ARSCM (151) FRSCM (179) Hon. Life RSCM (62) RSCM Honorary Awards 1946-2012 Hon. RSCM (94) Cert. Special Service (106) Total 592 Award Year Name Dates Position FRSCM 1936 Sir Hugh Percy Allen 1869-1946 A Fellow of the College of St. Nicolas in 1936. Director of the Royal College of Music FRSCM 1936 Sir Stanley Robert Marchant 1883-1949 A Fellow of the College of St. Nicolas in 1936. Principal of the Royal Academy of College FRSCM 1936 Sir Henry Walford Davies 1869-1941 A Fellow of the College of St. Nicolas in 1936. Organist of the Temple Church FRSCM 1936 Sir Walter Galpin Alcock 1861-1947 A Fellow of the College of St. Nicolas in 1936. Organist of Salisbury Cathedral FRSCM 1936 Sir Arthur Somervell 1863-1937 A Fellow of the College of St. Nicolas in 1936. Chairman of Council SECM FRSCM 1936 Sir Edward Bairstow 1874-1946 A Fellow of the College of St. Nicolas in 1936. Organist of York Minster FRSCM 1936 The Revd.Dr.Edmund Horace Fellowes 1870-1951 A Fellow of the College of St. Nicolas in 1936. Choirmaster of St.George's, Windsor and Musicologist FRSCM 1963 Dr.George N. Maybee 1913-1973 St.George's Cathedral, Kingston, Ontario, Canada FRSCM 1963 Sir David Valentine Willcocks CBE MC b.1919 Organist of King's College, Cambridge FRSCM 1963 Dr.Sidney Scholfield Campbell 1909-1974 Organist of St.George's Chapel, Windsor FRSCM 1963 Dr.Herbert Whitton Sumsion CBE 1899-1995 Organist of Gloucester Cathedral FRSCM 1963 Dr.Arthur James Bramwell Hutchings 1906-1989 Professor of Music Durham University FRSCM 1963 Dr.Leo Sowerby 1895-1968 Director, College of Church Musicians, Washington D.C., USA FRSCM 1963 Dr.Wilfred Greenhouse Allt 1889-1969 Principal of Trinity College London FRSCM 1964 Thomas Lucas Duerden 1898-1969 Organist of Blackburn Cathedral FRSCM 1964 Harold Dexter b.1920 Organist of Southwark Cathedral FRSCM 1964 Dr.Gerald Hocken Knight 1908-1979 A Fellow of the College of St. Nicolas in 1939. Director of the RSCM [to FRSCM (iii) 1952, to (i) 1964] FRSCM 1965 The Revd.Dr.Erik Reginald Routley 1917-1982 Member of RSCM Council (first non-Anglican FRSCM) FRSCM 1965 Dr.Alec Wyton 1921-2007 Organist of the Cathedral of St.John-the-Divine, New York FRSCM 1966 Dr.Harold Watkins Shaw 1911-1996 Musicologist, Librarian, Head of Music at Worcester College of Education FRSCM 1967 Dr.George Charles Gray 1897-1981 Organist of Leicester Cathedral FRSCM 1969 Dr.Lionel Frederick Dakers 1924-2003 Director of the RSCM FRSCM 1969 Dr.William Leslie Sumner 1904-1973 RSCM Advisor on Organs and Organ Construction FRSCM 1969 Dr.Lee Hastings Bristol 1923-1979 President of Westminster Choir College, Princeton, USA 18 July 2012 Page 1 of 23 Award Year Name Dates Position FRSCM 1971 Dr.Reginald Alwyn Surplice 1906-1977 Organist of Winchester Cathedral FRSCM 1972 Dr.Derek Holman b.1931 Warden RSCM, Organist Grace Church-on-the-Hill, Toronto, Canada FRSCM 1972 The Revd.Francis Brotherton Westbrook 1903-1975 Ministerial Secretary of the Methodist Church Music Society FRSCM 1972 Dr.Roy Cyril Massey b.1934 Warden RSCM, organist Hereford Cathedral FRSCM 1973 Dr.Barry Michael Rose b.1934 Organist of Guildford Cathedral FRSCM 1973 Dr.Charles Foster Browne OBE 1910-1983 Organist Christchurch Cathedral, New Zealand FRSCM 1973 Dr.George Howell Guest 1924-2002 Organist of St.John's College, Cambridge FRSCM 1973 Peter David Hensman Godfrey CBE b.1922 RSCM Special Commissioner, organist Auckland Cathedral N.Z. FRSCM 