< '■ . f '■ / / . •• . , Bloodmobile Visits Temple'B€$th Sholom Tomorrow, 1:45 to 6:30 p*m.- _____ __________________ ■ ■ M '. ' _____________:__________________ ._____ _____________^ -^ — ------------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------- Avenge Daily Net Press Ron The Weather For The Week Ended Partly cloudy, warm, humid tonight with thundeyshowera duly 17, 1971 likely; low near 70. Showers/ thundershowers ending Tuesday 15,000 a.m.; high about 85. Manchester— A City of ViUage Charm (Clasalfled Advertising on Page 11) PRICE PIFTEEN CENTS VOL. LXXXX, NO. 251 (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JULY 26, 1971 Tax Protest ConneCtiCut Leads To Plane Crash Astronauts Out of Earth Orbit; 1 A Scuffle Kills Couple WEST HAVEN (AP) — Gov. AIADISON (AP) — A twln- 'Iliomes J. MeskiU walked past engine light plane crashed into a group of vociferous antl-ln- ^ water tower at Hammonasset Streak Toward Lunar SurfaCe come tax protesters to a news „ ^ ^ <__ conference at City Hall here By HOWARD BENEDICT today, and a few minutes here this morning and a AP Aerospace Writer later the lOrganizer of the Pick- Pennsylvania couple aboard 1 . c : (O) e t o ^ e a d e r of the Y ^ I ^ m - j^ued. state police said. CAPE^KENNEDY, Fla. Mliin»- f S ■nie victims were Identified as ,, (AP)^—America’s Apollo 15 r raatkan axplorers rocketed out of i AlUUr 1 match n » Kpublloan |»..n»r’. earth orbit today and nnera of 2 beat ae- news conference was held as ...... , streaked toward the moon leaaoa. It 311 another search for lu­ a special elecUon campaign - O'*® "^t**®®® *^® P '"*! MS Her Field which could decide control of the P®«^^ *o have Just cleared the nar secrets. They are to B < 0 ) state Senate-goes into its final **'‘*®’* ‘ ‘ crash®<l. within sec- conduct man’s first driving realher * days. Only RepubUcan city of- °’*'ts- ‘'‘to the tower about 80 (C) expedition on the surface, a flcials were Invited, and the de- t®®t from the ground. Officials I ick” ’sa monstratlon organizer, Harold *‘'®'’® draining the tank so they quest among towering ambltioua mountains and alongside a I political Allen, was denied admission. He ^'‘'‘Id retrieve part of the wreck- ' acandaL heads the West Haven Young and repair the tank. deep canyon. shol and Democrats. Ill® plane and the water tow- 6 Col. David R. Scott, Lt. Ool. laiL Oaiy Jaipes B. Irwin and Maj. Al­ A scuffle developed between ‘*^®>^® •>®th heavily damafed. f Idce!e" T». Allen and Police Chief Joseph water tower sits among fred M. Worden, all Air Force 'rda;y, Sto- W. Harvey, and Allen ended up campsites about a mile from , Ah ,vv\ HC, officers, broke away from the on the floor outside the council Griswold Airport, where the embrace of earth's gravity at itinr aad chambers. He was brought plane had taken off enroute to 12:30 p.m. EDT as a jarring <0) downstairs to the police book- Philadelphia, Pa., authorities rocket blast shot them out of Ing desk but was later allowed said. orbit and sent them winging to­ ajrar aad (O) to go free. The i>lane was reported to be ward their' distant target and <0) At the conference, MeskiU de- a Piper Comanche registered In J one of history’s greatest scien­ aad aijni tific explorations. <o> nled that he or other Republi- Pennsylvania, cans riMiuld take the blame for The Madison Fire Department For nearly three hours, the the income tax. sent equipment to the scene, astronauts had circled the ‘T allowed it to become law but there were no reports of ex- globe in the command ship En­ for the same reason that many plosion or fire, poUce said. Bits deavour, checking the craft’s IL other RepubUcans voted lor it.” o i the plane fell to the ground, hundreds of* systems before he said. “At that particular time Other parts remained atop the commltlng themselves to the of the morning there was no water tower, which was left three-day outward voyage. other choice." standing. Then thdy relgnlted the third EOAD The biU was passed by weary Thirteen other persons died In y ,- stage of their Saturn 5 rocket state legislators at 4 a,m, July weekend accidents across Con- and their' speed accelerated 1—llio first day of the new fis- necUcut, including 10 in traffic from about 17,400 to about 24,- call year—after a ‘compromise" mishaps, six of whom died In a 300 miles per hour. Jiackage of other taxes was de- one-car mishap in Berlin. Two The Saturn 5 propeUed them MBOL. feated. It hadi support mostly persons drowned and one died away from their home planet from Democrats, but key Re- after a fall. right on time at 9:34 am . as an pubUcans also provided essen- ^ search was underway Mon- esUmated one mlUlon persons tlal