PAGE TWENTY-EIGHT FRIDAY, JUNE 7,^968 Averagfi DaUy Net Press Run Eufuitts ii^roUt For The . Week Ended The Weather dime 1, 10« A m y Speo. 4 Robert Bnos, Fair tonight. Low in 0Oe. Abmit_______ T(own son of Mr. and Mrs. Dilla Bnos lEuptittig Bprall! Partly cloudy tomorrow. High of 88 Homestead S t, recently 15,055 St. BuUiolonMw's was assigned to thSllth Amored OuUd %in meet toidcht at 8 at Cavalry Regiment In Vietnam. -4 City of Village Charm tha Jobn V. Tleniey Funeral Ho^e, 218i W. Center St., to Army Pfc. David B. Carlsqn, VOL. LXXXVn, NO. 212 (FOURTEEN PAGES—TV SECmON—CONNECTICUT^IFE) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JUNE 8, 1968 (Ciaseified Advertising on Page ii) PRICE TEN CENTS t^otte the Roeazy for ttie late. son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl B. Ib a . WOUam B. Andrew. — ' ' ~ ' ■■ — ■■ --------------------- / . __________________________________________________________________________________ Carlson of 88 Sanford Rd., re­ cently was assigned as an artil­ The Frandi CSub ot ICanohea. leryman with the 1st infantry ter will haTe a Whlat and Set- Oivislcm near Phu Loi, Vietnam. book Farty Monday nlfht at 8 in Orange Hall, '^ e event la The Center Congregational open to the puMlc. Tickets will Church School Day rehearsal 196 Viet Civilians /Senator Edward Kennedy be avallaUe at the door. Re- will be held tomorrow at 0:15 freahments will be served. and 11 a.m. at the church. Chil- dren will report to their depart­ The Ibtbodlet Men SoOth o t ment rooms at the same time Methodist Church will meet they do on Sunday. ^ Died During Talks, Monday at 8:iS p.m. at the Su­ sannah Wesley Hall terrace. POUsh Women’s Alliance 518 SAI€K)N (AP) — Lisfht, '^® civilian casualtiesi have troops had wounded a regimen- Eulogizes His Brother Colored sUdee of the winners will have Ms last meeting of the season Tuesday night at 77 SCattered fiorldSllff fla red in *^*'***®^ shelllrigs and tal commander and a dMuty o t the 1987 Federated Oarden tw n flrrHrmn ^ io v m frt. ®^*®* fighting, government offl- battalion commander In/ the Chib contest will be shown Mon­ North St. The meeting was or- D enU d G rad S ^ A flfS I t fighting. The depul^ bat- NEW YORK (AP) - day idght at a meeting of the iginalfy scheduled for Sunday Henry S. Grsyb, son of Mr. M nv nliATlinfr ni»n+ riia today’s clashes, South Viet- tallon commander had bJem re- Manchester Oarden Cub at the evening. and Mrs. Henry J. Grxyb of SB Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, J " “ >"6®® army casualUes were ported killed In today’s ^hUng. the last son of family home of Mrs. Dcniglaa J. Rob­ North St. was awmded the de­ ^ reported extremely light. The The enemy battall^ com- erts, Venian Rd., &lton. A buf­ Miss Mary-Ann Bohme, daugh­ gree of doctor of dental medi­ that gave three sons to its ter of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard W U n d ed in th e fiv e w eeks government troops reported kill- mander was reported lulled ear- nation, eulogized his slain fet supper will be served at cine from the University of Of ^the enemy “peace talks” Ing 12 Vlet Oong soldiers and “ ®f hi the week and at one 8:80. Mrs. Robert Coe Is dinner Bohme, of 98 Warren Ave., Ver­ Pennsylvania at commencement brother, Sen. Robert F. non, will leave June 18 for Mex­ offensive. capturing 18 In Cholon, the point, government / military chairman. The program was exercises May 20. A member of the South Viet­ Chinese district in southwestern spokesmen said the ^nemy had Kennedy, today as a man planned by tSm. George M. ico City to attend the first sum­ At school, he was a member who “ gave us strength in mer session of the Universidad namese House of Representa­ Saigon. been crushed in Cholon and ap Johnson, chairmen, and metn- of Delta Sigma Delta, profes­ tives, Ngo Oong Due, called for parently was withdrkwlng. time of trouble” and “ will bers of the program committee. Ibero • Americana, completing sional dental fraternity, and the Government spokesmen said her undergraduate work from a halt In the U.S.-North Viet­ five Viet Cong soldiers surren­ But the guerrlllai, holed up In always be by our si<ie.” student affiliate of the American His voice aomeUmes near the University of Connecticut. namese negotiations In Paris If dered_____. .in . ____ the______ northeastern sub- buildings, popped Aip again and The executive board of the Dental Association. breaking from emotion, Kenne­ Sho is a Spanish major in fbe the Viet Cong continues shelling urb of Gla DM and ^ e told In- government troops who have Women’s Fellowship of Secxxid He la a Manchester High dy told motumen In St. Pa­ School of Education at UConn. clvlllan areas. terrogators that government been trying for eight day to Oongregatlanal ChuTch will meet School graduate and earned his root the enemy- out of Cholon, trick’s Cathedral what the fallen Monday at 7:30 p.m. at the undergraduate degree at the again were blasting guerrilla senator meant to Ms family and church. Miss Nancy Jen^ Adams, University of Connecticut. firing positions with tank can­ about Ms capacity for love. