TABLE OF CONTENTS Sir Patrick Colquhoun , as well as to the support the world, where they had nothing to fear from of noblemen like the Earl of Limerick, Lord their persecutors and tyrants." thc Temple and Hos- Notes on tbc United Orders of Skelmersdalc, Lord Eliot, and others, to whom Barruel thinks therefore that if they had been pital 787 Grand Lodge of Scotland 7S7 wc, as Knights Templar, owe a debt of gratitude innocent they would have asserted their innocence Provincial Grand Lodge of Cumberlan d and West- we cannot easily repay. In Scotland the Order after the death of Phili p le Bel. moreland 789 , So called Ancient Landmarks 789 which during the last century had accepted His argument , however, is in favour of the ge of Improvement Emulation Lod 790 probabilities of our descent, whatever it may be CORRESPONDENCE .— charters from the High Knights Templar in United Grand Lodge 790 Ireland, whose origin I believe is not very well is to our innocence, and when our brethren Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution 790 Notes on the United Orders of the Temple and known, but who arc now under the Grand Master- in the craft ridicule our pretensions I am Hospital 791 ship of the Dnkeof Leinster, and hold a high social reminded of what was said some time back Bro. Morton Edwards and Grand Mark Lodge ... 791 The Vote of Thanks to Bro. LI. Evans' 791 position in their own country ; but these charters in the Fre emasons' Magazine touching the Queries Masonic Notes and 791 were discarded , Laurie tells us when they accepted High Grades. Our venerable Brother, Charles Masonic Tidings 791 United Grand Lodge 792 a charter from the Duke of Kent. I'urton Cooper, who may be called the Martin CRAFT M ASONRY :— The United States Kni hts Templar owe their Tupper of Masonry, in speaking of the Hi h Metropolitan Jv. 794 g g Provincial 794 origin to England , tracing their descent from the Grades to a brother says, " if, as you assert, the ROYAL A RCH :— hi h grades are useless valueless Provincial 795 Baldwyn and York , and other immemorial En. g , , how do you Metropolitan 795 campments, I believe, as stated in Mackey's Lexi- account for their having existed amongst ns so Masonic Meetings for next week 796 Advertisements 785, 786, 797, 708, J99, Soo cal! and Cross Chart. many years, and for their being more flourish- S UPPLEMENT (Eight pages) :— The three independent bodies of Knights, in ing now than at any former time ? English Show Masons 801 the United Kingdom are shortly, I believe, to be common sense rarel y tolerates, much less favours M ARK M ASONRY : Provincial So 1 under one sceptre, that of the Trinee, of Wales, what has no value, no use * * * * * Aids to Study, by Bro. W. Carpenter 802 when we may confidentl y look lor a new raising you make obscurity of origin the foundation On Freemasonry, by Brn. H. T. Bobart S02 Lodges of Instruction S03 of the Beauseant, and the Templars will take of an argument against the high grades. If lied Cross of Constantinc 804 their proper position as a great chivalric bod you are consistent you must, as it seems to me, K NIGHTS T EMPLAR :— y Scotland 805 before the world. equall y make obscurity of origin the foundation Consecration of a Knights Templar Encampment of an argument against modern at Liverpool 806 That we are thc leg itimate descendants of the English Free- Correspondence S06 Crusading Knights I have no manner of doubt' masonry. * The Grand Lod ge of Scotland S07 Poetry 80S and as, I have said before, both friends and There is much wisdom in our learned bro enemies have admitted that' great fact. ihers remarks. , In Barniel's history of Jacobinism the author. (To te concluded in our next.) MDTES ON THE " UNITED ORDERS citing the fri ghtful charges against thc Templars, OF THE TEMPLE AND HOSPITAL." which as a Jesuit of course hejbelieves says, " Such GRAND LODGE OF SCOTLAND. A Lecture delivered hefore thc Era Ires nf the Pru- nevertheless are the men from whom the Masons dence Eiicaiii/ iinenl (if Masonic Knig hts Tem- glory in being descended. Yes, and their descent PRESENTATION OT BlJST TO LoRI) DA I.UOUSIF ,. pla r al Ipswich on l/iti 31.il a hi , , J , 1872. is real. Their pretensions are no longer chime- On Mondar, the and inst., the Grand Lodge of 13 Y E MRA H OLMES, 31 , rical. Were they to deny it, we should force Eminent Commander of the Encampment , Grand Provost them to recognise as their progenitors not the Scotland met in their hall , George-street, the of England , Provincial Grand Banner Bearer of the Royal Oidur of Scotland , iVc. whole of the Order, but that part whose ancient Earl of Rosslyn , Most Worshi pful Grand Master (Continued from Po.