges, and to exercise all other usual and transmitted to the Registrar of Friendly Societies necessary powers. in England, on the 27th day of October, 1861. And it is proposed by the intended Act to enable John Tidd Pratt, Registrar of Friendly the Company to be thereby incorporated, and the Societies in England. Cornwall Railway Company to enter into, and London, 29th day of October, 1861. carry into effect, contracts and agreements with respect to the working, maintenance, and use, by Registrar of Friendly Societies in England. the Cornwall Railway Company of the intended OTICE is hereby given, that an agreement railway and works, or any part thereof, and the N authorized by 18 and 19 Viet, c. 63, s. 13, supply and maintenance of engines, carriages, and for the dissolution of a Friendly Society called rolling stock, and other stock and [plant for the the Prince of Wales Friendly Society, held at the same, and with respect to the conduct, regulation, Golden Ball Inn, Newhall, in the county of and management of the traffic upon, or over the Derby, was transmitted to the Registrar of said intended railway, or any part thereof, and Friendly Societies in England, on the 28th day of the Cornwall Railwa}*, or any part thereof and October, 1861. with respect to the use, by the Company to be John Tidd Pratt, Registrar of Friendly incorporated by the intended Act, of so much of Societies in England. the Cornwall Railway as is situate between the London, 31st day of October, 1861. junction therewith of the said intended railway and the station of the Cornwall Railway Company, at Lostwithiel, and also of the said station, and the works and conveniences connected therewith ; and with respect to the fixing, levying, dividing, and apportioning, the tolls and charges arising Lostvvithiel and Fowey Railway. from such traffic, and the tolls, charges, or other (Incorporation of Company for making a Railway consideration, to be paid for such user or other- from Lostwithiel to Fowey — working and wise, and to enable the said Companies respec- traffic arrangements with Cornwall Railway tively to levy tolls on their respective railways, or Company.) any of them, or any part thereof respectively, and to exercise all such other powers, as may be found OTICE is hereby given, that application is mutually desirable in reference to the purposes N intended to be made to Parliament in the aforesaid or any of them. ensuing session for an Act to incorporate a Com- pany with power to make and maintain the follow- And it is proposed by the intended Act so far ing railway with all proper stations, wharves, as may be necessary to alter, amend, extend, and approaches, works, and conveniences connected enlarge, and to repeal all, or some, of the powers therewith (that is to say), and provisions of " The Cornwall Railway Act, A railway commencing in the borough of Lost- 1861." withiel and parish of Lanlivery, by a junction And notice is hereby further given, that on or with the Cornwall Railway, near to the western before the 30th day of November next, a pub- end of a bridge, carrying that railway over the lished map, and plans, and sections, describing River Fowey, thence to pass in, through, or into, the line and levels of the proposed railway and the several parishes, townships, extra-parochial or works, and the lands to be taken for the purposes other places, following, or some of them ; that is thereof, with a book of reference to such plans, to say :—Saint Winnow, Lostwithiel, Lanlivery, and a copy of this notice as published in the Lon- Saint Sampsons, otherwise Galant, otherwise Gol- don Gazette, will be deposited with the Clerk of lant, Saint Veep, and Fowey, and the bed and the Peace for the county of Cornwall, at his office shore of the Fowey river, estuary, and harbour, at Saint Austell, in that county ; and that on or and to terminate at or near Caffamill Pill, in the before the same day a copy of so much of the said borough and parish of Fowey, all in the county plans, sections, and book of reference, as relates of Cornwall. to each of the several parishes or extra-parochial And it is proposed by the said intended Act to places, in or through which the said railway and empower the intended Company to purchase lands, works are intended to be made, together with a houses, and other property, by compulsion or copy of this notice, will be deposited as follows agreement for the purposes thereof, and to vary or (that is to say) : in the case of parishes, with extinguish all existing rights or privileges in the parish clerk of each such parish, at his resid- any manner connected with such lands, houses, ence ; and in the case of any extra-parochial place, and property, or which would in auy manner with the clerk of some adjoining parish, at his resid- impede or interfere with the construction, main- ence ; and that printed copies of the intended Act tenance, or use of the said intended railway and will, on or before the 23rd day of December next, works, and to confer other rights and privileges ; be deposited in the Private Bill Office of the and also to take powers to cross, stop up, alter, or House of Commons. divert, whether temporarily or permanently, all such turnpike and other roads, railways, tram- Dated this 26th day of October, 1861. ways, aqueducts, cuts, canals, streams, naviga- tions, and rivers, within or adjoining to the afore- C. J. Hampton, Solicitor, No 6, New said parishes, townships, and extra-parochial Boswell-court, Lincoln's-inn, London; or other places, or any of them, as may be neces- R. W. Head, Solicitor, Exeter ; sary in consequence of the construction, and for the purposes .of the said intended- railway and Rolert Bishop, Solicitor, Fowey, works, or any of them..
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