Proudly Serving Bronx Communities Since 1988 3URXGO\6HUYLQJ%URQ[&RPPXQLWLHV6LQFHFREE 3URXGO\6HUYLQJ%URQ[&RPPXQLWLHV6LQFHFREE 0UQ\YLK*VUZ[Y\J[PVU>VYRLYZ 3/4 Page - 5.875” wideORWOOD by 7.0568”Q high EWSQ NVol. 27, No. 8 PUBLISHED BY MOSHOLU PRESERVATION CORPORATION N April 17–30, 2014 ORWOODQ EWSQ Vol 33, No 10 • PUBLISHED BY MOSHOLU PRESERVATION COR P ORATION • AUGUST 27-SE P TE M BER 9, 2020 NVol. 27, No. 8 PUBLISHED BY MOSHOLU PRESERVATION CORPORATION N April 17–30, 2014 FREE HSSV[OLY(JJPKLU[=PJ[PTZ We Fight for the Money You Deserve POTENTIALRegardless STRIKE of Your AT Immigration FOODTOWN Status Concerns Over Meat Freshness *VUZ[Y\J[PVU >VYRWSHJL(JJPKLU[Z*HY ;Y\JR(JJPKLU[Z ,SL]H[VY,ZJHSH[VY(JJPKLU[Z5LNSPNLU[)\PSKPUN:LJ\YP[`:SPW;YPW -HSSZ 4LKPJHS4HSWYHJ[PJL5\YZPUN/VTL5LNSPNLUJL 7VSPJL)Y\[HSP[`*P]PS9PNO[Z=PVSH[PVUZ Bronxites Rally to Save Post Office Our GUARANTEEpg 7 1/2 Page - 5.875” wide by 4.6875”7KHUHLV1 high O FEE 8QOHVV:H:LQ1/4 Page - Vertical 2XU¿UPKDVUHFRYHUHGRYHU2.8542” wide by 4.6875” high One Hundred Million Dollars LQYHUGLFWVDQGVHWWOHPHQWV IRURXUVDWLV¿HGFOLHQWVCohen’s judgeship Nod triggers special FREE CONSULTATIONelection | pg 6 &DOO+RXUVD'D\'D\VD:HHN Recent Recoveries for ClientsPhoto by David Greene. FOODTOWN DELI WORKERS supported by union members from the United Food and Commercial Workers Union (UFCW), Local 342 participate in a one-dayConstruction strike outside Foodtown Accident on 204th Street in Norwood on June 29, 2020.Truck Accident By DAVID GREENEPolice Misconductcould affect as many as 67 work- Foodtown store atElevator 283 East tiating Accident a contract. We have ne- Following a previous walk- ers at 11 stores across the met- 204th Street in Norwood, as gotiations [planned] on the 26th 1/8 Page 1/4out by FoodtownPage deli - workers HorizontalCar Accidentropolitan area, if a deal is not they explainedSlip to customers& Fall soAccident far this month [August], but in June 2020, after employment brokered in the coming days. why a strike may go ahead, we don’t 2.8542”know what’s going wide to by 2.2625” high 5.875”contract negotiations wide brokeby 2.2625”If OnYou Friday, Can’t highAug. 21, unionCome if a deal to is US...We’llnot reached with come Come about from to that.” You! down with employer, PSK Su- officials from United Food and Noah and Dan Katz, the owners Henry added, “But if we Elections 2021: permarkets,We in speak Mineola, Long Spanish,Commercial Workers Russian, Union of PSK. Denis Chinese, Henry, union rep- Hebrew,don’t get what we want, Polish we’re Jessica & CreoleHaller Profile Island, a further strike([SHQVHVSD\DEOHXSRQFRQFOXVLRQRIFDVH3ULRUUHVXOWVGR is now (UFCW), Local 342, were seen resentative of Local 342, said, goingQRWJXDUDQWHHDVLPLOLDURXWFRPH to go on strike the follow- 1/12 Page planned for Aug. 27. The strike handing out flyers outside the “We’re in the process of nego- pg 12 (continued2.8542” on page 10) wide by 1.6875” high 9(:205 29,405:337 RASKINOver 50 Years Of & Personal KREMINS, Injury Law Experience LLP1/16 Page /VER9EARS/F#OMBINED0ERSONAL)NJURY,AW%XPERIENCEs/VER-ILLION$OLLARS2ECOVEREDFOR/UR#LIENTS2.8542” wide by 1.125” high www.raskrem.com %URDGZD\ WKÀ 1HZ<RUN1<Fl. %URQ[2I¿FHE\DSSRLQWPHQWRQO\ TO FULTON STREET TO CORTLANDT STREET 2 • August 27-September 9, 2020 • Norwood News Vol. 33, No. 10 Vol. 27, No. 10 NorwoodVol. News 27, No.is published 10 bi-weekly on Thursdays by MosholuNorwood Preservation News Corporationis published (MPC) Norwood3400 Reservoir News isOval published East bi-weekly on Thursdays by bi-weeklyBronx, New on ThursdaysYork 10467 by MosholuPhone: Preservation 718 324 4998Corporation Mosholu Preservation Corporation 3400Fax: Reservoir 718 324 Oval2917 East E-mail: [email protected] Reservoir Oval East Tell Us What Bronx, New York 10467 Web.:Bronx, www.norwoodnews.org New York 10467 Publisher Phone: 718 324 4998 Phone: 718 324 4998 Mosholu PreservationFax: 718 324 Corporation 2917 E-mail: [email protected]: 718 324 2917 SeniorE-mail: Director [email protected] of MPC Melissa Web:Cebollero www.norwoodnews.org Web: www.norwoodnews.org Executive Director of MPC You Think Jennifer Tausig PublisherInterim Editor-In-Chief, CEO, Norwood Mosholu News Publisher CEO, Mosholu MosholuSíle Moloney Preservation 3UHVHUYDWLRQ Mosholu Preservation [email protected] Corporation3UHVHUYDWLRQ Corporation Corporation Interns Roberto S. Garcia Editor-in-Chief Roberto S. Garcia DavidAuréoleEditor-in-Chief Cruz Ribes, Isaiah Mathewson RegularDavid Cruz Contributors David Greene, José A. Giralt, &ODVVLÀHG$GYHUWLVLQJMiriam Quinones, Adi Talwar Dawn&ODVVLÀHG$GYHUWLVLQJ McEvoy ContributorsDawn McEvoy $FFRXQWV5HFHLYDEOHJason Gonzalez, Shirley Symister, Sr. $FFRXQWV5HFHLYDEOH DawnKevin McEvoyPatricia Lynch, Kathy Mayer Dawn McEvoy Proofreader JudyDanielaProofreader Noy Beasley Judy Noy 3URGXFWLRQ Neil3URGXFWLRQ deMause ForNeil deMause Display Advertising 5HJXODU&RQWULEXWRUV DavidCall5HJXODU&RQWULEXWRUV Greene, Janet Adi GellerTalwar at (646)David Greene, 581-0399 Adi Talwar Interns ShaylaInterns Love, Paolo Mossetti, Justin McCallum, Support Your Share your thoughts and suggestions with our staff and you fellow readers. andShayla Chelsea Love, George Paolo Mossetti, Justin McCallum, Communityand Chelsea George Newspaper! Participate in our3URXGO\6HUYLQJ%URQ[&RPPXQLWLHV6LQFH letters pages, or contact us anytime withFREE your feedback! ForThe display Norwood advertising, News is acall not-for-profit (718) 324-4998. publicationFor display advertising,and relies upon call (718)the support 324-4998. of its advertisers and readers to produce a Supportquality community Your newspaper. To support yourSupport paper, becomeYour a member and receive a Communitysubscription for oneNewspaper! year. TheCommunity Norwood News Newspaper!LVDQRWIRUSURÀWSXE - The Norwood NewsLVDQRWIRUSURÀWSXE- licationSimply andmail reliescheck upon or money the support order offor its $40 to: ORWOODQ EWSQ lication and relies upon the support of its N PUBLISHED BY MOSHOLU PRESERVATION CORPORATION N advertisersNorwood News, and readers 3400 Reservoir to produce Oval a quality East, 0RINTs/N,INEs-OBILEs3OCIALs0ROUDLY3ERVING"RONX#OMMUNITIES3INCE communityBronx,advertisers NY 10467. newspaper.and readers To to supportproduce your a quality paper, becomecommunity a member newspaper. and receiveTo support a subscription your paper, Norwood News is not responsible