11460 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS May 15, 1996 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS TRIBUTE TO HANK KETCHAM through a variety of other media, including Cohen, an extensive search was launched books and television. The hit TV show that that yielded Paul Winthrop Wood, a Canadian HON. SAM FARR was produced from 1959 to 1963 is still widely born artist. Mr. Wood comes from a family of OF CALIFORNIA seen around the country and was updated into renowned architects and builders and brought IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES a popular animation series by the CBS tele­ to Temple Emanuel an innate understanding Wednesday, May 15, 1996 vision network. A 2-hour prime-time live action of the Old Testament and the many creative "Dennis the Menace" broadcast was aired in and imaginative themes that flow from it. It Mr. FARR of California. Mr. Speaker, it is September 1987 and in 114 television markets was his early upbringing by his mother that my great honor to rise in recognition of a man the following month. endowed him with a rich blend of talent and who has brought both smiles and laughter to Over the past 46 years, Mr. Ketcham has insight that would be brought to fruition by the countless Americans. Henry (Hank) Ketcham, sold more than 50 million "Dennis the Men­ many religious building challenges he under­ who created the famed "Dennis the Menace" ace" books, including a four-part anthology, a took. cartoon strip, is being honored Friday with a series of comic books from Marvel Comics In rising to the challenge of bringing to the Lifetime Achievement Award at the Carmel and a favorite of Ketcham's, "Dennis and the synagogue a sense of love, understanding Arts Festival. Bible Kids." and compassion, Mr. Wood succeeded grand­ A resident of my congressional district, Mr. Throughout the years, Dennis' civic-minded­ Ketcham has led a distinguished, artistic life ly. It is with great pride and love that the trust­ ness has also made him a popular spokesman that we all can celebrate. Born in Seattle in ees of Temple Emanuel of Great Neck de­ for a number of worthy causes, including the 1920, he first became interested in drawing at clared Sunday, May 5, as Emanuel day. As Boy Scouts of America, UNICEF, and the the age of 7 when a local art director and fam­ the hundreds of congregants of Temple Eman­ ily friend drew cartoon sketches to make him International Red Cross. He has had a starring uel gathered on that day, it was most exciting laugh. With considerable talent, he parlayed role in two important public service messages and reaffirming that in the truest tradition of this love of cartooning into a number of im­ through comic books entitled "Dennis Takes a the American spirit, this beautiful congregation pressive positions throughout his career. Poke at Poison" and "Coping with Family continues to so willingly give of itself, to its After entering the University of Washington Stress." members and the community. as an art major in 1937, Mr. Ketcham moved To this day, "Dennis the Menace" continues to bring joy to children and adults alike. The to Hollywood 1 year later where he worked at TRIBUTE TO SARA J. WHITE the Walter Lantz animation studio, home of comic strip is widely read throughout the world the "Woody the Woodpecker" cartoon series. and, in fact, is delivered to my doorstep every Soon after, Mr. Ketcham was lured by the day I am in Washington in the Washington HON. ANNA G. £..SHOO Walt Disney studios, where he worked on Post. Though 46 this year, Dennis remains as OF CALIFORNIA "Pinocchio," "Fantasia" and many other fa­ youthful and entertaining as ever. Of course, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES mous Disney productions until the outbreak of this is a tribute to Hank Ketcham and his con­ Wednesday, May 15, 1996 World War II. siderable talent. It is my great honor to salute Desiring to serve his country, Mr. Ketcham him as he receives this well-deserved Lifetime Ms. ESHOO. Mr. Speaker, it is with great enlisted in the U.S. Navy and, as a chief pho­ Achievement Award. pleasure that I call to the attention of my col­ tographer specialist, developed a variety of leagues the installation early next month of cartoons, magazines, posters, and animated Sara J. White, M.S., as president of the Amer­ film spots to encourage his fellow Americans TEMPLE EMANUEL OF GREAT ican Society of Health-System Pharmacists to purchase war bonds. To help supplement NECK IS REDEDICATED [ASH P] at the society's 53d annual meeting in his military pay, Mr. Ketcham also started San Diego. cartooning for magazines, including the Satur­ HON. GARY L ACKERMAN ASHP is the 30,000-member national pro­ day Evening Post, which bought a weekly OF NEW YORK f essional association representing pharmacists panel. