WEATHER WATER Fa i r S uat"Charl ie" U. S. NAVAL BASE, GUANTANAMO BAY, CUBA Phone 9-5247 Tuesday Date March 7, 1967 Radio (1340) TV (Ch. 8) French Left Wing Draft Law Revision Plans Alliance PARIS (AP)(By Stephen Brown- Pushed By President ing) LEFT-WING LEADERS meet today to map strategy they SAN ANTONIO (UPI) PRESIDENT JOHNSON took revisions of the hope can knock the Gaullists draft law into his own hands today, announcing from the Texas into the minority in next Mon- White House he would sign executive orders for three major day's Parliamentary runoff changes. elections. The changes are--drafting 19-year-aids before older men, The head of the Communist choosing inductees by some the non- lottery system, and eliminat- Party and chiefs of lalagner ing graduate school deferments Communist Left were closeted Urges most of yesterday deciding how for all but medical and dental to apply their election alli- US Trade Changes students. ance, signed last December. SANTO DOMINGO, DOMINICAN RE- In a message to Congress, The alliance is aimed at PUBLIC (AP) PRESIDENT JOAQUIN the President asked them to unified support for one left- BALAGUER says the only way to extend induction authority for wing candidate in each unde- speed up economic integration four more years, but made no cided district. At meetings in the hemisphere is to get mention of abolishing local yesterday and today, the lead-. rid of U.S. trade barriers and draft boards or college under- ers would decide which candi- "the traditional policy fol- graduate deferments. dates are to stay in the run- lowed by that country in its Selective Service Director ning. relations with the other na- Lewis Hershey said he has pre- At the meeting were Waldeck tions of the world." pared an order to allow induc- Rochet, Communist Party Gener- Balaguer said in an inter- tion of 19-year-old men before al Secretary; Guy Mollet, view that up to now his gov- older registrants, and the Socialist Party head;and Fran- ernment has not paid much at- President may sign it when he cois Mitbegrand, head of the tention to the forthcoming desires. Hershey did not men- Federation of the Democratic conference of American presi- tion the two others. and Socialist Left. dents in Uruguay because the On Capitol Hill, reaction An unknown factor is the at- agenda has just been made was swift and cool. Most Con- titude of Jean Levanuet, lead- known and it may undergo sub- gressmen said they disliked er of the Center Democrats, stantial changes. the lottery idea. And Mendel who is in a position to spoil As to the outlook for his Rivers said he would seek to Gaullist hopes for five more own country, Balaguer said he trim the President's authority years of majority rule in the (Continued on Page 2) to change the draft law. 487-seat National Assembly. Unity on the left--something unknown in France since prewar days--and a firm stand by Le- Police Protection For Bobby vanuet's party could spell trouble for the Gaullists, de- NEW YORK (AP) A POLICE GUARD has been placed on Senator Ro- spite the fact they polled 37 bert F. Kennedy because of a long-standing threat on his life percent of the vote in Sunday's if Teamsters Union President James Hoffa ever were to go to first-round and succeeded in jail, Police Commissioner Howard Leary said last night. electing 62 of their candi- Leary would not say exactly what the guard consisted of dates in metropolitan France. other than that it was "routine." The Gaullists polled roughly The Senator's office said Kennedy had not requested the the same first-round percent- guard but that it was the Police Department's decision. age in the legislative ballot- A Kennedy aide said that at least a year ago the Kennedy ing five years ago and went on staff "received information" that Kennedy's home would be in the second round to capture bombed if Hoffa ever went to jail. 266 Parliamentary seats and a Hoffa lost another appeal yesterday and was scheduled to comfortable majority. start servingan eight-year sentence today for jury tampering. The Gaullists clearly pro- As Attorney General, Kennedy led the prosecutions against Hof- (Continued on Page 2) fa that ended in the jail sentence. GITMO GAZETTE PAGE 2 TUESDAY, MARCH 7, 1967 PARIS (Continued from Page 1) fited thenty SANTO DOMINGO (Continued from Page 1) is op- the election law which requires runoffs in timistic. He said he is satisfied with the districts where no candidate gains a clear amount of aid the country is getting from the first-round majority. A simple plurality suf- Inter-American Development Bank and the U.S.'s fices for election in the second round. The Agency for International Development (AID). Left was divided then, and