E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 110 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 153 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 2007 No. 140 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was THE JOURNAL for host country resident personal services contractors of the Peace Corps. called to order by the Speaker pro tem- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The pore (Ms. DEGETTE). Chair has examined the Journal of the f f last day’s proceedings and announces ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER to the House her approval thereof. DESIGNATION OF THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- PRO TEMPORE nal stands approved. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Chair will entertain up to five 1-minute fore the House the following commu- Madam Speaker, pursuant to clause 1, speeches per side. nication from the Speaker: rule I, I demand a vote on agreeing to f WASHINGTON, DC, the Speaker’s approval of the Journal. September 20, 2007. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The JENA, LOUISIANA I hereby appoint the Honorable DIANA question is on the Speaker’s approval (Ms. KILPATRICK asked and was DEGETTE to act as Speaker pro tempore on of the Journal. given permission to address the House this day. The question was taken; and the NANCY PELOSI, for 1 minute.) Speaker of the House of Representatives. Speaker pro tempore announced that Ms. KILPATRICK. Madam Speaker, the ayes appeared to have it. Members of Congress, people of the f Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. United States of America, I stand this PRAYER Madam Speaker, I object to the vote on morning as chairperson of the Congres- the ground that a quorum is not The Chaplain, the Reverend Daniel P. sional Black Caucus to say thank you present and make the point of order Coughlin, offered the following prayer: to the thousands of people who are in that a quorum is not present. Lord God Almighty, people approach Jena, Louisiana as we speak, and the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- You, the infinite source of life and tens of thousands around this country ant to clause 8, rule XX, further pro- love, through various faith traditions. standing for liberty and justice for all. ceedings on this question will be post- This Nation rejoices and protects the Unfortunately, a tragic accident hap- poned. freedom of religious expression of its pened in Jena, Louisiana. A gentleman The point of no quorum is considered people as a basic human right. Such has been incarcerated since December; withdrawn. tolerance and mutual respect may well the appeals court has thrown out the prove to be America’s greatest export f conviction; he is still incarcerated. Six to the rest of the world. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE young men attacked, two days before Lord, in our day, as in the past, all the incident that they are in jail for, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the and now we ask for justice. religious traditions help individuals, gentleman from Missouri (Mr. AKIN) societies, and cultures combat three This is an important day in the his- come forward and lead the House in the tory of our country. We rise, as we just poisons that the ancients thought Pledge of Allegiance. would always threaten to destroy us. said the Pledge of Allegiance, justice Mr. AKIN led the Pledge of Alle- and liberty for all. Congratulations to The three poisons are greed, anger, and giance as follows: ignorance. the attorneys, to the coalition, to the I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the families. Let’s retry this in juvenile With religious insight and righteous United States of America, and to the Repub- discipline, Lord, You empower faith- court where it ought to be and bring lic for which it stands, one nation under God, justice to the Jena 6. Congratulations, filled people to fight off such internal indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. young men. Stand strong. We are with disease and become healthy again. f Lord, help Your people in these des- you. God bless. MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE perate times to find and live into ‘‘a f cure.’’ A message from the Senate by Ms. The antidote for greed is justice for Curtis, one of its clerks, announced HONORING THE RETIREMENT OF all; anger is converted by compassion that the Senate has passed without DR. PASCAL SPINO for others; and ignorance is overcome amendment a bill of the House of the (Mr. TIM MURPHY of Pennsylvania by knowledge of others and from oth- following title: asked and was given permission to ad- ers. Heal us who call upon Your holy H.R. 3528. An act to provide authority to dress the House for 1 minute and to re- name, now and forever. Amen. the Peace Corps to provide separation pay vise and extend his remarks.) b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H10629 . VerDate Aug 31 2005 00:12 Sep 21, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A20SE7.000 H20SEPT1 cnoel on PRODPC60 with HOUSE_CN H10630 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 20, 2007 Mr. TIM MURPHY of Pennsylvania. Mr. POE. Madam Speaker, ‘‘I do not House for 1 minute and to revise and Madam Speaker, I rise today to recog- believe that the men who served in uni- extend his remarks.) nize the career of Dr. Pascal Spino of form in Vietnam have been given the Mr. KLINE of Minnesota. Madam Greensburg, Pennsylvania, a remark- credit they deserve. It was a difficult Speaker, I rise today in recognition of able physician. war against an unorthodox enemy.’’ the 46th anniversary of the United After serving 60 years as a pediatri- These are the words of General West- States Peace Corps. Saturday, Sep- cian, Dr. Spino is retiring after this moreland in the war where ‘‘all gave tember 22, marks the date on which long career. In 1954, he founded the some and some gave all.’’ But the dis- Congress approved legislation formally first well baby clinic in Westmoreland respect continues. Now, despicable van- authorizing the Peace Corps to pro- County, which provides free exams and dals have desecrated the sacred black mote world peace and friendship. immunizations to children up to 6 granite Vietnam Wall. An oily, slimy, Since that time, more than 187,000 years old. In 1972, Dr. Spino started the greasy substance was smeared over the Peace Corps volunteers have been in- Render Any Needy Child Help program Wall and the walkway. The Park Serv- vited by 139 host countries to work on to provide medical care for abused chil- ice is attempting to remove the dam- issues ranging from education to agri- dren. He then went on to create a Level age, but the monument desecraters run cultural support and environmental II nursery and modern pediatric de- free. preservation. Today’s Peace Corps is partment at Westmoreland Regional This monument bears the name of more vital than ever, working and Hospital. 56,000 warriors. They answered the call emerging in essential areas such as in- Dr. Spino has received a number of for America and they died in their formation technology and business de- recognitions, including Dr. Spino Day youth. I grew up with friends whose velopment, and committing more than in Westmoreland County, for his life- names are on that wall. 1,000 new volunteers as part of the time commitment to helping others. The unpatriotic, cowardly, abusing President’s Emergency Plan for Aids More than 4,000 people were in attend- criminals should be tracked down, Relief. I am proud that Minnesota’s Second ance, despite a downpour of rain. prosecuted, and put in jail somewhere I ask my colleagues to join me in off the shores of America, maybe Guan- District is home to Carleton and St. Olaf Colleges. Both schools, located in honoring Dr. Spino’s career, personal tanamo Bay. It has been said that ‘‘Vietnam was a Northfield, Minnesota have been recog- sacrifice, and devotion to improving war that asked everything of a few and nized nationally for the large number our health care system and helping nothing of most in America.’’ Now of their graduates serving in the Peace children. America must be resolved to capture Corps. These volunteers continue to f these outlaws and restore dignity to help countless individuals who want to ARMY STAFF SERGEANT those who died for the rest of us. build a better life for themselves, their GREGORY RIVERA-SANTIAGO And that’s just the way it is. children, and their communities. It is (Mrs. CHRISTENSEN asked and was f an honor to stand before you to recog- nize the Corps and their volunteers. given permission to address the House CHIP f for 1 minute and to revise and extend (Ms. SCHWARTZ asked and was her remarks.) given permission to address the House TIME FOR A REAL CHANGE AND Mrs. CHRISTENSEN. Madam Speak- for 1 minute.) DIRECTION IN IRAQ er and colleagues, I rise today bearing Ms. SCHWARTZ. As one of the origi- (Mr. PERLMUTTER asked and was the grief of our community at the loss nal architects of CHIP in Pennsyl- given permission to address the House of yet another of our sons in the Iraq vania, I have seen firsthand that it is for 1 minute.) war.
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