TOIRANCE PRESS Thursday, January 22, 1959 200 Aytomoblly lor Saj* 200 Aufgrm»biU» for S«l» ?QQ Au^omobUM fer SaU ^^ MO Autpmobll»> far Sal* 200.Autemobi]** for Salt 200 Au»emobilt» lor Salt 200 AutomebiU» for SaU 200 /CHEVROLET^ PAUL'S "OPEN HOUSE" Thursday, Friday, Saturday, January 22, 23 and 24 Our Specialties Our Specialties Member of Our Family VARIETY To Meet the Newest VARIETY THE ALL-NEW BEL-AIR SPORT SEDAN QUALITY In Honor of This Event We're Having a Real QUALITY PRICE -E-L-L-A-B-R-A-T-I-ON PRICE CHEVROLET/ '58 CHEVROLET station wagon Del-Ray '58 CHEVROLET Impala COME IN '58 CHEVROLET Broolcwood model. Turboqlide, radio, air conditioninq, 2-door sedan. Economy "6," standard transmission, heat­ 280 ri.p. V-8 engine. Turboglide, radio, heater, power TODAY steering and brakes Posf-traction rear end, wfiite well power steering and brakes, whitewall tires. Here's the er, etc. Carries a new car warranty. See this one before tires. Solid silver blue finish. "Queen of the Highway." For Your you buy. $2595 $2495 REVELATION $1799 LOOK FOR THIS RIDE "O.K." SEAL station wagon '57 CHEVROLET In The '57 CHEVROLET Bel-Air Is Assures "210" 4-door 6-pasr.«nq«r model. V-8 engine, power- '56 CHEVROLET i-Ton Pick-up 4-door ^dan. V-8 enqine, pow«r^lid«, radio, heater, You of glide, radio, heater. Hurry for this one. All New Economical 6 cylinder, standard transmission, radio, heat­ whit« w^ll tir»«. Beautiful hlu* -"ind white finish. '59 er, white walls. Immaculate. , $1749 TOP $1999 $1125 QUALITY '56 DODGE 4-Ton Pickup Chevrolet USED CARS '56 VOLVO 2-Door Sedan V-8 enqinc, standard transmission, radio and heater. Bel-Air '54 BUICK Sport Coupe miles of drivino,. Equipped with radio, heater and whit'ewall tires. The PLUS Ready for Sport Sedan Riviera hardtop. Dynaflow, radio, heater, white walls. economy -king. Real valu*. Our Written $799 This car is xceptional throughout. $1349 "O.K." Now on Display $949 Catalina WARRANTY '54 PONTIAC '54 FORD V-8 Tudor Hardtop eoupt. Hydramette, radfe, taater, whftt waN We're Finer tires. Exceptional ear Jnsld* and out. '53 PLYMOUTH Belvedere TK!« en* you There's No Ctt/fe »edan. Ford-o-m«tic, radio, Keater. Trading Hardtop coup*. 'Economy standard transmission, fufly mutt tee. A beeu+y. GUARANTY $649 . ANYWHERE equipped including white wall tires. $695 Hiqh! $499 NEW CAR BUYERS __A__^^^^ '51 Oldsmobile Holiday COME IN of white wall tires Coupe "38" sport coupe. Hydram*tic, radio and heater. Origi­ Bring this ad and get your choice TODAY '47 MERCURY Club nal in',ide and out. or underseal at N O COST on purrha«,« of a '59 Radio, heater, white wall tire<. Gleaming black finish. $199 CHEVROLET .from PAUL'S during our open house. $115 YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD GMAC OR BANK TERMS LOW DOWN PAYMENTS HIGHEST TRADE-IN ALLOWANCES NOW!! TORRANCE LOMITA CONVENIENT 1640 CABRILLO 2172 PAC. CST. HWY. PAUL'S FA 8-1640 DA 6-1185 LOCATIONS "Your Satisfaction Is Our Future Business" Open Saturday, Sunday, 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. GET ACQUAINTED THE CAR With Our Big Lot BUYERS Suburban Motors Buick '59 "Authorized Sales & Service" Take Advantage * M.G.