THE STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY SINCE 1920 *0.— TUESDAY SEPTEMBER T ECH. www.technicianonlinecom Raleigh, Nbiihbéiéifié Tuition debate 1'6 11655 x ,e—r~~~~~~~~ Wm‘l‘érxgg. grows roots Provost [ames Ohlinger and dergraduate and graduate student Student Body President representation and a variety of Tony Caravano lead the other faculty and administrative members on the task force.” Tuition Task Force against However, certain student groups increases in tuition. on campus are already starting the tuition debate outside the Sam Stern task force. StaffReporter On Aug. 27, four student sena— tors submitted bill R27, dubbed the “Sound Tuition Policy.” The University officials are already bill called for a $150 tuition in— beginning to project if there will crease for need—based financial be tuition increases for the next aid funds and to support faculty school year. By October, talks retention. The senate objected within the Tuition Task Force, a consideration of the bill, but the Student health services pro- group spearheaded by Provost possibility of a tuition increase motes safe sex by educating James Oblinger and Student Body by the senate did engage senators students about the risks of President Tony Caravano, will be in discussions revolving around irresponsible in full swing. tuition increases. sexual activity. The task force will organize “The tuition increases are ob— a report on tuition increases in scene. They are putting higher Kristen Healey November, to be reviewed by the education out of reach,” senate StaffReporter state’s General Assembly. treasurer Seth Lester, one of the “The chancellor has asked authors of R27, said. According to the American Student Body President Tony Tuition can be increased in three Social Health Association, two— Caravano and myself to convene different ways. The first kind is a thirds ofall STDs occur in people this task force for further discus— campus initiated tuition increase 25 years of age or younger. sions,” explained Oblinger. “We NC. State students have the will start those this week with un- TUITION see page 2 potential to become a part of this statistic, so Student Health Services developed ways for students to be more informed about STDs, and how to protect Cultural Center themselves. According to the Student Health Services Web site, their begins Brown Health Improvement Program (HIP), “strives to assist students in the adoption of a healthy decision celebration lifestyle by providing informae tion, education, consultation StaffReport and referral on a wide variety of Henderson and Roberts will health-related issues.” On May 17, 1954, the US. Su- also give a lecture on Saturday, According to Stephanie Sobol, preme Court came to a unani- Sept. 13, from 3-6 p.m., before assistant coordinator to the mous decision that it is uncon— the AACC gallery unveils a special Health Promotion Department, stitutional to segregate schools exhibit on the Brown case. All the from 2002 to 2003, the number based on race. The court case, events this weekend will be free of NCSU students that have Brown v. Board of Education, to the public. engaged in intercourse with two will celebrate its 50th anniversary The AACC will continue to host or fewer partners has risen 5 per- next year, and the African Ameri- events. that highlight the history cent. Sobol warned that sexually can Cultural Center (AACC) will of desegregation and its impact transmitted diseases are a serious celebrate the case with a year of on the country and NCSU until issue that this country faces every events and speakers commemo— May 17, 2004. year and all STDs are prevalent rating the court’s decision and the “We not only want to celebrate on this campus. events that led to it. the Brown v. Board of Educa— Not all students areveryknowl- The first event is a forum tion decision, but we also want edgeable about STDs and ways on Friday, Sept. 12, from 2—4 to examine the impact the rul— ‘ they can protect themselves. PHOTO ILLUSTRATION BY I\/IEL|H ONVURAL/TECHNICIAN pm. at the Campus Cinema in ing had by examining a series of “It’s something college students Condoms are one option for sexually active students who want to protect them- Witherspoon. events that took place following need to be concerned about and selves from STDs. Students can get three free condoms at the Student Health The kickoff will bring Cheryl the decision,” said Toni Harris need to be aware of,” Ashley Brown Henderson, daughter of Thorpe, program coordinator at Alves, a junior in English said. Pharmacy during regular health center hours. ‘ the late Oliver L. Brown, plain- the AACC, who was quoted by “It’s a scary problem.” tiff of the case, and Dr. Terrance News Services in a recent press Sobol explained that STDs are V‘s. prepared and carry their own Roberts, one of the first black release. contracted in two ways. The first condoms,” Sobol said. students to attend a formerly Students can find out more is by having vaginal, anal or oral taboutt Health services is also posting segregated school in Little Rock, about the AACC’s “Brown vs. intercourse with another person literature to inform students of Ark., in 1957, to NC. State this BoardofEducation:ACatalystfor who has the disease. When two STD risk. Johnny Door, a flyer weekend to share their experi— Change” events at the following people transmit bodily fluids, -The estimated total number of people living in about STDs and condom use, is ences and the history of the civil Web site: http://www.ncsu.edu/ the disease is exchanged. Some the United States with an incurable STD is over now posted in residence halls, rights movement. aacc/calendar/index.php STDs generally associated with 65 million. Every year,there are approximately Greek houses and University this type of transmission are 15 million new cases of STDs, a few of which are Towers. HIV, Gonorrhea, Chlamydia curable. Some students see these flyers and Syphilis. Flag duty as an important preventative Also, skin-to—skin contact can One in four new STD infections occur in measure for on-campus stu~ spread STDs as well. Genital teenagers. dents. Metcalf Resident Adviser, warts and genital herpes are ex- Tara Zechini, ajunior in commu— changed through such contact. -Of the STDs that‘are diagnosed, only four--gon- nications, said, “Ifthey decide to In order to protect yourself, So— orrhea, syphilis, chlamydia and Hepatitis B--are ”be sexually active, theywill know bol said,“You must use a condom required to be reported to state health depart- the consequences.” at all times.Also, communication ments and the CDC for statistical purposes. Hep- Health Promotion Services has with your partner about sexual atitrs B is a recent addition to that list. held a few brickyard events this experiences will help you make year, and again on Oct. 15, they an informed decision.” :It is estimated'that as many as one in four Amer- will be out on the brickyard edu— Sobel also suggested that Icans have-genital herpes, yet at least 80 percent cating students about STDs and people ask their partners ques- of those With herpes are unaware they have it. giving out free condoms. tions about past relationships: The only STDs that phy31- How many partners have they -Less than half of adults a es 18 to 44 have ever cians can potentially cure are had? Have they been tested? If been tested for an STD ot er than HIV / AIDS. bacterial STDs. Viral STDs are so, how long ago? only treatable, not curable. The There are ways for students Student Health Center conducts to ensure they only engage in also put personal care machines, Also, for those who do not live STD testing at a low cost for stu- safe sex. which include condoms, in every on campus, these machines are dents. Students can even obtain a \ ‘ Students now have multiple residence hall. located in the bathrooms of‘Tal— their test results within one week ROB BRADLEY/TECHNICIAN ways to obtain condoms on Each condom is 75 cents and ley Student Center. of the testing date. Sophomore Cadet Corporals John Harman (left) and campus. A student can get three they are located on the first Ifstudents need more than the Sobol urges all students to be Jason White fold the American flag after its lowering in free condoms from the pharmacy floor bathrooms for suite style three free condoms, they can buy tested if they are sexually active. the Brickyard on Monday. Everyday ROTC raises the flag - at the Student Health Center. residence halls and in the girl’s a pack of 12‘ from the Student “Error on the side of caution,” However, the center is not open and guy’s bathrooms for hall at 5 a.m.and lowers the flag around 5:45 pm. Health Center for $3.75. Sobol said, “it is better to be through the night, so NCSU has style residence halls. “Men and women need to be PINT NIGHT NT" Trivia Every Mon. 8. Wed. 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