WINNIPEG’s WEEkly urbaN jourNal ISSUE 2008/11/13 VOLUME12 63 Going past the Giller: defining literary success in Canada arts & culture page 15 Now that Victoria’s homeless can Is World of Warcraft legally camp in parks, is Winnipeg next? a healthy pastime news page 2 or an all-consuming Why finding transportation might get a whole obsession? lot harder for Winnipeg’s physically disabled Two gamers weigh in news page 3 comments page 10 November 13, 2008 The uniter contact: [email protected] 02 NNEEwsws “They’re not very talented, but they Musical genius or just Why titty tassels think they can go out and make a plain cuckoo? The and professional million bucks because they see it on TV” Secondhandpants: sports are like Flipping a house isn’t as easy as it seems raised by goats, in space oil and water news page 4 arts & culture page 14 sports page 22 news UNITER STAFF MaNaGING EDITor Stacy Cardigan Smith » [email protected] busINEss MaNaGEr James D. Patterson » [email protected] Victoria allows homeless to erect tents PRODuCTIoN MaNaGEr Melody Morrissette » [email protected] Yet other zones are open game. CoPy aND sTylE EDITor Experts weigh While Winnipeg winters would Ashley Holmes » [email protected] in on B.C. rule out such shelters, summers PHoTo EDITor are a different story. Mark Reimer » [email protected] court ruling; is “We are seeing more tents on NEWs assIGNMENT EDITor riverbanks in the summer,” said Toban Dyck » [email protected] Winnipeg next? police spokesperson Const. Tim NEWs ProDuctioN EDITor Houska. Ksenia Prints » [email protected] Peter Dueck, the transi- arTs aND CulTurE EDITor tional support worker at Siloam Aaron Epp [email protected] Dan HuygHebaert » Mission, said tent cities arise CoMMENTs EDITor beat reporter from a lack of shelter spaces for Devin Morrow » [email protected] the city’s homeless. sPorTs & FITNEss EDITor British Colombia court As a result, desperate measures Vacant ruling allowing the are undertaken to secure a safe lIsTINGs Co-orDINaTor homeless to camp out overnight place in the winter. Curran Faris » [email protected] Ain city parks may reverberate “They will sleep around gar- bEaT rEPorTEr throughout the country. bage dumpsters and between Dan Huyghebaert » [email protected] The B.C. Supreme Court buildings to find shelter,” Dueck bEaT rEPorTEr robert huynh robert ruled that in the event of a short- said. “People have frozen to Joe Kornelsen » [email protected] age of emergency shelters, it is death. Where else are they going bEaT rEPorTEr unconstitutional for the City to go?” Sandy Klowak » [email protected] of Victoria to prevent homeless Houska said the police usu- bEaT rEPorTEr people from erecting temporary ally investigates only after a com- Andrew McMonagle » [email protected] shelters in city-owned parks. plaint has been lodged, and then things are treated on a case-by- Winnipeg’s Park and overheated housing situation in “It is a sign Recreation bylaw prohibits peo- case basis. CoNTrIBUTORS: Cory Falvo, robert Huynh, ryan janz, Concerns such as fires, garbage Vancouver and Victoria. james Culleton, Devon kerslake, Clayton Winter, Cindy ple from using public parks as a “There is a lack of govern- that the societal Titus, Garrett Elias, Craig Heinrich, renee lilley, Michael camping area. and parties are usually the issues Hancharyk, Emily Payne, alex Garcia, Danielle Webb, that bring police involvement. ment response to the unafford- safety net j. Williamez, Dan Pamintuan, Marko bilandzija, kait Ken Allen, spokesperson for able housing situation there,” he Evinger, Chris Friesen, jonathan Dyck, Matt Prepost, Ian the City of Winnipeg Public Houska believes there are some Mcammond, Courtney schwegel, Clare raspopow, Ian said. “There is not enough being has collapsed.” bawa, brittany Thiessen, Meghan Miller, Elliot Hanowski, Works department, said the B.C. who choose this as a lifestyle. “They have the resources, but done.” –Jino Distasio, Paloma Friedman, adam Peleshaty, Natasha anne ruling is not binding here. Dueck would rather see some- Tersigni, sagan Morrow, adam johnston, Tom asselin, if they needed help, we will help Institute of josh boulding, kevin Chaves, scott Christiansen, Mike “It is not binding, but it is per- thing else than more emergency Collins, brad Pennington, jo Villaverde suasive,” Allan Fineblit, C.E.O. them find it,” Houska said. urban studies Jino Distasio, director of the shelters. of the Law Society of Manitoba, “I would like to see more tran- The uniter is the official student newspaper of the university of Institute of Urban Studies, esti- “Everyone has a right to a Winnipeg and is published by Mouseland Press Inc. Mouseland said. sitional housing that supports Press Inc. is a membership based organization in which students mates there are 300 visible