Dear Alumni and Friends of Morehead State University: As most of you know by now, several counties within MSU's service region have suffered tremendous damage, and unfortunately loss of life, as a result of the recent tornadoes and storms. West Liberty in Morgan County, where the town took a dire ct hit from an EF-3 tornado, has been the foc us of national news attention . Areas all across the Co mmonwealth and neighboring states have been seriously impa cted. As the news of th e extensive damage spread, we began to receive calls and e-mails from many alumn i, stu dents and parents, and conce rned citizens abo ut ways to help. As you know, MSU has a long history of serving the people of Ea stern Kentucky, an d I ca n assure you that the Unive rs ity will do all that we can to assist the peop le in these affected areas with the manpower an d resources availa bl e to us. Morehead State University's volunteer efforts will be coordinated th rough the Center for Reg ional Engagement (CRE). The CRE also is serving as a drop-off point for donations of relief supplies at its office, located at 320 University Street. We have established a website at www.moreheadstate.edu/msucares to provide informati on to our students and employees who are affected by the storms, as well as to provi de the MSU community with the most current information and opportunities to he lp our people and our region. Financia l donations can be made in a number of ways to the American Red Cross and other local relief organizations. Most importantly, I ask that you keep the people in our region in your thoughts and praye rs . Th is is a very difficult time for so many who have lost not only their homes, but are dealing with the loss of family and/or friend s and neighbors. If we all pull together, co nso lidate our resource s, and work shoulder to should er, we can help our people overcome the adversity they now face. Sincerely, Wayne D. Andrews President While we are still uncertain exactly how many of our fellow Eag les have been impacted, we anticipate the number will be high. Nearly 1,500 of our students are from the counties that were most strongly hit. That's about 1/6 of all our students. You may show your support of the "MSU Cares Disaster Relief Fund" with a gift of $100, $50 or whatever you can give.You may give online at MSUCARES www.alumni.moreheadstate.edu/makegift. To learn about opportunities Thank you for your continued support for support and volunteer needs, visit of Morehead State University! www.moreheadstate.edu/msucares. 2 I www moreheadstate.edu/ statement STATEMENT Reflections 6 Pres1dent. M rehead State Umvers1ty 125th Anniversary Celebration 7 Dr. Wayne D. Andrews The woman behind the presidents 8 C r B1 ard f Regents Setting the stage 12 John C. Merchant (79) life in the spotlight began at MSU 14 Pres1d1 nt MSU Alumm AssoctallOn Inc Clyde James (65) A proud past with a promising future 16 Chatr, Board of Trustees, MSU FoundatiOn Inc. Eagles on the gridiron 20 Daragh Porter (77) Staying inbounds as an Eagle fan 22 Publisher James Shaw MSU celebrates record enrollment 26 Stay connected online 27 Ma 1agmg Ed1tor April Hobbs Nuner (97) Orchard becomes part of 29 agricultural sciences program Edttors Mindy Highley (91 ) NYC internship merges 30 Jami Hornbuckle (96) fashion and philanthropy Tami B. Jones (82) Pauline Young (84) Alumnus assists in Iraq's 31 first liver transplant Art 01 ector Toni Hobbs (02) MSU satellite launches this summer 31 Creative Servtces EAGLE EYE 18 Tim Holbrook (94), Photographer Guy Huffman (02), Photographer FAME & GLORY 23 Don W illiams (07). Graphic Designer CAREER 28 CLASS NOTES 32 Proll 11 n Manager Amy Riddle (00) IN MEMORIAM 32 SAVE THE DATE 35 C1 tnbutors Kenna Allen Walter (08) Jason Blanton (OJ) Morehead State Umvers11y IS commmed to prov1dmg equal educauonal M egan Boone opponumu es to all persons regardless of race, color, nauonal ongm. age. rel1g1on. se x. sexual onentauon. d1sabled veterans, recently separated Allison Caudill (05) veterans, other protected veterans, and armed forces serv1ce medal Blake Hannon veterans. or d1sablllly m liS educatiOnal programs. serv1ces. actiVIIles. Alicia Huffman (01 ) employment pohc1es. and adm1ss1on of stud ents to any program of study In 1h1s regard th e Umvers11y conforms to all the laws. statutes, and Phillip James (01 ) regulauons concernmg equal employment opponun111es and aff~rmauve Keith Kappes (70) actmn Th1s Includes Title VI and Title VII of the C1v1l R1ghts Act of 1964. El iza beth Kn ight Title IX of the Educauon Amendments of 1972, Execuove Orders 11246 and 11375, Equal Pay Act of 1963. Vretnam Era Veterans ReadJ ustment M an Schabert AssiStance Act of 1974. Age 01Strlm1nat1on m Employment Act of 1967. Man Segal Secuons 503 and 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Amen