1975 The Revd.Cyril Vincent Taylor 1907-1991 Warden RSCM Addington Palace FRSCM 1976 Dr.Douglas Albert Guest CVO 1916-1996 Organist of Westminster Abbey FRSCM 1977 Dr.Arthur William Wills OBE b.1926 Organist of Ely Cathedral FRSCM 1977 Dr.Edward Allan Wicks CBE 1923-2010 Organist of Canterbury Cathedral FRSCM 1977 Dr.Robert Boughen b.1929 Organist St.John's Cathedral, Brisbane, Australia FRSCM 1977 The Revd.Canon Joseph W.Poole d.1989 Precentor of Coventry Cathedral FRSCM 1977 Martin John Richard How b.1931 RSCM Southern Commissioner FRSCM 1977 The Rt.Revd.Edward James Keymer Roberts DD 1908-2001 Bishop of Ely, Chairman of RSCM Council 1957-1977 FRSCM 1977 Dr.Peter John Hurford OBE b.1930 Organist of St.Alban's Abbey FRSCM 1981 Dr.Gerre Edward Hancock 1934-2012 Organist of St.Thomas', Fifth Avenue, New York FRSCM 1983 Dr.Dennis William Townhill OBE 1925-2008 Organist of St.Mary's Episcopal Cathedral, Edinburgh FRSCM 1983 James H. Litton b. 1934 Organist of St.Bartholomew's, Park Avenue, New York FRSCM 1986 H.Leslie A.Green 1903-1995 1st Secretary of the SECM/RSCM 1st July 1928 - 31st July 1964 FRSCM 1986 Dr.Richard Godfrey Seal b.1935 Organist of Salisbury Cathedral FRSCM 1986 Sir David James Lumsden b.1928 Organist of New College, Oxford; Principal of the Royal Academy of Music FRSCM 1991 Robert Milton Quade b.1930 Organist of St.Paul's, Akron, Ohio FRSCM 1991 Anne Marsden Thomas Organist St.Giles, Cripplegate, London (the first woman FRSCM) FRSCM 1991 The Rt.Revd.Timothy Bavin b.1935 Bishop of Portsmouth, Chairman Archbishop's Commission on Church Music FRSCM 1991 George Mcphee MBE b.1937 Organist of Paisley Abbey 18 July 2012 Page 2 of 23 Award Year Name Dates Position FRSCM 1991 Dr.John Derek Sanders OBE 1933-2003 Organist of Gloucester Cathedral FRSCM 1992 John W.Cooke 1930-1995 RSCM Northern Commissioner FRSCM 1992 Michael Paschal Marcon Fleming 1928-2006 Staff Tutor RSCM FRSCM 1992 Ernest Lough 1911-2000 Member of the Temple Church Choir FRSCM 1992 John Taverner b.1944 Composer and professor at Trinity College of Music FRSCM 1992 Lady Susi Jeans 1911-1993 Organist and RSCM benefactor FRSCM 1993 William Benjamin James Llewellyn b.1925 Director of Music, Charterhouse School FRSCM 1993 Dr.Geoffrey Cox Chairman RSCM Victoria Branch, Australia FRSCM 1994 Sir John Margetson b.1927 Chairman RSCM Council FRSCM 1994 Dr.Harry Wakefield Bramma b.1936 Director of the RSCM FRSCM 1994 Dr.Barry Smith Organist of St.George's Cathedral, Cape Town, South Africa FRSCM 1994 Richard Cock Organist of Johannesburg Cathedral FRSCM 1994 Mervyn J.Byers 1924-2011 Organist Selby Abbey, then of St.Andrew's Cathedral, Sydney, Australia FRSCM 1994 Bryan Anderson RSCM Regional Director Midlands and South West FRSCM 1995 Dr.Mary Berry d.2008 Director of the Schola Gregoriana, Cambridge FRSCM 1995 Dr.Christopher Hugh Dearnley 1930-2000 Organist of St.Paul's Cathedral FRSCM 1996 Edred John Wright 1911-2004 Choirmaster of the College of St.Nicolas FRSCM 1996 William Pierce d.1996 Chairman RSCM Tasmania Branch, Australia FRSCM 1997 Martin Gerard James Neary b.1940 Organist of Westminster Abbey FRSCM 1998 William Clark Chairman RSCM New South Wales Branch, Australia FRSCM 1998 Benjamin Hutto b.1947 Organist of Christ Church, Charlotte, USA FRSCM 1998 Patrick Salisbury Secretary of the Archbishop's Commission on Church Music FRSCM 1999 Professor Peter George Aston b.1938 Composer, Professor Emeritus, The