Little Dixie Community Action Agency, Inc. Board of Directors Meeting M A R C H 9 , 2 0 2 1 • 1 0 : 0 0 A M H E A D S T A R T A D M I N I S T R A T I O N O F F I C E 1 0 0 5 S . 5 T H S T R E E T - H U G O , O K L A H O M A Our Mission: To improve the lives of low-income individuals and families through service and collaboration leading to self-sufficiency. Board of Directors and/or Executive Committee Meeting Little Dixie Community Action Agency, Inc. Tuesday, March 9, 2021 10:00 a.m. Head Start Administration Office 1005 S. 5th Street Hugo, Oklahoma 74743 This meeting will include videoconferencing or teleconferencing but there will be parties present at the LDCAA Head Start Administration Office, located at 1005 S. 5th St., Hugo, OK 74743. The following Board Members will appear remotely via Zoom videoconference or teleconference: Brad Burgett Sharon Jernigan Cathie Carothers Vickie Leathers Kevin Cory Sandra Meeks Clinton Crawley Dwight Satterfield Melissa Cress Leah Savage Earl Dalke Wade Scott Brent Franks, Vice-Chairman Les Shumake Selena Franks David Smith Patsy Guess William Smith, Chairman David Hawkins, Secretary/Treasurer Vicky Wade Andrea Henkel Craig Young Public view/meeting access: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7337464865 or 1-346-248-7799 Meeting ID: 733 746 4865 AGENDA A. Call to Order and Invocation B. Opening of Board Meeting – Roll Call, Declaration of Quorum, and Introduction of Guests C. Finance/Audit/Loan Committee Report Consent Docket - The following items of business indicated by brackets (D and E, F, G) may be voted upon by a single vote of the Board without discussion, unless and except for any item which any one of the Board desires to have discussion about at the meeting or withdrawn from the Consent Docket and handled individually in order immediately following the completion of the Consent Docket. D. Consideration, Discussion, and Vote to Approve February 2021 Regular Meeting Minutes (Organizational Standard 5.5) E. Consideration, Discussion, and Vote to Approve January 2021 Financial Reports; Distribution of February 2021 Financials for April 2021 Consideration and Vote (O.S. 8.7) F. Consider Submission of Resolutions/Grant Applications, Vote to Approve – $2,727,008.83 1. McCurtain County Emergency Food and Shelter Program – Phase 38 Funding Application to EFSP/United Way - $500 2. Pushmataha County EFSP – Phase 38 Funding Application to EFSP/United Way - $3,885 3. FY 2020 Improvement Grants Application to the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma - $5,400 4. FY 2021 Community Services Block Grant Application (First Quarter Allocation) to the Oklahoma Department of Commerce/Community Development - $57,306 1 5. FY 2021 Grants to Prevent and Respond to Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking Against Children and Youth Program Application to the U.S. Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women - $500,000 6. FY 2021 Early Head Start-Child Care Partnership Grant Application (Continuation) to the Administration for Children and Families, Office of Head Start - $1,975,372 7. Oklahoma Early Childhood Program Grant Application to CAP Tulsa and Signing of the Provider Agreement (Year 16: 7/1/2021–6/30/2022) - $181,239.68 (Match: $90,812.94) 8. 2021 Oklahoma Asset Development Project Application to the Oklahoma Association of Community Action Agencies - $3,306.15 G. Consider Acceptance of Grants/Contracts/Awards, Vote to Approve – $1,510,679.15 1. Public Transit Revolving Fund Award from the Oklahoma Dept. of Transportation - $130,352 2. FY 2020 Improvement Grant Awards from the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma - $5,400 3. FY 2021 Round 1 Expendable Grant Award from NeighborWorks® America - $152,500 4. FY 2021 Round 1 Capital Grant Award from NeighborWorks® America - $75,000 5. FY 2021 Healthy Start Initiative: Eliminating Disparities in Perinatal Health Grant Award (Continuation, Year 8) from the Health Resources and Services Administration - $1,144,121 6. 2021 Oklahoma Asset Development Project Contract Award from OKACAA - $3,306.15 H. Consideration, Discussion and Vote to Approve Weatherization Program Policies and Procedures I. Consideration, Discussion and Vote to Approve LDCAA COVID-19 Vaccination Policy J. Consideration, Discussion and Vote to Approve Submittal of Head Start Teacher Qualifications Waiver for Melissa Halcomb to the Office of Head Start K. Update on Board Self-Assessment (O.S. 5.7) L. Board Training/Programmatic Report: FY 2021 Board Training Plan, Planning Logic Models, ROMA Plan, and Community Action Plan/Partnership List (O.S. 5.7, 5.9) M. Head Start/Early Head Start/EHS-Child Care Policy Council Report (O.S. 2.1, 5.7 & 5.9) N. Recognition of March 2021 LDCAA Employee of the Month: Teresa Phelps, Teacher Assistant – Head Start Program O. Recognition of Service Award, Twenty Years: Nora Testerman, Dispatcher – Transit Program P. Other Reports/Announcements/Correspondence: HHS