www.americanradiohistory.com If You Want To Hear Something Great, Read This. Stop by our booth at We'll also demonstrate the NAB Convention in our new Metrotech 400 Washington, March 25- Series Logger and 4400 28,and listen to our pitch. Time Code Generator. A You'll hear it loud and new track form at on the clear on our new Scully 400 lets you log twice as 2808 ma~netic much programming on recorder/reproducer. a standard reel of tape. (The 2808 has, to our Which, simple knowledge, the best mathematics tells you, signal-to-noise ratio in its can cut your tape costs price range.) by half. The 2808 also has a So drop by Booth 614 new feature that lets you inthe Ambassador Room switch directly from of the Shoreham Hotel. "record"to"play" without While you're in stopping at "stop:' And Washington, we can go it has one, two and four through channels channel capability. together. ®Scully /Metrotech Division of Dictaphone Corporation Circle I00 on Reader Service Card www.americanradiohistory.com IDYNAIR's price catalog describes these new products and over 150 others. ~l.tfi¡'-<.,' NEW "PATCH CABLE ELIMINATOR" - - . ~·' { '· I .. -- _: ., - ' . DYNAIR's new Series-X Video-Audio Switchers eliminate -=rtrll I I I I, the custom fabrication usually required for routing switchers. ii 11111 IL These units are totally modular, allowing off-the-shelf LLTI~ I I I I ii.:-: assembly of almost any input-output configuration. either 1I I I II-I I I I IL video-only, or audio-follow-video. And, expansion is easy !!ii!Jiliiit too ... you simply add input or output expansion modules as 1Ll11ll.ll1!it• i I I Ii I I I I I k• required. l I ii I I I I I I I.._ The basic unit is video only, with options including audio, sync-mixing and tally provisions. 11lu mi nating pushbuttons are standard, with provisions for easily labeling the individual inputs and outputs. The new Series-X provides exceptional performance at prices which are, in many cases, much less than our earlier version of the Series-X. ;, NEW SPECIAL EFFECTS GENERATORS DYNAIR's new SE-70A and SE-70A-R Special fffects Generators allow basic effects to be easily and inexpensively added to any television system. These broadcast quality units operate equally well 'Oncolor or monochrome signals, with either broad• cast or industrial sync. A quality locking-type gear• driven effects mechanism is used, allowing effects to be easily implemented. The units provide horizontal and vertical wipes, inserts from any corner with diagonal expansion, and internal and external keying and matting. The SE-70A is self-contained for console mounting and the SE-70A-R is an electrically identical remote• !• controlled unit, the control panel of which may be I ' easily mounted in custom panels. NEW DYNAIR "PRICE CATALOG" DYNAI R's new price catalog has been designed to provide you with a quick look at the large variety of equipment we manufacture and our current price on each item. We think that you will appreciate the convenience of this new catalog/price list combina• tion . it's a very handy reference guide to DYNAI R's world of television. Request your copy today we think you'll like what you see. DYNAIR ELECTRONICS, INC. 6360 FEDERAL BOULEVAAO SAN DIEGO, CALIF. 92114 U.S.A TELEPHONE: 714-502-9211.mn• Circle IOI on Reader Service Card www.americanradiohistory.com MARCH 1973/VOLUME 9/NUMBER 3 6 Broadcast Industry News New AM-FM operator rules go into effect. 24 Interpreting The FCC Rules and Regulations Rundown of operating rule changes effective April 4, 1973. 31 NAB-73 Unveils Significant New Products For Eager Buyers Helical VTRs in limelight. 60 Buffalo: A Modern TV Plant Aids, And Shares In, Regeneration of Downtown Area Both function and appearance of WGR-TV's new downtown plant add muscle to the city's bootstrap operation. For the first time in 64 Eight Years of Updating End in a Final Splurge• several years some signifi• Result Is A Completely Modern Stereo FM Plant cant new equipment will WWDL in Scranton kept adding to facilities, then put a new be shown. Buyers won't building right around the old one to hold it all. exactly be bidding from the floor, but they have pur• 68 Traffic Speeds Up and Station Personnel Slow Down As chasing in mind. Computer Tie-Ins Solve Long-Time Problems See article, page 31. KOB-TV, Albuquerque, is happy with BIAS 72 The Competition Sounded Louder Than We Did-How We Met The Challenge "Sound shaping" has to be used with discretion if a radio signal is to stay clean and also be "loud" enough. 