• Harfman 'Grabbed Me,' Sherifl Says By TOM MATTAU5CH Defense attClrney Robert F. Wil8OII, "I told him that I was tbe sheriff, but FallJ added, however, that dePUties St.H Wrl"r Cedar Rapids, said that Hartman, allo of he grabbed me. At this time, I told him were called to the Field HOUM during J a h n son County Sheriff Maynard Cedar Rapids and a member of the Vet­ be was under arrest." the National ColJeeiate Athletic AlIIOCia­ tlon (NCAA) baiketball tOll/ll4lllent and Schneider was the first witness Tuesday erans Public Safety Unit did not. aasault Suepple ~nned Schneider" testl· in the trial of Richard A. Hartman, a Schneider. mony and said that he ltepped in between the Iowa High School basketball tourna­ Field House door guard charged with all­ "Hartman wa a guard." Wilson said, the sheriff .nd Hartman. ment in 1966. saulting Schneider prior to the Feb. 1 "and he was told to admit no ooe who "I told him again that he was under "At these times," said Falla, "tbe UnI­ Iowa-Illinois basketball game. did not have a ticket or a pass. The sheriff veRity police and the Veteran', Seeurlty The sheriff and two deputies testified bad no uniform, no pass and no ticket. arrest," said Suepple. Falls said that he was just inside the police were present. The Illeriff'. office lbat Hartman grabbed Schneider and at· He was trespassing." helped to quell a riot ... tempted to remove him from the Field Schneider said that he fol1owed Deputy door when h~ saw the guard grab Schneid­ House. Francia (Bud) Suepple through the south er. Nissenbaum told the jury that be and A fourth witness, David R. Nissenbaum, Field House entrance and showed his "I presumed that he was putting the two friends were talking to Falls outside A2, Longmeadow, Mass., said that he sheriff's badge to the guard. According to sheriff out," said Falls. "Before 1 could the south entrance just before the game heard a scu[fie and saw the sheriff and Schneider, a llecond deputy, Richard do anything, they had each grabbed an started. two deputies remove the guard. (Burt) Falls, followed him through the ann and were shoving Hartman out the H.... d Someone Y.II The trial, beld at the Johnson County door. door. I ju.t belped shove." :'We had gone outside for a cigarette," Court House, will be continued at 9 a.m. 'Show Him A,.hI' Wll ..... C...... E.emlMI said Nissenbaum, "and the guard said he today. "I walked about three steps put the On crou-examination by WUson, Falls would let us back In. One deputy and the J.n.... Addre ..ed Jury guard," said Schneider, "when he shout­ laid that he had no reason to believe the sherirr had gooe in, when we heard some­ in his opening address, Johnson Count)! ed at me. I stopped and started back to peace was not being preserved in the one yell, 'I'm not going to let that I.o.b. Attorney Robert W. Jansen told the six­ again show bim my badge when be told Field House. In.' tt member, all male jury that Hartman as· me J couldn't get in wIthout my uni­ "In the last two years, I can't remem· Nissenbaum said that Falla then enter­ l8ulted Schneider in the presence of two form." ber the sherifr s department. being ealled ed the Field House and the door ciOled. deputies. The sheriff said that he was wearing to quell a breach of the peace at the "I heard a tcu[fie," said Nissenbaum, Jansen stated that Hartman should be plain clothes, and the two deputies were Field House during a University game," "and then the four men came out. The found guilty of assault and battery. in unlfonn. Falls said guard was putting up quite a figbt." owan Serving the Universitu of Iowa and the People of Iowa Citu IltabllJbed in 1868 10 eenta a eopy AuocIated Preu Lealed Wire and Wirephoto Iowa City, Iowa-Friday, April 7, 1967 Penalties May Follow Prof. Asks. Probe CONSTRUCTION CONTINues on tM bulldl", prolects around campus. H.,. con­ Dormitory, Disturbances struction work.rs K.n O.bo," (left), low. City; Pat Don.hu., Cedar R.pld,; .nd Jim Prott,m.n (r•• r), Mt. PI ..... nt pour found.tlo", for tM _ FIne Arts C.nt.r_ Into Bentz 'Case Iy FRANK MYERS the dormitories at 11 : 55 to disperse the Th. $U million cent.r will be loc.ted .t the north •• st side of the pr ...nt Art Build­ St.H Write,. large and noisy crowd of residents. I", .nd wUllnelud. 