*. HERALD. Thur«dav. Dec. 19, 1985 LOOK FOR THE STARS ... ^ ^ ^ Look for the CLASSIFIED ADS with STARS; stars help you get at end of tunnel better results. Put a star on your ad and see what a . p a g e 11 * difference it makes. Telephone 643-271 1, Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 4- K IT ‘M* CA R LYLE ®by Larry Wright APARmiEllTS HOMES RMRENT FOR REHT iBaurbrstrr) Manchesler - A City nl Village Charm Hrralb Coventry Lake Water­ Manchester — Large four front — Newly renovated, bedroom Contemporary fumithed one bedroom In fine family nelehbor­ oOortment for maximum hood. 8925 per month. Call Friday, Dec. 20,1965 Single copy: 25« 3 pertani. Available to Joyce, 647-8895. Jane IS. tSSO a month Includet hoot and electrlc- Odd lofr8« TruckMie. Hy. Leaie. S1.100 deposit Home repairs. Vow name A and references reaulred. STORE AND we do n. Free^ esti­ 743-3033. ( o f f ic e SPACE mates. in s u r^. 643W4. Free auotee, home owner. Food, fuel costs push consumer prices up ASanchester— North End, Howkes Tree Aervtce — Sieve Glorratona. Office Spoce — Excellent I- •........--------- one bedroom apartment. location with ample park­ io d ie t t r ^ a Chipper. In quiet residential area. ing. 600, 400 & 300 sq. ft. Stump Removal. Free Es­ Handyman for Services, Donald RataJezak said the sharp Both were in line with November odd lobs around your By the Asaoclotod Press grew a sluggiah 2.4 percent in 1085, today. full-year pace since 1967, when Near buslines. Utilities office suites are now timates. special conslder- gains in both beef and gasoline wholesale increases of 4.5 percent oNon for EMerly end Han- house. CarM ntrv. roof­ the weakest rate since the reces­ According to Labor Department consumer prices rose 3 percent. not Included. S400 available. 649-2891. for beef and 3.7 percent for monthly. Call 446-3151 be­ |icapped.647-7SI3. ing, etc. Call Tim at Sharply higher food and fuel sion year of 1982. figures, the last time retail prices Retail prices rose 4 percent in 1984. prices “ should vanish in a mont.i 647-8659 after 6pm. Moreover, analysts cautioned or so” as slaughter and marketing gasoline reported one week ago. tween 0am-4:30pm. Store — Moln Street, costs sent conaumer prices up 0.6 The Commerce Department said rose at November’s pace was OeUverlna ria i loom — 5 againit reading too much into the trends return to more normal Although most analysts are Manchester. 100% loca­ percent in November, the biggest growth in the gross national January 1984. The last time they Manchester — Two bed­ yards. SiS'plus tax. Sand, Jump in nearly two years, the product, the broadest measure of rose at a steeper rate was April November spurt because it was patterns. predicting slightly higher inflation tion, heat, air, parking Overall food costs were up 0.7 next year, few see it heating up room duplex with oppllon- Included, reasonable. 649- pravel. E stone. 643-MM. government said today. economic health, was down sub­ 1983, when there was a 0.7 percent attributed mostly to temporary enough to be a serious problem for ces. Newly remodeled, 5334 or 643-7175. The Labor Department's Conau­ stantially from the revised 6.6 increase. factors driving up beef and gaso­ percent last month, largely be­ Loving Mother will core nice nelehborhood, avail­ H^lfAPERIM mer Price Index had risen Just 0.2 percent increase posted in 1984. B^ut even with the advance line prices. cause of a 2.3 percent burst in meat the economy. able Immediately. SSOO fpr your child in our The more stable, underlying and poultry prices. The fuel plus security. Coll 643- home. Call 6464SW. Carpentry and remodel . P utBasi Bsetff c-»i««t Ctf»yNM.Inc percent a month from May to For the laat three months of this reported today, retail prices have factors continued to move along at component — listed as transporta­ Meanwhile, a government sur­ 3006. Ing servtess Complete EtePtrieai f>ratf September before inching up 0.3 year, the economy la growing at an risen at an annual rate of only 3.6 McKechnie Electric — Custom Painting and Wal home repairs and remo- Need A iorps or o i percent in October. estimated annual rate of 3.2 percent so far in 1985. the modest pace that has intiption tion in the report — also was up 0.7 vey predicted that U.S. businesses THE NUTCRACKER by The Joe Kubert School percent, mostly because of a 1.4 will cut back on investment Six room apartment for For that extra outlet, or to Ipoperlng. Quality work' 4mffl9e MOT* ",OTiPMir* WW In a separate report today the percent, according to an initial If that rate holds through De­ running at its slowest rate in For Sale aATHER 'RC5UNP, percent jump in gasoline prices. spending by 1 percent in 1986. Immediate occupancy, Update your exielino ser­ monshlp. CMI evenings, oraheoer HpsnePd and in- ncien7N0...HEH«s government said the U.S. economy "flash” calculation released cember, it would be the slowest nearly two decades. vice. ,84 hour emeroency Oory McHugh, 64»<MI. surM.CaH<4»«lir^ AKIOVCI..'