LUE RD The voice of ASM since 1934 June2009 Volume 76, Ho . 2 The Audubon Society of Missouri Missouri's Ornithological Society Since 1901 THE AUDUBON SOCIETY OF MISSOURI Officers Regional Directors Jim Zellmer*+, President (2010) Lisa Berger+ (2011) 2001 NE 4th St., Blue Springs, MO Springfield (417) 881-8393 64014, (816) 228-3955 JoAnn Eldridge+ (2011) [email protected] Kearny (816) 628-4840 Bruce Beck*+, Vice-President (2010) Larry Lade+ (2009) 230 CR 466; Poplar Bluff, MO 63901 St. Joseph (816) 232-6125 (573) 785-3871 [email protected] Terry McNeely+ (2010) Jameson, MO (660) 828-4215 Pat Lueders*+, Treasurer (2010) 4 79 Sherwood Drive June Newman+ (2009) St. Louis, MO 63119; (314) 779-1372 Carrollton (660) 542-0873 plleuders4 [email protected] Bill Reeves+ (2010) Laura Gilchrist*+, Secretary (2010) Farmington 7606 NW 73rd Ct Ruth Simmons+ (2011) Kansas City MO 64152-2385 Kansas City (816) 746-8973 lagi. [email protected] Mike Thelen+ (2009) University City, (314) 862-6642 Honorary Directors Clare Wheeler+ (2010) Richard A. Anderson, St. Louis** Lake Ozark & Canton (573) 365-2951 Nathan Fay, Ozark** Leo Galloway, St. Joseph Chairs Jim Jackson, Marthasville Josh Uffman, Rare Bird Alert Lisle Jeffrey, Columbia** Ferguson, MO Floyd Lawhon, St. Joseph** (314).387 .8037 Patrick Mahnkey, Forsyth** [email protected] Rebecca Matthews, Springfield Sydney Wade, Jefferson City** Bill Clark, Historian Dave Witten, Columbia** 3906 Grace Ellen Dr. John Wylie, Jefferson City** Columbia, MO 65202 (573) 474-4510 Dr. David Easterla, 2006 Recipient June Newman, Membership of the Rudolph Bennitt Award Carrollton, MO 64633 Paul E. Bauer, 2004 Recipient ofthe (660)542-0873 Rudolph Bennitt Award + Board Position * Executive Committee Member **Deceased Page i THE BLUEBIRD THE BLUEBIRD The Bluebird Editor: Bill Eddleman*+, 1831 Ricardo Drive, Cape Girardeau, MO 63701, (573) 335-1507, eddlemanw@s be global. net Christmas Bird Count Compiler: Randy Korotev, 800 Oakbrook Lane, St. Louis, MO 63132, (314) 993-0055, [email protected] Communication Services: Patrick Harrison Webmaster, http://mobirds.org, Susan Hazelwood and David Scheu, Co-owners Listserve, [email protected],edu Conservation Editor: Sue Gustafson+, 429 Belleview Ave., Webster Groves MO 63119 (314) 968-8128, [email protected] Migratory Bird Count Compiler David Rogles, 60 Shadowridge Drive St. Peters, MO 63376 (636) 936-0660, [email protected] MO Bird Records Committee: Brad Jacobs+-Chair, 11300 Vemers Ford Road, Columbia, MO 65201, (573) 874-3904, [email protected] Bill Rowe-Secretary, 9033 Big Bend Road, St. Louis, MO 63119, (314) 962-0544, [email protected] Seasonal Survey Editors: Spring: Kristi Mayo, 1807 Clear Creek Dr., Kearney, MO 64060 (816) 289-7828, [email protected] Summer: Josh Uffman, 420 North Clay Avenue, Ferguson, MO 63135 [email protected] Fall: Bill Eddleman, 1831 Ricardo Dr., Cape Girardeau, MO 63701, (573) 335-1507 (h), [email protected] Winter: Joe Eades, 517 Willow Lane, Kirkwood, MO, 63122, (314) 835- 0353, [email protected] * Executive Committee Member Deadlines for submission of material for publication in The Bluebird Manuscripts for The Bluebird-to the editor by: Feb. 1 for March issue; May 1 for June issue; Jul. 15 for Sept. issue; Nov. 1 for Dec. issue Deadlines for submissions to the Seasonal Survey Compilers Winter (Dec. 1-Feb. 28)-to Joe Eades by Mar. 10 Spring (Mar. 1-May 31)-to Kristi Mayo by June 10 Summer (June 1-July. 31)-to Josh Uffman by Aug 10 Fall (Aug. 1-Nov. 30)-to Bill Eddleman by Dec. 10 Page ii THE BLUEBIRD TABLE OF CONTENTS June, 2009 Volume 76, No. 2 39 President's Corner-Jim Zellmer 40 From the Editor-Bill Eddleman 41 Announcing the 2009 ASM Graduate Research Scholarship Recipient-Sue Gustafson 42 Missouri Christmas Bird Counts, 2008-2009-Randy Korotev 62 Seasonal Report: Winter 2008-2009-Joe Eades 74 A Birder's Guide to Missouri Public Lands-Edge Wade Front Cover- This immature Ferruginous Hawk provided a brief, but pho- togenic appearance near Prairie Home Conservation Area in Cooper Co. on 16 February. Photo by Jonathan Pons. Eastern Bluebirds in John Hitzeman's back yard in Troy, Mis- souri. Photo by John Hitzeman. THE BLUEBIRDis publishedquarterly by The AudubonSociety of Missouri.. The submissionof articles, photographs,and artwork is welcomed and encouraged. The views and opinions ex- pressed in this journal are those of each contributing writer and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of The Audubon Society of Missouri or its officers, Board ()f Directors, or edi- tors. Send address corrections to ASM, 2101 W. Broadway, PMB 122, Columbia, MO 65203-1261. Page iii THE BLUEBIRD How many of you remember the television series, the "A Team"? Where George Pep- pard played the