cans With D1sabllit1es Act of 1990. and Kentucky Rev1sed Statutes 207 130 to 207 240. VocatiOnal educational programs at Morehead State Umve rs11y supponed by federal funds mclude mdustnal education. vocational STATEMENT IS published three 11mes a year by agnculture. busmess education, and the assoc1ate degree program m Morehead State Umvers11y through an off-campus nursmg Any mqlllres should be addressed to Affirmative Acuon Off1cer, prmtlng contract w11h Jeffrey Fannm Enterpnses. Morehead State Umvers11y, 101 Howell McDowell. Morehead. KY 40351 , Morehead. Ky STATEMENT IS d1stnbuted to alumm, 606-783-2097 faculty. staff, benefactors, parents, and other fnends of Morehead State Umvers11y Articles may STATEMENT be repnn ted Without perm1ss1on We appreciate Offi ce of Alumnr & Constituent Relat1ons not1f1Cat1on of repnnt use Opm1ons expressed herem 150 Unrversity Blvd. do not necessanly reflect the off1c1al polic1es of Morehead, KY 40351 Morehead State Umvers1ty Phone: 800-783-2586 E-mail: statement@more headsta te.edu Winter 2012 3 Top ranked status continues For the eighth consecutive "Our faculty and staff are deeply committed to making year, MSU has been Morehead State the best public regional university in the South, recognized as one of all for the benefit of our students and their families," the foremost public Dr. Andrews said. universities in the South The standings place emphasis on acceptance rates, graduation in the 2012 edition of rate s, admissions se lectivity and small cl ass sizes. MSU has "Am erica's Best Colleges" consistently been rec ogni zed for relatively small classes and a by U.S.News & World high percentage of full-time faculty members - two important Report. factors for student success. "We are very pleased The ran kings include public and private institutions which to be recognized again grant bachelor's and maste r's degrees in 12 states of the South, this year as one of the outstanding regiona l public universities including Kentucky, West Virginia, Virginia, North Carolina, by this widely popular college guide," said MSU President South Carolina, Tennessee, Florida, Alabama , Mississippi, Wayne Andrews. "We ha ve experienced record enrollment and Georgia, Arkansas and Louisiana. retention this year. Our campus remains one of the safest in the region, and we continue to improve the quality of life for our Ra nkings were published in the magazine's September issue. stud ents." MSU named military friendly school by G.l. Jobs magazine Morehead State University ha s be en named a "Military Friendly is distributed to active and School" by G.l. Jobs Magazine, placing it in the top 15 percent former service members. of colleges, universities and trade schools nationwide that are "Veterans can now enroll doing the most to embrace America's veterans as students. in any school, provided Th e common bond of these institutions is their shared priority they're academically of recruiting students with military experience. This is the third qualified. Veterans straight year MSU has achieved this distinction. need a trusted friend to help them decide "We're pleased to be recogni zed as a camp us community that where to get educated. truly cares about helping veterans and their families with the Th e Military Friendly transition to college life and accomplishing their educational Schools list is that trusted friend," said mission," said Jeffrey Liles, assistant vice president for Rich McCormac k, G.l. Jobs publisher. enrollment services. Veterans interested in learning more about MSU may contact The magazine analyze d data from a survey of 8,000 schools to Jill McBride (06), stu dent veteran advocate in the Transition create the list of 1,518 colleges, un iversities and trade schools. Ce nter in the Office of Enro llment Services, at 606-783-2000. They also conducted a survey of student veterans. For a complete listing of military-related services, including an According to the magazine, schools were selected for enrollment checklist for new student veterans, contact Steve offering sc holarships, military credit, clubs, se rvices and other Crail (91 ), veterans' certification official in the reg istrar's office, opportunities to service members and veterans. The list is at 606-783-2833 or visit www.moreheadstate.edu/veteran. included in the annua l Guide to Military Friendly Schools, which 4 I www.moreheadstate ed u/ stateme nt AROUNDMSU College of Science and Technology has new dean Dr. Roger McNeil is dea n of the "We are extremely pleased to have Dr. McNeil join us," said Co ll ege of Science and Technology at Dr. Karla Hughes, provost. "I look forward to working with him Morehead State University, a position and I am confident that he will benefit the students, faculty and he assumed in 2011.
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