Meeting Notice & Agenda

Meeting Notice & Agenda

File No.CEA-PS-13-22(12)/1/2018-PSPM Division भारत सरकार Government of India व픿饍युत मंत्रालय Ministry of Power के नदीय व픿饍युत पाधधकरण Central Electricity Authority व픿饍युत पणाली पररयोजना पबोधन पभाग Power System Project Monitoring Division सं: केवविꥍ / पीएस / पीएसपीएम /7/7/2019 द餿नꥍंक: 24/01/19 सेवꥍ मे, (संल嵍न सूची के अनुसꥍर) व픿षय: वव配त वरर 2019-20 के ललए आरएफडी के अंतररत आने वꥍली पꥍरेरण लꥍइनो / सब-टे�नो के लक्ष्यो के अंततम 셂प 餿ेने के ललए बैठक I Subject: Meeting to finalize the Result Framework Document (RFD) program for FY 2019-20 महो餿य/महो餿यꥍ, Chief Engineer (PSPM), CEA will be taking a meeting to finalize RFD program for 2019-20. The schedule of the meeting along with under construction transmission projects (TL&SS), as available in PSPM division, is enclosed herewith. It is requested that same may please be examined and transmission projects (220kV and above), likely to be completed in 2019-20, may be forwarded to PSPM Division by 31st January 2019 so that the RFD program for 2019- 20 can be discussed and finalized in the meeting scheduled in February 2019. The achievement of the RFD program 2018-19 will also be discussed in the meeting. You are requested to kindly make it convenient to attend the meeting or depute the concerned senior level officer along with updated status of all substations/transmission lines which are likely to be commissioned during financial year 2019-20. Kindly confirm your participation by sending email to [email protected]. भव餿ीय/Yours faithfully, (संजय जैन /Sanjay Jain) तन餿े�क/ Director . सेवꥍ भवन, आर. के . पुरम-1, नई द餿쥍ली-110066 टेलीफोन : 011-26103242 ईमेल: [email protected] वेबसꥍइट: Sewa Bhawan, R.K Puram-1, New Delhi-110066 Telephone: 011-26103242 Email: [email protected] Website: File No.CEA-PS-13-22(12)/1/2018-PSPM Division Annexure Meeting Schedule: Date / Time / Venue of Meeting Transmission Utility Western Region (State) 1. Chhattisgarh Date: 15.02.2019 2. Gujarat Time: 11:00 AM 3. Madhya Pradesh Venue: Conference Room, 2nd Floor, CEA, Sewa 4. Maharashtra Bhawan, R. K. Puram, 5. Goa New Delhi-110066 6. Dadra & Nagar Haveli Northern Region (State) 1. Haryana Date: 15.02.2019 2. Himachal Pradesh Time: 03:00 PM 3. Jammu & Kashmir Venue: Conference Room, 2nd Floor, CEA, Sewa 4. Punjab Bhawan, R. K. Puram, 5. Rajasthan New Delhi-110066 6. Uttar Pradesh 7. Uttarakhand 8. Delhi File No.CEA-PS-13-22(12)/1/2018-PSPM Division List of Addresses S.No. Name of Address Ph./FAX/ Email ID Utility 1. MPPTCL Managing Director 0761-2661234 Madhya Pradesh Power Transmission Co. Ltd., Fax: 0761-2664141 Shakti Bhavan, Vidyut Nagar, Rampur, Block Email: [email protected] No. 3 Jabalpur – 482 008 Chief Engineer(Power System), Fax No: 0761- Madhya Pradesh Power Transmission Co. Ltd, 2665593/2665593 Shakti Bhavan, Vidyut Nagar, Rampur, Block Email: [email protected] No. 3 JABALPUR - 482 008 3. MSETCL Chairman & Managing Director 022-26595401 Maharashtra State Electricity Transmission Co. Fax: 022-26598595 Ltd. Prakashganga, Bandra Kurla Complex, Email: [email protected] Plot No C-19, E-Block, Bandra (E), MUMBAI – 400 051 Chief Engineer (Tr. Projects) Fax No: 022 – 26598587 Maharashtra State