822 NPLU94 Library IRC Internatjonal’Water and Sanitation Centre Tel.: ÷31703088980 Fax: +31 703880984 22.2.1994 HIS MAJESTY’S GOVERNMENT OF NEPAL MINISTRY OF HOUSING AND PHYSICAL PLANNING DEPARTMENT OF WATER SUPPLY AND SEWERAGE PALPA DISTRICT WAxiKSUPPLY AND SANITATION DEVELOPMENT PLAN complete Draft February 1994 HMG/FINNIDA RURAL WATER SUPPLY AND sA:~ITATIoN PROJECT L~,UMBINI ZONE 822—94—14 24 1 PALPA DISTRICT WATER SUPPLY AND SANITATIQ~i DEVELOPMENT PLAN Table of Contents: LIST OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS 5 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY I 1. INTRODUCTION 8 2. PALPA DISTRICT 8 2.1 Administration 8 2.2 Physical Features of the District 10 2.3 Environment 10 2.4 People 12 2.5 Social and Cultural Features . 14 2.6 Economy 14 2.7 General Health Status of the District 16 2.8 Infrastructure 16 2.9 Development 17 3. PRESENT WATER SUPPLY AND SANITATION SITUATION . 18 3.1 Sector Policies and Plans 3.2 Sector Agencies 19 3.2.1 Institutional Arrangements in the Sector 19 3.2.2 Department of Water Supply and Sewerage (DWSS) I 19 3.2.3 Other Sector Agenci~s 3.3 Sector Financing 26 3.4 Ongoing Programmes 28 3.4.1 Implementation Programmes 28 3.4.2 Water Supplies under Construction 28 3.5 Existing Water Supply Systems 29 3.5.1 Present Status 29 3.5.2 Operation, Maintenance and Managem of the Water Supplies • . 35 3.6 Consumers’ Watet Supply Situation 3.6.1 Field Survey of the Water Supply S ituatiori 35 3.6.2 Service Level Criteria 37 3.6.3 Service Levels and Coverage md:.cators in Palpa Distrir’t 38 3.7 Urban Water Supply of Tansen Town . 41 3.8 Sanitation Situation 41 4. WATER RESOURCES 41 4.1 Meteorology 41 4.2 Ground Water Resources 43 4.3 Surface Water Resources . 46 LIBRARY lAG P0 Box 93190, 2509 AD THE HAGUE Tel.: +31 703068980 Fax: +31 70 35 89964 BARCODE:8~T~N1~LUcN14~4.) 2 5. WATER DEMAND 48 5.1 Population 48 5.2 Other Users 48 5.3 Water Demand 49 5.3.1 Domestic Water Demand 49 5.3.2 Other Water Deniand - 49 5.4 Total Water Demand 50 6. SOCIO-ECONOMIC, CULTURAL AND HEALTH ASPECTS RELATED TO WATER SUPPLY AND SANITATION 52 6.1 Social Aspects 52 6.2 Cultural Aspects 53 6.3 Home Economy and Affordability 53 6.4 Health Aspects 53 7. WATER SUPPLY DEVELOPMENT PLAN 54 7.1 Water Supply Options 54 7.1.1 The Sufficiency of the Water Resources 54 7.1.2 Source Options 54 7.1.3 Technology Options 55 7.1.4 Costs 56 7.2 Planning Criteria 56 7.2.1 Planning Horizon 56 7.2.2 Consumers to be Servec~ 56 7.2.3 Service Levels 57 7.2.4 Water Quality 57 7.2.5 Technology 58 7.2.6 Environmental Aspects 58 7.2.7 Institutional Aspects 58 7.2.8 Financial Aspects 59 7.2.9 Priority Criteria 59 7.3 Development Scenarios 60 7.4 Water Supply Development Plan 1993-2002 60 7.4.1 General Approach 60 7.4.2 Water Supply Coverag~ 62 7.4.2 Water Supply Development 63 7.4.3 Institutional Development 64 7.4.4 Operation and Maintenance of Water Supplies 67 7.4.5 Costs 68 7.4.6 Financing 69 7.4.7 Risks 70 8. SANITATION DEVELOPMENT PLAN 71. 8.1 General Approach 71 8.2 Sanitation Development .7 8.3 Institutional Development 75 8.5 Costs and Financing 76 9. FOLLOW-UP OF THE PLAN 77 9.1 Use of the Plan 77 9.2 Updating of the Plan 77 9.3 Collection of Planning Data 77 I 3 LIST OF FIGURES: Figure 1. Nepal. Location of Palpa District. Figure 2. Palpa District, Administrative Boundaries. Figure 3. Topographic Map of Palpa District. Figure 4. Population Density of Palpa District. Figure 5. Organization go the District Water Supply Office Figure 6. Present Water Use; Population’s Primary Source of Water Figure 7. Distribution of Population by the Time Needed to Fetch Water Figure 8. Implementation of water supplies by different agencies Figure 9. Hardship classification of the VDCs. Figure 10. Mean annual rainfall in Lumbini Zone Figure 11. Annual Rainfall Pattern in Tansen Station. Figure 12. Average Spring Density in the VDCs of Palpa. Figure 13. River System of Palpa. Figure 14. Distribution of Water Consumption between Users. Figure 15. Water t~emand Forecast Figure 16. Water Supply Coverage 1993—2002. Figure 17. Institutional arrangement of Hygiene Education and Sanitation Promotion. LIST OF TABLES: Table 1. Ethnic Groups in Palpa Table 2. Health Statistics of the Health Posts, 1990 Table 3. Distribution of the Settlement Sizes Table 4. Capital and Recurrent Expenditure for Water Sup- plies in Gulmi District Table 5. Water Supply Schemes under Construction Table 6. Existing Improved Water Supply Systems Table 7. Construction Quality and the Present Status of the Gravity Water Supply Schemes Table 8. Operational Status of the Existing Improved Water Supplies. Table 9. Water Supply Servi e Levels Table 10. Meteorological StaLions in Palpa District Table 11. Summary of Low