AGENDA SH ERMAN BO ARD O F E DUCATION REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11, 2018 THE SHERMAN SCHOOL - CAFETERIA 7:00 PM Vision Statement We enable all Sherman Students to become the best possible version of themselves. We provide an environment where our children develop into empathetic, self-directed, critical thinkers who don't give up when faced with challenges. 1. CALL TO ORDER, ROLL CALL AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CELEBRATIONS 3. PUBLIC COMMENTS 4. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA 5. CONSENT AGENDA 5.1. Minutes - Regular Meeting, March 22, 2018 (Enclosure 5.1a) Minutes - Maintenance Meeting, March 22, 2018 5.2. Personnel Actions 5.3. Reports - Monthly Enrollment (Enclosure 5.3) 5.4. Monthly Budget Report 17-18 (Enclosure 5.4a - 5.4b) 5.5. Disposal of Unused Items (Enclosure 5.5a - 5.5b) 6. APPROVAL OF CURRENT BILLS 6.1. 2017-2018 Current Bills (Enclosure 6.1) 7. ORAL REPORTS 7.1. SPTO Update 7.2. Sub-Committee 7.3. Chairman 7.4. Superintendent 8. PRESENTATIONS 8.1 Update on Board Goals - Dr. Melendez (Enclosure 8.1) 8.2 Budget “At-a-Glance” - Dr. Melendez (Enclosure 8.2) 8.3 Gig Band, XP Expo and Capstone Projects - Various 8.4 Drivers of Student Achievement and Class Size - Dr. Melendez and Mrs. Snowden 9. NEW BUSINESS 9.1 Discussion and Possible Action to Fund Portions of the Odyssey of the Mind World Finals Trip 9.2 Discussion and Possible Approval of High School Educational Program Agreement with the Board of Education of the Town of New Milford (Enclosure 9.2) 10. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 10.1 Second Reading of: (Enclosure 10.1) Policy & Regulation 0521 - Nondiscrimination Policy 4118.11/4218.11 - Nondiscrimination Policy 5118.1 - Homeless Student 10.2 Discussion and Possible Action to Suspend Regulation 6141.322 - Website Pages 10.3 Discussion Regarding Song to Symphony 11. COMMUNICATIONS 12. PUBLIC COMMENTS 13. BOARD OF EDUCATION COMMENTS 14. FUTURE MEETING AND TOPICS 14.1 Regular Board of Education Meeting - Wednesday, May 2, 2018 at 7:00 PM 14.2 Communication Committee Meeting - To be scheduled 14.3 Curriculum Committee Meeting - To be scheduled 14.4 Policy Committee Meeting - To be scheduled 15. ADJOURNMENT REMINDER: Agenda suggestions for the next business meeting are due to the Chairman or Superintendent by 12:00 noon Wednesday, April 18, 2018. Copies of agenda enclosure are available for examination at the Superintendent's Office at the Sherman School during business hours: 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM Monday through Friday. Enclosure 5.1a MINUTES – UNOFFICIAL DRAFT AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE Not Official Until Approved by Board of Education at April 11, 2018 Meeting S HERMAN B OARD OF E DUCATION SHERMAN, C ONNECTICUT 06784 REGULAR MEETING, MARCH 22, 2018 MULTI-PURPOSE ROOM, THE SHERMAN SCHOOL 7:00 PM A regular meeting of the Sherman Board of Education was called to order by Mr. Hanley at 6:35 PM, and the Board immediately moved into Executive Session in the Superintendent’s Office. At 7:05 PM, the Board moved out of Executive Session and the General Session resumed in the Multi Purpose Room. 1. PRESENT : For the Board: Dr. Alexander, Mrs. Diotte, Mrs. Enright, Mr. Hanley, Mrs. Lenihan (via telephone), Mr. Neunzig and Mrs. Seeger Absent: For the Administration: Dr. Melendez, Ms. Edwards, Mrs. Snowden and Mr. Schoefer School Staff: Mr. Luchsinger, Mrs. Scott and Mrs. Vermilyea SPTO: Mrs. Ribisl Guest: Mr. Tom Dillon and Resident Trooper Benjamin Pagoni Town Residents: 7 Residents The Board and attendees recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Mr. Hanley introduced Sherman’s Resident Trooper Ben Pagoni and Security Consultant Mr. Tom Dillon. Mr. Hanley shared that the Board takes the school’s security very seriously. Mr. Hanley provided a timeline of recent Safety & Security meetings, and a lockdown drill that took place over the past several weeks. Included with the update, Mr. Hanley shared that Mr. Dillon provided a list of security recommendations that the Board is acting upon. During an Executive Session that took place prior to this meeting, the Board made a decision to invest in an increased State Trooper presence at the school in addition to the State Trooper in Town. Mr. Hanley did not go into specific details, but wanted the public to be aware of level of police presence that will be at school in the future. 2. CELEBRATIONS: 2.1 Board of Education Appreciation Month Dr. Melendez shared that March is Board of Education Appreciation Month. At the request of the Board, Dr. Melendez did not focus on the event, but thanked the Board for their hard work, dedication and selflessness. Page 1 of 9 3. