w .w Bloodwnohile Visits Concordia Lutheran Church Tomorrow, 1:45 to 6 p. m^ IM Ijt N «t Pw— Ron H ie Weather VW/H m W M k A M X i V « , W » 9Wr and eaU with (raal In rund a r tu tonlgtit. Law ta Um 90a. MbaUjr amaqr and 1 5 ,5 6 6 cool toauaraw. High hi tha 9Ba. Mmnchettar— ’-A City of ViOoge Charm Wtaa^jr with dtaneai of Wiowori VOL. LXXJiVlU, NO. 189 TWENTY-TWO PAGES MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, MAY 12, 1969 A O v crtU a g am B m I* 1 9 ) PRICE TEN CENTS Warren* Gets Data Nixon to Address Nation On Justice Fortas WAISIHJiNGTOlN (A P ) — He aald that the Republican Jotanaon to be chief Justice was A t t y . G m L J qBu i N . MUticiieU consfasslonal leader, Sen. Biver- withdrawn under heavy SfcknoiwicktBied tw lay that **■ *^******> <>* Mlnols and congressional pressure, has On Prospects for Peace he TMtiffH on “teiiRin infor- Michigan come under new lire ainee the niMtlbn'' Ito C hief Juafck^o^ *** *®®'***^ report after disclosure that he accepted, but Bari W erran last w w * r»m. meeting with Prestdeot later returned, a $90,000 fee ^ ***“ * charltalde foundaUcn set the House that the Fortas matter up by the finny of Loula Wrtf- WABHIINGT(JN (AP) — mTOUmUnr ju a ^ Abe came up “in general terms.” He Hon, a flnaneter wwr In Jafl after President Nix»n conferred Fbrto. a ^ that It was accurately re- inHng convicted a t viola^ se- today witti the "UA. mili­ Biailier, Newsweek m«g»«tM» ported that President Nixon had ouriues laws, tary GOmnunder in Viet­ reported that Mitchell had asked »ald he hoped It would not be- ^ r» d - Roaches Case nam, G«*l Creighton Warren to urge that Fortas re- come a partisan issue. ^ ^ uross, R-icwa, sign from the court. Newsweek aald Mitchell tdd awd Sunday he hasprepared a^ Aibrakns, and 'wfll address In a terse rtatement In re- Warren that the Justice Depart- titupama m ie iA A p p ealed to the nationi WeAwsdsy spcnse to Inquiries, Mitchell ment has “far more serious” In- Bertas and will present utem In n i^ t on pToqMDts o f peace said: formation than has been re- House unless the Juatioe re- as he sees them. "At my request, the chief Jus- vealed ao far In Fortas’ case * “reasonable Ume.” Highest Court Thera w a s no h iStonttoit at Ooe was khid enough to see me and that “the facta were bound He did not say what he views as any major bceaklbroagb In tbia In his chambers last Wednes- to- come out eventually. He has a reasonable time, rhe United Stotes Supreme direction. day. May 7,1089, at 11 :S0 a.m. been charged with accepting arose said his resolution aoi Court has been aaked to review Abrams flew in from Vietnam “As a courtesy to Ihe chief money from a private founds- ousea Bbrtas of malfeasance. an Injunciian Issued in Ro<dc- Sunday ana is retumliig this aft- Justice, I felt it Incumbent upon tlon. misconduct and impropriety, vHle that toihidB a University •noon. me to inform him of certain in- Warren was not available to- based largely on the fee from of Connecticut protesaor from Thla morning be mot witb formation known by me which day to newamen but the Su- the WoUSon fbundatlMi. makliig rtatemsnte that an Nhmn, Secrotary of Datnioa might be of aid to hbn.” preme Court press office said x few irours before Ghoss’ “untrue, malicious, or ob­ M M v l n R. Laird, Gon, Eaito Q. After Mitchell Issued his there would be no comment on statement. Sen. Wedter F. Mhn- sce n e .” Wheeler, chairman of tha Jbint atatement, a Justice Depart- any report of “private oonversa- jale of Mliaiesota became the The injunotton was issued Feb. CUofIs of Staff, and Ihe Fnal- ment spokesman said there tlons.” first Democratio senator to say 5 ageinrt Prof. Jack 'L. (Roach dont’a nattenal aecurtty adviotr, /# tt 9 would be no further comment. Fortes, whose nomination laM by Judge WmUim Bajiber in Henry A. BBtoncar. Newsweek said that SCltcheU year by President Lyndon B. (Bee Page KIgM) TMland CXwnty Superior Court. Wldta Houoa prcni sacmlary v isite d w a rre n on orders of ___________ The American Civil Liberties itonald L. Zteglar sold thla tint Prestdeat Nixon but the White Union filed the petition tor re­ f maaiing betoren tha rreeiderii House press secretary, Ronald view today. An ACLU qfxikes- and the top U.S. miUtary m a n in L. Ziegler, said today: man termed the tem^torary In- Vteteom wa a a rifvtate of tha sit­ “The President did not direct Many Projects Defeated jtmetion “one of the worst I’ve uation thare, with t h r ^ faetan the attorney general to