-Morris * Dauphine A-l VALUES Of a poor used car market Buy now! These cars will' * Austin Healey * Peuqeout WHERE SERVICE in be worth more next monfh. Every used car on our lot * Austin A-55 * Isetta 300 * Magnatti * ls«tta 600 COMES FIRST' NEW 1959 FORD TRADE-INS is plainly priced. Bring this ad for reference to these * Renault ALL CARS CARRY 36.000-MILE GUARANTEE Many More Like These . Cars Are SPECIALS AUTHORIZED FACTORY FOREIGN CAR DEALER Fully Factory Equipped! 445 E.ANAHEIM.WILMINGTON '56 Cadillac. ..........$2495 50*5 SO. PACIFIC AVE. IE 3-751" t u i c: K rvpiy conceivable accessory. What car for '58 Ford V-8 ............ $2395 V»0 Virtnrin Lr»/»rtfd. .1 to choost from. ONLY AT BUTLER BUICK '59 Ford V-8.. ......... .$2495.? RANCH WAC.ON. Only 1700 miles New-car guarantee 30,000 Warranty plus '57 Ford V-8............ $1495 .lOO 7 floor. THE MAGNIFICENT 1959 '57 Corvette Convertible $2550 THE (Model 441 I) '56 Ford V-8............ $1595 ??0 enome, ^tick shift. New top. Just like new. A-pAltcnaer Country Seriftn. LEADER SAYS: '56 Pontiac 870 Catalina . $1295 '55 Ford V-8 ............ $1095 COUPE Radio, heater, hydramatic, power steenno and brakes. '55 Olds $1595 Buick La Sabre F»irl«n» Town Srd*n. A real beauty. M Holiday, full power, nice r>OV RELAX . .. DOWN '56 Mercury ............ $1295 ONLY $398.67 ? rtoni Custom '54 Plymouth Belvedere . $595* '55Pont;'c$l395 $74.59 PER MONTH CONVERTIBLE. Radio, heater. A Meal for only Mar Cruel CV'l'n*. Full power '57 Chevrolet 8 ......... $1995 Go in Style White wall tires, sliding sun shades, back-up lights, Ht>l-Alr Hardtop Two to rhno*» from. '53 Oldsmobile 4-dr. Sedan $595 '57 Ford *I995 You c*n tin both in one of th«-.» fin* looking, HKe OPW, late modelv cigaretfe lighter, brake signal lighh, electric wipers, Rarlio, heater, hvdramatlc, power steering and brakes. Sentible prices and ea»v-to-take term* can be ar­ tefJen »tet wee , foil power, All fuMy equipped Country range* ffvery fur K oiiaranteed, of courte '58 Chevrolet 8 ......... $2495 R*H, v/ w safety mileage alArm, safety glass, map lighh, lu- Imp*!* hurrltnp. 1958 "500" Victoria ...., ....,.........__... $2395 cite paint, turn indicator:,, air-cooled aluminum brakes. '47 Cadillac Sedan ...... .$95 of White m color, rruo-metlc, hie radio, bio; heater, power utee/ri^", p«»war Some body damape, but one-owner and run* like a charm. Save 100's brakov white wall tlre», »ide mirror, rear »eat speaker. REMEMBER -Only '55 Chevrolet 6 .........$ 795 71ft 4 rtoor *«rt«n Morhdntc's tpfclnl Dollars on Two 1958 Simco $1395 $398.67 Total Down Payment 4 door tedan Very immaculate e«r. White well tire*, low mlleaoa, on« 1958 Oldsmobiles owner, new rar trade-in Monthly Payments, $74.59 lech full rower and full e<iuip»ed '55 Plymouth V-8........ $1095 1956 Mercury $1495 Holvorlrr* Sport COUP*. 7-door hardtop Merc omatlc, white wall tire», power iteerino No added worries, no added paper such as second CFCILL 1955 Victoria ....................... $1295 mortgages, etc. This price is the TOTAL COST! '54 Plymouth ............