/Q«mSS* near center, with applian­ Sx THE AUPSTOr THE YtiNtgfA IS note ces, no utilities, 2 months service. Free estimates. FnW.'ffMVIpOTm* WMSMpr! OtlSTV, THE COWXX- WITH aiPTS WR aster license and in­ Rob'ort I. jarVie. FiUM fMIty STEPS etcro, S5S0 per month. MOUDAY/ Nome your own price — FO K M A W ... Telephone 643-5373. SEASONAL sured. 64M117. A part of Father ond son. Fast, Hulldina-Romedalind L.A . Converse. Inc. dependable service. Spedoliet. Additions, for- Painting, Poperhonging oues, rooflne, skfina. k | t- Salvation Arm y income fails Manchester — Three bed­ <:V room modern kitchen and * Removal. Coll 646d76T. chilns, bathrooms, ri- both, heat and hot water UVING p T a b P m p n Pointing and 'Papprtiang - mndpw iiidpor i. By George Loyng Included. S5S0 plus secur­ Herald Reporter ity deposit. Coll 6430360. CHRISTMAS Retired Nurse with excel- mg — Exterior‘dnd; Inte­ :npMEl|r Ml UMMII •*4 ^ experience dMlres rior. ceilings repaired. Quolitv tundlno ^ NPW Rfcolfi'ifb'dif • rwenniH^f ' Frugality no help First Floor, 3 bedroom TREES viste work with elderlv References, fully Insured. construction, rosldonllot. WIMIIwfl wVIVIT'l Although donations to the Salvation Army in apartment, heat and hot oil sMoes 'of Illness. Quality work. Martin commorclfll. odditlons, garbogodk Manchester are below average this year, contribu­ water Included. No pets. 19 Lewis Street rIncluding light house du­Mottsson. evenings, 64F ftnoVOIIOTItp Q COMOTOTMI w e M k lW tions are expected to Increase this weekend and to this frail man 643-7664. Manchester ties. 649-7P71. 4431. buildind sorvlop. i t H W . PslsrCar^t remain strong until Christmas, Its leader said this morning. Editor's note: This ie one of a series of vignettes Manchester — One Bed­ (behind barn) Maj. Reginald Russell, who has led the Manchester prepared by the Manchester Area Conference of room. Convenient loco- congregation since August, said the decline in tton, quiet neighborhood, Churches, which ie seeking to provide Manches­ $18 Any Tree donations is part of a national trend. vNill to wall carpetine, no ter and Bolton reeidents with Christmas gits, food HOUSEHOLD HOUSEHOLD HOUSEHOLD MUSICAL " It has been the same as experienced around the pets, electric heat. Call O p e n Sat. & Sun. and clothing. 6IM S(0 otter 5pm. I S i J GOODS (flOODS_________ ( it e m s __________ country,” he said. “ The income is not up as far as 9 am - 4 pm normally.” “ Albert” lives so frugally on his amali aodal One and Two bedroom Jalousie Storm Door — Like New 14 cu. ft. Indus­ Used Refrigerators. Lloyd's AM /FM stereo Russell said a variety of factors are to blame. The Security Check that be could pay the cost of a taxi apartments for rent. Cen­ 646-4126 Right opening. 36' x 80*. trial freezer. S3S0. 649- Washers, Ronges — and 8-trock stereo car­ recent cold spell, for instance, has discouraged both to the convaleacent home. Unfortunately, he’s tral location. 640-2871. S25.00. 646-4739.D 9012. clean, guaranteed, ports tridge plover and turnta­ donors and the bell-ringing volunteers who solicit depemlent on a walker to get around and can’tuie and service. Low prices. ble. Hardly used. Asking donations alongside familiar black kettles, he said. the taxi servico. B.D. Pearl & Son, 649 S85. Coll 647-1560 otter Russell said the Army expects to take in around A thin, gentle man in bla iOs, he’s lived alone Main Street, 643-2171. 5pm, ask for Len. seal »p>; ?«0 • ^Soept; $6,000 this year. The average is about $8,000, though ever since bis last living relative, his sister, was ro>« donations have fluctuated each year, he said. Wonder Worm Jenus 400 Classical Accoustic guitar taken to a local convalescent home 10 yeans ago. wood Burning fireplace with cose. Rarely used. Russell, who has been with the Salvation Army for The two of thorn would very much like to spend Insert by Dunham Lehr Nylon strings. Good for CARS/TRUCKS II8CELLANE0U8 27 years, said the group has had between six and eight Christmas tiMether. The home has already Inc. Used only 2 seasons. bralnner. Coll 646-3513. ( fo r SALE lU T OMOTIVE volunteers working since the day after Thanksgiving. invited him to join his sister for dinner. Asking S400. Coll 646-4886 S45.0 People have been very receptive to the Army’s The Manchester Area Conference of Churches I Send That Special onytlme.
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