University of East Anglia FRSCM 1999 Dr.John Rutter b.1945 Composer FRSCM 1999 The Revd.John Bell b.1949 Iona Community, Council Member FRSCM 1999 Geoff Weaver b.1943 RSCM Director of Studies FRSCM 2000 Dr Lindsay Colquhoun Chairman RSCM St.Albans Area 18 July 2012 Page 3 of 23 Award Year Name Dates Position FRSCM 2000 James O'Donnell b.1961 Organist of westminster Cathedral FRSCM 2000 The Community of Taizé FRSCM 2000 Professor Jonathan Harvey b.1939 Composer FRSCM 2000 Robin Sheldon b.1932 RSCM Special Advisor FRSCM 2000 Margaret Butler Widow of Council Member and Vice-Chairman Roger Butler. FRSCM 2001 Gordon Stewart b.1952 Organist and teacher FRSCM 2001 Professor Ruth Steiner Emeritus Professor, Catholic University of America, Plainsong scholar FRSCM 2001 Father Joseph Gelineau SJ b.1920 Liturgist and composer FRSCM 2001 The Rt Revd. David Stancliffe b.1942 Bishop of Salisbury, Chairman of the Liturgical Commission FRSCM 2001 Dr James MacMillan b.1959 Composer FRSCM 2001 Ralph Allwood b.1950 Precentor Eton College FRSCM 2002 Barry Ferguson b.1942 Organist of Rochester Cathedral FRSCM 2002 David Gedge b.1939 Organist of Brecon Cathedral FRSCM 2002 The Very Revd.Michael Perham b.1947 Liturgist, Dean of Derby and Gloucester Cathedrals FRSCM 2002 Hazel Gedge Assistant organist of Brecon Cathedral FRSCM 2002 Dr. Edward Higginbottom b.1946 Director of Music, New College, Oxford FRSCM 2002 Dr.Simon Geoffrey Lindley b.1948 Organist of Leeds Parish Church, President RCO FRSCM 2003 Arvo Pärt b.1935 Composer FRSCM 2003 Dr.John Bertalot b.1931 Organist Blackburn Cathedral and Trinity Church, Princeton, NJ. FRSCM 2004 Dr.Christopher Robinson b.1936 Organist of St.John's College, Cambridge FRSCM 2004 Michael Hockney RSCM Council Member FRSCM 2004 Dr.Richard Shephard b.1949 Headmaster York Minster School and composer FRSCM 2005 Sir David Harrison b.1930 Chairman of the RSCM FRSCM 2005 John Batt RSCM Council Member FRSCM 2005 John Scott b.1956 Organist of St. Pau's Cathedral, London FRSCM 2005 Ronald Frost b.1933 Organist St. Ann's, Manchester, Director of Studies RMCM, Chair RSCM Manchester FRSCM 2005 Dr. Jeffrey Smith Canon Director of Music, Grace Cathedral, San Francisco 18 July 2012 Page 4 of 23 Award Year Name Dates Position FRSCM 2005 Philip Moore b.1943 Organist, York Minster FRSCM 2005 The Community of the Resurrection, Mirfield FRSCM 2006 Jeremy Begbie b.1957 Scholar, musician and theologian FRSCM 2006 Shirley Erena Murray b.1931 Hymn writer, New Zealand FRSCM 2007 Professor John Martin Harper b.1947 Director-General of the RSCM 1998-2007 FRSCM 2007 Owen Burdick b.1954 Organist, Trinity Church, Wall Street, New York FRSCM 2007 Professor László Dobszay b.1935 Scholar and educator, Budapest FRSCM 2007 Judith Bingham b.1952 Composer FRSCM 2007 Alan Thurlow b.1947 Organist, Chichester Cathedral FRSCM 2008 James Lancelot b.1952 Organist of Durham Cathedral FRSCM 2008 Llywela Harris RSCM Warden Addington Palace FRSCM 2008 Grayston (k/a Bill) Ives b.1948 Informator Choristarum, Magdalen College, Oxford and composer FRSCM 2008 David Hill b.1957 Winchester Cathedral, St John’s College Cambridge, BBC Singers FRSCM 2008 Paul Bradshaw Professor of Notre Dame University, London, and Liturgist FRSCM 2008 Bruce Neswick b.1956 Composer and director of the girls choir at Washington National Cathedral FRSCM 2008 Robin Alan Leaver b.
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