for forbecome one year. a member and receive a subscription typographicalfor one year. errors. Opinions expressed in signed letters and bylined columns represent 718-324-4998 Simplythe sole mail opinion check of or the money author order and forare $40 not to:necessarilySimply Norwood mail thosecheckNews, of or3400 Mosholumoney Reservoir order Preservation forOval $40 East, Bronx,Corporationto: Norwood NY 10467. orNews, Montefiore 3400 Reservoir Medical OvalCenter. East, www.norwoodnews.org EditorialsBronx, NY represent 10467. the views of the editor only. The newspaper reserves the right Norwood News is not responsible for typo- toNorwood limit or Newsrefuse is advertising not responsible it deems for typo - graphicalobjectionable. errors. Advertisements Opinions expressed appearing in signed lettersingraphical this andpaper errors. bylined cannot Opinions columns be used expressed represent without inthe signed sole opiniontheletters written and of the bylinedpermission author columns and of arethe represent notNorwood necessarily the sole thoseNews.opinion of Letters ofMosholu the authorto thePreservation editorand are are not Corporations subject necessarily to condensation and editing. Writers should RU0RQWHÀRUH0HGLFDO&HQWHU(GLWRULDOVUHSthose of Mosholu Preservation Corporations- includeRU0RQWHÀRUH0HGLFDO&HQWHU(GLWRULDOVUHS their affiliation or special interest if - resentany. Anonymous the views of letters the editor are not and/or published publisher only.butresent your The the namenewspaper views can of thebe reserves withheldeditor and/or the upon right publisher to limit orrequest.only. refuse The advertisingnewspaper it reserves deems objectionable. the right to limit Public and Community Meetings Advertisementsor refuse advertising appearing it deems in this objectionable. paper cannot beMosholuAdvertisements used without Preservation theappearing written Corporation inpermission this paper is a of non-cannot Nor- Since the COVID-19 pandemic hit in March, the 52nd PRECINCT COMMUNITY COUNCIL meetings have been held profitbe used support without corporation the written permissionof Montefiore of Nor- wood News. Letters to the editor are subject via ZOOM. The next meeting will be held on Thursday, Sept 4 at 6 p.m. ZOOM details will be circulated ahead of the Medicalwood News. Center. Letters to the editor are subject to condensation and editing. Writers should meeting. LQFOXGHWKHLUDIÀOLDWLRQRUVSHFLDOLQWHUHVWLIDQ\to condensation and editing. Writers should LQFOXGHWKHLUDIÀOLDWLRQRUVSHFLDOLQWHUHVWLIDQ\ Anonymous letters are not published but your Since the COVID-19 pandemic hit in March, BRONX COMMUNITY BOARD 7 committee meetings have been held nameAnonymous can be letters withheld are if not requested. published but your name can be withheld if requested. via ZOOM. The next full Board meeting will be held on Wednesday, Sept. 23 at 6.30 p.m. ZOOM details will be circulated ahead of the meeting. Mosholu Preservation Corporation is a QRWSURÀWVXSSRUWFRUSRUDWLRQRI0RQWHÀRUHMosholu Preservation Corporation is a MedicalQRWSURÀWVXSSRUWFRUSRUDWLRQRI0RQWHÀRUH Center. Medical Center. August
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