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Mrs. Jeanine Johnson, 27 Smoke Ridge Drive. Mrs. Johnson expressed concern that her comments made at the last Board of Education meeting regarding an audit have not been addressed. She noted that she has not received a response from her email sent to Dr. Melendez or the Board. Mrs. Pam Bonner, 44 Anderson Road. Mrs. Bonner shared that she served on the Board of Education for twelve years, with ten years as the Chair of the Budget Committee. She expressed concern regarding the proposed budget and feels the Board is doing a disservice to the taxpayers. She feels it is grossly overstated, and feels a ten percent raise without any reports of the Administration change structure is premature. She feels the Town deserves a report from the Board of how this is better servicing the school. Mrs. Bonner would like to Board to vote the budget down. Mr. Hanley thanked Mrs. Bonner for her comments and shared the budget will be addressed under Agenda Item 9.2. 4. ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: 5. CONSENT AGENDA: Mr. Hanley moved and Mrs. Diotte seconded that the Board approve the consent agenda items 5.1 through 5.4, and the motion passed unanimously, 6-0. 5.1 Minutes - Regular Meeting, February 12, 2018 Enclosure 5.1a Minutes - Budget Workshop, February 12, 2018 Enclosure 5.1b Minutes - Budget Workshop, February 5, 2018 Enclosure 5.1c Minutes - Communication Committee, February 5, 2018 Enclosure 5.1d Minutes - Maintenance Committee, January 30, 2018 Enclosure 5.1e Minutes - Policy Committee, January 22, 2018 Enclosure 5.1f 5.2 Personnel Action Resignation - Krystl Giordano-Padilla, effective March 30, 2018 Resignation - Kaitlyn Wall, effective June 18, 2018 5.3 Reports - Monthly Enrollment Enclosure 5.3 5.4 Monthly Budget Report 17-18 Enc 5.4a - 5.4b 6. APPROVAL OF CURRENT BILLS: Mr. Hanley moved and Mrs. Diotte seconded that the Board approve the current bills as presented, and the motion passed unanimously, 6-0. 6.1 2017-2018 Current Bills Enclosure 6.1 7. ORAL REPORTS: 7.1 SPTO Update Mrs. Ribisl provided a SPTO Update. Account Balances : SPTO Account: $7,500.00 Fourth Grade Fundraising: $5,800.00 Eighth Grade Fundraising: $3,700.00 Page 2 of 9 Mrs. Ribisl spoke highly of the Harlem Wizards game that took place on January 6th. The event raised approximately $2,200.00 for the SPTO. Approved Requests: $1,500.00 Eighth Grade Trip - Chelsea Piers $675.00 Third Grade Trip - State Capital Programs & Upcoming Events: ● The SPTO hosted a new program on March 12th for the delayed opening. Although not well attended, the program participants had a lot of fun. ● March 14th Early Dismissal - The Lego Ninjago Movie ● March 27th Late Opening - Coco Movie ● April 7th SPTO Gala at River Oaks - Mrs. Ribisl shared that only 20 tickets have been purchased thus far. The SPTO is contemplating cancelling the event, which is unfortunate as it is their biggest fundraiser. 7.2 Sub-Committee Policy Committee - Mrs. Seeger Mrs. Seeger shared that Policy First Readings are on the Agenda, Item 9.3. Curriculum Committee - Mrs. Enright Mrs. Enright shared she will be scheduling a Curriculum Meeting after the April Spring break. Communication Committee - Dr. Alexander Dr. Alexander shared that the committee met to prepare for the public meeting of the Communication Committee. Negotiations Committee New Milford Tuition rates have been negotiated. Dr. Melendez will present the hard copy of the agreement once it has been signed. 7.3 Chairman Mr. Hanley started a preliminary discussion regarding class size. He provided a brief history regarding class size discussions that have taken place over the past several years. The issue was again revisited last year when the decision was made to combine the fourth grade into one class. Mr. Hanley shared that the school does not have a policy that dictates the maximum class size. The Board utilizes language from the teacher’s contract as a guideline for class size. Mr. Hanley feels the Board should address this issue. He recommended that the Administration formally investigate the topic of class size and provide a presentation to the Board. He suggested a review of current policy, policies of surrounding districts, teacher’s contract, comparison of class size of surrounding districts in our DRG, and a review of research literature on this topic. Mr. Neunzig shared that this is a complex issue. He has heard various viewpoints regarding this topic. Page 3 of 9 Mrs. Enright feels the Administration has used a thoughtful process thus far in determining class size. She feels it will be beneficial for the Administration to put a policy around it to eliminate ambiguity. Dr. Melendez requested the Board email him with any other thoughts, questions, or ideas that have not already been shared in an effort to provide a presentation that will suit the needs of the Board. 7.4 Superintendent - Dr. Jeff Melendez 8. PRESENTATIONS 8.1 Update on Board Goals - Dr. Melendez (Enclosure 8.1) Dr.
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