25TH ANNIVERSARY TH 25ANNIVERSARY 1990 - 2015 We are delighted to celebrate 籍香港嘉福機電成立二十五周年之際, BYME Hong Kong’s 25th anniversary. 我們謹致以最熱烈的祝賀! In 1990, Dragages Hong Kong, subsidiary of world-class builder challenges in foreign environments and making them more open to 1990年,世界級建築商Bouygues Construction的子公司香港寶嘉, 為實現我們集團的核心價值,我們會確保員工受到完整訓練,充分信任 Bouygues Construction, took the strategic decision to establish the cultures of the world. We strongly believe that this diversity is 作出一個策略性的重要決定設立一間專業的機電公司,目的是向顧客提供 他們並給予授權,讓他們在充滿團隊精神、團結合作的工作環境中發揮 its own E&M specialist company. The purpose was to offer one of our greatest strengths. 建築設計與建造的整合服務,以及快速施工的整體機電解決方案。 最好的表現。這份信任亦延伸到我們的客戶身上,為了達成一致的目標, design-and-build services and fast-track construction to clients on 因此,香港嘉福機電就此誕生了。 我們用心傾聽客戶的意見,並給予專業的建議,以滿足客戶的期望。 a turnkey basis for E&M works. BYME Engineering Hong Kong In line with the core values of our group, we make sure that our was born. people are trained, trusted and empowered to deliver their best 25年後,嘉福機電已成為香港及鄰近區域最領先的機電承辦商之一。 對未來公司的願景,我們希望繼續發揮我們的強項:用最具成本效益、 performance in a team spirit and solidarity-driven working 嘉福參與了多項地標性的建築項目,為香港視為亞洲國際都會地位作出了 最節能的方式來設計、建造、維修以及營運各個機電系統。要能在 25 years later, BYME has grown to become one of the environment. Our sense of trust is extended to our clients. 貢獻,例如:香港大球場、港鐵與九廣鐵路的車站與隧道、國泰航空 競爭越來越激烈的環境中生存,我們必須保持創新,並時時更新和裝備 foremost E&M contractors in Hong Kong and the region. The We endeavor to carefully listen to them with a single goal: 總部、無線電視廣播城、亞洲國際博覽館、東方文華酒店、天際萬豪酒 自己。強效的增值整體解決方案、自我表現評估、可持續發展的環保設 company has worked on a significant number of landmark meeting their expectations. 店、民航處總部、啟德郵輪碼頭大樓,以及其他多個項目。 計,再加上對能源效益的保證、模擬建築、預制和模組化、以及多年來 projects that contribute to Hong Kong’s status as Asia’s world city: 與設備供應商的緊密合作關係,正是我們為未來競爭打造的優勢。 Hong Kong Stadium, MTR and KCRC railway stations and Our vision for the future is to continue to do what we do best: 香港嘉福被視為是Bouygues Construction集團的核心資產,以安全、 tunnels, Cathay Pacific Headquarters, TVB City, AsiaWorld-Expo, designing, building, maintaining and operating E&M systems 可靠和高效的方式,提供高品質的機電服務。嘉福與寶嘉的合作模式非常 嘉福機電的成功來自於280位員工每個人的付出,而我們也深信本公司 Mandarin Oriental Hotel, SkyCity Marriott Hotel, Civil Aviation in a cost-effective and energy-efficient manner. To survive in an 成功,後來更被複製到亞洲和全球其他市場作為模範。我們在澳門、 在未來的二十五年,將會比成立以來的二十五年,更加興旺發達。 Department Headquarters, Kai Tak Cruise Terminal Building, increasingly competitive environment, we will have to continue 新加坡、卡塔爾、土庫曼斯坦、克羅地亞、美國,以及最近成立加納 and many more. to innovate and reinvent ourselves. Strong added value turnkey 辦事處,均設立了BYME International旗下的機電公司或營業部,以便 特此,萬分感謝我們的客戶、伙伴和員工!!! solutions, self-performance, environmentally sustainable design 為Bouygues Construction的高端國際工程項目提供機電配套。這樣, BYME Hong Kong is considered a key asset for the Bouygues with energy performance guarantees, building information 無論我們去到何方,我們聲譽卓著的全球集團優勢,跟當地員工的本土 Construction group, delivering high-quality E&M services in a modeling, prefabrication and modularization, partnerships with 智慧,都能夠互相融會和結合。 此致 safe, reliable and efficient manner. The collaboration model with key equipment suppliers: these are our competitive edges of Dragages has been such a success that it was exported to other tomorrow that we are developing today. 