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES who practice in hospitals, health maintenance organizations, long-term care facilities, home­ After the war, Mr. Ketcham fully launched Wednesday, May 15, 1996 himself into the highly competitive world of care agencies, and other components of freelance cartooning. Because of his immense Mr. ACKERMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today health care systems. The society has exten­ talent, he quickly became one of this country's to commemorate the rededication of Temple sive publishing and educational programs de­ most successful artists, selling his work regu­ Emanuel of Great Neck, which occurred on signed to help members improve their delivery larly to Collier's, the Saturday Evening Post, May 5, 1996. This day, hereby known as of pharmaceutical care, and it is a national ac­ Ladies' Home Journal, Liberty, the New York­ Emanuel day, culminates a 1O year effort that crediting organization for pharmacy residency er, as well as to advertising agencies. By this has served to beautify the synagogue, and en­ and pharmacy technician training programs. time, Mr. Ketcham was also married and the hance it as an ongoing source of inspiration to Since October 1992, Professor White has father of a son named, you guessed it, Den­ its congregants and the Great Neck commu­ been director of pharmacy at Stanford Univer­ nis, whom my sister Francesca, frequently nity. Conceived by Rabbi Robert Widom, spir­ sity Hospital, a 500-bed academic health babysat. itual leader or Temple Emanuel, the project science center, which I am privileged to rep­ In October 1950, the "Dennis the Menace" evolved into the design of six stained glass resent. She now holds this position with Stan­ cartoon strip was created and, less than a windows for the synagogue's sanctuary, a new ford Health Services, a health care system year later, it was syndicated to 18 news­ ark and eternal light. The initial project, under formed last September. The Stanford Health papers. Mr. Ketcham received the prestigious the direction of Rabbi Widom, undertook a Services Pharmacy has five inpatient sat­ Billy deBeck Trophy as the outstanding car­ search that would last for 1O years until the ellites, three outpatient pharmacies, an operat­ toonist of 1952. Within the past 1O years, appropriate artist was selected and the cre­ ing room satellite, and a home pharmacy serv­ "Dennis the Menace" has been read in more ative plans were developed. ice. As director of pharmacy. she directs all fi­ than 1,000 different newspapers in 48 coun­ Through the combined efforts of the con­ nancial, operational, and human resource tries and has been translated into 19 different gregation's leadership team of president Lloyd components of a service with 100 full-time languages. Goldfarb, chair of the refurbishing committee, personnel serving the health care needs of In the following years, Mr. Ketcham ex­ Paula Held Scharf, brotherhood president, more than 2 million people. She is also clinical panded his lovable character's popularity John Holzer and sisterhood president, Carol professor of pharmacy at the University of •This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. May 15, 1996 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 11461 California-San Francisco School of Pharmacy. defense spending within the framework of a chant Marine Academy received its full funding Prior to her current position, Professor White balanced budget. of $30.9 million for 1996 and I am prepared to was associate director of pharmacy at the Uni­ After a 10-year decline in military spending, take up that fight again. versity of Kansas Medical Center from 1975 to this measure revitalizes our Nation's defense, For too long the extraordinary contributions 1992. bolstering our national security interest at of the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy have A prolific author on topics of pharmaceutical home and abroad and turning back the hollow management and human and financial re­ military policies of the Clinton administration. A been overlooked. The Academy has always source management, Professor White's re­ strong, prepared military is vital for the secu­ been connected to national defense as well as search has appeared in more than 100 phar­ rity of this country. In this era of fiscal re­ maritime commerce in peace and war. Today, macy, nursing, and medical journal articles straint, it is equally important to get the big­ the Academy still promotes a "can do" ap­ and textbook chapters. She has been an ac­ gest bang for the buck-but not at the ex­ proach to tasks that is reminiscent of the war tive leader and office holder in several State pense or readiness, modernization, or quality days, when cadets and ships were ordered to and national pharmacy organizations and par­ of life for our service personnel and their fami­ deliver, no matter how dangerous the condi­ ticipates in her community through the lies.
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