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed-^ Dr. O nyb will enter the U.S. nons. The President, four men seek­ The Rev. Gordon S. Bates, ward A. Adams of 817 W. Cen­ Army Dental Corps with the The new lighting suggested ing that office, world and na­ pastor of the Eastmlnister Unit­ ter St., recently completed a rank of captain Aug. 28 and will that fresh Viet Cong troops may tional figures and leaders from ed Presbyterian Church, Bast three-month course In psychi­ be stationed at Ft. Ord in Mon­ French Denounce bo surfacing. Reports earlier all fields had gathered In the Hartford, will conduct a serv­ atric nursing at the Institute of terey, Calif. He is married to this week said fresh enemy splendor of the Ronian Catholic ice Sunday at 8:15 a.m. cxi ra­ Uving in Hartford. tharformer Miss Carol Shennlng troopo disguised in civilian church for toe solemn Requiem. dio station WINF. The program of Manchester. clothes were Infiltrating Into Edward Kennedy said Ms is spcxisored by the Mancdiester Mr. and Mrs. Steven A. For­ Cholon to reinforce Viet Cong brother "loved life completely Council of Churches. rest of Grosse Point Farms, Chapman Court, Order of De Gaulle’s Plan units which lost 148 men killed and lived it Intently.’’ Mich, are guests of Mr. and Amaranth, will meet tonight at PARIS (A P)— Labor and opposition political leaders three days, according He said the late senator want­ Mrs. Basil Nodden of 221 Hack­ ed to express “ real love” to­ The polish National Alliance 7:45 at the Masonic Temple. The are using epithets ranging from “hollow” to “outrage- sovemment figures, matack St. Steven Is the grand­ ward Ms fellow man. He quoted wDl have Ms final meeting of costume party planned for to­ ous to denounce the reform plan President Charles de ^ Saigon, two gun- die season Sunday at 1 p.m. at son of Mrs. Nodden and the late night has been canceled. Re­ his brother as saying that “ real . bo“ let 77 North S t Harold T. Forrest freshments will be served by Gaulle proposed Friday as better than capitalism or love Is something unselfish and Mrs. Alice Ray and members involves sacrifice In giving.” St. Bridget Rosary Society is The executive board of the of her committee. Officers will Thousands of French auto and metallurgy workers J^^y^TaVock'im m Robert Kennedy was slain as sponsoring a frankfurter barbe- Women’s A u i ^ i^ of kCanches- wear colored gowns. still were on strike, although millions of other workers house of u.s. Ambassador ciia- he sought the presidency once * que Moncfay evening from 8 to 8 ter Memorial Hbspital will have were preparing to ^ back to their jobs at subtsantially worth Bunker, held by Ms assassinated broth­ in S t Bridget SchocS cafeteria. its last meeting of the season ill?!!!- won in the general strike that paralyzed The rocket and mortar attack er, President John F. Kennedy. Tickets will be sold at the d m . Monday at 1 p.m. at Chapman ™nce. on Saigon today marked the 21st An older brother, Joeeph Jr., House. Police Arrests De Gaulle’s “ third soluUon,” died In World War n . Those who would like to &n- reform plans for business and M toe last 36 days the capl- tribute prises are asked to con­ offered in a naUonwlde broad­ education “ hollow formulas that tol has been shelled, Earlier, the police search of Stanley Circle of South Meth­ cast, was “ partlclpatloi),’’ pre­ persons entering the cathedral tact Mrs. Wentworth Johnson of Edward B. WTobel Jr., 18, of are not the stuff, to satisfy the South Vietnamese sources dis- turned up a man with a gim. He M N. Blm S t Mrs. Jooeph Haiv odist Chin:(rfi will have a potluck 10 Depot St. was served a 12th sumably meaning workers and workers.’’ closed that for the second Ume rington erf 104 Washington S t is and meeting Tuesday at 6:80 Circuit Court warrant yester­ managers would riiare In the attempted to enter through the In diarge of a baked goods p.m. at the home of Mrs. Or- day at 10:25 p.m. charging him profits and control of busi­ Francois Mitterrand, head of v'®®’* ^® '^*®* Cong used a huge bronze doors at the front the non-Communlst Federation "®w Chinese-made 107mm rock- booth.
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