the Communists were isolated. JAKARTA(AP)(By T. Jeff Williams) INDONESIA'S ARMY GENERAL SUHARTO worked yesterday to block NEW YORK (AP) UNITED NATIONS AMBASSADOR dismissal of President Sukarno when the Con- Arthur Goldberg flew home last night from a gress session opens today. five-nation Asian fact-finding tour. In a speech to military members of Congress But he brought no new Vietnam peace hopes and other armed forces officers, the 46-year- with him. old General warned that the decision endanger- Arriving in New York, he said the road to ed the unity and the security of Indonesia. to Suharto report he is peace in Vietnam appears"rocky and difficult . Sources close The way to stop the fighting is for everybody against the ouster of the President,fearing it to stop fighting." may trigger new waves of bloodshed in the pro- Goldberg emphasized, however, that he is not Sukarno areas of East and Central Java. saying negotiation attempts are at an impasse. Nevertheless, some 8,000 students massed at He said: "No serious proposal has been made," the University of Indonesia in open defiance but added that this doesn't mean that there of a ban on demonstrations demanded Sukarno be won't be one tomorrow or the next day. dismissed. Goldberg flew to Washington late last night Congress, a body of about 650 officials that to prepare for an appearance tomorrow before once bowed to Sukarno's every wish, meets to- 0 the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. That, morrow through Saturday to decide the fate of however, will be in connection with the treaty the President. military activity in outer space. Although Suharto has not openly said he barring for The Ambassador also made a point of saying wants Sukarno kept on as a figurehead that his ten-day mission had not been under- unity's sake, his remarks have been widely in- taken with any view to developing Vietnam terpreted as meaning just that. peace initiatives. He said he hopes eventually to report on his trip to President Johnson and MADRAS, INDIA (AP) A COMMUNIST-DOMINATED U.N. Secretary General U Thant. He did not ministry assumed office in Kerala today, end- to that say when these meetings might take place. ing 30 months of presidential rule in maritime west coast state. NEW ORLEANS (AP) (By Jack Owens) DISTRICT Thousands assembled in Trivandrum to witness ATTORNEY Jim Garrison's investigators ques- the swearing in of four Peking-line Communists, tioned J.B. Dauenhauer, a onetime assistant to two Moscow-line Communists, two members of the Moslem Clay L. Shaw at the old International Trade Samyukta(Universal) Socialists, two Mart here for more than an hour yesterday. League members, and one representative each Work- Garrison booked Shaw last week for conspiring from the Revolutionary Socialist Peasant to "commit the crime of murder of John F. ers Party (Karshaka Thozhilali) and Kerala So- Kennedy." cialist Party. arrived at Garrison's office in The new ministry includes a married couple-- Dauenhauer and response to a subpoena. He was accompanied by Mrs. Gowri Thomas, a pro-Peking Communist, a lawyer who said upon leaving that his client her pro-Moscow Communist husband,Grant Thomas. "cooperated to the utmost," and "in my opinion Mr. Dauenhauer has nothing to do with any con- DAMASCUS, SYRIA (AP) YEMEN ROYALIST GUER- 0 spiracy, if one existed." RILLAS were reported yesterday to have raided The subpoena was the fifth issued in connec- two Egyptian military positions south of the tion with the probe, which Garrison says will capital of Sana'a, killing 18 Egyptian troops prove that a. conspiracy here led to Kennedy's and wounding nine. in Dallas. Of the other four Mecca radio, quoting a Royalist command com- assassination the men summoned, only Shaw was arrested. munique, said the first raid was staged in Al Maabad area, 20 miles from Sana'a. PALM BEACH, FLORIDA (AP) JOSEPH P. KENNEDY, Ambassador to Great Britain, was SAIGON (AP) THE UNITED STATES military com- former U.S. Air reported "much better" today after suffering a mand acknowledged yesterday that two U.S. the ref- heart block at his winter home here. Force Phantom jets mistakenly bombed 73-year-old retired Boston financier, ugee-crammed village of Lang Vei last Thursday The mis- father of a president and two U.S. senators, but still gave no explanation for the jas striken yesterdayy and twice received oxy- take. The raid killed at least 100 Vietnamese ci- His physician, Dr. SaLi Rotter, said Kennedy vilians and wounded 175 others, according to near the a .e cd niht" and when he saw the unofficial accounts from the village " c- l-Ler." The physician Laotian border.
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