這個由多家公司組合而成的網絡,持續地發展最佳實踐方法,推動創新 Fabrice Denis, 董事總經理 markets in Asia and globally. Under the BYME International umbrella, 和人才方面的交流,驅使各個組織向卓越邁進。嘉福機電的員工擁有大量 John Szeto, 創辦人兼董事 E&M companies and business units were established in The success of BYME Hong Kong lies in each and every one of 國際交流的機會,讓他們能夠在國外的環境中接受新的挑戰,並使他們 Jacques Pelletier, BYME International CEO Macau, Singapore, Qatar, Turkmenistan, Croatia, the U.S. and its 280 staff and we are confident that the coming 25 years will 對各種文化更加開放。我們堅定的相信這種文化多樣性是我們最大的 Nicolas Borit, 董事局主席 most recently, Ghana, to provide E&M services for Bouygues be as bright and prosperous as the past ones. 優勢之一。 Construction’s high-profile international projects. Everywhere we go, we combine the strength of our established global group Many thanks to our clients, our partners, our staff! with the on-ground knowledge of our local staff. This network of companies facilitates the exchange of best practices, Fabrice Denis, Managing Director innovations and talents, continuously driving the organization John Szeto, Founder and Member of the Board towards excellence. BYME employees have an abundance of Jacques Pelletier, CEO of BYME International international mobility opportunities, allowing them to take on new Nicolas Borit, Chairman 1990 2015 MANDARIN ORIENTAL RENOVATION CIVIL AVIATION DEPARTMENT 2005 - 2008 HEADQUARTERS KCRC RAILWAY PROJECTS 2009 - 2012 1999 - 2006 HONG KONG JOCKEY CLUB HONG KONG STADIUM REDEVELOPMENT RENOVATION 1992 - 1994 ASIAWORLD-EXPO FOUR SEASONS HOTEL MACAO 2011 - 2015 TUNG CHUNG MTR STATION DIGITAL REALTY HONG KONG 2003 - 2006 2006 - 2008 1995 - 1998 10 DATA CENTRE 2014 KAI TAK CRUISE TERMINAL CITYPLAZA THREE & FOUR 2010 - 2013 1990 - 1992 CATHAY PACIFIC HEADQUARTERS & CLP CABLE TUNNELS OCEAN PARK REDEVELOPMENT CATERING CENTRE 2004 - 2009 2007 - 2009 1996 - 1999 SKYCITY MARRIOTT HOTEL TRADE AND INDUSTRY TOWER 2006 - 2008 CENTRALISED GOVERNMENT 2012 - 2015 TVB CITY GODOWN 2000 - 2002 1995 - 1996 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 08 CITYPLAZA THREE & FOUR 18 KCRC RAILWAY PROJECTS 28 SKYCITY MARRIOTT HOTEL 38 HONG KONG JOCKEY CLUB 1990 - 1992 1999 - 2006 2006 - 2008 RENOVATION 2011 - 2015 10 HONG KONG STADIUM 20 TVB CITY 30 FOUR SEASONS HOTEL MACAO REDEVELOPMENT 2000 - 2002 2006 - 2008 40 TRADE AND INDUSTRY TOWER 1992 - 1994 2012 - 2015 22 ASIAWORLD-EXPO 32 OCEAN PARK REDEVELOPMENT 12 CENTRALISED GOVERNMENT 2003 - 2006 2007 - 2009 42 DIGITAL REALTY HONG KONG GODOWN 10 DATA CENTRE 1995 - 1996 2014 24 CLP CABLE TUNNELS 34 CIVIL AVIATION DEPARTMENT 2004 - 2009 HEADQUARTERS 14 TUNG CHUNG MTR STATION 2009 - 2012 1995 - 1998 26 MANDARIN ORIENTAL RENOVATION 36 KAI TAK CRUISE TERMINAL 16 CATHAY PACIFIC HEADQUARTERS & 2005 - 2008 2010 - 2013 CATERING CENTRE 1996 - 1999 HONG KONG | CITYPLAZA THREE & FOUR | 太古城中心第三、第四期 11 1990 1991 1992 CITYPLAZA THREE & FOUR 1990 - 1992 | Client: Swire Properties Comprising two 23-storey Grade-A office towers, a common basement mall and covering a total of 107,000 square metres, Cityplaza phases three and four are part of the vibrant business district of Island East. The twin towers offer