COMBINING The Summit Herald, Summit Record, Summit Press and Summit News-Guide OFFICIAL: " Subscription $2.00 a Year Official Newspaper Of City and County. Published Thursday A.M. Telephone Summit 6-6300 by The Summit Publishing Co., 357 Springfield Avenue. Entered at the Mailed in conformity with P. 0. D. Order No. 19687. Post Office, Summit, N. J., aa 2n{> MMIT HERALD Class Matter. 55th Year. No. 8 FRED L. PALMER, Editor & Publisher THURSDAY, AUGUST 5, 1943 J. EDWIN CARTER, Business Mgr. & Publisher 5 CENTS Fortress Pilot DOWNS TWO JAPS SERVICE FLAG HONORS NURSES IN SERVICE Blasts Attacking OUR TOWN For Summit Days, , Jap Planes FRIENDS OF GORDON ROAN August 12,13,14 An Associated Press (delayed We publish in this issue the first letter we. have received Fifty-six Summit'"tnprchantK have dispatch) yesterday from "Some- from a Summit boy in a German prison camp. As you will see already agreed to support the third where in Now Guinea", reported a annual Summit Days, August 12. 1'!. Flying Fortress piloted 'by Captain by reading the letter he cannot write to his friends in Summit H in a demonstration thai Summit f Joseph E. Henslcr, of 2 Surrey —but you can write to him. As you can also see it will help is the place to shop. The total " load, had shot down "two Japanese him greatly to get your letters. Will each of you who knows number of supporters Is now ex- Zeroes today to avenge the loss of him sit down and write and make a note to write often? Also pected to reach nearly 75. another B-17 on a bombing mis- sion." he can receive cigarettes and food parcels. But-read his letteK This week The Summit Herald Is Captain Hensler was pilot of again setting aside an entire IKIRO t one of three Fortresses who mude TIN CANS AND A LIFE which curries a listing of all tho three runs over Bojadji-m Village merchants who have thus far signi- Did you read "Two Tin Cang Ind a Soldier's Life"—the fied their intention of supporting •' near Madang, remaining over the Summit Salvage Committee advertisement in last week's : target so long that escorting P-38's Sumujit Days. • '" ' had to leave for their base—they Herald? If not, read it in this issue. It's on page 13. Another Fifteen thousand of next Thurs- •were running short of fuel. salvage drive is coming up and your help is heeded again. Read day's Hrealds will bo distributed- ..« Three Zeros then pounced on the the advertisement to see the date set for your area. signalizing the start of the- three big bargain days. These conies will " B-17's from above as the bombers We heard over the radio the other night that fat salvage circled out to sea preparatory to j -be distributed to thousands of fam- has become increasingly important because of the need for fat ilies in Summit, New Provide-nco gaining altitude. j CA.PT. JOSEPH IIES'SLEtt in the production of explosives. As you know from the news Borough and Township, Olinthani, In the first pass, the Zeros hit j Short Hills,.Millburn, Sprinsfield, one Fortress and it ."went swooping Pilot of a Flying Fortress the American forces are using a lot of explosives these days. which nM»t down .two Zero Madison, Florham Park, (Irucn Vil- *V' into the clouds," ^said Hensler. Two Save fat and turn it in." lage and Mountainside, and Iii olh- fig-liters iii tlip So^ji Pacific i ^ •.,.... .... Japanese fighters went after his er communities, giving thorn a tlra- ship, 'but a hall of lead exploded See story elsewhere on this SUMMIT DAYS imge. rfiatic invitation to visit this city one, and caused the second to This will be the third year Summit has invited people from and shop in its stores for the har1- crash. The third Zero declined to all over this area to come here on three special days and see gain£ which merchants will of for close in. on tiiat occasion. v Hensler and his crew escaped in- what Summit's "big store" of many shops has to offer. The jury. Prisoner of far days this year are August 12, 13 and 14 — in other words, Purpose of Summit Days, as ban been so frequently explained, is to Capt. Hensler is the son of Mrs. Thursday, Friday and Saturday of next week. remind Summit residents what Arthur Hensler, of 2 Surrey road, Writes Friends!