dlscusa seen .” J nppermoat. this matter with Chief JusUce The temporary injunction waa Nixon sought AbnmaT vtawa W a rren.” iaeued after a two-day hearing «n enemy military activity. In­ And, Ziegler aald, “to draw Signs Show Protest in Rockville, at whkSi the Uni­ cluding the poaribUty of near cf- the conclusion that the Presi­ versity of Connecticut, filed a feoolve octiana. dent la directly Involved In any oomlpaint against Professor He wanted infanoaUen on tha matter relating to Justice For­ Roach It accused him of dis­ otato at traMag of tho Sonlh tas would be the wrong conolu- By U.S. Taxpayers rupting and impairing the taw- Vietnam onny. fut aoUidties of the university. A n d be wanted to dteooni ibo President Is of By THB ABBOCIATliD PBK88 them and editor BUI Northrop RocMdi participated in demon- course kiformed on the JtMtiee Another mass protest Is In carted them to the govmwr. level of U.8. foroao In Vlalnaai. atrationa late last year against On the tatter poWt, Ztagler Fortas and talks to the progress. in Oeorgla, Gov. Lsrter Mad- the Dow Chemical Co., and the attomy genenO. ' 'H* protestem are mortly <jooc ran Into trouble with the said be wanted to imphaslM OUn Mlathteson Oo. while they that an y decioion on force leveis _______ _______ ___________ _— mlddle-olaas, middle-incocne legirtaturev whWi refused to ap- were conducting placement in­ PresHdebt Nixon in conference with Oeighinn will he m a d e on the boola of the and middle aged—the gnat prove major tax hike proposals terviews on the UConn campus. w ib three criteria he eatd Nbeon has body of taxpayers. resulting from the goveriMr's Prof. Roach was also present Abrama. It « after the confeienlce that the An Associated Press survey n.i.MlUon budget. Maddox Iws mentioned on numerons oeoo- at demonstrations in January White House amlbuntoed Nixon^s intentibn to ad­ riona: F ire Q oses tiipied tqt, In state after Mate, offered to resign if the leglsla- outside a university building Senate Asks rtgns of hnpending taxpayer re- tun wUl return hi qpeolal ses- dress the ncutkm on the proqieicts for peace in 1. "The ability of the Sonlh where the trustees wars meet­ Vletneunese to defend n t m - slrtanae. alon and pass Ms program, ih- ing to ocasider punitive inea- Vietnanu (AP Photofax) Bxsmple; eluding new taxes. eelvee in the areas w « near are Train Route sures against ,Roacl) and tliree Say in U se defending them. Gov. Raymotsi P. Bhater of Taxpayers in many states are other professors. 2. "Picgreos of the Paris H is lluee iillie« mem-”' folks. In Hartford bers who do not have tenure, Of Sdtdters , 8. “T h e levot of e n e m y aetIM- ment of a state income t« to Ohioans voted on have had their toacMng cen- ty.” RARTFO^, Conn. (AP) - help balance a $2.M- school tax issues and WASmNG’rON (AP) — Sen­ Rockets Crash Base, tracte ooilceted, • and will be A b r a m s w ill report on them All train routes tbrough Hart- bllUon budget. At WUliamiport, rgjacted nearly BB per cent of gone hi September. .. ate 'Democratic Leader Mike ford w en closed Sunday night these placards w en hoisted b*- 't^em. an d other mattoza again after A New York ’Tlmea etoty to­ M an sfield nays he w ill seek psuh Mb return to Salgan. because of a two-alarm fin ton Ids eyes: “Governor, You gome of these proposed <^ier- day,quotee MelvU L. WiSf, the aage next month of a reooluUon Enemy Strikes Hard OfOdala undenwored repeat­ that biased through a vacant. Hike, We Strike,” and, “Join ntlng levien failed for the second ACLU legal dhactor, as atating, cadling oa President Nixon to edly that the purpose of the five story warehouse, gutting the the Taxpayer Rebellion." third times. Education Isad- “InjuncticnB are being used SAIOON (AP)—At leoat tbfse Da Nang, South Vietnam’s sec­ Abrams-Nlxon conference was consult with the Senate before BO-yaar-oId buUdlng on Maine Later, in Harrisburg, Shafer claim inflation has wiped out r ig h t and left to halt proteete, rookete cmriied Into the huge ond largest city. to review the Vietnamese sttua- and Albany stnete but causing was presented a suitcase fUled gym miiucn of local education but this one is the worst I’ve sending U.S. troops into any fu­ Tan Son Nbut air base outside First reports, still incom­ tkm generally and not tor a dia- no injuries. ^th the names of 50,000 voters money In the past two years. seen. It’s a flagrant vlotatlon of ture Vietnam-llke situation.
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