home- home, addictions or not.” “The constitution is a national sobriety,” Dueck said. “It would and community members are invited to participate. For more charter and would apply to all less in the city. information on how to become a member go to www.uniter.ca, or He sees tents as the last resort free up one bed for another who The B.C. court decision came on call the office at 786-9790. The uniter is a member of the Canadian jurisdictions,” he said. needs it.” Oct. 14, a result of extended lob- university Press and Campus Plus Media services. Fineblit said there is a good for shelter. SUBMISSIoN oF ARTIClEs, lETTErs, GRAPHICs aND PHoTOS ARE “It is a sign that the soci- Distasio believes any housing bying and a court challenge by WElCoME. articles must be submitted in text (.rtf) or Microsoft Word chance the ruling would be ap- is important. homeless activists arguing for their (.doc) format to [email protected], or the relevant section editor. pealed and is interested to see if it etal safety net has collapsed,” he Deadline for submissions is 6:00 p.m. Thursday, one week before “It is a complex issue, for some right to sleep outdoors on public publication. Deadline for advertisements is noon Friday, six days is upheld at a higher court. said. “I would rather have a city that has support mechanisms in argue that is it unrealistic to have property. prior to publication. The uniter reserves the right to refuse to print Fineblit also said that if the a goal of sobriety to obtain hous- submitted material. The uniter will not print submissions that are place.” homophobic, misogynistic, racist, or libellous. We also reserve the facts are the same here, the rul- ing,” Distasio said. right to edit for length and/or style. ing may have implications. Distasio also pointed to the CONTACT US » General Inquiries: 204.786.9790 Advertising: 204.786.9790 Editors: 204.786.9497 Fax: 204.783.7080 BY ANDREW MCMONAGLE E-mail: [email protected] Q: How would you feel if people couldn’t find a bed in Web: www.uniter.ca A SHELTER AND WERE ALLOWED TO CAMP IN OUR PUBLIC PARKS? LOCATION » Room ORM14 University of Winnipeg 515 Portage Avenue Asannie Star, student Emeric Seguin, Hannah Buckley, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 2E9 Work for Youth program first year, bio-anthropology third year, international develop- “It would be better than them “I think less people would ment studies sleeping on the street. People go to the park because they “I don’t see the harm in letting would get mad pretty much no might be afraid. If the police people sleep in a public place. matter where they sleep, and got involved, they might Sometimes it’s a disturbance if MousElaND PrEss boarD oF DIrectors: it’s not really their fault.” create tension. We should they sleep in bus shelters. There David Eisbrenner (chair), Mary agnes Welch, create other shelters, get would be no need to have them rob Nay, Nick Tanchuk, brian Gagnon, Devin king, Meg social workers involved.” removed from the parks.” McGimpsey, ben Zorn, kelly ross (uWSA), scott Nosaty For inquiries e-mail: [email protected] Robert Williams, Tanner Jacobson, Leon Bandon, temp agency worker, Smith student, Work for Youth third year, kinesiology Personnel program “I think that’s good. There COVER IMAGE “I think I would feel sorry for “Fuckin’ rights. As long as should be a designated park. them. I see that happening they’re not hurting people. It How can you regulate their “untitled (katherine)” right now in bus shelters. We wouldn’t be a problem to me. behaviour? That has to be taken spend more money on things People need a place to sleep. under consideration.” by Paul robles outside the country than within. A lot of stuff has to part of PaperCut, now showing at be changed. We should help Martha street studio those born within Canada. I’m thinking of running for Photo by Mark reimer politics.” Ne w s As s i g N m e N t ed i t o r : to b an dy c k contact: [email protected] The uniter November 13, 2008 e-m A i l : Ne w s @u N i t e r .c A Ph o N e : 786-9497 NEws 03 FA x : 783-7080 Suicide prevention on reserves an uphill battle needs basis. “the policies Policy Fellow with the Frontier Funding and “The policies that have been RegarDING suICIDE Centre for Public Policy, sees a front line designed by Health Canada have that have been connection between suicides on re- been detrimental,” she said. between 1988 and 1994, the designed by serves and absent chiefs. workers ignored, “We have to jump through mean age of aboriginal people “This is an area that needs their hoops trying to access services that who committed suicide in Health canada attention, and they are traveling ex- researchers say other Canadians get.” Manitoba was 27.0 compared tensively,” Sandberg said.
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