LAST UPDATE JULY 2013 Acknowledgements The preparation of this document was financed in part by a grant from the Federal Aviation Administration (Project No: 3-27-0000-07-10), with the financial support of the MnDOT Office of Aeronautics. The contents do not necessarily reflect the official views or the policy of the FAA. Acceptance of this report does not in any way constitute a commitment to fund the development depicted herin. Document prepared by MnDOT Office of Aeronautics and HNTB Corporation. MINNESOTA GO STATE AVIATION SYSTEM PLAN TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1: Introduction and System Goals 1 Chapter 2: Inventory 29 Chapter 3: Forecast 43 Chapter 4: Airline Service 63 Chapter 5: Airport Facility Requirements 75 Chapter 6: Performance Report 97 Chapter 7: Investment Plan and System Recommendations 161 Chapter 8: A Future Vision of Aviation 195 AppendicesAppendices 217 215 APPENDICIES This page intentionally left blank. MINNESOTA GO STATE AVIATION SYSTEM PLAN Appendices APPENDIX A: ACRONYMS APPENDIX B: INVENTORY SURVEY APPENDIX C: FORECAST TECHNICAL REPORT APPENDIX D: COMMERCIAL AIR SERVICE TECHNICAL REPORT APPENDIX E: AIRPORT FACILITY NEEDS SHEETS AND REPORT CARDS APPENDIX F: UNIT COST ASSUMPTIONS APPENDIX G: GOALS MATRIX APPENDICES PAGE 215 This page intentionally left blank. PAGE 216 MINNESOTA GO STATE AVIATION SYSTEM PLAN AC Advisory Circular ADA Americans with Disabilities Act ADPM Average Day Peak Month AIP Airport Improvement Program ALP Airport Layout Plan ALSF High Intensity Approach Lighting System with Sequenced Flashers AOA Aircraft Operations Area ASSET Airport System Strategic Evaluation Task ASOS Automated Surface Observation System AWOS Automated Weather Observation System BEA Bureau of Economic Analysis BTS Bureau of Transportation Statistics CEDDS Complete Economic and Demographic Data Sources DEED Department of Employment and Economic Development DNR Department of Natural Resources DOT Department of Transportation EA Environmental Assessment EAS Essential Air Service FAA Federal Aviation Administration FAR Federal Aviation Regulation FBO Fixed Based Operator FOD Foreign Object Debris GA General Aviation GAATA General Aviation and Air Taxi Activity GIS Graphic Information Systems HIRL High Intensity Runway Lights ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization IFR Instrument Flight Rules ILS Instrument Landing System LASAC Local Air Service Action Committee LIRL Low Intensity Runway Lights LSA Light Sport Aircraft LTCP Long Term Comprehensive Plan MAC Metropolitan Airports Commission MALSR Medium Intensity Approach Lights w/Runway Alignment Indicators MALSF Medium Intensity Approach Lights w/Sequenced Flashers MEP Multi-Engine Piston Aircraft MnSASP Minnesota State Aviation System Plan MnDOT Minnesota Department of Transportation MPO Metropolitan Planning Organization MSA Metropolitan Statistical Area APPENDIX A ACRONYMS PAGE A-1 MSP Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport NAS National Airspace System NAVAID Navigational Aid Nm Nautical Miles NPIAS National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems ODAL Omni-Directional Approach Lights OD1A Origin and Destination Survey PAPI Precision Approach Path Indicator PCI Pavement Condition Index RDC Regional Development Commission REIL Runway End Identifier Lights RITA Research and Innovative Technology Administration RNAV/GPS Area Navigation SAC SASP Advisory Committee SASP State Aviation System Plan SEP Single Engine Piston Aircraft SF Square Feet SY Square Yards TAC Technical Advisory Committee TAF Terminal Area Forecast TCMA Twin Cities Metro Area TED Transportation Economic Development TERPS Terminal Procedure Publications TP Turboprop TSA Transportation Security Administration TZD Toward Zero Deaths UAV Unmanned Aerial Vehicles VFR Visual Flight Rules APPENDIX A ACRONYMS PAGE A-2 Inventory Paper Survey B-2 Inventory On-line Survey B-12 APPENDIX B INVENTORY SURVEY PAGE B-1 SASP Inventory Paper Survey APPENDIX B INVENTORY SURVEY PAGE B-2 Inventory Paper Survey (Continued) APPENDIX B INVENTORY SURVEY PAGE B-3 Inventory Paper Survey (Continued) APPENDIX B INVENTORY SURVEY PAGE B-4 Inventory Paper Survey (Continued) APPENDIX B INVENTORY SURVEY PAGE B-5 Inventory Paper Survey (Continued) APPENDIX B INVENTORY SURVEY PAGE B-6 Inventory Paper Survey (Continued) APPENDIX B INVENTORY SURVEY PAGE B-7 Inventory Paper Survey (Continued) APPENDIX B INVENTORY SURVEY PAGE B-8 Inventory Paper Survey (Continued) APPENDIX B INVENTORY SURVEY PAGE B-9 Inventory Paper Survey (Continued) APPENDIX B INVENTORY SURVEY PAGE B-10 Inventory Paper Survey (Continued) APPENDIX B INVENTORY SURVEY PAGE B-11 Inventory On-line Survey APPENDIX B INVENTORY SURVEY PAGE B-12 Inventory On-line Survey (Continued) APPENDIX B INVENTORY SURVEY PAGE B-13 Inventory On-line Survey (Continued) APPENDIX B INVENTORY SURVEY PAGE B-14 Inventory On-line Survey (Continued) APPENDIX B INVENTORY SURVEY PAGE B-15 Inventory On-line Survey (Continued) APPENDIX B INVENTORY SURVEY PAGE B-16 Inventory On-line Survey (Continued) APPENDIX B INVENTORY SURVEY PAGE B-17 Inventory On-line Survey (Continued) APPENDIX B INVENTORY SURVEY PAGE B-18 Inventory On-line Survey (Continued) APPENDIX B INVENTORY SURVEY PAGE B-19 Inventory On-line Survey (Continued) APPENDIX B INVENTORY SURVEY PAGE B-20 Inventory On-line Survey (Continued) APPENDIX B INVENTORY SURVEY PAGE B-21 Inventory On-line Survey (Continued) APPENDIX B INVENTORY SURVEY PAGE B-22 Inventory On-line Survey (Continued) APPENDIX B INVENTORY SURVEY PAGE B-23 Inventory On-line Survey (Continued) APPENDIX B INVENTORY SURVEY PAGE B-24 Inventory On-line Survey (Continued) APPENDIX B INVENTORY SURVEY PAGE B-25 Inventory On-line Survey (Continued) APPENDIX B INVENTORY SURVEY PAGE B-26 Inventory On-line Survey (Continued) APPENDIX B INVENTORY SURVEY PAGE B-27 Inventory On-line Survey (Continued) APPENDIX B INVENTORY SURVEY PAGE B-28 Inventory On-line Survey (Continued) APPENDIX B INVENTORY SURVEY PAGE B-29 Inventory On-line Survey (Continued) APPENDIX B INVENTORY SURVEY PAGE B-30 C.1 Introduction In the forecast, the GA aircraft and operations were The purpose of this appendix is to provide more analyzed for each of the following aircraft categories: detailed information on the assumptions and • Single Engine Piston (SEP) methodologies used to develop the forecasts presented in Chapter 3: Forecast. These forecasts • Multi-Engine Piston (MEP) are used identify future capacity shortfalls, calculate • Turboprop (TP) future costs, estimate future revenue streams, and • Jet (JET) measure and enhance the overall benefit of aviation to the state. • Light Sport Aircraft (LSA) This appendix is organized as follows: baseline • Military (MIL) activity levels are established, and parameters that • Other (OTH) such as helicopters and gliders potentially have an impact on air traffic level are Data for MSP and the MAC relievers were obtained discussed. Major forecast assumptions are then from the previous Long Term Comprehensive Plans discussed. Forecast passenger demand and (LTCPs) prepared by HNTB in 2006 and 2009. The commercial operations are estimated afterwards. based aircraft and operations at the six MAC reliever Cargo volume and operations are then projected airports were adjusted to match the state survey employing various forecasting techniques. The next results. However, after consulting with MAC staff, the section focuses on future GA fleet mix and statistics for MSP were kept without adjustment as operations. The last section provides peak hour they are believed to better reflect current operations. activity forecasts. Figure C-1 and Figure C-2 illustrate the total base year aircraft and operation statistics at system C.2 Base Year Activity Level airports. A detailed based aircraft breakdown is Base year passenger enplanements and airline shown in Table C-1 on page C-33. operations were obtained from the FAA TAF, BTS T100 and airport records. The cargo statistics were The state inventory survey also provides operations primarily based on the BTS T100 and airport records. by type (local and itinerant) and purpose (business, The base year passenger and cargo activity levels leisure and training). To assess facility requirements were established by compiling data from these data in the future, it is necessary to estimate operations sources. Base year GA data for system airports were generated by each aircraft category. provided by the Minnesota Department of Transportation (DOT) through an inventory survey. APPENDIX C FORECAST TECHNICAL REPORT PAGE C-1 Figure C-1: Number of Based Aircraft in Minnesota – Base Year 2010 Sources: MnDOT Office of Aeronautics 2011 Inventory Survey and Airport Database & HNTB analysis APPENDIX C FORECAST TECHNICAL REPORT PAGE C-2 Figure C-2: Number of GA Operations in Minnesota – Base Year 2010 Sources: MnDOT Office of Aeronautics 2011 Inventory Survey and Airport Database & HNTB analysis APPENDIX C FORECAST TECHNICAL REPORT PAGE C-3 To convert the number of based aircraft to operations, dropped sharply and in turn significantly impacted an operation rate table was developed. The operation airlines’ profitability. Coupled with record high oil rate is the ratio of operations to based aircraft for prices, the airlines faced pressure from both weaker each category. The operation rate for each aircraft demand and higher operating costs. In response, category was calculated using the Federal Aviation several airlines filed for bankruptcy and completed Administration (FAA) General Aviation and Air Taxi several mergers that consolidated both legacy and Activity
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