The Glenville Mercury Vol. XXIX No. 11 Glenville State College, Glenville, W. Va. Wednesday, February 12, 1958 Music Students Represent Glenville Play Tryout Date 28 Student Teachers Begin Duties !t Twelfth !nnual Music Conference To Be Announced In 8 !rea Schools For Third Term Try-outs for I George Bernard in Seven music students will represent Glenville State College Shaw's farce-comedy, "The Mls­ Seventeen seniors have been placed various high schools in the All-College Symphony Orchestra Concert which will he a1l1ance," will be announced in the for their directed teaching this term according to Nelson Well, part of the state music conference this month at 1>tlorris Harvey next few days, This comedy has supervisor of secondary education. College. been recently presented on Broad­ ~ Ottis E. Boy~es, Jr., and Gene F. According to Miss Bertha Olsen, Elmore Jr. will be teaching music way and on toW'S when it was re­ assistant professor of music, the at Weston High School. Assigned following students V\-'Ul participate vived and staged by Cyril Ritchard. to Calhoun County High School are in the orchestra: Francis Angelos. There are parts in the play tor George Cook, Steven Cooper, and first violin: Harold Hudnall, second three women and six men. Keith Pritt. Cook and Pritt both violin; Ernest Backus. viola: Shir­ The play is a violent farce involv­ have fields in physical education and biology. Cooper will teach bio­ ley Hager, Joyce Brannon, Harold ing the escapades or a madcap Johnson. cello, and David Arbogast, logical science and physical educa­ household in the England of 1910. bass. tion. The Twelfth Annual State Music Men chase women, and women Students placed in Glenville High Conference sponsored by the W. Va. chase men, and ideas fly in and School and their fields are Trent Music Educators Association will be out of the vigorous action ot the Busch, English and speech; Connie held at Morris Harvey Feb. 20, 21, play. Sams, soci~..1 studies and English; 22. The evening program for Feb. David Umstead, biology and general Try-outs Will Be Soon 20 will include the W. Va. All-Col­ and physIcal science; and Dorothy Critic John Gossmer ranks lege Symphony Orchestra CODcert. Matics, business education and so­ play just behind Wilde's "The Im­ Conducting the orcbestra will be cial studies. portance of Being Earnest." Actu­ Wolfgang Vacano, associate pro­ Kermit and Virginia Mick ap..d ally, "The Misalliance" was nearly fessor of opera and opera conduc­ Mida Batley will be teaching I in forgotten until its recent Broadway tor at Indiana University. Doddridge County High School. revivaL Conductor From m Mrs. Mick and Miss Bailey both Born in Germany, Vacano studied Try-outs will be open to all who have fields in home economics and at the state Academy ot Music in DAVID EDWARD WALLACE are interested. Notices announcing DAN T. MOORE physical education. Mick will teach Berlin, conducted tor ten years at the exact date will be posted about physical education and biology. opera houses in Germany and Swit­ Music Instructor the campus. Assigned to Sutton High School zerland, and in 1951 became a mem­ Three student-directed one act 'Spy Warfare' Is are Kay Watklns, home economics ber of the faculty at Indiana UnJ­ plays are to be given 10 the near and Bonnie Gorrell, home econom­ versity in Bloomington. Joins CSC Staff future. Those directing plays are Lyceum Subject ics. It Is expected that the orchestra Patricia Kn1celey, "The Monkey's Donald C. Wedekamm will be will rehearse all day belore pre- David Edward Wallace, music in- Paw;" J1m White, ''The Shadow of Dan Tyler Moore, a gifted writer teaching biology and general sci­ senttng the concert at 8:30 in the structor, has recently been placed the Cathedral;" and Lorretta Per­ a.nd speaker, will present the third ence at Harrisville High School and Morris Harvey Auditorium. Other on the Glenville State College fac­ nell, "Another Way Out." in the lyceum programs for the Sallr Zeigler, who has been placed students, besides those in the or­ ulty. current school year tomorrow night in Sand Fork High School, will chestra, and Glenville state faculty A native of Raleigh County, Wal­ in the GSC Auditorium. Moore will teach home economics and English. members will attend the conference. lace is a 1950 graduate of West 3 Girls Manage discuss "Spy Warfare Today" be­ (Continued on Page 4) Virginia UnJversity, He received his ginning at 8 p.m. Master of Arts Degree in 1951 from House This Term Moore was graduated from Yale Northwestern University. Betore ac­ University in 1931 and went to Chaucer Missing; cepting the position