THE PHI GAMMA DELTA VOL. 136 NO. 1 FALL 2014 CHARLIE JAMES (Missouri 1959): Keeping His Eye on the Ball p.28 TheThe PHI PHI GAMMAGAMMA DELTADELTA Fall 2014 Volume 136, Number 1 Editor William A. Martin III (Mississippi State 1975) [email protected] Director of Communications Melanie K. Musick [email protected] Circulation 104,317 178,103 men have been initiated into the Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta since 1848. Founded at Jefferson College, Canonsburg, Pennsylvania, on May 1, 1848, by John Templeton McCarty, Samuel Beatty Wilson, James Elliott, Ellis Bailey Gregg, Daniel Webster Crofts, and Naaman Fletcher. Phi Gamma Delta Web Site www.phigam.org For all the latest information, updates, and anything you need to know about Phi Gamma Delta. Change of Address Send any address changes to the International Headquarters by email to [email protected], by phone at (859) 255-1848, by fax at (859) 253- 0779 or by mail to P.O. Box 4599, Lexington, KY 40504-4599. At Right Brothers from the Alpha Nu Chapter at UNM and the New Mexico Graduate Chapter gathered around a FIJI-themed balloon at the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta in October. The bal- loon was made possible by a group of Alpha Nu graduate brothers. OnOn thethe CoverCover Charlie James (Missouri 1959) played on the 1964 World Series-winning St. Louis Cardinals, who cel- ebrated the 50th anniversary in 2014. B&W photo credit: Charlie James/Reprinted with permission by the St. Louis Cardinals. Color inset photo credit: Taka Yanagimoto/St. Louis Cardinals. The Phi Gamma Delta is published by The Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta, 1201 Red Mile Road, P. O. Box 4599, Lexington, KY 40544-4599, (859) 255-1848. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: The Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta P. O. Box 4599, Lexington, KY, 40544-4599. Publications Mail Agreement No. 41752521 Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: PO Box 875, Station A Windsor, ON N9A 6P2 2 THE PHI GAMMA DELTA www.phigam.org Friendship, the Sweetest Influence COVERCOVER STORYSTORY KEEPING HIS EYE ON THE BALL Charlie James (Missouri 1959) Still a Winner 28 Annual Awards Our Outstanding Chapters & Brothers 30 FEATURES 23 Growth in the Garden State 24 Chartering at Nova Southeastern 25 Nu Beta Returns to Rutgers 26 Alpha Pi Charters at San Diego 27 Ducks Back on the Pond at Oregon 32 2014-16 Archons 34 166th Ekklesia 36 Newton Baker: Hero & Statesman 37 From the FIJI Bookshelf 43 Robinson Celebrates 20 Years DEPARTMENTS 4 President’s Message 5 GammaGram 7 On Campus 38 Graduate Almanac 44 Spotlight 47 Foundation Focus 52 Ad Astra 55 Fraternally Speaking MISSION OF PHI GAMMA DELTA Phi Gamma Delta exists to promote lifelong friendships, to reaffirm high ethical standards and values, and to foster personal development in the pursuit of excellence. Phi Gamma Delta is committed to provid- ing opportunities for each brother to develop responsibility, leadership, scholarship, and social skills in order to become a fully contributing member of society. Member of the North American Interfraternity Conference Member of the Fraternity Communications Association connect with Phi Gamma Delta Not for College Days Alone FALL 2014 THE PHI GAMMA DELTA 3 RESIDENT’S Archon President P MESSAGE Michael A. Lucas (Bradley 1983) n the Phi Gamma Delta headquarters short run. But in the long term, you may be challenging task of getting back on course. I building in Lexington hang the significantly off your intended destination. pictures of 46 former Archon Presidents And, like any organization, we have a few dating back to our first Archon President, The same applies to our undergraduate chapters that have not given any thought to Lew Wallace (DePauw 1868), in 1898. It’s chapters. Set a destination; determine who their direction. There is no plan or destina- an impressive reminder of the longevity and and where you want to be. Focus on a few tion or goal. New officers simply repeat endurance of our fraternity. Throughout goals and action plans that will lead the what they have seen in the past, focusing world wars, global recessions, civil unrest chapter forward. Then constantly evaluate strictly on the here and now. For these and leadership changes, our organization the progress, making course changes along few, I strongly encourage you to step back has successfully endured. the way. It’s a simple formula, but challeng- and lay out a course for the future. Where ing to repeat year after year. would you like to see your chapter go in I’m reminded of that long tenure and the next year? What are the one or two continuity as I assume the president’s role issues that, if changed or improved, would of the newly elected Archonate. In many Imagine a business, sports fundamentally put the chapter at the next ways, our long-term