panoramic views of the harbour and are home to numerous multinational companies. BYME (initially a joint venture company between Dragages Hong Kong and Young’s Engineering) delivered the complete E&M package for this integrated complex, including electrical, fire services and plumbing installations and the MVAC installation using a sea-water cooling system. Our Origin Cityplaza Three & Four is the project where BYME originated. Recognizing the strategic importance of building services engineering for the successful delivery of construction projects, the E&M joint venture between Dragages and Young’s was incorporated to become a subsidiary company of Dragages in 1990. 太古城中心第三、第四期 1990 - 1992 | 客戶: 太古地產有限公司 太古城中心第三期與第四期,座落於充滿活力的港島東商業區,由兩棟 23層的甲級寫字樓大廈和互通的地下商場所組成,總佔地107,000平方米。 此棟雙子大樓可以看到港灣全景,是許多跨國公司的基地。嘉福(當時 是香港寶嘉與景福工程的聯營公司)為這種複合建築提供了完整的機電 整合方案,包括電力、消防系統、配管安裝,以及利用海水冷卻的中央 冷氣裝置。 我們的出發點 太古城中心第三、第四期是嘉福起步的第一個項目。由於寶嘉了解到在 大樓建造項目中成功完成各種服務和工程策略的重要性,寶嘉與景福組 成聯營公司,於1990年嘉福成為寶嘉的附屬公司。 HONG KONG | HONG KONG STADIUM | 香港大球場重建 13 1992 1993 1994 HONG KONG STADIUM Originally known as Government Stadium, the redevelopment of Hong Kong Stadium mainly 香港大球場重建 consisted in an increase of the capacity to 40,000 spectators with a roof covering 75 percent of the 1992 - 1994 | 客戶: 英皇御准香港賽馬會 REDEVELOPMENT seating area. In addition, an ancillary office building, lecture theatre, public address system and large vision screen were added to the new complex. The stadium is the main sports venue of Hong Kong 1992 - 1994 | Client: Royal Hong Kong Jockey Club 香港大球場,原稱政府大球場。重建內容主要包括將可容納觀眾數量擴增至40,000名,以及建造半開放的蓋頂, and home to the world famous Hong Kong Sevens rugby tournament. 覆蓋75%的座位區。此外,在這個新的複合設施上,添加一座附設辦公室大樓、演講廳、公共演說系統和特大型 屏幕。香港大球場是香港舉辦體育活動的主要地點,也是著名的香港國際七人欖球邀請賽每年舉辦場地。嘉福為 BYME oversaw the design, supply, installation, testing and commissioning of all E&M services and 該場地所有機電設備的設計、供應、安裝、測試以及投入使用進行監督,並且負責之後六個月的保養維修。 was responsible for the maintenance of the facility for a further 6 months. 快速施工方案 Fast-track Programme 寶嘉與嘉福的設計和施工流程都經過優化,在三十六個月之內完成工作,比合約預定日期提早一整年完成項目。 Dragages and BYME committed to completing the project a full year earlier than the contract schedule. The design and construction process were streamlined to finish the works within 36 months. HONG KONG | CENTRALISED GOVERNMENT GODOWN | 政府中央倉庫 15 1995 1996 CENTRALISED GOVERNMENT GODOWN 1995 - 1996 | Client: Architectural Services Department, 政府中央倉庫 Hong Kong Government 1995 - 1996 | 客戶: 香港政府建築署 This two-building, purpose-built, warehouse in Chai Wan was 中央倉庫位於柴灣,包含兩座建築,計畫作為多個政府部門的儲藏倉庫。 built to serve as a storage facility for multiple government 建築佔地49,000平方米,按照多種特殊格局設計,以配合使用者的 departments. The buildings, covering 49,000 square metres, were 需求,例如某些樓層高達8米,而另一些樓層則需要安裝專門的設備來 designed with different configurations to accommodate specific 儲存危險材料與藥品。嘉福被指定負責所有機電服務的設計與施工。 user requirements. Some storeys were up to eight metres high, while others required specialised storage facilities for hazardous 首次設計建造整合服務 materials and drugs. BYME was appointed for the design and 中央倉庫是首次為香港政府建築署,透過設計建造整合工程合約而 construction of all E&M services. 完成的項目。這是一個重要的里程碑,而這種合約模式現已受到建築署 的廣泛採用。
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