$ 595 Ford o-m*tir, radio A heater, white wall tire*. There just is no more! 4 door ^eden. Extra nice. 1956 Ford $1195 THOMAS ?door FeirUne club »edan Overdrive, radio < heater, white well tlrev IT'S AT ... "BUY FOR LESS FROM LES" AND SONS 1957 Willys Pick-up 4 wheel drive, rad'O. new p«mt Cadillac, Olds, Very Low Down Payment GMC Trucks F-100 Pick-up Butler Buick 1955 Ford LESARKEN BERG Inc. 1 LANCIA; Fiat Alfa Romeo Radio t, heater, new pamt, red in color Very immaculate truck. ALFA ROMEO Payment 400 South Sepulveda 7th to 8th Very Low Down Your Friendly Ford Dealer The Same Ownership and Management in Gardena for 25 Years. 505 Pacific Coast Hwy. SAN PCDR9 FR 4-8968 Manhattan PA 1-CM.U lelst & Vermont DA Ml 14 Hermosa Beach FR 4-0921 Merc. '55 Montclair '57 Plymouth Hardtop PONTIAC '57 1958 PONTIAC Continental Kit WAGON Convertible STARCH IEF LEFTOVERS i Power steering. powpr brakes, "Nothing Down With Good Credit" one-owner c«f I9S7 Hardtop 4 door, CMnllne Sedan with Vary lew mileeae FORD ROVVK «nci iows ot bp*utltul color* i i power windows. CONTINENTAL SEACREST oower hrake^, hy with push bufton drive, bio radio, 7-door, economical, SO mile* per power Meerinq, to choos*1 from awl ?ll dl* > KIT. 819 dual tone radio, heater, drive, big radio, heaterj model* heater, heavy duty whltewall tlret eel full leather Interior. Excel dramatic counted from »1000 to J7000 C«t« ! MERCOrViATIC drive, premium K I T, oremium top, Open Evenings and Sundays I Other eirtrei Ju*f what you have 730 S. Pacific Coast Highway lent tlre% Special Only IMS full CONTINENTAL llnai, Starchlets, Bonnevllles, Coo white wall tire* BRAND NEW been *earchino for com* & in%peCt whltewall tir»^, full GENUINE Irtt mechanic Ally perfect Shiw* only of Knob Hill Ave. price Banh termi available, i v«rtlbi», WHflons, etc. ALL MUST it! It's It whether you buy or not CLEAR- Corner ported pin leather interior A other immsdlatelv No rensonablf 19,67? mile* and we bslinvo year guarantee t>O low t. *w«nky R. •""• '• * '"it what ANCf SAL6 PRICED CHEAP' W extras. Be/longed to local Rolling oftrr rufusrd $9» down will handlr down Sin'' of Americe financing, 'SHOP WHERE QUALITY COUNTS" Hill* refined family, driven very 3* mov Bunk of Ampri you have been Come South Redondo FR 4-3433 with e*«.v not. liberal tr«rt« i free 7 day trial ex- little. Spotle«4 inside & out & per c« FlnmiciriQ liberal trade allow A. In&tact it whn or ____ - ' RIG SALE P" '' 5,99 charge SOU SEAVEff PONTIAC, tact mechanically Come 4 Inspect ante A. nil carry full new cai CREIGHTON Bank flnancnvi »-<r, U»ed Cur Dept , 900 Pec Ctt. Hwy., 51 WILLYS ' It whether you buy or not BIG warranty i service. down Hermo«ia Authori/ed factory ilealer. i station wafon TCHEVROLEf~1953~ Selert Cart SALE, PRICED CHEAP! $»» down, pail* and labor quw ' Met Atr typa 7 door Fully 339 V Pacific C«e»t Hwv d,iv irial exrhanpp P>' ' ' R Featuring the Largest Selection of FR 4*931 Own Sun<toy i Meeutlful Bank Financing, liberal trade & Pontiac ftee th« "WIDE TRACK" '5« Pontiac factory equipped Spark line finith I (1 Bleck So of Torrance blvd.) free 7 day trial exchanor BOB Bob Beaver PONTIAC, 900 Pac 1 » MWV , ' and unsoilerf snotle*', interior! Si Open Eve» Till ? BEAVER PONTIAC, U*efl Car AUTHOPI/ED FACTORY DEALER HermoM Aulhoi i/rd factory dealer.
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