E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 116 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 165 WASHINGTON, MONDAY, JULY 22, 2019 No. 123 Senate The Senate met at 3 p.m. and was A bill (H.R. 582) to provide for increases in The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mrs. called to order by the President pro the Federal minimum wage, and for other BLACKBURN). Without objection, it is so tempore (Mr. GRASSLEY). purposes. ordered. A bill (H.R. 748) to amend the Internal Rev- f enue Code of 1986 to repeal the excise tax on f PRAYER high cost employer-sponsored health cov- RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY erage. LEADER The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Mr. GRASSLEY. In order to place Chaplain of the House of Representa- the bills on the calendar under the pro- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ma- tives, Father Patrick Conroy, will open visions of rule XIV, I object to further jority leader is recognized. the Senate with prayer. proceedings en bloc. f The guest Chaplain offered the fol- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- NOMINATION OF MARK T. ESPER lowing prayer: tion having been heard, the bills will be Mr. MCCONNELL. Madam President, Let us pray. placed on the calendar. Righteous God, deliver Your people Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, I ask the Senate’s first order of business this from evil. Set our lawmakers on safe to speak as in morning business for 1 week will be confirming a thoroughly paths, protecting them from dangers. minute. well-prepared nominee to a post of Preserve them and their loved ones, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without vital national importance. Later today, keeping them from stumbling. objection, it is so ordered. we will vote to advance the nomination Provide our Senators with counsel, of Dr. Mark Esper to serve as Secretary f even in the night sessions where they of Defense, and we will vote on his con- may prevail against the evil that seeks UNITED STATES-MEXICO-CANADA firmation tomorrow. to destroy our Nation and world. As TRADE AGREEMENT When Dr. Esper was nominated in they trust Your loving-kindness, may Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, pass- July of 2017 to serve as Secretary of the their hearts rejoice in Your salvation. ing the United States-Mexico-Canada Army, he already possessed an impres- Lord, deal bountifully with them and Agreement means more market access sive record that spanned public service, the members of their staffs. for our farmers and businesses and the private sector, and, of course, his We pray in Your marvelous Name. more protection for our workers. This distinguished service in uniform. As a Amen. agreement includes new commitments student, he excelled at West Point. He f in critical areas such as customs, dig- served honorably in combat during the ital trade, services, environment, and Gulf war as an infantry officer with PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE labor that are crucial to bringing high- Kentucky’s own 101st Airborne, the The President pro tempore led the er wages and more jobs to American Screaming Eagles. He then later ob- Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: workers. tained a master’s degree from the Ken- I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Of course, enforcement is key to a nedy School at Harvard and a Ph.D. United States of America, and to the Repub- strong and durable trade agreement from George Washington University. lic for which it stands, one nation under God, that will deliver all of the benefits that In the years since, Dr. Esper has con- indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. I just listed. We need enforcement tinued to serve his country, compiling The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. measures that work for all aspects of an outstanding record in public service. HAWLEY). The Senator from Iowa. this agreement. He has served as Deputy Assistant Sec- f It is time to bring NAFTA into the retary at the Pentagon; as a Senate-ap- 21st century, and that is what the U.S.- pointed member of the U.S.-China Eco- MEASURES PLACED ON THE Mexico-Canada Agreement will do. The nomic and Security Review Commis- CALENDAR—H.R. 582 AND H.R. 748 time for USMCA is now. sion; and, of course, as a trusted staff Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, first, I yield the floor. expert right here in the Capitol. I have a duty to perform for the leader. I suggest the absence of a quorum. As a result, many of our colleagues I understand that there are two bills The PRESIDING OFFICER. The have been familiar with this nominee at the desk due a second reading en clerk will call the roll. for more than a decade. Members on bloc. The bill clerk proceeded to call the both sides remember Mark Esper from The PRESIDING OFFICER. The roll. his time on staff with our former col- clerk will read the titles of the bills for Mr. MCCONNELL. Madam President, league Chuck Hagel. Some knew him the second time. I ask unanimous consent that the order during his tenure with the Foreign Re- The bill clerk read as follows: for the quorum call be rescinded. lations Committee or with what was ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S4957 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:36 Jul 23, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A22JY6.000 S22JYPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE S4958 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 22, 2019 then the Governmental Affairs Com- BORDER SECURITY dren left for dead by smugglers? Will mittee, and many of us inevitably Mr. CORNYN. Madam President, over they rescue a drowning family from the crossed paths with the smart and level- a week ago, I traveled to the Texas- Rio Grande or, worse, find the remains headed national security adviser for Mexico border with the Vice President, of those who have succumbed due to Majority Leader Bill Frist. as well as the Presiding Officer and the dangerous journey in very hot So, when President Trump first nom- other Republicans on the Senate Judi- weather? inated Dr. Esper to be Secretary of the ciary Committee. We visited McAllen, This growing crisis is not the fault of Army 2 years ago, my colleagues and I which is located in the heart of the Rio our professional law enforcement offi- were well acquainted with his exper- Grande Valley, which is a beautiful re- cials working along the border, and de- tise, his professionalism, and his patri- gion with a thriving economy, but spite what our colleagues across the otic dedication to the men and women folks in the region continue to struggle aisle claim, it is not a side effect of the who serve to keep us safe. It is no won- to manage the growing humanitarian 2016 Presidential election either. This der that this body confirmed him to crisis caused by the massive influx of migrant crisis has been bubbling up for that post by an overwhelming bipar- migrants arriving at our southern bor- years. We got a glimpse of how bad it tisan margin. Since then, Secretary der. could be in 2014 when then-President Esper has continued to impress. He has The Rio Grande Valley has been Obama announced there was a ‘‘human- continued to earn the praise of experts disproportionally impacted by this mi- itarian and security crisis’’—his and colleagues from every corner of the grant crisis, with 46 percent of all ap- words—on the southern border. In May national security landscape. prehensions last month occurring in of 2014—the height of apprehensions ‘‘He’s highly regarded inside the that sector. It has taken a toll, as you that year—nearly 69,000 people were de- Army. Soldiers like him.’’ might expect, on the Border Patrol, the tained at the southern border. In May He is ‘‘someone who can work across Department of Health and Human of this year, that number more than the aisle . somebody who can work Services, local communities, and the doubled to 144,000 in 1 month alone. So with Congress.’’ nongovernmental organizations work- President Obama called it a ‘‘humani- Additionally, he is ‘‘superbly well ing to provide care for these migrants. tarian and security crisis’’ in 2014, and qualified by experience and tempera- Our trip provided the opportunity for the problem has roughly doubled since ment for the position.’’ the Vice President and members of the that time. Another quote: ‘‘The nation would be Judiciary Committee to meet with the If there is one thing I hope our col- lucky to have Mark serve in any capac- men and women who are on the leagues found on their trip, as the mi- ity . He is particularly well-suited frontlines of this crisis and hear about nority leader said, to investigate, in- to step into one of the most important the challenges they face every day. We spect, and evaluate, I hope it is this: I jobs in the world.’’ also discussed what Congress needs to hope their investigation confirmed what they have reflexively denied for This is high praise from former Pen- do to help them address this crisis. Chairman LINDSEY GRAHAM invited months on end—that there is, in fact, a tagon officials of the Obama years and all the members of the Judiciary Com- crisis at the border. I hope their inspec- from widely recognized national secu- mittee, both Republicans and Demo- tion revealed that the problem isn’t rity professionals. Just last week, our crats, to go on the trip, but unfortu- with the administration’s policies or colleagues on the Armed Services Com- nately none of our Democratic col- with the actions of our Border Patrol; mittee offered a ringing endorsement leagues accepted that invitation.
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