^c 772.) corruption and obstinate hatred against the altar Mason of Scotland, in the chair. There was a and the throne, when added to their thirst of re- large attendance. The following office-bearers, Bro. Yarker says that " the History of the venge, must render them still more formidable to who had been recommended for election by the Jerusalem Encampment, tho oldest in Lancashire, both kings and pontills. Grand Committee, were elected accordingly, and commences in 1786 , but many old Freemasons " Were we to trace the descent of the Free- dul y installed into ollice, vi/..:— believe that long prior, to the issue of warrants masons by the Templars wc should not have the lit. Hon. Earl Rosslvn ... G. Master, the Chivalric Orders were practised under the assurance of those who suppose the Grand Master bit. Hon. Farl Dalhousie P.G. Master. sanction of the Blue Lodges." He seems to Sir M. Shaw Stewart, Bart. D.G. Master. Molay, when in the Bastile creating the four think that it is in 1686, under the sanction of the Henry Inglis , Esq S.G. Master. lodges, that of Naples for the East, of Edinburgh Col. A. C. Campbell S.G. Warden. - Scottish Chivalric Order of the Temple and St. Warden. for the West , of Stockholm for the North , and of Rt. Hon. Earl of Kellie ... J.G. John that our traditions point for the revival of Samuel Hay G. Treasurer. Paris for the South. Yet following nothing but the Knights Templar. Alex . J. Stewart G. Secretary. the Archives of the Fremasons themselves, and John Laurie G. Clerk. Dom Calmet records, that Viscount Dundee lain. the apparent affinities which subsist between Rev. V. G. Faithfu l , M.A. G. Chap was at this period Grand Master of the Order of Rev. Dr. Gray ,, them and the Kni ghts Templar, we are entitled ' ' Templars in Scotland, and states that he had re- Major W. II. Ramsey ... S.G. Deacon. to say to them :—Yes, the whole of your school F. A. Barron J.G. Deacon. ceived from the titular Viscount the Grand Cross and all your lodges descend from the Templars. David Bryce Architect. his brother wore when he fell at Killiecrankie in Alexander Hay G. feweller. Aficr the extinction of their Order a certain 1689. Certain it is, however, that thc Grand John Coghill G. Dir. of Ccrs. number of criminal Knights, who escaped thc D. Robertson G. Bible-Bearer. Lodge of all England at York recognised the general proscription , formed a body to perpetuate James Ballantine G. Bard. Order previous to 1780 , and at the union of thc Ri ght Hon. Lord Rosehill G. Sword-Bcarer. their fri ghtful mysteries."* two Grand Lodges in 18 15, as I have elsewhere C. W. M. Miiller G. Dir. of Music. very insullieient grounds , but I have alread y, for R. Davidson G. Organist. stated , it was expressly stipulated that the article the most part , disposed ol that question. lie AL Macki'ii/.ie Chief G. Marshal. referring to what should be considere d pure An- A. T. A pthurpe G. Marshal. says:—" Another relk etion , w hich strikes me as cient Masonry was nut intended to prevent any W. M. lirvce G. Ty ler. being of wei ght , though 1 do not know that any lames Baikie Outer Guard. lod ge or chapter from holding a meeting in any one has made it , is that between thirty and forty F. S. Melville Pres. G. Stewards. of the degrees of the Orders of Chivalry, according J. Ilai g ._ Vice-President. thousand Kni ghts not only survived the condem- to the constitution of the said Orders. This was Durinir the installation of the M.W. Grand nation of the Order, but also survived Phili p le no doubt in consequence of the Dukes of Sussex Master , the chair was occup ied by the Past G. Bel and Clement V. The greater part of these and Kent (both being heads of the Order, the one Master , the F.arl of Dalhousie. The Earl of had onl y been conuemned to canonical penance, as Grand Master the other as Grand Patron) bring Rossl yn , on again taking the chair , briefly re- to so many days fasting and prayer , or to a short also Grand Masters in the Craft . The present turned thanks for that renewed expression of their imprisonment. They lived in diiFerent parts of prosperous condition of the United Orders of the confidence. After this formal business had Temple and the Hosp ital is no doubt due to the * History of Jacobinism , part 2 , pp. 376—8. great exertions of its present Grand Chancellor, Barruel assumes the guilt of the Order from ''' Freemason ' s Magazine Vol.
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