votes. MeskiU aUowed it to day for the body of WUlred Be- watched in the Cape Kennedy become law^ without his signa- langer, 45, of OakvlUe, who ap- Rocket carrying astronauts roars away from the launch pad today. (AP Photo) N ixon Seen area. ..... parently drowned Sunday in M illio n “ Good job,” Scott told the MeskUl also declared that Lake Warramaug whUe attempt- launch crew. “ It was a very many Democrats who now say swim to shore from a smooth ride all the way." they oppose the income tax also u,e state patrol said, Varied Personalities ^Pleased’ By All three stctges of the Saturn J refused to support his own pro- Three persons were killed in A t Cape 6 fired precisely on schedule posal to raise revenues by in- separate accidents Sunday in and propell^ the spacemen creasing ConnecUcufs sales tax Darien. Thomas Juda, 18, of M oon T rip riding in the command ship En­ ^ Newington died when his car hit V iew L aunCh deavour into earth orbit more MeskiU defended his action in a metal sign on the Connecticut 'THURMONT, Md. (AP)—Uke than 100 miles high. C i^ E KENNEDY, Fla. (AP) Spacemen Present Half an hour after firing to­ v e t ^ a r e » r d 178 bills this Turnpike. Two passengers, Mark millions of other Americans, session, malntdlning that “ about Penserio,- 18, and Roland- God-- - — Nine U. S. senators were President Nixon watched the ward the moon, the astronauts 67—about 39 per cent* — were among 2000 VIPs and a million Apollo 16 astronauts lift off separated Endeavour, pivoted vetoes of bills which were (See Page Ei|^) from Cape Kennedy today on a around 180 degrees and ginger- passed on the last dsiy of the other spectators who saw a per­ voyage of discovery to the ly poked a harpoon like docking laesslon." He said nlaily hadn’t fect ApoUo l(i launch in perfect moon. device into a .connecting mech- 0 been read at aU, and that some Contrast ' weather today. Study The President viewed the anism in the nose of the moon were passed only with reference The senators then made a 9:34 . a.m. launch on a color landing ship Falcon, cradled - to their bill number—not their Prisoners The Air Force selected him tonlo. They have two children, television set a^t his r®^®af ^ substance. beeline for the Cape Kennedy SPIACE CENTER, Houston advanced schooling and Tracy, 10, and Douglas, 7. ‘‘*® MeskiU said he hasn’t re­ air strip and a return trip to (AP) — The Apollo 16 crewmen for , “e> ■ Mountains. He was described en reported. ceived a reply from Democratic Washington, where they were are a study in contrast: Hiere’s Scott earned two masters de- Tjie astronaut is known as ^ "very pleased.’ ’ ^ The docking exercise, relayed Hold Guards due to vote on a cloture motion an aU-American military man; grees from Massachusetts In­ legislative leaders to a request one of the strongest men in the with the President, who live on television by the astro- that he be allowed to address in the Lockheed loan dispute. a auiet, reserved plumber’s stltute of Technology. i i i__i , ______ i_ It was the first in-person son; a mod-dressing, fast-talk- He graduated at the top of spacemen’s corps. A physical arose e^ ly to iTOk over s^^^ r ^ , went ^ w th ly ^ to the Aug. 5 special legislative As Hostages view of a maimed ^qiace tog bachelor his class at the Air Force test fitness buff, he runs two miles bu^et pa^rs, were his ,rtfe trast to the Apollo 14 flight tort session that will reconsider the 1 .* 4.A. oacneio . , ^ a dav Pat, daughter Julie, son-in-law January, when the astronauts L income tax. He said he doesn’t a u n ch ^ for m ^ y ^ David Randolph Scott, 39- P“ ®t «r, Air Enrce /mionel Elsenhower and friend made five unsuccessful at- expect to____________ be denied____ the__ oppor- NEW ORLEANS La. (AP) tinguished guests, including yegj-.0id commander of Apollo “ P ‘‘J’ d'® ®Pnce agency for as Scott, an Air Force Colonrt, ifBebe) Rebozo Nixon temots before finallv linking up tunlty, but he added that he New qfrleans P ^ prison Lyn^ ’^^t®r rt le, tronaut training. has ^en fe- on ih^^th f» VE will go dlrecUy to the people guards were taken hostage ear- former president Lyndon B.. ^^o has been aimed at a Scott demonstrated his cool and Blue because of his f(md- ^ Washington the problem has --------never -been — if he is. ly today by 30 inmates to- Johnson. military career since bpyhood. on Gemini 8 in 1966 when the ness for the colors and what At_ the dinner------ hour Sunday, found, but experts believe a ITie special election here, and eluding several Black Panthers She and her husband Charles The 6-foot tall, blue-eyed spacecraft went out of control, they stand for.
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