success is driven by level? Establish a goal and undertake a few the collective successes and accomplish- team or any organization specific and solid steps to move the chapter ments of each of our chapters and colonies. where you replace the toward that goal. Long-term success can be challenging for leadership team every our undergraduate chapters and colo- year and your entire For those chapters that consistently set a nies. Imagine a business, sports team or clear course and move deliberately toward any organization where you replace the “workforce” changes it, the common denominator is graduate leadership team every year and your entire every four years. How do involvement. Our graduate volunteers play “workforce” changes every four years. How we insure continued suc- an irreplaceable role in the success and do we insure continued success in such cess in such conditions? continuity at the chapter level. Through conditions? their advice and counsel, they provide that bridge from year to year. They are, or can To continue our success over the long be, the catalyst behind the simple formula term, both at the international level and at We have many chapters that have achieved of goal-setting, planning, implementation, the local level, we must have a clear vision impressive accomplishments. They have monitoring and adjustment. of where we are going and solid plans to clear goals, strong momentum and solid get us there. That is, set clear goals that leadership directing the efforts. For these Our fraternity has never been stronger. define where we want to be in the future. chapters, it is just a matter of making those We are successfully growing our presence Next, lay out a few clear, concrete actions tiny course corrections to keep things on across the country now with chapters and that move us towards those goals, and the path upward. colonies at 153 colleges and universities. then work those plans. Once the destina- Undergraduate membership is at an all-time tion is defined and execution underway, it Other chapters may find themselves off high, as is our chapters’ combined grade requires constant monitoring and adjust- course a few degrees. Symptoms may point average. Our success will continue ing of plans. It’s much like flying cross show up, such as a small slip in the grade if all of our chapters and colonies remain country or sailing across open water. You point average over a couple of semesters or focused on a few forward-looking goals, set the course towards a final destination; acceptance of a few bad habits or maybe constantly evaluate their progress, adjust then you constantly monitor your position some sloppiness in the administration of plans to stay on course, and maintain a and progress and make small adjustments chapter business. In the short term, the strong graduate volunteer base to provide in the flight path to keep on track. These impact on chapter success or results may continuity at the local level. As we move constant course corrections are essential. be imperceptible. But over the longer term, into that time of year for elections of our If your navigation is off just a few degrees, the chapter will find itself in an unplanned undergraduate officers, I encourage us to it may not make much difference in the and undesirable place, with a much more keep this in mind. 4 THE PHI GAMMA DELTA www.phigam.org Friendship, the Sweetest Influence Fraternity Launches GAMMAGRAM Think About It NEWS, EVENTS, FEEDBACK New Phi Gam Store Premieres n September, all undergraduate brothers I received an email inviting them to take Think About It, the Fraternity’s new on- line course that prepares college students for the unique challenges and responsibili- ties of college life. Focusing on minimizing the risks associated with alcohol, drugs and sexual violence, Think About It takes a harm-reduction and evidence-based ap- proach. Beginning with the spring 2015 semester, all pledges will be required to complete the course during their pledge terms. Contact: Todd Rotgers, Director of Educa- tion at [email protected]. Your New One-Stop Shop for Fiji Stuff STORE Visit www.phigamstore.com to shop or browse. Also reach the store from the ARCHIVES3.27-29.15 WEEKEND Fraternity website, www.phigam.org, by clicking “Store” on the upper right. Lexington, KY 23 Chapters Attend Recruitment Workshop ifty-three brothers from 23 chap- rothers, parents and chapters now F ters attended the 2014 Recruitment B have a new place to shop for FIJI Workshop over the weekend of June 6-7 apparel, jewelry, gifts, and chapter sup- in Lexington. In addition to dynamic plies. Chapters can order intramural recruitment, discussions included why sportswear in quantity. Brothers can or- der from a broad array of sportswear and recruitment matters to the mission of the business accessories.
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