Communication and Guidance Report; HS/EHS/EHS-CC Program Summary Report; USDA Meals and Snack Report; HS/EHS/EHS- CC Enrollment/Attendance Report; HS/EHS/EHS-CC Data Analysis Report; OHS Focus Area 1 Monitoring Review; Mentoring Opportunities for Youth Initiative Grant Inclusion (O.S. 5.7, 5.9) Q. Consideration, Discussion and Vote on New Business (Not known about or which could not have been reasonably foreseen prior to time of posting the Agenda. Okla. Stat. Title 25 § 311) R. Consideration, Discussion and Vote to Adjourn Posted: _________________________ Date: __________________ Time: __________ 2 Item D Page 1 of 11 LITTLE DIXIE COMMUNITY ACTION AGENCY, INC. 209 NORTH 4TH STREET HUGO, OKLAHOMA 74743 MINUTES BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING February 9, 2021 Head Start Administration Office - Hugo, Oklahoma The Board of Directors of Little Dixie Community Action Agency, Inc. met in a regular meeting session on Tuesday, February 9, 2021 at 10:05 a.m. The meeting was held at LDCAA’s Head Start Administration Office, located at 1005 S. 5th Street in Hugo, Oklahoma. The notice of time, place, a link to the videoconference (to allow public view and access), and an agenda for the meeting were posted 24 hours prior within prominent view at the main office (209 N. 4th St., Hugo, Oklahoma) and the meeting site (1005 S. 5th St., Hugo, Oklahoma) as well as online at https://littledixie.org/board/. The meeting was called to order by Chairman William Smith. The Invocation was given by Board Member Clinton Crawley. Roll Call was taken and a quorum was established (17 Board Members present, 5 absent). The following Board Members were present at the meeting site: Brad Burgett, Cathie Carothers, Kevin Cory, Clinton Crawley, Earl Dalke, Brent Franks, Selena Franks, David Hawkins, Andrea Henkel, Vickie Leathers, Leah Savage, Wade Scott, Les Shumake, David Smith, William Smith, Vicky Wade, and Craig Young. The following members were absent: Melissa Cress, Patsy Guess, Sharon Jernigan, Sandra Meeks, and Dwight Satterfield. LDCAA employees and visitors present at the meeting site were: Kinsey Cox, Rhonda Teague, Macy Self, Amber Duncan, and Rebecca Reynolds. LDCAA employees and/or visitors present, appearing remotely via the Zoom communications platform included: Kathy James, Darla Galyon, Dawn McDaniel, Johnny Moffitt, Jordan Mack, Lindsey Miller, Mattie Ferguson, Sara Moore, Sheila Pierce, Sheree Ensley, W.F. Grammar, Natasha Erickson, and Karen Davidson. A moment of silence was observed in honor of Board Member Trilla Frazier, who passed from this life on January 10, 2021. William Smith, Chairman, requested the Board’s consideration, discussion, and vote to accept Les Shumake as appointed representative for the Choctaw County Board of Commissioners, a Public Entity on the LDCAA Board of Directors (entity to expire 12/31/2021). Smith explained that Les Shumake was appointed by the Choctaw County Board of Commissioners to replace Randy Springfield, who resigned his position on January 5, 2021. A motion was made by Kevin Cory and seconded by David Smith to accept Les Shumake as appointed representative for the Choctaw County Board of Commissioners, a Public Entity on the LDCAA Board of Directors. The roll call vote was as follows: Yes 15; No 0; Abstain 0. The motion carried. The Voting Record is attached (Item D). 1 Item D Page 2 of 11 William Smith, Chairman, requested a volunteer to serve as Mentor for new Board Member Les Shumake. Board Member Kevin Cory volunteered and was appointed to serve as Board Mentor for Les Shumake (Organizational Standard 5.7). Sheree Ensley, Fiscal Officer, provided the Board with the Finance/Audit/Loan Committee Report. The Finance/Audit/Loan Committee met on February 9, 2021 at 9:08 a.m. The Committee received a status report on all active loans. The Small Business Administration will be extending loan payment protection for five months due to the latest COVID-19 relief legislation. The Committee voted to recommend full Board approval of the agency’s Financial Reports for December 2020. The LDCAA 403(b) Retirement Plan Audit for Plan Year 2019 (Period: 8/1/2019–7/31/2020) and Form 5500 were presented. The Committee voted to recommend full Board approval of the Plan Audit and Form 5500 filing. The Committee also received an update on properties. CONSENT DOCKET ITEMS In order to be in compliance with the Open Meeting Act (Title 25, Oklahoma Statutes §§ 301-314), the vote of each member was publicly cast and recorded. The agenda contained Consent Docket items of business and the rules that pertain to voting on the items. William Smith, Chairman, requested the Board’s consideration, discussion, and vote to approve the January 2021 Regular Meeting Minutes and the December 2020 Financial Reports; the January 2021 Financials were distributed for consideration and vote at the March 2021 Board Meeting (Organizational Standards 5.5 and 8.7).
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