part of John ''Hannibal" Smith. At the end of the series, Hannibal would light up a cigar, after all of the gun fights, bomb explosions, and total chaos, with a big grin he would say ....." I love it when a plan comes together." So it was with the filling of Board positions earlier this year. The Audubon Society of Mis- souri (ASM) had two board slots and one executive committee position to be filled. I am pleased to say that all positions have been filled and by out- standing people. Bill Reeves has joined the board as a director from Farmington, Missouri. Bill is a past president of ASM, a past mem- ber of the Missouri Bird Records Committee (MBRC), and is an out- standing birder as well. Ruth Simmons of Lee's Summit, Missouri, is a long time birder, who is completing her Masters Degree in biology with emphasis in ornithology. She is also a member of Burroughs Audubon Society of Kansas City. Pat Lueders of St. Louis, Missouri, comes to us to take over the position of treasurer. Joyce Bathke re- signed earlier this year to move to Virginia to be closer to her chil- dren. Pat was gracious enough to step in. Pat helped run a family owned business by keeping the books and doing the accounts pay- able. She is an active member of the St. Louis Audubon Society and is working with bird banding. Her experience will be a valuable as- set to ASM. This year the spring meeting was held in Columbia, Missouri and it was a full weekend of choices. The Columbia Audubon Society (CAS) did a very good job of planning not only the activities and multiple trips, but also providing service to all those that attended. The guest speaker was Dr. James D. Rising, author of "Sparrows of the United States and Canada". His workshop and evening presentation was nothing short of outstanding. I want to give a special thanks to Dr. Rising for allowing us to cash in on his knowledge of those LBJ's (little brown jobs). Also, I want to give a special thanks to the plan- ning committee for doing an excellent job: Vanessa Melton, Susan Hazelwood, Edge Wade and Eric Seaman. Thank you for such a wonderful weekend! Page 39 THE BLUEBIRD This is the time that ASM will be meeting with the Missouri Depart- ment of Conservation (MDC), to work on the next phase of the Con- servation Area Checklists (CACHE) project. We will be entering phase V of our agreements with MDC and will be looking for ways to improve the way we provide the services that we do. Also, the term with the State Parks (SPARKS), Department of Natural Resources (DNR) will be coming to a close and talks with DNR will begin as well. Please continue to enter your data into the CACHE/SPARKS database and build the information that we have come to rely on. We need everyone's support if we are going to be successful. As summer approaches, keep in mind the hazards of summertime heat, insects, dehydration, and too much sun exposure without sun- screen. When you go out to bird, please take the necessary precau- tions to protect yourself and don't over do it. Mter all, the next event is the fall meeting and we want everyone to be sure to attend that meeting as it promises to be a good one. Jim Zellmer President, The Audubon Society of Missouri From the Editor Bill Eddleman Change happens, but slowly! With this issue and this volume, the page numbering for The Bluebird will run sequentially. That is, page numbers will begin with the March issue, and run in sequence through the December issue. This will make things a bit easier for our professional readers, in that the peer-reviewed articles may be cited more easily when being referred to in other scientific papers. You have also probably noticed that I've been using more photos in the last few issues. I'm happy to report that quite a number of you have responded to my request for Missouri bird photos, and I am quite happy to use them. With digital photography, there are liter- ally hundreds to choose from, and we have some great photogra- phers among our birder community in Missouri. Finally, I always look forward to your comments and suggestions- both good and bad. Thus far, however, I've received few of either. Does this mean you like it, or just won't comment? Anyway, keep those cards, letters, and e-mails coming, and good birding! rPage 40 THE BLUEBIRD Announcing the 2009ASMGraduate Research Scholarship Recipient SueGustafson The Scholarship Committee of the Audubon Society of Mis- souri is pleased to announce that the 2009 ASM Graduate Re- search Scholarship has been awarded to Allison S. Cox at the University of Missouri-Columbia for her research entitled "Natal dispersal of Red-bellied Woodpeckers in a fragmented landscape." Allison's graduate advisor is Dr.
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