Electricity Transmission Co. Email : Ltd. [email protected] Prakashganga, Bandra Kurla Complex, Plot No C-19, E-Block, Bandra (E), MUMBAI – 400 051 5. CSPTCL Managing Director, Ph. 0771 2574500/4066899 Chhattisgarh State Power Transmission FAX 0771-2241141 Corporation Ltd, Energy Info tech centre Email : Dagania [email protected] RAIPUR, Chhatisgarh– 492013 Chief Engineer(Transmission) 0771-2574234 Chhattisgarh State Power Transmission Fax No: 0771 Corporation Ltd, Dagania 5066900/4066566 RAIPUR – 492013 Email: [email protected] n 7. RVPNL Chairman & Managing Director, 0141 2740118 Rajasthan Rajya Vidyut Prasaran Nigam Ltd., Fax: 0141 2740168 Vidyut Bhawan, Janpath, Jaipur – 302 005 Email: [email protected] Chief Engineer (PP&M) 0141-2740623 Rajasthan Rajya Vidyut Prasaran Nigam Ltd., Fax : 0141-2740794 Vidyut Bhawan, Janpath, Jaipur – 302 005. Email: se_p&[email protected] 9. GETCO Managing Director, Mobile No. 9879200622 Gujarat Energy Transmission Corporation Phone No: (0265) 2353085 Limited, Extension : 3911 Sardar Patel Vidyut Bhawan, Fax No. (0265) 2338152 Race Course, VADODARA – 390 007 E mail- [email protected] Chief Engineer (Project), Fax No: 0265-2338164 Gujarat Energy Transmission Corporation Mobile No. 9925208081 Limited, Email- Sardar Patel Vidyut Bhawan, [email protected] Race Course, m Vadodara-390 007 11. UPPTCL Managing Director 0522-2287874 U.P.Power Transmission Corporation Ltd. Fax: 0522 7th Floor, Shakti Bhawan,14, Ashok Marg, -2288410/22877892 Lucknow – 226 001 [email protected] Chief Engineer (Control & Monitoring), Fax No: 0522- U.P. Power Transmission Corporation Ltd. 2288410/2287785 File No.CEA-PS-13-22(12)/1/2018-PSPM Division Shakti Bhawan Extn. 11th Floor, Email: 14, Ashok Marg, [email protected] Lucknow – 226 001 [email protected] 13. DTL Managing Director 011 23231748,23215198 Delhi Transco Limited, Fax: 011 23234640 Shakti Sadan, Kotla Road, [email protected] New Delhi – 110 002 Director (Operation), Fax No: 23234640 Delhi Transco Limited, Shakti Sadan, Kotla Road, New Delhi – 110 002 15. HVPNL Managing Director, 0172-2560579 , Fax: 0172- Haryana Vidyut Prasaran Nigam Ltd., 2565746 Shakti Bhawan, Sector-6, Email: [email protected] Panchkula – 134 109. Chief Engineer (Planning), 0172-2584338 Haryana Vidyut Prasaran Nigam, Fax No: 0172-2560640 Shakti Bhawan, Sector – 6, Email: [email protected] Panchkula – 134 113 17. PSTCL Chairman & Managing Director, 0175 2212053, Fax: 0175 Punjab State Transmission Corporation Ltd., 2307779 The mall, Mall road, Sheran Wala Gate, Email: [email protected] Patiala, Punjab– 147 001 Chief Engineer TS, 01752303676 Punjab State Transmission Corporation Ltd., Fax: 0175-2301536 The mall, Mall road, Sheran Wala Gate, Email: [email protected] Patiala, Punjab– 147 001. 