39,000 squlr, feet of spact. - Photo by Dav. Luck By CHUCK NORTON Boyd later said that he bad called Bentz University officials are considering what Qu.llin, I, Problem StaH Wrlt.r --- ---_._-- and that Bentz had denied implicating disciplinary Ilction to take against pllrtici· Police officials said they were not able An investigation into the possibility that him (Boyd) In bls remarks to Pollen. pants in Wednesday night's disturbance to quiet the disturbance until about 1 a.m. Dale M .Bentz, associate director of Uni­ Boyd said that the administration had among residents of men's dormitories. At 1:08 a.m . a false Cire alarm was set versity Libraries, tried to suppress a news never in the past innuenced tbe Iowan. The disturbance began about 11:30 p.m. off In Hillcrest dormitory and all of its story in The Daily Iowan was called for Bentz said Thursday he would not talk when residents of Reinow Hall and Quad­ about 800 residents poured onto Byington Thursday in a statement by John Hunt· with any Iowan reporter. Being 'Different' rangle dormitories began to shoot off fire­ Road, west of the dormitory. ley, associate professor of English "I'm sick and tired of the pack of lies crackers, exchange insults and mill around d Huntley's statement was read Thursday appearing i.n the newspal'Crs," he said. While firemen were checking the dormi­ in the street between the two dormitories, tory, about half of the crowd in thl. .treet noon to the executive committee of the Complaln.d To Publisher said Jerome F. Beckman, men'l residence University branch of the American As­ began to move north toward the Iowa Ave· The Register article sald th!\t Benb hall adviser. nUe bridge, apparentiy headed for the aociation of U n i v e r sit y Professors complained to Iowan Publisher Edward P. Campus and city police w~re called to (AAUP) . women's dormJtories, campus police oC­ Can -Be Liability Basaett after student editors refused to The statement asked for the immed· .uppress the story. ficials said. iate dismissal of Bentz as cbairman of Bassett said Thursday that Bentz "in Before the group reached the bridge, By PHIL FLEMING students stopped him and made abusive reo the Board of Trustees of Student Publi· no way complained to me." He said Bentz campus and clty police partially blocked St.H Wrlt.r marks at his wife and struck blm in the cations, Inc. , (SPIl for "incompetence in bad only given him background material Rheumatic Fever it and the crowd stopped. Arter mming If you have a beard or lon g hair or wear face. He said the incident apparently, operating within an environment of aca· and had asked him (Bassett ) to look at around for about 10 minutes, tbe group unconventional clothing, you may run into started because of his long hair. demic freedom" if the details, as fe' the SLOry before it was published. He said beaded back toward Hillcrest, police said. trouble in Iowa City. The trouble may Another student said he had received ported Thursday in a Des Moines Register he was not asked to stop puhlication of Greatest Danger Instead of stopping at the dormitory, come in the way of haras ment or person­ threatening phonc calls after taking part story were true. the &lory. however, the group continued soutb to al injury. in a demonstration. And another student SP] is the governing body of the Iowan. Bassell said he had deleted one pa r· Grand Avenue, and then east to the Bur­ These statements expressed thc thoughts con tacted said he was th':latencd with I ~ames W. Markham, president of the agraph he thought WI\S ill8ccurate and lington Street bridge where they were of sllveral University student contacted physical attack. while inside the University, University branch of the AAUl>, said that had added one paragraph of background. To Heart Valves again met by police and turned back. by The Daily Iowan . Library the AAUP would take ,no immediate ac· He also eliminated Bentz' name from the Lally said the incidents seemed to occur Ilon. He said the group would wait for ac· story and attributed Bentz' statements to (EDITORS NOTE - thll I. tM IIC' 2nd Alarm Set Off Tbe verba I or physical attlick again t mostly in the downtown area on weekend tion by the administration. "a Library spokesman." ond of • ..ri.. on heart r.... rch .t Residents returned to the dormitories students in this group began last fall, ac­ nights, holiday nights or good weather and it was relatively quiet, according to fl l did not feel I was under any coer· the Univ .... lty.) cording to Michael D. Lally, A2 , South nights. AII~.tion. M_d. police, until 2: 10 a.m. wben a second false Orange, N.J. Lally said the incidents start­ The article in the Register said Bentz ciano Bentz never used the word 'sup­ By MARILYN OSWEILER When questioned if the police were ever press,' " Bassett said.
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