at Glenville, Three home economics students work in Wall Street. This was fol­ Librarian Miller Wallace taught in Raleigh County are living in the Home Manage­ lowed by work for the federaJ gov­ and was credit manager for a firm ment House this term, according to ernment and for the state govern­ !rrest Is Sought in Evanston, nl, for six years. Assistant Pro1'essor Elma Jean ment of Ohio where he acquired a !ttends !L"~ Meet reputation for tracking down com­ If anyone knows the whereabouts Replaces Fastbotl Woofter, home economics instruc- Associate Pro f e s s 0 r and Mrs. plex types of criminals. of this volume, or any information Wallace is replacing Henry J. tor. Floyd W. MlIler recently went- to Was Counterspy leading to Its arrest, all that is Fasthoff, who died suddenly last Allcia Ann Jones, a native of Chicago, where Miller attended the This experience was valuable dur­ asked is that he leave the book October. Before the new instructor Sand Fork; Carolyn Ranson, from mid-winter conference of the Amer­ somewhere in the library-reading was hired, Prof. Harold Orendorft, Charleston; and Arlene H1nterer, ing World War II when he was a ican Library Association. room, on the tables, or check-out Asst. Prof. Bertha E. Olsen, and from Doddridge County are resl­ counterspy for the O.S.S. and active desk-where it can be round. advanced musIc majors had. been dents of the house for this nine in counter-espiona.ge in Egypt. While there, Miller attended sev­ What volume? VolUme xxn, teaching all the vocal and tnstru- weeks period. A gifted writer as well as speaker, eral meetings, one a section on Moore's articles have appeared In Chaucer," .of the World's Great mental classes. Teacher's Collefe Libraries in which Books set, a gift to the Robert F. The new instructor Is the father Miss Jones is a senior home eco­ leading magazines and newspapers. Catherine Stokes, librarian of West- Kidd Library. According to Floyd of two children, Edward Paul, who nomics student. Miss Ranson is a He is the ohly speaker on the W. Miller, head librarian, and Miss Is three years old. and Robert Eu- junior with fields in home eco- American platfonn who has headed ern Michigan University, discussed Mary Susan Brown, assistant llbrar- gene, nine months old. He is a nom1cs and English. Miss Hinterer a large-scale counter intelligence the formulation of a Core List of ~b;a~~ I~o~~e n~t r;:~:~i~:~::' __--' (~C~on~t~in~u~ed"__'o__'n~p=_a"g:.:.__'2:.:.) ___=__ls~a _juni_O~r~h~o~m~e~e__ c~on~o~m~l~cs_st~u ~de~n~t_o:.-pe~r~.t~lo~n_in-.:a-.::n~un:::·:::p:.:o:.:rt:::.:::n:.:t -=ar:.:e:::.:.:. _ bO~::: ::; ~e~~:~::~:t~~n~m_ The set, which contains the Cup'd I C' A' t I H Ii D A H · pleting the list and Miller, has vol- world', greatest literature, the Ideas I S Iven SSlS ance n ur ng arts t earts , and phliosophy ot such personal1- C' I Will I . B T S V I ' unteered to check the list against ~:s,.:~.P~~~h:~~S';~:~;t::;!e: Ir S nVIte oys 0 1. a entine s Day Sock Hop ~~n;~~:i~:'~'~c::~e:~:;'~h!~:~~ ally had 54 volumes; the set 1& Every so often Cupid needs ali schools of education may evalua.te valued at $190-$200, but one mt.ss- little assistance in hurling his darts thm Aces, a dance orchestra from Ruckman, Mary Jo Ch1sler, Mary their books and see how they rate ing book greately lowers the value at the hearts of the Glenville State Marietta, Ohio, will pla.y at the Francis Rollyson, Sue Valentine, with a standardized Core List of of the set. College lads and lassIes. Therefore, dance. Nancy GillespIe, and Garnet Bob- educa.tion books. tradition and social custom have Featured at the dance will be lett. Jean Loyd Receives been cast asIde, and the lassies are decorations and activities centering Members of the sorority are hav­ Faculty M~mbers Will urged to invite their favorite lads around St. Valentines Day. The Ing dance program books construct­ State IFYE Honor to the annual Xi Beta Sock Hop dance has long been termed a "Sock ed. These are being financed by the Attend Science Meet Miss Jean Bell Loyd, daughter of set for Friday night. Hop" because it is a tradition for selling ot advertising to bUsinesses' John V. White, assistant profes- Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Loyd, R.F D. 1, An annual atratr the Sock Hop everyone to dance in his stockinged and organizations in town. Upon sor of mathematics, and Dr. Max Sutton, has been chosen West Vir­ Is sponsored by the Xi Beta Tau feet. Shoes will be checked at the arrival at the dance each boy will Ward, chairman of Science and g1n1a's International Farm Youth Soror1ty.
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