Flow Measurements in Springs and Small Stream in May 1992 and 93, in Arghakhanchi and Gulmi Districts. Table 12. Population Forecast Table 13. Water Demand Forecast Table 14. Water Supply Implementation Programme Table 15. Manpower requirement Table 16. Water Supply Capital Costs 1 I I I I 1 I I I I 4 Table 17. Water Supply Recurrent Costs Table 18. Total Water Supply Costs Table 19. Financing of Water Supply rosts Table 20. Sanitation Development Costs ANNEXES: Annex 1. Field Survey Annex 2. National Water Supply and Sanitation Strategies, Summary of the 8~Plan Annex 3. Present Water Supplies: List of Gravity Systems Annex 4. Hardship listing of the VDCs Annex 5. Tansen Town Water Supply Annex 6. Examples of the spring flow variation, hydrographs Annex 7. Water quality data Annex 8. Water Supply Situation and Development Projections of the VDC’s Annex 9. Environmental guidelines MAPS IN THE VOLUME II: 1. District Water Supply Maps, 1:25,000 (in separate folder) a a a a a a — a a a a a a — a a a a a a a 5 LIST OF A( I ONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ADE = Lsian Development Bank BGN = tritish Gorkha, Nepal CHV = :ommunity Health Volunteer CWSS = :.,mmunity Water Supply and Sanitation (Project) CDO = -:‘ilef District Officer DDP = 3~strictDevelopment Plan (here refers to water supply 1 ‘velopment plan) DEO = 0: strict Educational Officer DHO = fli strict Health Officer DWE = )istrict Water Engineer DWSO = )~strictWater Supply Office DWSS = flcpartment of Water Supply and Sewerage FIM = Finnish Mark FINNIDA = F5nnish International Development Agency HP = Pt alth Post LDO = lTc”cal Development Officer MCH = rc~ther and Child Health (care programme) MHPP = Hinistry of Housing and Physical Planning MLD = Ministry of Local Development MOEC = Ministry of Education MOH = Mh-iistry of Health NGO = ND i-Governmental Organization NRs = N’~ alese Rupee NPC = Na .ional Planning Commission O&M = O’~rationand Maintenance PHC = p~ mary Health Care PIA = P~~sioners of the Indian Army RWSSP = Rii.al Water Supply and Sanitation Project (Lumbini Zone) S.L. = Scrvice Level SWC = Sn:ial Welfare Council UC = Ifl ~rs’ Committee UNICEF = Urited Nations’ Children’s Fund VDC = Village Development Committee VHP = VLlage Hygiene Promotor VHW = Vi tlage Health Worker VIP = Vfltilated Improved Pit-Latrine WHO = Wc3 ld Health Organization WSST = W~ter Supply ~hd Sanitation Technician a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a 1 I I 6 I Figure 1. Nepal. Location of Palpa Dist.rict. I I F —~ I KAPILBAS 1 I i I 1 1 I EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The District Water Supply and Sanitation Development Plan of P~lpa has been written to be used as the framework guideline when selecting projects for annual implementation programmes and setting priorities. Palpa District Present SituaUon Palpa District is located in the Lumbini Zone and consists administratively of 9 Ilakas and 65 Village Development Committees and 1 Nagarpalika. The total area of the District is 1449 krn2. The environment of the district is mountainous, altitude varying form 251 m to 1943 m. 52 % of the district is classified as forest and 22 % as cultivated land. Intensive use of land cause land erosion and landslide problems. High population density and shortage of cultivable land creates a pressure to take steep slopes under cultivation. The total population of the district was 288,829 and rural population was 272724 in 1993 consisting of 40,907 (rural) households.average populationThe averagedensityhouseho]d199 people/km2.RiZC is thusMajor6.67ethnicpersons/hhgroups areand brahmin-chettris, gurungs, magars, sarki, kami and newars. The economy of the district is entirely based on agriculture - mostly subsistence farming. The health statistics of the dLstrict show, that major groups of the disease are water and .~~nitation related, skin diseases, dysentery, diarrhoea and worms being most common reasons for seeking the medical help. The district has a rural settlement pattern and infrastructure, most roads commonare fewsettlementand subjectsizeto landslidesbeing 5 - during30 housesthe monsoon.only. MotorableNetwork of paths is the main means of communication. Sector Policies and Plans ‘ The Eight Five Year Plan 1993-97 has published general nationwise development targets. With regard t~ water supply and sanitation, the target is to serve 72 % of population by improved water supplies and 9 % by improved sanitat n faculties by the year 1997. HMG has stipulated the walr~r supply hiiplrm”ntation wiLh thr’ a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a ii communities’ full participation in planning, construction and management.
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