19. JKPDD Development Commissioner(Power), 0194-2479836 0194-2452173 Lottery Building, Behind Civil Fax No: 0194-2452173 Secretariat,Srinagar, J&K [email protected] Principal Secretary (Power) Ph: 0194-2452236,0194- Lottery Building, Behind Civil Secretariat, 2477989 Srinagar, J&K . Fax:0194-2452352 [email protected] 21. PTCUL Managing Director, PTCUL Ph. 0135-2642006 Ballupur Chowk, Chakrata Road, Dehradun, Fax. 0135-2643460 Uttarakhand 248001 [email protected] General Manager(Project), Fax No: 0135-2762460 Power Transmission Corporation of Uttrakhand (PTCUL), 650 Kanwali Road, Dehrudun-248001 23. HPPTCL Chairman and Managing Director, Himachal 0177-2633283, Pradesh Power Transmission Corporation [email protected] Limited, (A State Government Undertaking), [email protected] Barowalias House, Khalini, Shimla-171002 24. Dadra & Executive Engineer – II, 260-2633010(O) Nagar Electricity Department, [email protected] Haveli Dadra & Nagar Haveli, Silvassa – 396230 25. Goa Sh. N Reddy, Chief Electrical Engineer 07350611000 [email protected] Sh. Jose E. Demelo , SE (Planning), 08380015364, Elizeu.Demello@goaelectrici Sh Manoj 9850032448 REPORT INDICATING STATUS OF CONSTRUCTION OF SUB STATIONS (220 kV & ABOVE) Cummulative progress till date Commissioning Capacit Voltage Land Civil Sl Name of y Date of Materials / Materials / Capacity Acquire works Tested/ Revised/ Ratio Equipments Equipments No Sub Stations (No.xM Award d complet Commissio Original Anticipate (kV/kV) Received erected VA) ed ned (%) (%) d (%) (%) (MVA) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. DAMODAR VALLEY CORPORATION ( DVC ) 1 DSTPS ICT-II S/s 400/220 315 100 100 50 50 FEB-17 MAR-19 2 Burdwan GIS along with associated line 220/132 2x160 100 0 0 0 bays at Parulia S/s 3 Dhanbad (Auto-Xmer) 220/132 320 100 80 40 40 SEP-18 MAR-19 4 Jamshedpur(Auto Xmer- Replacement) 220/132 160 100 80 80 80 POWERGRID (Consultancy Work) ( PGCONSULTANCY ) 1 (Sikkim) Khamdong (New) S/S 66/11 0 0 0 0 DEC-18 MAY-19 2 (Sikkim) Kumrek (New) S/S 66/11 0 0 0 0 DEC-18 MAY-19 3 (Sikkim) Lachen (New) S/S 66/11 0 0 0 0 0 DEC-18 4 (Sikkim) Makha (New) S/S. 66/11 0 0 0 0 DEC-18 MAY-19 5 (Sikkim) Mamring (Extn.) S/S 66/11 0 0 0 0 DEC-18 MAY-19 6 (Sikkim) Mangan (Extn.) S/S 66/11 0 0 0 0 0 DEC-18 7 (Sikkim) Namchi (New) (Extn.) S/S 66/11 0 0 0 0 0 DEC-18 8 (Sikkim) Namchi (Old) (Extn.) S/S 66/11 0 0 0 0 0 DEC-18 9 (Sikkim) Namthang (New) S/S 66/11 0 0 0 0 DEC-18 MAY-19 10 (Sikkim) Pangthang (New) S/S 66/11 0 0 0 0 0 DEC-18 11 (Sikkim) Passingdong (New) S/S 66/11 0 0 0 0 0 DEC-18 12 (Sikkim) Pelling (Extn.) S/S 66/11 0 0 0 0 0 DEC-18 13 (Sikkim) Rellichu (New) S/S 66/11 0 0 0 0 0 DEC-18 14 (Sikkim) Richenpong (New) S/S 66/11 0 0 0 0 0 DEC-18 15 (Sikkim) Rohthak S/S 66/11 0 0 0 0 0 DEC-18 16 (Sikkim) Rorathang (New) S/S 66/11 0 0 0 0 DEC-18 MAY-19 17 (Sikkim) Sichey (Extn.) S/S 66/11 0 0 0 0 0 DEC-18 18 (Sikkim) Sombaria (New) S/S 66/11 0 0 0 0 0 DEC-18 19 (Sikkim) Tadong (Extn.) S/S 66/11 0 0 0 0 0 DEC-18 20 (Sikkim) Temi (New) S/S 66/11 0 0 0 0 DEC-18 MAY-19 21 (Sikkim) Namchi (Old) (Extn.) S/S 66 0 0 0 0 0 DEC-18 22 (J and K) Drass S/S 220/66 4x16.67 100 40 80 0 SEP-17 MAY-17 23 (J and K) Kargil S/S 220/66 7x16.67 0 0 0 0 SEP-17 MAY-17 24 (PMDP-Jammu) Chowadhi S/S 220/33 160 0 0 0 0 MAR-19 NOV-19 25 (PMDP-Jammu) Kathua-II (Ghatti) S/S 220/33 160 0 0 0 0 MAR-19 NOV-19 26 (PMDP-Jammu) Samba S/S 220/33 160 0 0 0 0 MAR-19 NOV-19 27 (PMDP-Kashmir) Batpora Tailbal (GIS) 220/33 160 0 0 0 0 MAR-19 JAN-20 28 (Assam) Amingaon (GIS) 220/132 2x160 0 0 0 DEC-18 29 (Assam) Behiating (New Dibrugarh) 220/132

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