« shopping facilities are available in grandson of the late Dr. Edward J. As you can imagine the question whether to continue the Summit and to bring thousands of Ill of Newark and great-grandson now-estabished custom this war year was raised but we think the sensible answer, which the town arrived at, was that the people from neighboring towns to ( of the founder of the Joseph Hens- From German Prison Summit, Thursday, Friday and Sat- . ler Brewery. He has two brothers Some months back the Herald cutom should be maintained. Summit continues a major shop- urday, August 12, 13, and 14. Pav- in the Air Corps, Charles and published a story about a former ping area upon which a great many peopie in3SUrrounding areas At a ceremony at Overlook Hospital Friday afternoon Mrs. Kuth Mayo, president of Overlook ticipaiing merchants for Summit. ' Arthur. Summit boy, Sergeant J. Gordon I^ays-give assurance of exceptional depend arid it should continue to play its appointed role, per- Nurses' Alumnae Association, presented to Walter Ci Heath, president.of tlic Hoard of Trustees, a ser- Capt. Hensler has 'been mention- Roan, RCAF, telling of liis capture •bargains for these three days and haps especially at a time like this. At whatever level civilian vice flag1 honoring the eighteen Overlook graduate nurses who are serving1 with the Army and Navy. ed several times previously in and giving his address at a German will, in addition, show some of Tlie flag1 lins been hung1 in the lobby of the hospital. Shown at the presentation arc Howard (J. Turner, | press dispatches telling of hiB ef- prison camp. This'week, the Sum- supplies may be, Summit should continue to be the shopping their early fall lines. -This is con- fective aerial warfare against the Bniierhitendent of Overlook; 31rs. Florence Dressin, director of School of Nursing; 3Irs. Mayo, Mr. Heath, ( mit man writes to the Herald his area geography and circumstances have made it. sidered particularly desirable (bis Jap-s. He was ,one of 12 officers, and Mrs. Muriel Colgan, chairman of the Special Flag Committee of the Alumnae Association. year because there are only about credited with more than 100 hours deep appreciation for the parcels We think, as a matter of fact, that people who come here and mail his Summit friends have three weeks ibetween Summit Days of operational flight mlssons In the on Summit Days, especially if they come from areas less and Labor Day and the opening Southwest Pacific, who were been showering him with. He favored with shops, may be surprised at the wartime merchan- SCHOOLS OPEN SEPT. 9 that week of schools... %. awarded the Air Medal for "meri- says: dise available. _''•' Best Jictory Garden Public schools will open for Service Flag Honors torious achievement" March. 2. "Dear Sirs—I find myself in Also as previously announced, tho full term Thursday, Sep- free transportation will be provided rather an unusual and embarrass- tember !>. Children, vtlio will ing position. As a resujt of your Will Receive Award Overlook Nurses customers on Summit Days on Pub- CITED BY PRESIDENT be, five, years of age by Decem- lic Service liuses, \hc Laekawanivi.' generous notice In your paper, I ^her$^|«pit ber J* inity;enteputesajrten. Health Board Rejects ve received ..nuwh .correspond,*} With Armed Forces Railroad end* the DcOorso Bus ('o. •v, «**-, _&m&W?M*ft* Lena's" 'fn'f Stndehti) ,'^icw5;'to'"'-, Summit I Bo sure to save your purchase t All;rwho'have Victory Gardens in schools alfe requested to reg- At a ceremony held Friday af- | tickets from stores vmrtieipafiiig in Summit. This I appreciate more ister at,tho schools where they than you can imagine. It brings community Viotory Garden plots in ternoon ' at Overlook Hospital the Summit Days and your toinl t':iro .'Summit 'are eligible to 'enter the are to attend on either Septem- Overlook Nurses Alumnae Associa- will be rcbatted at The Herald of- back such gentle memories during ber 7 or 8. If parents arc In Chicken Pent these years of strife and hardship, DwlUIC liCtwlllUwI Garden Inspection and Victory- tion presented to the hospital a flco Harvest Show which is being spon- doubt as to ttPfcrKtrict, they service flag, honoring' the eighteen The Board of Health has re- soothing away my empty hours of Drafting of pre-P&arl Harbor arc nsked to telephone Su. loneliness and yearning. Sumtaiit and New Providence Bor- sored iby' the Victory Garden COTIJ- graduates of Overlook who are ,v ceived its first complaint concem- 6-3023 or Su. 6-8024. serving with the armed forces. ^ ing the numerous chicken permits "My correspondents all express ug-h and Township fathers will not mittee'of the Community War Serv- their,desire to hear from me. I'm be necessary before December at ice Division of the Summit Defense Four additional Overlook graduates Pfc. Oscar F. Jackson granted Summit residents since the are expected to be inducted within a meat shortage put chicken farming afraid this is impossible unless you he earliest If the present quota Council.' ' ;.
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