76 Quick Success On The FM Band: Getting All Around Town Pays Off For New Station Being johnny-on-the-spot for local happenings wins a strong BROADBAND following for WOOD-FM. INFORMATIONSERVICES,INC. 274 Madison Ave. 81 WCVB-TV, An All-Digital Station-No Other Way To Go New York, N. Y. 10016 The initial shake-down period is rough, but it's worth it. 212-685-5320 85 Broadcast Equipment New and significant products for broadcasters Editor James A. Lippke 104 New Literature Associate Editor Useful reading materials Robin Lanier 108 New Books Contributing Editor M. L. H. Smith 110 Crosstalk Assistant Editor 128 Editorial A. E. Gehlhaar Art Director CM/E MAGAZINE: For those with cable interests/Following page 84 Gus Sauter Production Manager Arline G. Jacobs ~ BM/E. BROADCAST MANAGEMENT/ENGINEERING, is published monthly by Broad• ~ band Information Services, Inc. All notices pertaining to undeliverable mail or sub• FCC Counsel - scriptions should be addressed to 274 Madison Ave.. New York. N.Y. 10016. BM/E is circulated without charge to those responsible for station operation and for specifying Pittman Lovett Ford and authorizing the purchase of equipment used in broadcast facilities. These facilities Hennessey and White include AM, FM. and TV broadcast stations; CATV systems; ETV stations; networks and studios; audio and video recording studios; consultants, etc. Subscription prices to others: Advertising Director $15.00 one year. $25.00 two. Copyright © 1973 by Broadband Information Services. Inc .. New York City. Charles C. Lenz Jr. Controlled Circulation postage paid at East Stroudsburg, Penna. 4 MARCH, 1973-BM/E www.americanradiohistory.com www.americanradiohistory.com FCC Relaxes Operator Rules Bremen Radio Cornpanv. to forfeit system operators. the FCC has For AM and FM Stations $3000 for violation of Section 509 affirmed its bans against joint own• (;1) (-t) of the Comrnunicat ions Act. erships as specified in Section In response to a petition from the by prc:1rr;111ging the outcome of a 76.501 of the rules. The Commis• National Association of Broadcast• contc-t with intent to deceive. Ac• sion said it had given thoughtful ers, the Federal Communications cording to the FCC. wwcc in consideration to the petitions, but Commission has partially relaxed Novcn;bcr I97 I broadcast a con• remained persuaded that the bans the operator requirements Ior ..\\ii test in which no more th:111 one per• "arc in the public interest and and FM broadcastcrv. Effective 'l)Jl could win per day. but led lis• should continue in force." The goals April ?.7. I973. an as-.ivt.mt chief tcnc r-, lo believe that ;1 person of the rule. said the FCC. arc "in• operator will be allowed to act ª' might win on :iny of the broudcavts creased competition in the economic chief opcr.uor "hen the latter is :1b• of the contest. even after another markctplucc and .. in the market• sent A second amendment make' person had won on a particular place of ideas ... The major broad• part ial proof of pcrf'ormancc on di• dav. The FCC rejected the manage• cast networks are already so domi• rectional .mtcnn.rs due c1 en· three mcnts request that the forfeiture be nant in television. said the FCC, vcars. rather than cvcr , v cur ;1' :11 reduced bccau-c of the small in• that any further expansion of their prcvcru. for <t.nion-, «ithout fir-.t• come of the si.u ion. pointing out control should be "stopped and class radiotelephone operators on ih.u the -.utiu11·-. financial condition turned around before it become dut v , The nc« rule require- only a h.rd been i.ikcn into account in set• entrenched ... The Commission did, <kclcion proof Of pcrf'orm.mcc Cl LT, tinu the amount. The st.u ion man• however. extend the deadline for vcar for such -r.uion-; The FCC. :1~c::-lll;n1 did not :1l':1il it.;;elf of its divc-tu urc-, required under the rule however. denied the NAB rcquc-: ri~ht io an c1 idc nt iary h~ari11g. lo Auuust I O. 1975-thc deadline for deletion of the requirement of had bc:·n Augu'l I O. 1973. automatic 'hut do« n if the arucnna FCC Refuses to Drop Iuils to <witcl: propcrlv. Ior st.u ion-, Cross-Ownership Rules FCC Opens Major Inquiry Into u-;ing lcvscr-uradc opcr.uor-. point• Relations of Hotel-Movies ing out ih.u even if the .uuorn.u ic 111 :111-.11cr ll1 :t number of petition' cut-off were not required. <uch -.1:1- for rcconvidcr.uion of the prohibi• Cable, and Broadcast Systems iions would be· required lo <hut tion-, a~ain,¡ crovs-owncrship hc• The F cdcr.rl Comm u 11icut ions Corn- down rnnnuallx under Section l 11 ccn TV broadca-tcr« :111d cable continued on page 8 73.93 ( t!) uf tl1c rulc-.
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